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Chapter 182 Prepare for each other

This night passed very quickly for Lu Yao. After all, today Lu Yao has regained his confidence and re-established his prestige in the training ground. In fact, Lu Yao himself has a part in this matter.


Originally, when I brought these teams to the palace, I was quite popular and very convincing. But later, I chose to study hard in seclusion and did not go to the training ground once in half a month.

However, these team members gradually forgot the existence of themselves as the organizer. Fortunately, today, with the help of Gu Liang's alternative method, he has regained everyone's trust.

There are only two things to do next. The first is to organize this new Cuju competition so that the emperor and Fan Zhongyan, who has just returned to Bianliang, can see their abilities and let them know that they still have some tricks.

and strength, this will pave the way for a successful career. And the second thing is to wait quietly for the provincial examination results to come out, and then prepare for the subsequent palace examination.

This second thing is actually relatively easy to accomplish. Lu Yao cannot say that he is completely sure about the provincial examination, but it should not be a problem to enter the palace examination. The reason why he has this confidence is because

The question on the second day of the provincial examination was about loyalty in punishment and reward. As for the reason, everything is self-explanatory.

The most important thing now is the first thing, which is the new Cuju competition. Just before, Lu Yao had just discussed with Zhe Kexing about adding a training day to the official competition, which could be regarded as solving the hidden danger that the team members might slack off.

Come down and prepare for the upcoming warm-up match.

For Lu Yao, in fact, there should be no problems in all aspects of work now. The biggest variable in this game is probably the two teams that will compete. Regarding this, Lu Yao is not too worried about tomorrow's game, because there will be

The two teams fighting were the Grassroots Team and the Fanlou Team. Among these eight teams, these two teams should be the ones that reassured Lu Yao the most.

As for the other personnel, there should be no problems with the three-person referee team in Kaifeng Prefecture. Lu Yao has already tested them many times. As for Su Shi and Su Zhe, with the abilities of the two of them, Lu Yao felt that

They should also be able to remember the names of each member of each of the eight teams just like themselves. In addition, with Katsuki Zaki as a commentator, there should not be any problems in the commentary.

It seems that everything is ready, and I can have a good sleep and wait for tomorrow to come.

Speaking of which, it seems that Fan Zhongyan will also watch the battle tomorrow. Lu Yao thought that he would be able to see this great talent and reformer soon. Thinking about it, he was still a little excited.

Lu Yao went to sleep with this mentality. However, on the other side, the leaders of the two teams participating in the competition tomorrow were in a different mood.

After Chen Chen and Pan Wen separated from Lu Yao, they each took their teams to the inn where they lived, and began to discuss tomorrow's play style and tactics. The relationship between the two was very good, and because of Lu Yao's presence,

So in fact, for these two teams, the tactics are no longer a secret. After all, the two have told Lu Yao their tactics before. Even if they don’t tell Lu Yao, according to

The relationship between the two of them has been very close to each other in private, so they both have a good understanding of each other's team.

Let’s talk about Chen Chen first. For Chen Chen, tomorrow’s game is of great significance. At least it will be much more stressful than Pan Wen. The main reason for this is because of Chen Chen’s identity. You know, he is the only one among the eight teams.

Pan Wen, who became a leader as a commoner, may appear to others to be a commoner, but after all, he has Pan Yuanwu's backing to support him. However, Chen Chen can be said to have no backers. Although Lu Yao was the one who promoted him,

But he doesn't care about team training and other matters, so Chen Chen actually handles everything about the grassroots team. And the grassroots team is very special, it is the only team where all the members are

The participating team is composed of ordinary people, and the team members are all ordinary people from the outer city. More than half of them are Chen Chen's daily friends. From this, we can know how much pressure Chen Chen will have.

Moreover, unlike Pan Wen's Fanlou team, Pan Wen, the leader of the Fanlou team, although he is both a leader and a coach like Chen Chen, he has one essential difference from Chen Chen, that is

, Pan Wen is not a team member, he does not have to go off the field to participate in the game in person. This determines that Pan Wen has more energy to focus on the research of coaches and tactics, and on the game field,

He can make macro adjustments on the sidelines to watch the entire game. But it is different here with Chen Chen. He needs to play the game in person. In this way, his role as a coach is actually

He will be much weaker than Pan Wen.

