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Chapter 262 Countermeasures

In the Lu Mansion.

This is the first time that Lu Yao has asked his father Lu Xu for advice in such a sincere and humble manner. The reason is that at this time tomorrow, he will go to Fanlou for a banquet. The name of the banquet actually means that Emperor Zhao

Zhen instructed Fan Zhongyan, Yan Shu, Han Qi and others to hold a gathering of ministers. Of course, not all ministers could appear on such an occasion, such as Lu Xu, Han Yonghe, and Cao Yi.

When invited, when Fan Zhongyan and Yan Shu invited ministers, they also chose the younger generation. Only those with political acumen and high IQ were eligible to attend the appointment. Although Lu Yao has not taken any measures in the political arena, these days

, Lu Yao's performance in business, food industry and Cuju competition is enough to attract people's attention. In fact, Lu Yao has always had a question, whether Fan Zhongyan and other three people insisted on letting him go to the banquet, or Zhao Zhen designated him

What about those who must be present?

Now that he knew that this banquet was organized by the emperor, Lu Yao naturally wanted to go. But after he decided to go, how to speak at the banquet became another problem. Lu Xu didn't need to tell himself, even a fool would know it.

When Lu Yao went to the banquet, he was sure to be asked what he thought of the negotiation between Fan Zhongyan and Xixia. Lu Yao's speech might not have much impact on Fan Zhongyan's mission, nor would the latter.

I will definitely follow Lu Yao's advice. But the key point of the problem is that what Lu Yao says will definitely be heard by others. As Lu Yao, who is about to take part in the imperial examination and officially enter the court, every word he says must be heard by others.

You have to think carefully about your words so that no one can catch you.

Although as a modern person who has traveled through time, Lu Yao is also very clear that his understanding of the ancient officialdom is still limited to what his teacher told him when he was in school. However, once he personally enters the officialdom, he will be far away from it.

It is not as simple as what is written in books and history books. History books only describe what crimes this person committed, how he thought deeply, and what he said, but it does not tell you what the consequences of his words will be. And this person

Is his death really due to committing this crime? History is written by the victors. Lu Yao no longer wants to delve into how many hidden secrets there are. Since he must wade into this troubled water, he must pay attention to his own safety.

Every word and action. At this time, the only person he can trust and who can help him is his father, Lu Xu.

Therefore, at this time, Lu Yao appeared in Lu Xu's study and asked him for advice on how to deal with tomorrow.

Lu Xu, who has been an official for many years and is used to seeing the turbulence in the court, naturally knows that tomorrow's banquet is indeed a bit excessive to call it a Hongmen Banquet, but if Lu Yao makes one careless move, it will affect his entire career in the future.

So, after Lu Xu thought more about it, he asked: "How much do you know about the current affairs in Xixia?"

When Lu Yao heard this, he immediately began to search the history of that period in his mind.

On October 11th, the first year of Yanzuo's reign (the fifth year of Song Jingyou's reign, 1038), Li Yuanhao, supported by Ye Li Renrong, Yang Shousu and other close ministers, built an altar in the southern suburbs of Xingqing Mansion and officially ascended the throne of the emperor.

Known as the Great Xia, he changed the rituals of the Yuan Dynasty to Yan Zuo. He also granted the ministers the title of posthumous name, temple name, and tomb number after his grandfather and parents. He also named the Yeli family as Queen Xiancheng, and established his son Ningming as the crown prince. He harmonized the Xiliang Mansion.

