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Chapter 249 Report

North Korea.

As for the name Lu Yao, Yan Shu had heard Zhao Zhen say it many times. Moreover, as the father-in-law of the dynasty, Yan Shu felt that it was not an exaggeration to say that he was the person who knew the emperor best. Zhao Zhen hated the collusion between government and businessmen the most.

An emperor. Moreover, basically Zhao Zhen will investigate clearly which of the ministers in the DPRK has what property. Once there is any abuse of power for personal gain, that minister will definitely suffer.

Recently, Lu Yao's name appeared many times in the conversations between Zhao Zhen and Yan Shu. Yan Shu also admired this rising star from the bottom of his heart. He had such achievements at such a young age, and what surprised Yan Shu most was that this young man

People's attention is not only focused on making money. His original intention of holding the new Cuju competition was to improve the physical fitness of the people, and then improve the overall national strength of the Song Dynasty. From this incident, Yan Shu can know that this land

Yao is not only a business-minded person, but also a person who is very passionate about his family and country. Such a talent is really lucky for the Song Dynasty. However, when he learned that there were more and more industries under Lu Yao's name, Yan Shu also started to

I was worried about Lu Yao. As someone who was very optimistic about Lu Yao, and for his long-term development, Yan Shu had gone to find Lu Xu before. In other words, the reason why Lu Xu later found Lu Yao to talk in the study was because of all this.

In fact, it is inseparable from Yan Shu.

On Lu Xu's side, he is actually a person who respects Lu Yao's personal development very much. Although he also knows that there are so many industries under Lu Yao that are not good. But seeing the considerable income every month, Lu Xu is a little reluctant to let go. After all,

Every penny earned from these industries is clean income, and Lu Yao built them bit by bit.

However, after Yan Shu talked with Lu Xu, Lu Xu felt that what Yan Shu said was very reasonable, so he talked to Lu Yao later, and Lu Yao had the idea of ​​​​transforming.

However, Lu Xu had not yet had time to tell Yan Shu the result of the father-son conversation. So Yan Shu saw Lu Yao going to court today and felt that he had to go and say a few words to him, which he regarded as advice.

And Lu Yao is such a smart person. After communicating with Yan Shu, he also understood from his father's eyes. It seemed that Yan Shu's reason for his father's previous conversation with him was probably due to Yan Shu.

A person who is not related to him, but is already the father-in-law of the Song Dynasty, can still consider his own future. This shows that what Yan Shu values ​​​​is indeed Lu Yao's talent, in order to make himself less official.

He gave this advice after getting into trouble. Thinking of this, Lu Yao's favorable impression of Yan Shu increased even more.

"The Emperor has arrived!"

This sound came, and Zhao Zhen appeared in the eyes of everyone wearing a dragon robe.

Then came the normal salutes and discussions. Lu Yao was not interested in these things. He just wanted to deal with his own affairs at the moment. And Zhao Zhen only talked about a few things in this morning meeting.

The war in Xixia, the upcoming imperial examination, and the new Cuju competition that was about to start, Zhao Zhen did not even mention it. But this is normal. In this morning, there are still some formal topics to discuss. Among them

, the grading of the imperial examination has basically been completed, and the results should be counted in the past two days. After the first round of the new Cuju competition, the results will be announced, and Zhao Zhen decided that the date of the imperial examination cannot be postponed any longer.

, is scheduled to be after the second round of the New Cuju Competition, and the so-called student banquet is probably scheduled to be after the official competitions of the New Cuju Competition are completed.

Zhao Zhen made this decision, and Lu Yao also felt that it was appropriate. When all the projects for enjoyment or entertainment were over, and these students were assigned their official positions, the next thing to do was to deal with Xixia.

During this morning meeting, Zhao Zhen also made another important decision. That is, in a week, Fan Zhongyan and Han Qi will go to the border area between the Song Dynasty and Xixia Kingdom. The purpose is also very simple.

If he could avoid using force, Zhao Zhen still hoped to solve the problem peacefully, so he sent Han Qi and Fan Zhongyan, two negotiators he considered to be masters.

However, Lu Yao maintained a pessimistic attitude towards the two men going to negotiate. First, history had told him the outcome, but even if he put himself in their shoes, how could the Xixia people, who had already established the Xixia Kingdom, possibly

Are they under the control of the Song Dynasty? The condition given by Zhao Zhen is to let them return to the Song Dynasty and recognize them as ministers of the Song Dynasty. This condition was impossible to be accepted by Xixia from the beginning.

However, with Zhao Zhen's wisdom, Lu Yao also felt that his dispatch of Fan Zhongyan and Han Qi this time was more of a strategy to find out the enemy's situation. Everyone knows that negotiations in ancient times were very time-consuming and did not last for months.

