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Chapter 219 Battle table

Bianliang, Outer City, Bird's Nest Stadium.

Lu Yao and his party, together with Chen Chen and Pan Wen, the leaders of the Grassroots Team and the Fanlou Team, plus the two team members under them, as well as the instructor Katsuyuki Zhe, arrived at the Bird's Nest Stadium in a mighty manner. It would be difficult to live here.

In ten days, it will become the venue for the official competition of the New Cuju Competition. Eight participating teams will compete here, and finally a champion of the first New Cuju Competition will be decided. This champion will not only receive financial rewards, but also

It will also have the right to operate the football lottery industry that will be launched soon.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of this competition, the actual organizer Lu Yao must determine all aspects of this competition before the start of the competition. Through the warm-up matches in the past few days, Lu Yao has already had a rough idea of ​​the four teams.

Therefore, Lu Yao determined that there should be no problem with the abilities of team members, commentators, and referees. Then Lu Yao’s focus will be on these hardware facilities in modern terms.

Among the things above, the most important one is naturally the venue where the official competition is held, the Bird's Nest Stadium.

Lu Yao knew clearly that he could not find some problems with the Bird's Nest Sports Property just by looking at it himself. Even now, he and Tang Xi walked around and pointed out some details that needed to be optimized, but overall the Bird's Nest

Lu Yao is still very satisfied with the stadium, at least it is not much different from the drawings he drew. Therefore, Lu Yao still needs to evaluate the stadium based on other people's opinions, and among them, the one who has the most say must be

Among the contestants who directly participated in this Cuju competition, the only ones who can tell the truth and dare to speak are Chen Chen and Pan Wen, so this is the main reason why Lu Yao called them here today.

At this time, Lu Yao was almost done wandering around, so he took Tang Xi back to the center of the venue. As expected, Pan Wen, Chen Chen, and Zhe Kexing couldn't stop exchanging words, so Lu Yao asked Tang Xi to go over and follow his instructions.

, Tangxi had already prepared pen and paper. Lu Yao asked Pan Wen and Chen Chen to communicate and summarize the areas they thought needed improvement, and then handed them over to Tangxi. Because Lu Yao felt that the current stadium was already good, he simply wanted to cultivate Tangxi's abilities.

, Lu Yao decided to let Tangxi handle some improvement suggestions put forward by Pan Wen and Chen Chen, which was also a kind of exercise for Tangxi.

However, Zhe Kexing was called over by Lu Yao, and the two of them walked to a place where Chen Chen and Pan Wen could not hear their voices.

Zhe Kexing knew that what Lu Yao was going to say next would be very crucial, and the reason why he was called here must be because this matter involved the participating teams, and he did this in order not to leave any clues to others.

Sure enough, Lu Yao now found Zhe Katsuyuki because he wanted to determine the order of the teams for the match.

The current situation is that there are four teams in the upper and lower halves, which has been determined. After watching the two days of warm-up matches, Lu Yao's original idea that the upper half was stronger has disappeared, so

There is no problem with the division. And these eight teams also fully recognize this division.

Among them, the four teams in the top half are: Fanlou team, Grassroots team, Huangtian team, and Tigers team. Among these four teams, the leaders of Fanlou team and Grassroots team are Lu Yao’s friends Pan Wen and Chen Chen.

The Huangtian team is the royal team, while the Tigers are led by a newcomer Yang Tao.

The four teams in the bottom half are: Lions, Wenyuan, Wangcai, and Goshawks.

Among these four teams, the Lions and Wenyuan are old enemies, and they are also the two teams that will play against each other in the second warm-up match. However, there is no way for the two teams to meet in the first round of the second half. As for the Wangcai team,

, Lu Yao can only pretend that there is no such team, because from the perspective of comprehensive strength, this team has absolutely no ability to defeat the Wenyuan team. As for the Goshawk team, because the members are all soldiers, their strength cannot be underestimated.

Lu Yao asked Katsuyuki Oraki for his suggestion, hoping that he would decide whether the Fanlou team should play the first game first, or whether the grassroots team should play the first game first. Or, alternatively, let the teams in the bottom half start the game directly.

After all, although everyone calls the upper and lower halves so, there is no rule that the game in the upper half must start first.