In the first month of the following year, Li Yuanhao, as a minister, sent an envoy to the Song Dynasty to present a petition to Song Renzong, tracing and commending his ancestors' relationship with the Central Plains Dynasty and their contributions, explaining the legitimacy of his founding of the country and proclaiming himself emperor, and asking the Song Dynasty to officially

Recognize his title of emperor. This is what happened during the previous Chinese New Year, and the response was predictable. The Song Dynasty was unwilling to recognize Li Yuanhao's throne, and issued an edict to "cut off the official titles given by the surname" and stop mutual trade. The Song Dynasty

A notice was posted on the border between Song and Xia, offering a large reward for high-ranking officials to capture Li Yuanhao, or to sacrifice his head. After Li Yuanhao found out the attitude of the Song Dynasty, he frequently sent agents to the border to spy on the military situation, and incited party members and Han people in the Song Dynasty to join the Xia Dynasty. Publicly

Xixia cut off envoy exchanges with the Song Dynasty and sent a "Manshu" to the Song Dynasty. In the "Manshu", he accused the Song Dynasty of betrayal and ridiculed the Song army for being corrupt and incompetent. He also used the power of the Liao Dynasty to threaten the Song Dynasty, and finally stated that Xixia was still willing to cooperate with the Song Dynasty.

The Song Dynasty meant reconciliation. Yuan Hao submitted the "Manshu" to the Song Dynasty in order to anger the Song Dynasty and attribute the responsibility for the war against the Song Dynasty to the Song Dynasty. The war between Xia and Song Dynasty was finally inevitable.

There is never a winner in a war. After Song and Xia exhausted all means, they could not avoid a war in the end. In other words, Zhao Zhen actually sent Fan Zhongyan as an envoy to Xixia this time, which was just delaying time.

After a group of talents who took the imperial examination entered the court, Zhao Zhen took this opportunity to test how many of these new people who entered the official career could be used for him, and how many of them were truly talented and learned.

Lu Yao thought that this might be the reason why Zhao Zhen delayed ordering the war. And the new Cuju competition that Lu Yao was going to hold recently gave Zhao Zhen a perfect excuse to delay.

Faced with Lu Xu's questions, Lu Yao answered fluently and spoke frankly about his analysis of the situation in Song and Xia. Regarding his father, Lu Yao knew that he did not need to hide it. After all, only by speaking out his thoughts could he

Let Lu Xu think of a way to give him some advice.

After listening to Lu Yao's analysis, Lu Xu was even more impressed with Lu Yao. Regarding Li Yuanhao, Lu Xu only heard other ministers always mention this person, but Lu Yao actually knew that this person was violent and suspicious, and was very suspicious.

He likes killing. It seems that Lu Yao has indeed made full preparations for the banquet tomorrow.

So, Lu Xu asked again: "I think the same thing as you. Since war between Song and Xia is inevitable, what do you think our chances of winning are in this war? In other words, what tactics should we use then?


As soon as Lu Yao heard this, he continued to recall the events of the Song-Xia War. In fact, once the war began, there was no just party. Killing, death, and bloodshed were all normal things in a war.

The Song-Xia war caused huge damage to both sides.

From the third year of Yanzuo's reign (the first year of Kangding in the Song Dynasty, 1040) to the fifth year (the second year of Qingli in the Song Dynasty, 1042), Li Yuanhao launched many attacks against the Song Dynasty. There were three major large-scale wars: The Heavenly Rites

In the first month of the third year of Yanzuo, near Yanzhou (now Yan'an, Shaanxi)

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The Battle of Sanchuankou; in February of the fourth year, the Battle of Haoshuichuan in the Liupanshan area southeast of the Zhenrong Army (now Guyuan, Ningxia); in the autumn of the fifth year of Yanzuo (the second year of Qingli in the Song Dynasty, 1042), in the northwest of the Zhenrong Army

The Battle of Chuanzhai. The three major battles all ended with Li Yuanhao's great victory. Therefore, after the victory in Dingchuanzhai, Li Yuanhao was very ambitious and claimed, "I want to visit the Weishui River in person and take control of Chang'an directly." When the Song Army was on the battlefield

When the news of the disastrous defeat reached Tokyo, Prime Minister Lu Yijian repeatedly exclaimed, "One battle is not as good as one, which is terrible." Although Li Yuanhao's war against the Song Dynasty was a victory, it also brought serious consequences to Xixia: such as due to the war

When the epidemic broke out, the Song Dynasty stopped the "annual gifts" of large amounts of silver, silk, and money to Xixia; it closed the border forays and banned the entry of green and white salt produced in Xixia, causing Xixia to not only lose direct economic benefits, but also the food, silk, and silk in the territory.