There is no way to end the negotiation. To put it nicely, Zhao Zhen intends to use this time to make some other plans. To put it in a bad way, Zhao Zhen already knew the conditions he offered.

There was no way for Xixia to agree, but he still made a request for peace talks to delay time, find a breakthrough, and prepare for the upcoming war. Lu Yao knew that the latter option was more likely.

.As for Xixia, they agreed to Zhao Zhen’s request for peace talks. They probably had the same attitude as the Song Dynasty. Both sides are now taking the opportunity of peace talks to make some changes and experiments. And Zhao Zhen’s

Bian, taking this opportunity of peace talks, can successfully delay the time until the imperial examination is officially over. At that time, he can send his trusted people to the border to take over the battlefield. At that time, he can not only put down the rebellion of Xixia, but also cultivate people.

My own power will not let Fan Zhongyan's family grow bigger. Of course, this is also a way to protect Fan Zhongyan in disguise.

What interests Lu Yao is who prompted Zhao Zhen to make this decision? Was it Yan Shu? Or did Fan Zhongyan and Han Qi take the initiative to request to go to the border? Was this decided in their previous private meeting?

Lu Yao knew that even if he asked Uncle Cao Guo and Han Yonghe, he would not get a definite answer.

However, no matter what the process is like or who made this suggestion, now that Zhao Zhen has said this, it means that a decision has been made. Fan Zhongyan and Han Qi will set off in seven days.

Except for the affairs of Xixia and the imperial examination, there was nothing else going on in the entire morning dynasty.


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When something happens, we will leave the court if nothing happens."

Finally, Lu Yao heard these words. However, he did not stand up and speak directly. Instead, Lu Xu stood up from the side and expressed that he had something to say.

Lu Yao didn't believe that Zhao Zhen didn't know that he was coming to court today. Although he was standing relatively far back, Zhao Zhen must have gotten the news on the way here.

Therefore, Zhao Zhen ordered to withdraw from the court, but Lu Xu and Lu Yao were left behind.

You know, in the past, when Zhao Zhen and Lu Yao met, except for the symbolic meeting last time, most of the time they met were not too formal. Whether it was their clothes or the way they spoke, they were more casual.

But the situation today is very different. This is the first time Lu Yao meets Zhao Zhen in the manner of a monarch and his ministers in the main hall of political affairs. Lu Yao knows that the emperor always pays attention to etiquette, so he cannot be like before today.

, it’s easier to talk to Zhao Zhen.

Sure enough, Zhao Zhen, who was wearing a dragon robe, looked at Lu Yao and asked him to explain what he was going to do. His tone and look were the same as when he was discussing the lottery station with Lu Yao.

This is why the memorial was prepared in advance. Lu Xu was afraid that his son would say something wrong, so he asked him to write the memorial and then handed it over to Zhao Zhen.

While Zhao Zhen was looking at the memorial written by Lu Yao, he asked Lu Xu if he had anything to report. Lu Xu said no, so Zhao Zhen asked Lu Xu to wait outside the palace.

Lu Xu nodded and left. Before leaving, he glanced at Lu Yao. His eyes were obviously telling Lu Yao not to talk nonsense.

Lu Yao smiled bitterly and watched his father go out.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Lu Xu stepped out, Zhao Zhen's tone of voice changed, becoming as casual as before.

"Your father is here, which makes me a lot more cautious. Today is your first time actually going to court. How do you feel?"

Hearing the change in Zhao Zhen's tone of voice, Lu Yao instantly felt a lot more relaxed. He said that he was indeed a little nervous, otherwise he wouldn't have had to write a memorial. He originally wanted to tell Zhao Zhen face to face.

Upon hearing what Lu Yao said, Zhao Zhen immediately put down the memorial in his hand, looked at Lu Yao with interest, and said, "Then let's talk, one by one, I'll listen."

To be honest, Lu Yao felt a little regretful at this moment, wondering if he had said too much just now.

But now that the fight had reached this point, Lu Yao began to formally report to Zhao Zhen.

The first and most important thing is, of course, the transformation of his own industry. In fact, Lu Geng had already told Zhao Zhen about this before. Zhao Zhen didn’t ask much about Lu Geng’s matter, but Lu Yao became a shareholder.

Form, Zhao Zhen said that since he wanted to enter an official career, it was understandable to do so. Although he said so, Lu Yao still noticed from the tone of Zhao Zhen's words that Zhao Zhen still supported him very much in doing this, and he also

Approved what he did.

However, what Lu Yao didn't expect was that, perhaps because of what Lu Geng had told Zhao Zhen before, Zhao Zhen's greatest interest in this matter was no longer in Lu Yao's.

