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Chapter 237 Entry into the bank

In the room, Lu Yao could be said to be tossing and turning that night.

Originally, today was a very happy day. I met my friend Pan Wen in the morning and worked with him on football lottery matters. Although the official competition has not yet started, the eight participating teams that debuted have only an approximate strength.

It is estimated that the odds cannot be determined at once, but apart from this uncertain factor, Lu Yao and Pan Wen have discussed almost everything else. In terms of football lottery management, basically 70 to 80%

Lu Yao has already made up his mind. The next thing to do is to go to the emperor and report his thoughts. According to the current benefits brought by the lottery industry to Zhao Zhen, Lu Yao thinks that the emperor will not have much in this football lottery.

If you embarrass him, you should probably listen to his arrangements. After all, part of the revenue from the football lottery must become royal taxes. Whether it goes into the national treasury or Zhao Zhen's own pocket, it can be regarded as a large sum of money for the country's finances.


Of course, in order to maximize profits, football lottery still needs to be integrated with banks. In the past, people basically didn’t study much about lottery tickets. They just bought them for fun, but football lottery is different. This cannot be the case.

Just buy a game and bet on any team. There are still a lot of things to say in football betting, such as analyzing odds, team status, the history of the two teams' battles, team style restraint and other factors. To put it bluntly, if

If you have no brains and no culture, or don't know much about Cuju, there is really no way to make a lot of money through this football lottery. And the biggest customers of the football lottery should be the officials of the imperial court, including those who are still in Bianliang City.

Those students, it can be said that they will become the new force of football lottery in the future.

However, these students are now helpless because they have too little money. Therefore, it is most appropriate for the bank to open at this time. Originally, although Lu Yao said that he had made a lot of money before

Money has basically become the principal of this bank, but the more principal, the better. After all, the only bank in ancient times is Lu Yao. No matter how smart he is, after all, he did not graduate with an economics major, and there is still time.

Restrictions, Lu Yao is crossing the river by feeling the stones for the first time, so the capital will naturally be more. So there was the incident when he sold the formula to Pan Yuanwu before. Fortunately, Pan Yuanwu was very optimistic about Lu Yao and agreed to give it to him.

Lu Yao's 200,000 yuan gave Lu Yao enough confidence to run the bank well. Moreover, his sister-in-law, Mrs. Xu, was also a person worthy of trust. Lu Yao was very relieved to leave the bank to her to run the bank in the future.

After roughly chatting with Pan Wen, the time has come to noon. The current day is still far away from the time when the imperial examination results will be released, and there are still five or six days until the start of the new Cuju competition. This period of time is very important for

For Lu Yao, it can be said to be a valuable rest time. Although it is impossible to be completely free every day, compared with his previous busy life, Lu Yao can finally arrange his time reasonably every day and not be very tired.

Therefore, Lu Yao planned to take a vacation and cook hot pot. On the one hand, he would reward himself, and on the other hand, he would also make early plans for the food court and hot pot restaurant in the future.

As the saying goes, the fat should not flow to outsiders. Although Lu Yao is doing a hot pot experiment, with Lu Yao’s ideas and cooking skills, this food is not delicious and will not go anywhere. In order to avoid the leakage of the news, coupled with the fact that his family is here during this period.

Time was not enough to help him. Lu Yao decided to cook and eat his first hotpot at home, but he didn't even tell Pan Wen about this.

As the Minister of Household Affairs, Lu Xu was able to analyze Lu Yao's next plan by looking at Lu Yao's expression and the way he spoke while eating hot pot, so he found Lu Yao to talk alone. I have to say,

Today's conversation in the study room can be said to have left a deep impression on Lu Yao. In fact, in Lu Yao's eyes, Lu Xu was a typical Northern Song Dynasty official. He was very upright and considerate of his family. However, in Lu Yao's eyes, Lu Xu was a typical Northern Song official.

Now, Lu Xu's political courage and personal ability are a little lacking.

However, today's conversation in the study once again refreshed Lu Yao's understanding of his father. Originally, in Lu Yao's mind, he wanted both official career and business. He could not only make money for the benefit of the people, but also

You can also do some practical things by increasing your power. A two-pronged approach will help you achieve the goals you want to achieve more quickly.

However, Lu Xu gave Lu Yao the words "unrealistic" for his seemingly beautiful idea. Lu Xu told Lu Yao that this business is business, and officialdom is officialdom. Once you enter officialdom, business

It will become a weapon for others to attack him. There have been many such examples before. Lu Xu doesn't want Lu Yao to become like that.