When Zhe Kexing heard Lu Yao's question, he also fell into deep thought. This is indeed a question worthy of careful consideration. Although there is no difference in who comes first and who comes last, because the two sides compete on the same day, so for the official

The training time before the game is the same, but this is not the case for other teams. For example, if a team's first round of official competition is the last day, then they can watch it in the previous few days.

The training situation of other teams, and they can also learn from their advantages in official competitions. From this point of view, the later teams participating in the competition have the greater room for improvement.

As an instructor, Zhe Kexing naturally knew this, but he said: "It's just that if you put the first half of the game later, everyone now knows that Pan Wen and Chen Chen are your friends, and they will think that you

Deliberately putting the teams in the top half of the field to the waiting room to fight is to use the back door to improve their strength."

Lu Yao felt that what Zhe Kexing said was reasonable, so he said: "What you said makes sense, so the order cannot be changed. We still have to play the upper half first, and then the lower half. However, the four players in this half

The order of competition for each team needs to be carefully considered."

Lu Yao's implication was that due to their special relationship with him, the two teams of Pan Wen and Chen Chen could only be played in the first two games. Otherwise, others would gossip about them. Pan Wen and Chen Chen's

Naturally, Lu Yao is not worried about their strength. They have finished the first round of the game early. If they win, the team will have more time to rest, and the two of them can also design tactics based on the training situation of the following teams. And if the first round of the game

If you lose, that's okay. The official competition is a single-elimination tournament. If you eliminate it early, you will have less worry. Pan Wen went back to continue to work on his Fan Lou, and Chen Chen just happened to bring his group of people to help him.

What needs to be decided now is who of the two will play the opponent first, that is, who will be the first team to play in the first game, the Grassroots team or the Fanlou team.

Originally, Lu Yao was thinking that the strength of the Fanlou team was actually higher than that of the grassroots team in terms of overall ability.

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, this can be seen through the first warm-up match. Although the final score of the two teams was fixed at a two-two tie, the two goals scored by the grassroots team were launched by surprise tactics. It can be said that

It was all unexpected. In addition, it was the first real game. If the two teams were to compete now, the Fan Lou team would most likely win. Therefore, at first, Lu Yao thought that the Fan Lou team would take the lead.

It's relatively good.

But now, Lu Yao just walked around the Bird's Nest Stadium and suddenly changed his mind. For the audience, that is, the people of Bianliang City now, although they have passed Lu Yao's experience long ago.

During a promotional speech, I learned about this Cuju competition, but in the final analysis, it was just scratching the surface. When the new Cuju competition is about to start, the effect of this first competition must be good, and it must be given to these audiences.

The bright feeling before their eyes made them feel that this game was worth watching.

If the first game fails to achieve good results, once the people's acceptance of this new thing decreases, no matter how exciting the subsequent games are, they may not be able to arouse their interest and it will be difficult for them to accept it.

, As a result, Lu Yao’s original purpose of organizing this competition, which was to increase national participation, would not be achieved.

Therefore, Lu Yao feels that the first game of this new Cuju competition is very important for both sides. It must be exciting. Even if it cannot be evenly matched, it must also have gimmicks to attract attention and eyeballs.

Zhe Katsuyuki naturally understood the reason. They had been preparing for so long, and now the official game was about to start. He did not expect that there would not be much attention during the game. Zhe Katsuyuki thought for a while and said: "If that's the case,

I think the first game should be between the grassroots team and the Huangtian team, which will attract more attention."

Lu Yao said: "What you mean is that as a common people, they are still more concerned about the royal team."

Zhe Kexing nodded and said: "Actually, the result of the game is not too important. Among these eight teams, the one that the people are familiar with, or the team they want to see, should be the Huangtian team. The reason is also very

Simple, among the Huangtian team are members of the previous Royal Cuju team. People could not see these people before, and the Royal Cuju team only appeared in the palace when performing for the emperor. And through this competition, we can

I think it is very important for the people to enjoy the performance of the Royal Cuju Team up close."

After listening to Zhe Kexing's analysis, Lu Yao felt that it was very reasonable. For the common people, the current royal family represents Zhao Zhen, who is a superstar in modern times and attracts very high attention no matter where he goes. Therefore,

If the Huangtian team participates in the first game, it will attract the maximum number of spectators.

"Well, I think it makes sense. However, we still have to ask Chen Chen for his own opinion." Lu Yao said while looking at Chen Chen.