Chen Chen himself is very aware of this, so he discussed a solution with his team members in the inn. It can be said that it has pros and cons. Some team members support it, but some think it may affect the overall strength of the team.

In the end, Chen Chen chose this response method despite all opinions. He felt that tomorrow's warm-up match would actually give him a chance to experiment. In fact, for him and the grassroots team, tomorrow's game is important, but more importantly

What's important is that the opponent they faced in the first round of the official competition is the Huangtian team. The Huangtian team has the same structure as their own team. The actual person in charge, Wang Da, and the coach Wang Yi are all members.

.However, considering the current strength of the Huangtian team, Chenchen feels that it is very likely that his team will also become a first-round team.

Therefore, in order to be able to display our strength in official competitions, we must develop more tactics and methods. Tomorrow is the best opportunity to experiment.

Therefore, Chen Chen finally determined the tactics he would use when facing the Fanlou team tomorrow. Although the players were a little worried, they finally agreed with Chen Chen's idea.

Let’s look at Pan Wen again. Although in terms of pressure, Pan Wen is much less stressed than Chen Chen. After all, he doesn’t have to go off to play football in person. In addition, Pan Wen attaches great importance to this game, so for all the new Cuju.

It can be said that Pan Wen has a very thorough understanding of relevant knowledge. Logically speaking, judging from the situation of the players, the Fanlou team should be stronger than the grassroots team, so Pan Wen should not be so nervous.

However, at the research meeting that night, Pan Wen, as the leader, seemed more nervous than the team members. This is not difficult to understand. In fact, as the son of the Pan family, Pan Wen's growth trajectory is very single. He has always been in a kind of

In a state of pampering and not caring about worldly affairs, Pan Yuanwu took care of all Fan Lou's affairs, not Pan Wen's decision.

This new Cuju competition can be said to be the first time that Pan Wen has handled a major event independently. Of course, he attaches great importance to this opportunity. What attracts his attention more is naturally the reward for the champion, which is the right to operate the football lottery.


Although, every opponent he has to face is not a fuel-saving lamp. Putting aside the opponent Tigers in the first round, the opponent he will face in the second round is the winner of the Grassroots Team and the Huangtian Team.

One scene should be the most difficult.

Therefore, tomorrow's warm-up match is also an opportunity for Pan Wen to test himself. In the past half month, what has he led the Fanlou team to? What is the strength of this team?

Going to fight for the championship in this Cuju competition? The most important thing is that this is the first time that I have to deal with things alone. Whether I am a person who can do things or not, everything has to wait until tomorrow to find out. Therefore, the result of tomorrow's competition will be important to me.

For Pan Wen, this is also very important.

Therefore, that night, Pan Wen also seemed very nervous. Later, he discussed with the team members until very late and worked out several sets of tactics. As expected, without having to play the game in person, he was indeed better prepared than Chen Chen in this regard.

It's much more than enough. Pan Wen feels that according to the current designed play style, he shouldn't lose.

Chen Chen and Pan Wen, two good friends of Lu Yao, will have a "fight" on the training ground tomorrow. It is not yet known who will win.

Originally, the two of them always felt that they had something to say that they had not explained clearly, but after going back and forth, it was already very late. After all, they would participate in the warm-up match tomorrow, and they still had to give the team members sufficient rest time. So, Pan Wen and Chen Chen

Seeing that it was not late at night, I left.

That night, the two of them didn't sleep much. After returning to their respective residences, they were studying tomorrow's warm-up match.

For both of them, this night was very long.

The next day, that is, the day of the first warm-up match.

Lu Xu, Tang Xi, they all thought that Lu Yao would get up very early today and go to the training ground to supervise the battle. However, they did not expect that Lu Yao got up very late today. When Lu Yao returned from going to court, Lu Yao had just

After breakfast, I was resting, but today's morning court was going very quickly. Lu Xu could also see that Zhao Zhen was also looking forward to today's warm-up match, so he left the morning court not long after.

After a while, seeing Lu Yao still sitting very leisurely in the main hall, Lu Xu couldn't help it anymore and said, "Don't you need to go to the training ground in advance to make arrangements today?"

Lu Yao turned to look at Lu Xu and said, "I want to go, but I have to wait until they arrive and go there together."

"They, who are you talking about?"

While Lu Xu was wondering, Uncle Fu had already come over and said that a guest had arrived. Lu Xu quickly asked who it was, and then he realized that it was the Kaifeng Mansion trio and the two brothers Su Shi and Su Zhe.

