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Chapter 18 Why do girls learn to fight

This guy Pan Wen has awakened the voice song changing function on his mobile phone. A song will fly freely in your heart, dedicated to this little fat brother.

Only then did Pan Wen see clearly that the sound was coming from a small black waistband in Lu Yao's hand. He leaned close to Lu Yao in surprise and said, "Brother Lu, what is this? How could it be heard from someone?"

Sound, could it be that some magic has been learned in the past six months that trapped this man and woman in this waistband?"

All Pan Wen was left with was a pair of blank stares from Lu Yao. He was really too short-sighted, and I don't blame him. How had anyone seen a mobile phone in ancient times?

Suddenly, Lu Yao became evil-minded and smiled at Pan Wen: "Come over here and I'll show you some good things."

Lu Yao found the downloaded video and clicked to play it.

Suddenly, Pan Wen couldn't look away from her eyes anymore, "This... this... why is the woman in this waistband so dressed in such revealing clothes? It's really degrading to gentlemen!"

He said it in an insulting manner, but his eyes never left him for a moment, wishing he could even put his own head into the phone screen.

"I'm just showing my legs, what's there to see?" After saying this, Lu Yao turned off the screen of his phone.

"Ouch!" Pan Wen howled, a little anxious, obviously not seeing enough.

"Didn't you say it's insulting to politeness, so I won't show it to you." Lu Yao said with a smirk on his face.

"Ahem...Actually, it's not degrading to the gentlemen. You don't reveal much, just let me look at you for a while."

"I have something more exposed here, do you want to see it?" Lu Yao asked with a smile.

"Seriously?" Fatty Pan's voice rose a lot, and his eyes were shining. He basically thought that a young man from such a big family would have some affairs with men and women, but it was an accident for Fatty Pan. He had been keeping his integrity for fifteen years, so he should be in the family.

The management was quite strict, and the sisters in Bianliang looked down upon Pan Wen.

It's really hard to describe. If Pan Wen had his appearance, those girls wouldn't be rushing to visit him.

"Of course I'm lying to you. Although there are no small movies like that, there are still big movies." Lu Yao spent a long time tinkering before finding two movies in the folder.

Of course, it is an ancient movie, and Pan Wen cannot watch modern movies.

The journey was still long, enough to watch two movies. Lu Yao opened the two movies of "Westward Journey" and put the phone in Pan Wen's hand.

Lu Yao has watched "Westward Journey" countless times. Now as long as he listens to the sound, the scenes of those movies can appear in front of his eyes. Listening to the familiar music, Lu Yao thinks of those days in later generations.

If you want to talk about the problem of my mobile phone running out of power, do you think my solar power bank is fake? With the solar power bank, my mother no longer has to worry about my mobile phone running out of power, so it’s easy!

After watching both movies, I can already see the city of Bianliang from a distance.

Lu Yao ruthlessly took the phone back and stuffed it into his pocket.

Pan Wen was still in grief, and shouted from time to time: "My Zixia, how could she be so miserable? She finally waited until the man in her dream came on seven-color clouds, but he came with a golden

The Supreme Treasure of Huan is really a trick of fate! And my Bai Jingjing also died so miserably. After all, Zixia is more important in the heart of the Supreme Treasure."

Lu Yao slapped Pan Wen hard on the back of the head and scolded with a smile: "What's yours, it all belongs to Brother Monkey. If you don't concentrate on your journey, you will arrive in Bianliang soon."

It didn't take long for them to go back and forth, and the time now was only around 10 minutes.

The soldiers guarding the city obviously knew Pan Wen and Lu Yao, and let them pass through Nanxun Gate without checking.

After rocking on the carriage for another two quarters of an hour, the two carriages passed the Suzaku Gate.

As soon as I entered the Zhuque Gate, I saw a man approaching on horseback.

Most people in Bianliang City travel by horse-drawn carriage or donkey-cart, but there are not many people who ride horses so blatantly.

And this person seemed to be coming for the two of them.

"Fat man, hide quickly! You are about to collide with that horse."

Pan Wen was also anxious. He had never encountered such a situation before, and despite being in a hurry, he still did not escape.

A big brown horse was only ten steps away from them, and Lu Yao had already closed his eyes.

I didn't expect that he would die before he left the army, which was really aggrieved.

"Hey!" Lu Yao heard the voice of a girl who was riding a horse.

When he opened his eyes, he saw that the brown horse was standing on its legs, and its front hooves were about to kick Lu Yao in the face, but it still did not fall on the carriage.

The horse took a step back, its hoofs landing firmly on the bluestone road.

I saw this woman, dressed in red, with a high ponytail, and a pretty face. She was a beauty, but there was a hint of anger on her face, and her eyes were staring at Lu Yao fiercely.

Lu Yao really couldn't think of how he had offended this girl. He had always been a little inexplicable recently.

"It turns out to be Sister Cao! You almost scared your brother Wen to death just now." Obviously Pan Wen knew this girl.

The girl said unceremoniously: "It's none of Brother Wen's business. I'm going to have a fight with you today. Let me see what you are capable of. How dare you make me, the Cao family, wait for such a long time."

The Cao family? She couldn’t be the little girl from the Cao family, right?