Lu Xu felt that Lu Yao should give up all the properties he currently owned. If he was determined to become an official, he should do his duty as an official. He believed that his son could be a good official. However, once he was involved in business,

If you get involved, it will add a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Lu Yao thought about it carefully and felt that what his father said was very reasonable. However, if he was asked to give up all his properties immediately, he would be a little reluctant. On the one hand, all the properties are now on the right track, and everyone

The monthly income is very considerable, and the business is booming. At the same time, these industries have also solved the employment problems of many people in Bianliang City. If this time comes to an abrupt end, various accidents will occur in each industry from the person in charge to the workers below.

The situation is very difficult, and Lu Yao doesn't want to see the industry he has worked so hard to build come to an end. On the other hand, the bank's affairs have been put on the agenda. Regardless of whether he becomes an official in the court or not, his bank must be opened.

For business, at this time, Lu Yao needs a fixed income to be deposited into the bank as a working capital reserve every month. Once all these industries disappear, it will be equivalent to losing a large amount of income. From a financial perspective,

Consider that shutting down all industries now is not worth the loss.

However, what Lu Xu said was very reasonable, so Lu Yao decided to transform his position from a boss who focused on all aspects of work to a shareholder who only extracts dividends. In this way, each industry has nothing to do with itself in name.

What does it matter? All they need is

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All you have to do is give yourself part of the income share every month. Therefore, if someone really wants to use this aspect to deal with Lu Yao in the future, as long as the accounts are clear enough, Lu Yao can definitely clear up the relationship. In addition, his identity

Changes will also bring about a change in the identity of these industry leaders. Lu Yao feels that most people in charge are very happy when facing this change of identity from operators to bosses. However, Lu Yao also knows very well that these people in charge

Each one of them is not a good person. It is obviously unrealistic for them to just change their status, gain the power of the boss, and sign the share-sharing contract. Moreover, they really have to leave the industry to them.

, if you don’t make any preparations, within two or three years, these industries of yours will be in ruins.

Therefore, Lu Yao naturally made two preparations. He felt that he could provide these people in charge with their development plans for the next five, ten or even longer years, as well as the professional skills of each industry, including knowledge of difficult aspects, using

It should be a relatively cost-effective deal to exchange these things for my three-cent share.

Naturally, it was all talk and no practice. After Lu Yao summoned all the responsible persons, they had a one-on-one conversation and gave different guidance for different industries. The result was just as Lu Yao expected, all the responsible persons

In the end, people were very happy to sign the contract. In this way, Lu Yao could not only guarantee the bank's monthly fixed income in the future, but also achieve a change in his identity through this share-sharing contract. In this way, Lu Yao could avoid

This will save a lot of risks in the future. Through this incident, Lu Yao felt that the person he should thank the most was his father, Lu Xu. If this conversation had come later, after Lu Yao had become an official, maybe that person

By that time, someone was already targeting him, and it was too late to take any measures.

At this time, taking a back seat will give people the feeling that he wants to be an official well. He can also leave a good impression on Zhao Zhen, so why not?

Until the end of the meeting of all the people in charge, Lu Yao was in a very happy mood throughout the day. He thought that 200,000 yuan would be delivered to the bank tomorrow morning. Lu Yao very much hoped that it would arrive earlier tomorrow. However, this

At that time, Tangxi's previous mistake of sending the wrong manuscript reduced Lu Yao's mood to freezing point.

Lu Yao knew that although Tang Xi was responsible for this matter because his negligence caused the wrong manuscript to be sent to the Cao family and the Han family, what really chilled Lu Yao was Han Yunyu's attitude. Lu Yao had actually expected it.

, for the new novel he created later, a lady like Han Yunyu would definitely not like it, but he never expected that Han Yunyu would be furious after reading his new novel.


Moreover, she even had a quarrel with her brother Han Wenyuan regarding the manuscript she wrote, which led to Han Wenyuan angrily going to the Lu Mansion to seek an explanation from her.

Lu Yao has an attitude of "you don't have to like it, but you have to accept its existence" when it comes to the things he writes, whether it's poetry, the industry he created, or novels. However, Han Yunyu has an attitude towards his original novels.

, but looked at it with a scornful and very unaccepting attitude.

Now Lu Yao is lying on the bed. He seems to have thought about his future life. After getting married to Han Yunyu, the two of them will basically treat each other as guests every day, speak politely, and will not talk about romance, but will only tell her something every day.

