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Chapter 198: Gravity Bureau

Lu Yao and the other five people drank until very late. If it weren't for the second warm-up match tomorrow, everyone would be there. I don't know how long they would have drank. Today can be said to be Lu Yao's most enjoyable day. Although

Before, after my imperial examination, I got together with Pan Wen and Chen Chen at my house, but at that time I was really not in a good state because of Han Yunyu and Cao Han's affairs, and at that time I was in a state of drinking, so I didn't do much.

Communicating with Pan Wen and Zhe Kexing. Today is different. None of the five people present have anything urgent to do. Moreover, whether it is Lu Yao, Zhe Kexing, Pan Wen, or Chen Chen, they are all in a good mood, especially Pan Wen and Chen Chen.

, In Lu Yao's memory, the drinking capacity of these two people should be said to be average. I don't know if it was because they were completely relaxed, and because today's warm-up match was very exciting, the two of them drank a lot tonight.

The wine party continued until night. After all, except for Tang Xi, the other four people present would still have to enter the palace tomorrow, so Lu Yao had called the carriage before and returned to the palace at this time. For Zhe Kexing

It was definitely impossible. Although Chen Chen was already a little drunk, he still said that at this time, the team members had returned to the inn to rest, and he did not want to affect them. So Chen Chen followed suit.

Ke Xing agreed with Pan Wen and took a carriage directly to Pan's Mansion for a night. Lu Yao was very relieved about going to Pan's Mansion, but at the same time he felt a little uncomfortable.

Although Zhe Kexing has sworn brotherhood with him, and Chen Chen also regards him as a benefactor, when they choose whether to go to Lu Mansion or Pan Mansion to rest, they still have the traditional hierarchy concept of ancient people. They feel that Lu Yao's

His father, Lu Xu, was the Minister of Household Affairs, and Pan Wen's father was just a big businessman in Bianliang City. The two of them finally chose to go to Pan's Mansion to rest. What does this mean? It means that subconsciously, they still feel that Lu Yao, Lu

The family's level is above theirs and cannot be reached.

However, Lu Yao can't afford to be angry about this kind of thing. After all, Chen Chen has just agreed to become his butler like Tang Xi. The future is long. In this feudal society, if you want to achieve equality for everyone, you have to see it.

It's almost impossible to accomplish, so if you want to change the current situation, you can't rush it.

Watching Chen Chen and the other three leave, Lu Yao couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Yes, no matter how beautiful he was during the day and how many people were with him, at night, when he returned home, he was still alone, and he was always alone.

He has not forgotten that he is not from the Song Dynasty. In modern times, he still has his parents and brothers. Every time he thinks of this, Lu Yao can't help but feel a little sad.

At this moment, an arm grabbed Lu Yao. It was Tang Xi. With firm eyes, he helped Lu Yao leave from Jiuzhongxian and return to Lu Mansion.

Fortunately, Tangxi is still very loyal.

Accompanied by Tang Xi, Lu Yao and the two returned to Lu Mansion safely. Although Lu Xu and Lu Hao had already gone to bed, he also knew that his son would definitely come back very late when he went to Jiuzhongxian for a drink today, and he should

It is a state of drunkenness.

Therefore, Lu Xu had already sent Uncle Fu to wait at the door. When Lu Yao came back, Uncle Fu and Tang Xi helped Lu Yao back to the room. Before Lu Yao fell asleep, they also gave him sobering soup.


"I hope I will never wake up after being drunk for a long time..."

Lu Yao muttered this in a low voice and fell asleep.

He slept very soundly that night, without any dreams or other distracting thoughts. This was probably the most sound sleep he had ever had since traveling through time.

The next day, Lu Yao did not feel a severe headache because he had taken hangover soup before going to bed the day before. Although it was a bit late, he still had time to go to the palace to watch the second warm-up match.

After washing up, Lu Xu and Lu Hao had already left home to go to court, but the sister-in-law was still taking care of things in the house.

Lu Yao remembered what he said to Chen Chen yesterday, so he found his sister-in-law Xu.

Mrs. Xu now respects Lu Yao very much since Lu Yao helped her win the financial power of the family and the right to manage the bank. Lu Yao and Mrs. Xu talked about Chen Chen.

Tangxi actually watched the whole process from a short distance away, and he also heard what Lu Yao said to Xu. In fact, Tangxi was a little worried at the beginning. Chen Chen would become another person after the new Cuju competition.