Lu Yao is really the bigger one. Didn't Lu Xu ask Lu Hao to refuse the meeting with the Cao family? Why did the Cao family still come and wait for so long?

It's really a bit difficult to do.

In fact, Lu Hao rushed to the Cao Mansion alone this morning, wanting to put down the matter of the Cao family coming to the Lu family today.

Cao Guo's uncle Cao Yi felt that something was wrong as soon as he heard Lu Hao's words. The whole Cao family wanted a son-in-law who could just let him run away. This matter must be done today.

Cao Yi carried Lu Hao and came to the Lu Mansion, taking his son Cao Ping and his youngest daughter Cao Han with him.

After arriving at the Lu Mansion, they found that Lu Yao had actually run away. No one in the Lu Mansion knew when he ran away.

Cao Yi waited for an hour and then went back angrily.

Cao Han was a person with a temper. She found out that Lu Yao left the inner city through Zhuque Gate in the morning, and then she rode her horse and waited at Zhuque Gate to see when Lu Yao would come back.

Finally, Huangtian paid off and finally let Cao Han wait for Lu Yao.

When you see your true master, you will of course express your anger.

"What should I do if she wants to fight with me?" Lu Yao asked Pan Wen for help.

Pan Wen also had a look of helplessness. He was so scared that Sister Cao got angry. If Lu Yao hadn't been his fateful brother, he would have abandoned the car and run away.

"Why don't Lu Yao hurry up and get off the carriage and come fight with me?" Cao Han pointed at Lu Yao with a riding crop. If he didn't beat Lu Yao today, it would be over.

Lu Yao finally understood why the Cao family was so anxious to marry the Cao family's little girl to him. With her tigress-like temperament, no one in Bianliang City would dare to marry her, not to mention her pervert.

"Pause." Lu Yao made a stop gesture, "If there is any mistake, I, Lu Yao, will personally come to apologize, but I will never fight. This is not in line with my temperament as a scholar."

Cao Han was extremely angry and laughed back, "You are still a scholar. The whole Bianliang knows that you, Lu Yao, are uneducated and incompetent. Don't do this with me. I will ask you if I want to fight."

"I won't fight, no matter what you say, I won't fight." Lu Yao glanced to the side.

Cao Han didn't expect Lu Yao to be such a rogue, so don't blame her for being cruel.

Waving his riding crop, Cao Han whipped Lu Yao in the face.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Lu Yao caught the riding whip and almost pulled Cao Han off the horse.

Lu Yao was really angry. They said that a gentleman talks but never takes action. This also confirmed the old saying that it is difficult to raise a woman and a villain.

As expected, it doesn't make sense to reason with women.

"Little sister, please think clearly. I am a black belt in Taekwondo. If you really fight me, you will go home crying." Since you are so unreasonable, then give Cao Han a good beating. Lu Yao is not afraid of him either.

Even if Cao Guojiu came to him personally, he would still have a reason to say, and with so many people watching on the street, it was Cao Han who started the trouble.

Cao Han became even more angry, "Who is your little sister? If you have the ability, don't talk nonsense, or I will break one of your legs and let you know the consequences of not taking my Cao family seriously."

"Then let's get off the horse and fight." Lu Yao jumped off the carriage and stood firmly.

He didn't lie. When he was in college, he enrolled in a taekwondo club. At that time, he was already invincible in the entire school. If you beat a thirteen- or fourteen-year-old girl, you wouldn't be able to win.

Cao Han threw away the riding whip in his hand, jumped off his horse and looked at Lu Yao.

"You go first!" Lu Yao very gentlemanly asked Cao Han to take action first. It is always right to say that ladies are given priority.

"Okay, then you have to watch your moves." Cao Han came forward with an arrow and struck Lu Yao's chest with his horizontal palm.

Lu Yao smiled. Is this the only trick? It's a bit too childish.

Lu Yao stretched out his hands to hold Cao Han's arms, then turned sideways and threw her over his shoulder.

Lu Yao almost thought of Cao Han falling to the ground.

Unexpectedly, he didn't hear the sound of falling to the ground, but instead heard a gust of wind coming.

Lu Yao turned around and saw Cao Han putting one hand on the ground and kicking him in the head with one leg.

Lu Yao quickly let go of his hands and firmly clamped his arms around Cao Han's kicked leg.

He kicked forward again, kicking up Cao Han's other leg.

Cao Han trapped one leg between Lu Yao's arms and placed his other foot on Lu Yao's instep, forming a horse in the air.

This action is extremely difficult, and the people watching the show applauded. It was really wonderful.

The yamen guards on patrol in Kaifeng Prefecture saw someone fighting in the street and quickly wanted to stop it. When they saw that it was these two fighting, it was obvious that they could not control it.

The leader of the Yamen Guards waved to his men, and they patrolled towards another street.

"I can't tell, you still have some ability." Cao Han's eyes were full of fighting spirit. He hadn't fought so happily in a long time. He must have fun today.

"You're not bad either!" Lu Yao didn't expect that Cao Han's kung fu was really strong at such a young age, and she was able to neutralize several tricks.

"Get up!" Lu Yao didn't show mercy to her, and threw Cao Han into the air, wanting to give her a fatal blow.
This chapter has been completed!
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