Lu Xu looked at Lu Yao's expression. Sure enough, Lu Yao had made an appointment in advance for these people to gather here and enter the palace together. Because of Bao Zheng's special relationship with the Lu family, Lu Xu naturally

He left the Lu Mansion with Lu Yao and said hello to Bao Zheng.

Bao Zheng, Zhan Zhao, and Gongsun Ce sat in one carriage, while Su Shi and Su Che rode in another carriage. Lu Yao did not hesitate at all, and got directly into the carriage of Su Shi and Su Che. This move also made everyone present

Bao Zheng, Lu Xu and others were very embarrassed, but Bao Zheng didn't say anything. After a few words with Lu Xu, he got on the carriage, and the two carriages then drove towards the palace.

Lu Yao sat in the car, looked at Su Shi and Su Che opposite him, and said, "You two, did you freshen up a lot today? You two are wearing newly made clothes, and you two have done it before."

You have come to my house, but you have never hired a carriage. Is the sun rising in the west today?"

Su Shi said: "Today is different from the past. After all, today we have to go to the palace to do business, and we can also see the emperor, and we have to show our ability as commentators in front of the emperor, so we naturally have to pay attention to it."

Lu Yao nodded and said: "I thought you were taking everything lightly, but now it seems that you are quite attentive to this matter. Speaking of business, the four teams participating in the warm-up match in the past two days have all done detailed work.

Do you understand, including the names of the players, coaching tactics, etc.?"

Su Zhe said quickly: "Don't worry, not only are the four teams participating in the warm-up match these two days, we have memorized the information of the eight participating teams, and there will be no problems. But you, today

Aren't we going to let the instructor explain it with us? How is he prepared?"

Lu Yao smiled and said: "There is no need to worry about him. He has no problems with professional things."

"I heard that a capable minister has come to the palace and will come to watch the game today?" Su Shi's question made Lu Yao not expect that Su Shi, as a great talent, would also be concerned about the situation in the court.

The person Su Shi was talking about was naturally Fan Zhongyan. As for the reason why Fan Zhongyan would appear at this time, Lu Yao had made many assumptions before, but he had not figured it out. Originally, Su Shi and Fan Zhongyan could appear in Bianliang at the same time.

A very incredible thing.

In terms of personal relationships, Fan Zhongyan recommended Ouyang Xiu, and Ouyang Xiu recommended Wang Anshi. The three of them can be said to have a very close relationship. However, when Su Shi participated in the imperial examination, Fan Zhongyan should have withdrawn from the court according to normal time.

But now, Su Shi and Fan Zhongyan can appear in the palace at the same time. This alone is very puzzling to Lu Yao.

It seems that after he traveled back in time, some confusion arose regarding time issues. Did Su Shi arrive at this era in advance, or did time stand still and wait until Su Shi appeared before Fan Zhongyan could carry out reforms?

Lu Yao himself couldn't explain it, but after all, he was not a person who liked to get to the bottom of things. He knew that all this must be related to the time and space chaos caused by his own time travel. In this case, people from different periods can appear together.

, and it wasn’t something that really surprised him.

Now that it has become like this, it is better to let nature take its course. What Lu Yao wants now is to live his life well and do what he can for this era and this country. Not to mention being famous in history, as long as it can be mentioned by others.

Whenever he can remember his goodness, he will be satisfied.

Therefore, Lu Yao did not want to delve into why Fan Zhongyan and Su Shi appeared at the same time.

"Well, you should be talking about Master Fan Zhongyan. I have never seen him before. He said he came back to the capital from other places." After Lu Yao thought about it, he began to respond to what Su Shi and Su Che said.

Through the conversation, Lu Yao could tell that Su Shi was still very interested in Fan Zhongyan. In fact, Lu Yao was also a little curious. Now that they are indeed in the same era, when the time comes for political reform, which side will Su Shi stand on?

What? This is an interesting question.

Because today's matter was very important, and there were also some powerful and capable ministers in the palace, Lu Yao thought about it and finally did not bring Tangxi into the palace with him. However, he also assigned Tangxi a task and watched the official competition begin again.

It will start soon. Lu Yao asked Tangxi to confirm the situation of the Bird's Nest Stadium today. Of course, for his small business, Tangxi also has to make a trip to the bank.