He has transformed into a shareholder, but is very interested in how much profit Lu Yao will extract from the following industries after his transformation.

Although he didn't expect that Zhao Zhen was most interested in this aspect, Lu Yao didn't intend to hide it from him. After all, as long as Zhao Zhen wanted to know, he would know about it sooner or later. What's more, Lu Yao's views on the following industry sharing

I have told all the people in charge about this matter before, the accounts are clear and there will be no falsification.

In this case, there is nothing that cannot be said. Lu Yao directly said that he would take 30% of the profit.

Zhao Zhen thought about it and felt that Lu Yao's share was very reasonable, and he also believed that Lu Yao would not charge a penny more, and would also ensure that the following industries would be operated legally.

This first thing is considered finished.

The second thing is the issue of Lu Yao's bank. In fact, Zhao Zhen already knew about Lu Yao's sending 200,000 yuan from Pan's family to his bank. Moreover, Lu Yao also had a lot of property.

It's not that he is as rich as the country, but to say that he has millions of dollars, it is definitely not enough. In fact, Zhao Zhen is also very interested in what the young Lu Yao wants to use the money for. This industry will definitely not be able to continue. Just now

Lu Yao had already expressed his attitude. After he entered the officialdom, he would not invest money in new industries. However, Zhao Zhen did not expect that Lu Yao would actually set up a bank. Originally, Zhao Zhen

He thought that this bank was of the same nature as lending money in a gambling house, but after listening to Lu Yao introduce all the functions of the bank, Zhao Zhen's eyes lit up. What interested him was not the bank's various business numbers, but the bank's various businesses.

The purpose of Lu Yao's establishment of this bank is to support the people and students who live in Bianliang City but are short of money. With this money, they can solve the problem of food and clothing, and can also do some things they want to do.

It can be said that it solved an urgent need. In fact, Zhao Zhen had also thought about using the treasury and his own money to do such a thing, but after discussing with several close ministers, including Yan Shu, he could not find it.

A feasible way. As for Lu Yao, he is using his own money to conduct this experiment. Using the monthly fixed income and the remuneration that Lu Yao will receive in the future, plus the money from previous business

, as principal to operate this bank. This is equivalent to leaving more talents for Bianliang, and it is also a very beneficial place that can improve the living standards of the people.

Since the advantages of this bank outweigh the disadvantages, and it is not just for the inner city, Lu Yao said that people from the outer city can enjoy lower interest rates when applying for loans, which can also promote the development of the outer city. And in the end, this bank is not considered a

Business, speaking of Potian, means that Lu Yao is using his savings to do good deeds in disguise. If this bank eventually becomes popular, he will naturally be able to make a fortune, but it is not open now. Risks and returns coexist. Once the bank

The loss was only Lu Yao's own money. Zhao Zhen should support Lu Yao's courageous approach.

Therefore, Zhao Zhen agreed with Lu Yao's approach of establishing the bank, and out of trust in Lu Yao, Zhao Zhen decided not to send special people to supervise the bank's accounts. However, Zhao Zhen said that for the ministers of the DPRK and China


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It is still necessary to have an understanding of the situation. For example, if an official of third rank or above wants to go to Lu Yao's bank for a loan or deposit, I hope Lu Yao will tell Zhao Zhen.

Lu Yao smiled and said that if it is a large deposit or loan, officials of the third rank or above can set a rule, that is, they need to ask Zhao Zhen first, and after the emperor approves the purpose, they can go to the bank to handle it. In this way,

This also eliminated corruption and their desire to do business privately. Zhao Zhen was deeply satisfied with Lu Yao's suggestion.

In addition to this, Zhao Zhen also has another worry about the bank, and that is the security issue. With so much money put into the bank, security issues can be said to be the top priority. Zhao Zhen asked whether he should choose

Lu Yao sent some people to help Lu Yao protect the bank's money. Lu Yao told Zhao Zhen not to worry about this. He had already selected many people to be responsible for the security of the bank. After thinking about it for a while, Zhao Zhen had already judged that there was a high probability that it would happen.

He was a member of the Grassroots Team or the Fanlou Team, and Zhao Zhen already knew about Chen Chen's appointment as Lu Yao's other housekeeper. Lu Yao was not surprised at all that the emperor knew these things, nor did he deny it.

Since there are members of the grassroots team as bodyguards, the safety of the bank should not be a problem.

In this way, after Zhao Zhen agreed to the establishment of the bank, the second thing Lu Yao wanted to report today came to an end.

So far, Zhao Zhen had actually heard of the first two things Lu Yao said, or had some information in advance.