As Lu Yao's housekeeper, Chen Chen is responsible for a different direction than his own. Chen Chen has to deal more with the industry leaders under Lu Yao. In fact, from Tang Xi's point of view, this kind of work content is, to some extent, more complicated than that of Lu Yao.

It is even more difficult to deal with outsiders by yourself, because when talking to your own family members, you must have a good sense of propriety, otherwise it will affect the relationship between your own family members.

One of Chen Chen's jobs is to assist Xu in managing the Lu family's money and the bank's business. It is said to be an assistant, but because Chen Chen is the housekeeper, it means that although Xu is running the bank and doing business,

Manage affairs in the mansion, but from a hierarchical perspective, Mrs. Xu actually has to report the situation to Chen Chen on a regular basis. Lu Yao went to Mrs. Xu today to explain the situation, which might make Mrs. Xu think more. For example, what is Lu Yao doing?

After finding someone to keep an eye on him and not trusting him, it might cause conflicts between Xu, Chen Chen and Lu Yao, and he felt that Lu Yao still couldn't trust him in the end.

However, after listening to Mrs. Xu's conversation with Lu Yao, Tangxi realized that she had indeed overthought it. Mrs. Xu welcomed Chen Chen's arrival, and she felt that she was originally a woman, and now it was difficult to manage the money of the Lu family.

, when the time comes to take over the bank, she will definitely be too busy. Lu Yao sent Chen Chen to help her, which can be said to have solved a big problem for her. At least in Tangxi's view, Mrs. Xu was not angry at all because of this matter.

He did not alienate Lu Yao because of this.

Tangxi has indeed overthought this matter. Although Mrs. Xu now has control over the financial situation of the Lu family and will soon take charge of Lu Yao's bank business, she is very practical and understands the current situation very well.

.Everything I have is achieved with Lu Yao's help. Even if I really have a better understanding of finances than ordinary people, without Lu Yao's support, I am afraid that my future life will still be at home raising a husband and raising children.

Nothing will change. Now, with Lu Yao's help, she can still have something to do after giving birth, and can even do business. Xu is a person who understands

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She is a satisfied person, and she also knows very well that regardless of whether she agrees or not with this matter, Lu Yao just informed her that when Chen Chen came to Lu Mansion, Lu Yao had already made his decision. If he said anything different at this time

His opinions will only affect his relationship with Lu Yao, and in the end, Lu Yao has the final say as to whether he can truly manage the bank.

As for whether Lu Yao sent Chen Chen to keep an eye on her, Mrs. Xu didn't think so. She still believed in Lu Yao's character. Therefore, after thinking about it, Ms. Xu finally expressed her position and welcomed Chen Chen as a candidate.

Another housekeeper in the Lu Mansion.

Tangxi would not be able to understand this for a while.

After Lu Yao talked with Xu, he was ready to leave home and go to the palace. Although it was still early, Lu Yao planned to go to the training ground early to check the situation. The most important thing was to check what Zhe Kexing asked Zhao Zhen for instructions yesterday.

Have the tables and chairs been put away? Then let’s see how the training status of the Cao family and the Han family is.

After all, Lu Yao is very confident about the team led by Chen Chen and Pan Wen. However, Lu Yao is actually not very optimistic about the four teams in the lower half. So it is better to go to the scene to confirm the situation in person.

Just like yesterday, Lu Yao found other servants to take him to the palace in a carriage. As for Tangxi, Lu Yao gave him a very simple task, that is, let him go to all his people in the city.

Go to the industry leaders and introduce Chen Chen to them. In fact, it will still take some time before Chen Chen actually takes office, but Lu Yao thought that he should let his subordinates have a preliminary understanding of Chen Chen first, and also let them clearly understand who he is.

Pay great attention to Chen Chen, so that nothing unexpected will happen when Chen Chen actually becomes the butler.

Tangxi got the order and started to get busy after leaving Lu Mansion.

Lu Yao came to the palace in a carriage and went straight to the training ground. When he arrived at the training ground, Lu Yao saw that the two teams of the Cao family and the Han family were already training on the training ground.

Zhe Kexing, Pan Wen, and Chen Chen have all arrived. Chen Chen and Pan Wen each brought two members of their team to watch the game. Zhe Kexing has already arrived at the commentator's position at this time, and Su Shi and Su Che are here today.

It's also relatively early.

The tables and chairs that Zhe Kexing asked Zhao Zhen for yesterday are all ready today. At least the three of them don't have to stand to explain this game. At the same time, benches have been placed at the locations of both teams for the players.


Then, Lu Yao walked up to Pan Wen and Chen Chen and said, "You two came so early today."