At this time, Chen Chen and Pan Wen had already told Tang Xi their opinions about the competition venue. Then, Chen Chen noticed that Lu Yao had been looking at him. He immediately knew that he must have something to entrust him with, so Chen Chen also stopped.

After talking, they walked towards Lu Yao. Pan Wen had almost finished what he said, and he and Tang Xi came over behind Chen Chen.

Whenever Lu Yao showed this expression, Chen Chen knew that he was worried about something, or that what he was going to say next was very important.

Although he has not been in contact with Lu Yao for as long as Pan Wen and Zhe Kexing, Chen Chen is a person who is relatively good at observing people's emotions. This is directly related to the fact that he spent all day in the outer city. Lu Yao will not easily show up like that.

The serious eyes, and every time they appear, it means that something important has happened to Lu Yao.

Moreover, what was about to happen was still related to him. Chen Chen and Lu Yao looked at each other, and he immediately understood that Lu Yao had something to say to him, so he, Pan Wen, and Tang Xi finished talking and came to Lu Yao.

Yao's side.

Chen Chen looked at Lu Yao and said, "Sir, do you have anything to tell me?"

Lu Yao thought for a while, it would be better to say this directly, which would make Chen Chen accept it well. So Lu Yao said: "You all know that the schedule of the official competition is about to be finalized."

Pan Wen nodded and said: "After the second warm-up match, didn't His Majesty say that the order of appearance for the official game will be determined immediately, but we, including people from other teams, feel that playing in the normal order will be enough."

That’s it.”

The normal order mentioned by Pan Wen should be that the Fanlou team came first and the grassroots team came second. After all, it was decided by drawing lots at the time.

Chen Chen noticed something strange about Lu Yao, so he said, "Sir, is there something wrong with this order?"

Lu Yao frowned and said, "That's right, I want to change the order of the competition now, so I need to ask for your opinion on this."

The implication is that the order of games that Lu Yao wants to change should be directly related to his grassroots team.

Zhe Kexing looked at Lu Yao and knew that this matter was difficult for him to say. After all, it was for the benefit of the Cuju competition and required Chen Chen to make certain sacrifices, so he took over the words and told himself

I told Pan Wen and Chen Chen everything about the conversation with Lu Yao just now.

Pan Wen didn't have much idea. There was no difference between playing first and second. But it was different for Chen Chen. The grassroots team was originally facing the powerful Huangtian team. If Yue Yue

If he plays in the future, Chen Chen will have more time to train his players and create better tactics, but now, they have to put their order at the beginning, which is the first official game.

, in fact, there are only a handful of new tactics that the grassroots team can develop. And because in the first warm-up match, the grassroots team had already displayed many surprise tactics, and their formation and offensive methods were also beaten by Wang Da and Wang of the Huangtian team.

From the first glance, playing in the first game means that the hope of winning is very slim, because the difference in strength is too huge.

Lu Yao also knew that it was not good for him to do this. After all, the order had been decided by drawing lots before.

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This is also the reason why he only chose to change the order of the first and second games in the end. However, in order to let more people understand and love this Cuju sport, Lu Yao still feels that it is worthwhile to do so. Moreover, it should

No one would accuse him of switching the battle order of his friends forward.

I thought that Chen Chen would tell me a few words, but I didn't expect that after hearing what Zhe Kexing said, Chen Chen readily agreed: "So that's what happened, sir, you can transfer our team to the first game

Let’s play.”

Chen Chen agreed so readily, which made Lu Yao a little at a loss. Pan Wen on the side was also full of surprise. Although this was Lu Yao's decision, he would definitely respect it, but as an opponent and a friend, Pan Wen

Wen knew better than Lu Yao how much Chen Chen had sacrificed for this new Cuju competition and the grassroots team, so he also looked at Chen Chen and said, "But, in this case, are you still sure to defeat the Huangtian team?"

Chen Chen looked indifferent and said: "It doesn't matter. Anyway, this first game must leave a deep impression on the audience. And compared with our team and the Huangtian team, everyone's attention must be on Huangtian."

It’s impossible for anyone on the team to come here just to watch our game. Since it’s beneficial for the Huangtian team to appear on the field first, it’s beneficial for this game and for the young master, so I don’t have any other ideas.”