The same goes for the third thing. It should be said that Zhao Zhen is most familiar with football lottery matters. Unlike the lottery industry that he didn't understand at the beginning, Zhao Zhen is now considered a tycoon in the lottery industry, so for

The basic principle of football lottery is roughly the same as that of lottery, and Zhao Zhen also has a certain foundation.

Therefore, when Lu Yao explained football lottery matters to Zhao Zhen, it was very smooth. Except when the two talked about odds, Zhao Zhen also felt that what Lu Yao said made sense. During the first round of official competition,

It is still necessary not to make the odds of each team very different. After all, there has never been a game, and the real strength of each team is also different. Only in the second round can the real odds mechanism be formalized.

Start. As for other football lottery matters, Zhao Zhen also fully listened to Lu Yao's suggestions. Although the management rights of this football lottery will be handed over to the final winning team of this new Cuju competition, in the final analysis,

Judging from the actual nature, this football lottery still belongs to the royal industry and can be regarded as a branch of the lottery industry. In the end, what the team will obtain will only be the management rights. At the same time, because of the special nature of football lottery, Zhao Zhen also needs to establish a supervisory system

Of course, the so-called taxes that must be paid to the royal family every month are also indispensable. However, as soon as the football lottery industry appears, the profits that the operators can obtain from it are also very considerable. Therefore, for football lottery

On the other hand, what Zhao Zhen has to do is to check the general direction and make it develop in the right direction. When talking about football lottery, we have to talk about the new Cuju competition. Lu Yao also found an opportunity.

, asked Zhao Zhen about the training of the Huangtian team in recent days. Because Lu Yao was not the leader of other teams, there was no need for Zhao Zhen to hide it from him. He said that the training venue in the palace, although after the warm-up match, was originally

It was planned to be demolished, but later Zhao Zhen considered that his Huangtian team also needed to find a training ground on weekdays, so he simply did not demolish it in the end and directly turned it into a training place for Wang Da's Huangtian team.

Hearing this, Lu Yao couldn't help but sigh. Sure enough, the people with the highest authority enjoy some benefits. Unlike other teams that don't have a training ground all day long and can only practice basic skills and physical strength, the Huangtian team can only do so much on the training ground.

There are a lot. Thinking of this, Lu Yao couldn't help but worry about Chen Chen's grassroots team. The strength of their team was actually worse than that of the Huangtian team. Under the current situation, the Huangtian team should be even stronger in official games.

Go up a floor and see if Chen Chen can handle it.

Zhao Zhen understands Lu Yao's concerns very well. He said that he has given an order. Although the Huangtian team can use the training ground for training, the training content must also be basic training items, otherwise someone will inevitably say

They enjoyed some benefits during the training of the Royal Sky Team.

Although he said this, Lu Yao knew that Zhao Zhen couldn't send someone to watch the Huangtian team's training every day. Lu Yao would never believe it if they were to train only basic things like other teams.

The football lottery matter has come to an end. At this point, the three things that Zhao Zhen knew about have been discussed very smoothly, but Lu Yao knows that the real highlight lies in the last two things he wants to say.

That is, for the Cuju competition, there is also the Bird's Nest Stadium, the food street and the hot pot restaurant that Lu Yao wants to build.

Lu Yao knew that Zhao Zhen was very resistant to officials doing business. What's more, he had just told Zhao Zhen that the industries below him were undergoing transformation. Now if he directly said that he was going to go into the food industry, it would inevitably make people feel uncomfortable.

Zhao Zhen thinks Lu Yao is a duplicitous guy.

So, Lu Yao planned to put it another way. After obtaining Zhao Zhen's consent, he asked Zhao Zhen's eunuchs to fetch the package he brought with him when he entered the palace. Inside was Lu Yao's gift from today.

I made all kinds of delicacies early in the morning.

Lu Yao was very familiar with Zhao Zhen's foodie attributes, so he planned to let Zhao Zhen taste these things before he slowly expressed his thoughts.

Zhao Zhen naturally didn't know what Lu Yao wanted to do, but when faced with delicious food, Zhao Zhen could be said to have no resistance at all. Soon, he was immersed in the deliciousness of grilled cold noodles and rice buns.

Then Zhao Zhen asked how to make these things and where to buy them in Bianliang. In Zhao Zhen's opinion, these are snacks, so they should not be made by ordinary large-scale restaurants.


Lu Yao later said that these are the delicacies he has researched, but in order to better popularize them and to promote the development of the outer city, he wants to create an exclusive area near the Bird's Nest Stadium in the outer city to cook delicacies.

Street projects.

After Lu Yao finished speaking, he quietly waited for Zhao Zhen's reply.

(End of chapter)

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