Pan Wen said with a smile: "There is no way. As the commentator and instructor, Zhe Kexing must come early. Chen Chen and I thought we had nothing to do today, so we each selected two team members to come over."

Lu Yao took a look and saw that Pan Wen brought Li Hao and another midfielder, while Chen Chen brought two defenders from the grassroots team, one of whom was Lu Yang, who scored yesterday.


"Look at their training status, how does it compare to yours?"

Lu Yao said to Chen Chen and Pan Wen that he wanted to hear their opinions on the Wenyuan team and the Lions team.

Chen Chen still looked a little dizzy, and he was still a little drunk from the wine he drank yesterday. He thought for a while and said: "From the perspective of this training state, both teams are training very hard. It seems like me and Pan

Wen was in the same state yesterday, after all, neither team wanted to lose this game."

Pan Wen nodded and said: "Looking at the training status of each of their teams, it is actually hard to tell whether they are high or low. After all, they all perform similar actions. If we look at the strength of the team's players alone, the Wenyuan team is better."

Lu Yao said: "What are the strengths of the three new players?"

Although Lu Yao has met the three replacement players of the Wenyuan team before, but how good they are on the court, you still have to ask professionals. Pan Wen and Chen Chen basically played every day before.

Watching the training of other teams on the training ground, you must have a good understanding of the strength of these three people.

When Chen Chen and Pan Wen mentioned those three people, they both had different expressions on their faces.

Chen Chen said: "Those three players, two of them are at the forward position, and one is in the midfield, so the Wenyuan team's offensive ability is very strong."

Pan Wen added on the side: "Yes, basically all the Wenyuan team's tactics revolve around these three people, and the most powerful thing is that the three of them actually play all other positions on the field except the goalkeeper."

It can be played, that is to say, although it is two forwards and one defender now, maybe after the game starts, there will be three midfielders or even three forwards."

Lu Yao heard what his two friends said and realized that the replacement of the Han family had indeed brought a lot of improvement to their strength.

"So, you two think the Wenyuan team has a higher chance of winning today?"

Pan Wen and Chen Chen both nodded, and Pan Wen continued: "Among other things, in terms of the physical condition of the players, the Wenyuan team is definitely better. Don't look at the two live treasures of the Lions team, one fat and one thin.

A lot of results have been achieved in these more than ten days, but I just saw the starting lineups of the two teams, and these two people are not in the starting lineup at all, which means they must be here to show off."

Chen Chen, who has always been calm, is not optimistic about the Lions this time. He said to Lu Yao: "Sir, I know you have always had a good relationship with Cao You, but in this game, in my opinion, the Wenyuan team has a better chance of winning.

It should be higher."

Lu Yao was stunned for a moment when he heard what Chen Chen said. Of course, it wasn't because of Chen Chen's words that he felt experienced. On the contrary, it was the first two words that Chen Chen said that made Lu Yao a little unbelievable.

Finally, Chen Chen stopped seeing me. It seemed that Tang Xi had done a good job yesterday and would reward him with a chicken drumstick when he went back today. This was actually the first thing Lu Yao thought about.

Then, Lu Yao looked at Chen Chen and said, "Judging from the current situation, the Wenyuan team is indeed stronger, but have you ever thought that this was actually Cao You's deliberate design?"

When Lu Yao said this, Pan Wen and Chen Chen did not expect it. Chen Chen said: "Indeed, during this period of time, Cao Yu

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Every day, like Pan Wen and I, he watches the training of all other teams, and he will bring paper and pen with him to record. It seems that he is also very good at tactics."

Pan Wen slapped his forehead, looked at Chen Chen, and said: "Could it be that the reason why those two live treasures did not play was also designed by Cao You, just like you and I did during the game yesterday, letting them play in the second half

, or come out for a surprise attack at a critical moment?"

"It's hard to say." Chen Chen said, "If the young master said that Cao Yu really has deep knowledge in tactics, maybe he has already prepared a strategy to deal with the Wenyuan team in this game."

Lu Yao agreed with Chen Chen's point of view and said: "You must understand that the Cao family and the Han family now have an incompatible relationship. Everyone on both sides, from top to bottom, is looking forward to this game. Although the game

The result may not affect their status in the government too much, but it is better to use this game to vent personal grudges, so no one wants to lose this game."

"That's true. Look, Cao Guoshu and Han Yonghe came to the training ground very early today to supervise the training of the people below. They are not present every day during training." Pan Wen

He pointed at Cao Yi and Han Yonghe who were watching the training of the two teams on the sidelines and said.