Hearing Chen Chen's understanding speech, Lu Yao comforted him: "Don't worry, even though it's the first game, I think your team has a chance to defeat the opponent. The Huangtian team is arrogant, so you can do your best

Take advantage of this. In case, even if you lose the game, you don't have to worry about the problems of your team members in the future. When the time comes, let them report directly to my bank."

Lu Yao has arranged everything, what can he say? In fact, although Chen Chen has worked very hard these days to train the members of the grassroots team, all he has done is actually more to express his gratitude to Lu Yao.

He wanted to do well what Lu Yao had assigned him. But now, when he needed to make certain sacrifices and concessions, Chen Chen also saw Lu Yao's dilemma. Anyway, he had no intention of this grassroots team reaching the end.

After all, he still knows the strength of his grassroots team very well. Even if he wins the Huangtian team by luck, the opponent he will most likely face in the second round will be the Fanlou team. After that, in the finals, if he encounters the Wenyuan team or the

Lions, are they really sure of winning?

Moreover, Lu Yao has already planned the future for himself and all his team members. In this case, he just agrees to the order of the game.

Therefore, the order of the first game was determined. Then, Lu Yao looked at Zhe Kexing and said that there was no need to change the order of the games after that. That is, the second game was between the Fanlou team and the Tigers.

, and the second half will just follow the order of the previous games. The third game is Wenyuan team vs. Wangcai team. The last game of the first round is the Lions team vs. Goshawk team. In Lu Yao’s view, this

The most important thing about a round of competition is the beginning and the last two games. It is necessary to attract the audience from the beginning and make them interested in continuing to watch, so as to better promote the new Cuju. This first game, because there are

The audience is definitely looking forward to the appearance of the Huangtian team, and Chen Chen’s grassroots team is not weak. The first game will definitely be very exciting. In the second game, Lu Yao is not very worried about Pan Wen. Although the third game

game, because the strength difference between Wenyuan team and Wangcai team seems to be too big now, it doesn’t matter even if the people have a certain psychological gap. Because in the last game of the first round, the Lions played against the Goshawks,

In fact, it is the second half, and it is also the game that Lu Yao seems to be most looking forward to in the first round.

Cao Yu's tactics, against the well-trained Goshawks who are soldiers, will definitely leave a deep impression on the audience in this last game. This will arouse their enthusiasm to watch the next round of games.


"After the first round of competition, there is a very important thing in between, which is the palace examination. Therefore, the impression the first round of competition can leave on these students will directly determine whether they will be successful after becoming Jinshi in the palace examination.

Pay attention to this new Cuju competition.”

Chen Chen thought for a while and said: "Yes, most of these students came to watch the first round of the game because they had nothing to do in Bianliang City to join in the fun, or for the football lottery, so they could continue to watch the second round of the game.

Everyone should be interested in Cuju."

Pan Wen heard this and said to Lu Yao: "Then the second round will be a showdown between the winners of this, second, and third and fourth games?"

Lu Yao nodded and said: "Yes, I still hope that your two teams can meet in the second round."

As soon as they said this, Chen Chen and Pan Wen both smiled. It seemed that Lu Yao was still very confident in their two teams.

Pan Wen sighed on the side and said: "Oh, it would be great if Chen Chen and I were not in the same half zone. Then we will be the two finalists, so that the football lottery will not be handed over to other people."

"All you can think about now is football lottery," Zhe Kexing said with a smile, "But seriously, Lu Yao, what are your predictions for the trend of this official game?"

Lu Yao thought for a while and said: "If you ask me, the four teams in the top half are actually very strong. There is no need to say more about the two of them. Yang Tao's Tigers and Wang Da's Huangtian are not weak.

In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if any team in the top half enters the finals. You two must not take it lightly when facing them."

Chen Chen doesn't care about the result of the game as much as he did at the beginning. Chen Chen said: "Do your best, obey fate, make your own tactical arrangements, use all your strength in the game, and don't regret it if you lose."

Pan Wen said from the side: "I don't know that guy Yang Tao very well, but I personally selected the members of the Tigers. I am very confident in dealing with them."

Lu Yao smiled and continued: "In the second half, the Wangcai team should lose the first round, but it's hard to say who can win between the Goshawks and the Lions, but I think according to Cao

With the ability to lure, the second round of the second half of the game will probably still be Wenyuan team against the Lions."

(End of chapter)

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