The carriage stopped and reached the entrance of the palace.

Lu Yao got out of the car and looked behind him. The carriage of Bao Zheng's trio had just stopped and Bao Zheng was getting off the carriage.

Lu Yao walked over directly and personally helped Bao Zheng down from the carriage, and then said: "Master Bao, we are going to the training ground to judge the actual competition in a moment. How are you three preparing?"

"No problem." Bao Zheng's answer was concise and to the point, and the other two also looked confident.

Bao Zheng always talks about things, and it seems that he has been brushing up on his knowledge about referees in the past few days. Lu Yao then walked up to the palace guard, took out his token, and the guard immediately let him go. Lu Yao took Su Shi, Su Zhe, and

The Kaifeng Mansion trio entered the palace and walked towards the training ground.

In fact, Lu Yao's departure time today was indeed a bit late. This was directly related to his decision to come with Su Shi, Su Zhe and Bao Zheng. However, Lu Yao felt that as the first game

, it is very necessary for him to appear with Su Shi and others, so that Zhao Zhen can feel that the referees, organizers and commentators are all fully prepared.

Unlike Lu Yao, Chen Chen and Pan Wen both went to the inn where their respective team members lived at noon today and had lunch with the team members. After lunch, they went in without taking a long rest.

The two leaders thought of going together, that is, to familiarize themselves with the venue before the game starts. Although the training ground is already very familiar to them, the real game will be held soon.

Well, I still have to go out and practice on the spot.

When the two of them came to the training ground with their team members, they happened to bump into each other, and they greeted each other in a friendly manner. On the other side, not long after, Katsuyuki Zhejiang naturally appeared on the training ground. See

Seeing that the two teams were eager to try, he simply divided the entire training court into two and let the leaders of the two teams, Pan Wen and Chen Chen, take their respective players to warm up before the game in one half.


Zhe Kexing did this, and he also used his thoughts. First of all, it has been two days since the last training of these two teams. As the saying goes, if you just talk and don't practice fake moves, you haven't trained for two days. If you come up directly today

If we just let them have a warm-up match, this might prevent them from performing at their usual level. Moreover, the Emperor and Lu Yao are still early before the official start of the match, so let these two teams train here for a while in advance.

It shouldn't be a problem.

Facts have proved that what Zhe Kexing did was right, because last night, the two teams actually made certain adjustments for today's warm-up match, but these adjustments did not have the opportunity to be practiced in the actual game.

Therefore, after receiving Katsuyuki Zhe's approval, the Grassroots team and the Fanlou team began training on their new tactics in their respective halves.

After the two teams trained for a while, Zhe Kexing saw that the time was almost up, so he asked the two teams to gather and stand, waiting for the arrival of Lu Yao and Zhao Zhen.

The first person to come was not Lu Yao and the others, but Zhao Zhen.

Speaking of Zhao Zhen, in fact, for him, although the affairs in Xixia are a bit difficult to deal with now, the matter of this new Cuju competition has actually been going on for a long time, so today is the time to accept the results.

, Zhao Zhen also wants to see what changes will happen to these players after half a month of training. Of course, Zhao Zhen also wants to take this opportunity to inspect it. After all, this competition is basically all aspects.

Lu Yao was in charge, so he also wanted to see how this new project designed by Lu Yao was going to be and whether it could achieve the so-called purpose of improving the physical fitness of the entire people.

Therefore, today's morning meeting, Zhao Zhen can be said to be in a hurry. After all, for him, the highlight of today is this warm-up match. Naturally, it is impossible for the civil and military officials in the court not to know about this.

Regarding the matter, Han Yonghe and Cao Yi had already spread the word before the morning court started. They hoped that all the courtiers would not waste time if they had nothing urgent to do, because Zhao Zhen had a game to watch today.

Therefore, today's morning court went very smoothly. As for Fan Zhongyan, although he is returning to Beijing with honor now, he also has his own purpose today, that is, he hopes to meet Lu Yao as soon as possible. Therefore, during the morning court,

Even Fan Zhongyan didn't say much.

So, after Zhao Zhen hurriedly went to court, he also called Han Yonghe, Cao Yi, Han Qi and Fan Zhongyan. They went to the training ground together with only one purpose, and that was to watch this warm-up match.

For this first warm-up match, everyone's expectations are quite high.

This chapter has been completed!
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