A poignant love story of love, hate, and hatred. Every once in a while, I would compose a poem for her. As for Han Yunyu, she would look at her with eyes full of admiration.

Is this the life Lu Yao wants to live in the future? I have to admit that most of the relationships between husband and wife in ancient times were like this, but compared to this way of getting along, Lu Yao feels that it is more natural or more natural to be like Cao Han.

A more down-to-earth way of contact is more suitable for me. Cao Han's straightforward and free character is more in line with my modern identity and concepts. Although in the Song Dynasty, women with Cao Han's personality were very rare, and everyone else was

She is very unacceptable to her character and sexual behavior, but in Lu Yao's opinion, this is how a normal woman should behave.

The incident of sending the wrong manuscript through Tangxi, which caused Han Yunyu and Cao Han to treat each other differently, further strengthened the answer to the question that Lu Yao had been hesitating about.

Tomorrow, I must take some action.

Lu Yao fell asleep very late that night. In addition to thinking about these issues, he was also preparing for what he would discuss with Chen Chen tomorrow.

The next day, it was just dawn, and Tangxi had already gotten up early in the morning. Because of his mistake yesterday, Tangxi felt deeply remorseful. He did not feel that it was wrong for him to act bravely, but because he was facing two manuscripts.

When he didn't know the order, he had a sense of luck and thought he could get the order right, but in the end he regretted sending the wrong order by mistake. Tangxi knew that although the young master didn't blame him much for his erroneous behavior,

He, but judging from Lu Yao's reaction yesterday, Tangxi knew that what he did wrong would bring serious consequences. If nothing else, the young master would go to the Han Mansion to apologize in person for his mistake in the next two days.

.Once this matter is not handled well, it is likely to affect the marriage between Lu Yao and Han Yunyu.

Through this incident, Tang Xi also deeply realized that he was no longer as simple as Lu Yao's bodyguard. Now he is Lu Yao's housekeeper, handling and handing over most matters to the outside world. In the eyes of some people,

This Tangxi represents Lu Yao, and every word and deed will directly affect Lu Yao. Therefore, you must be more careful when doing things to avoid causing trouble to the young master.

Because of this, Tangxi got up much earlier than the scheduled time today. He did not allow himself to make any more mistakes. If the young master got into any more trouble because of his negligence, he should be ashamed of himself, let alone stay in the Lu family.


After Tangxi got up, he immediately summoned all his previous brothers. Yesterday, Tangxi had already sent someone to inform them that today he would go with Tangxi to escort the money. This was already a familiar road for Tangxi's brothers. After all,

They used to do this kind of business similar to sending escorts.

Of course, except Tang

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In addition to these people under Xi, Chen Chen will also appear at Pan's house at the agreed time today, followed by a group of members of the grassroots team who will also participate in the escort mission. For Chen Chen, Tang Xi is not at all

Worryingly, for so long, Chen Chen has never been late as long as it is an appointment.

Tangxi gathered the brothers together, and after eating something briefly, he once again emphasized the importance of sending escorts this time, and then asked them to wait outside the Lu Mansion while he went to wake Lu Yao up.

Tang Xi originally thought that judging from the time, the young master should be sleeping deeply at this time. When he was thinking about how to wake Lu Yao up, he arrived at the door of Lu Yao's room and heard something moving inside.

Within a few seconds, Lu Yao opened the door and came out. The young master actually got up so early. Tangxi took a closer look and realized that Lu Yao must not have slept well last night and now he looked very lackluster. No need to say more.

He said that it must be because of the wrong thing he did yesterday that caused the young master to have insomnia at night. Looking at Lu Yao's current appearance, Tangxi blamed himself even more.

Lu Yao didn't think anything of it. After washing and eating, he left Lu Mansion with Tangxi and followed Tangxi's brothers to Pan Mansion. Lu Yao did not choose to take the carriage. The morning wind was very cool on his face.

It also made Lu Yao sober up a lot, and he decided to walk to Pan Mansion.

Because there were other brothers present, Tangxi didn't want them to laugh at him, so he didn't dare to ask Lu Yao why he had insomnia along the way. He was afraid that Lu Yao would scold him again for his mistakes yesterday.

As for Lu Yao, things are the same as before. He has communicated a lot with the brothers from Tangxi. Ever since Lu Yao met them in the outer city, he has not spoken to them again, and these brothers from Tangxi have also

They were all assigned to different positions by him. Everyone came together today, and Lu Yao talked a lot more than before.