Lu Yao thought for a while and said: "On the Lions team, are there any players who perform particularly well? In other words, what are their main offensive methods and playing styles? During these more than ten days of training, have you learned anything?

Sum it up?"

Facing this question from Lu Yao, it should be said that it was a very simple question to answer, but Chen Chen and Pan Wen fell into deep thought.

Lu Yao felt strange, so he asked again, and the two of them answered that although they had watched all the teams' training in the past ten days, they wanted to ask what Cao Yu would do in this game.

They can't say much about the tactics.

Because in the past ten days of training, the content of each Lions training was actually different. From the content alone, it is not clear which aspect the Lions training focuses on, so there is no way to predict what they will do.

What strategy will be used?

"Cao You is training his players in all aspects. I don't believe he is not prepared for today's game." Lu Yao said, "If you are not sure about his playing style, then among these eight teams

No team can know their main tactical style of play. This may be what Cao Yu wants to achieve. In every game, his opponents cannot figure out their style of play. This way, the Lions can maintain their mystery.

Let the opponents who play against the Lions be unable to guess their tactics every time, only in this way can we achieve the effect of surprising victory."

Hearing what Lu Yao said, Pan Wen and Chen Chen also understood. It seemed that Cao Yu was really powerful. No wonder Lu Yao looked at him highly.

The three of them were chatting here, and after a while, people from other teams came over. Just like yesterday, the leader of each team came with two team members to watch this game. Among them, Zhang Maocai’s presence was actually

Lu Yao was a little surprised. After all, Zhang Maocai had already been here once yesterday, and it was because of the emperor's presence that he had to come here, but today is the second day of the warm-up match, and Zhao Zhen also

As I said, coming to watch is a voluntary matter. The official game is about to start, and Zhang Maocai must have a lot of things to do about the inn. At this time, he can still come to watch the game, which means that he really likes it.

Learned the sport of Cuju.

There is another team that Lu Yao cares about, and that is Han Qi's Goshawk team. Yesterday, Han Qi took Gu Liang and another Goshawk team member to watch the game on the sidelines, but today, Han Qi was not present.

It was Gu Liang who led two other Goshawk team members to watch the game on the sidelines.

These leaders came earlier than Emperor Zhao Zhen. On the one hand, they wanted to show their respect for the emperor. On the other hand, they also received news that these two teams had come here for training very early.

They also want to see how other teams train before starting the game immediately.

After a while, Bao Zheng's trio came to the training ground. From their mental state, Lu Yao could tell that they did not feel very tired. It seemed that what Bao Zheng said yesterday was correct. He was indeed here.

They have been doing running training for a while, otherwise they would inevitably feel some back pain after such a high-intensity competition today.

The last person to arrive was naturally Emperor Zhao Zhen. He seemed to be in a low mood today. I wonder if he had thought that the intensity of the competition between the two teams would not be higher than yesterday. In addition, Lu Yao did not see Fan Zhongyan.

This explains why Han Qi did not attend the game today.

Maybe there was something wrong at the border, but Zhao Zhen had to be there for today's warm-up match, so he left it to Han Qi and Fan Zhongyan to handle the political affairs. Although he was watching the game from the sidelines, Lu Yao could see it.

, a completely absent-minded state.

If something really happened, it is impossible for Han Yonghe and Cao Yi not to know about it, but looking at the state of these two guys, they are 100% devoted to this warm-up match. For them, political affairs can be put aside for a while.

The most important thing is to defeat your old opponent on the other side.

Everyone is here, and under Zhao Zhen's order, the second warm-up horse race is about to begin.

Su Shi, Su Che and Zhe Kexing finally no longer have to stand to explain today. The tables and chairs have been prepared. As soon as the three people sat down, they began to analyze today's game.

"What is going to be held today is the second warm-up match of the new Cuju competition. It is said to be a warm-up match, but actually I prefer to call it a grudge match. I don't need to explain the reason behind it."

Su Shi's eloquence started with Wang Zha, who directly pointed out the theme of today's game. In fact, it was to resolve the personal grudges between the Cao family and the Han family. Everyone present knew this, so no one said this to him.

What objections are raised?

Later, Su Che dug a hole for Zhe Kexing again.

"Instructor Zhe, which of these two teams do you think is stronger?"

Zhe Kexing then expressed his opinion. The difference from yesterday is that today's Zhe Kexing did not stand from a neutral perspective, but believed from the beginning that the Wenyuan team would win the game.

(End of chapter)

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