Compared with communicating with various high-ranking officials in the court, including Han Yonghe, Cao Guojiu and others, who had to think about what to say and what expression to use when meeting whom, Lu Yao preferred to speak directly to these people.

They just say whatever they want and are very relaxed. Although these brothers in Tangxi know that Lu Yao now belongs to their boss, they still talk to him as before, without any restraint. This is what Lu Yao likes about them.

No matter how far the journey is, it will be faster and easier if someone walks with you. It didn't take long for everyone to arrive at the door of Pan's Mansion. At this time, the door of Pan's Mansion was packed with people, and several carriages were parked.

There is no need to say more about what is loaded in the car. Fortunately, it is just dawn, and most people are basically just getting up. Otherwise, if it were during the day, Lu Yao would definitely be overwhelmed by the people watching the excitement.

Get going.

Lu Yao took a look and found that in addition to the troops he brought, some people from the Pan Mansion also came to escort the money. Lu Yao entered the Pan Mansion and went to the main hall and saw Chen Chen and his grassroots team.

The team members have all arrived, but Pan Wen is not seen.

Pan Yuanwu was also in the main hall at this time, saying that when Pan Wen got up this morning, he suddenly came up with some new Cuju tactics, and excitedly left home and went to the inn, apparently to discuss it with the members of the Fanlou team.

The tactics were gone, so Pan Yuanwu quickly called some other servants to escort the money to the bank.

Lu Yao simply said hello to Pan Yuanwu and asked Chen Chen to take the grassroots team out to prepare and set off immediately. After all, it was early and there was no one on the street. At this time, not many people were paying attention.

Money is the right time.

Pan Yuanwu didn't dare to keep Lu Yao any longer. After all, the 200,000 yuan was his own money. If there was an accident on the road or something went wrong at the bank, it would be hard for him to save his face, so Lu Yao proposed

When he was about to set off, Pan Yuanwu also asked the Pan family's servants to follow him to the bank without saying a word. He also asked the Pan family's housekeeper to go with him, which shows that he attaches great importance to the handover of money.

So, under the escort of everyone, the 200,000 yuan headed towards Lu Yao's bank.

Because the amount of money was too much, the carriage moved slowly, but in the end, it was safe and safe. This was largely due to the time chosen by Lu Yao. If he had chosen it during the day or night, it would have been possible.

They will be robbed, and at this dawn, it is estimated that the robbers have not gotten up. In addition, this is in Bianliang City, so public security can still be guaranteed.

Over at Luyao Bank, Tangxi had already greeted Zhang Mou yesterday. Zhang Mou was already waiting there with some servants of the Lu family and his friends. As soon as the money arrived, they immediately carried out an inventory and sent the money.

The process was very smooth. Although counting the money was a bit troublesome, it was easy to get things done once there were more people. It didn't take long for the two hundred thousand guan to be counted.

Seeing that everything had been settled and there were no financial problems, Lu Yao's housekeeper was about to leave. Seeing that everyone had been busy all morning, Lu Yao proposed that all the escorts, including Pan's housekeeper, should be escorted.

, everyone went to their own Jiu Zhongxian for a meal. Although the food of Jiu Zhongxian is not as good as Fan Lou, but now is not the time to eat and drink extravagantly, you can go to Jiu Zhongxian to eat some simple side dishes.

It's also nice to have a few sips of good wine.

The housekeeper of the Pan Mansion saw that all his servants wanted to go, so he did not shirk. So, Lu Yao asked Tang Xi to take his brothers, people from the Pan Mansion, and members of Chen Chen's Fanlou team to the Jiuzhongxian for dinner.

Tangxi left with the people, and Lu Yao told Zhang Mou to keep the money and record the accounts accurately, and then send the account books directly to the Lu Mansion and hand them over to Xu.

When Zhang Mou heard this, he felt a little regretful on his face. After all, he himself had woken up early and came to work without eating. Lu Yao naturally knew what he was thinking, and then he directly took out ten pieces of money and gave it to Zhang Mou, asking him to

After finishing the work, he took his men to Fanlou for a meal. Of course, the prerequisite is to do a good job in protecting the bank.

When Zhang Mou heard this, he immediately beamed.

After the money matter was settled, Lu Yao asked Chen Chen to leave the bank together. Chen Chen knew that Lu Yao left him behind because he had something important to tell him.

(End of chapter)

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