Cloth, tea and other daily necessities were in short supply and prices were high. "The people in the country complained about the rumor that they were 'not as good as they were'".

Years of war had depleted the people of Xixia and caused resentment. Class conflicts and ethnic conflicts intensified. People within the territory rebelled one after another, or fled to the Song Dynasty. By the end of the war, the military strength of Xixia was at half the level of "deaths and wounds, and people were trapped in

In this situation, it would be very difficult for Li Yuanhao to launch another war. At the same time, Li Yuanhao also realized that it was not easy to defeat the Song Dynasty with a vast territory and a large population. The strategic advantages of the Song Dynasty were beyond the reach of Xixia. Based on the above reasons, Li Yuanhao asked the Song Dynasty to

Exploring peace. The important reason that ultimately led to the peace negotiation between Song and Xia was the new changes in the relationship between Song, Liao and Xia during this period. Li Yuanhao and the Liao were "nephews and uncles" and pursued the strategy of relying on the Liao to resist the Song; while the Liao used the Song and Xia to confront each other.

, bargained with the Song Dynasty, profited from it, and even obtained benefits from the Song Dynasty at the expense of Xixia's interests, which aroused Li Yuanhao's dissatisfaction. At that time, disputes over the territorial tribes occurred between Liao and Xia, which led to the deterioration of relations and the collapse of the alliance. Li Yuanhao felt that he was in a difficult situation

In order to avoid being isolated from both sides, it was necessary to make peace with the Song Dynasty.

From the first month of the sixth year of Yanzuo's reign (the third year of the Qingli calendar of the Song Dynasty, 1043) in the Xia Dynasty to June of the following year, envoys from the Xia and Song Dynasties went through frequent exchanges that lasted for more than a year.

They bargained and finally reached an agreement on issues such as the salt ban, the changes to the capital city, the establishment of an independent reign, and the naming of Wuzu as my ancestor, as well as all the major and minor matters. The Song Dynasty gave Xixia 255,000 silver, silk, and tea every year.

Allowed the restoration of the market, and allowed Xixia envoys to engage in business in Guanyi, the capital of the Song Dynasty. Li Yuanhao proclaimed himself a minister to the Song Dynasty in the name of "Lord of Xixia". However, every time the Song Dynasty sent envoys to Xixia, they were only allowed to live in Youzhou (today's Jingbian, Shaanxi Province)

, were not allowed to enter the capital of Xixia, in order to prevent Xixia from receiving Song envoys with courtesy and maintain Yuan Hao's image of "the emperor and his country are at ease".

Lu Yao finished recalling that although there were three relatively large-scale battles in the Song-Xia War, Li Yuanhao's side won all three battles. However, although the Xixia Kingdom seemed to have won a complete victory, the war brought

The consumption of their newly established country was also huge, and in the end they had to compromise and choose to live together. For Lu Yao, as an official of the Song Dynasty, he already knew the outcome of the war, so he had to find a way to deal with it.


Suking for peace is not the result Lu Yao wants to see. In fact, since the founding of the Song Dynasty, both the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty have not had a high success rate in foreign wars. If a country wants to be strong, military strength is necessary. Therefore, facing Lu Yao

In response to Xu's question, Lu Yao said that this war must be fought, and it must be a great victory. In this way, the Song Dynasty can establish prestige in the Central Plains and make other countries inviolable.

Of course, in the face of Lu Xu's question, Lu Yao naturally could not tell him the history completely. Lu Yao just said that he felt that the Song Dynasty was still very confident of winning, and for people like Li Yuanhao, as long as you choose

To compromise and agree to his unreasonable request, there will be a second time if there is a first time. This is undoubtedly a humiliation for the Song Dynasty. Therefore, no matter what conditions the other party proposes, they cannot be agreed to during the peace talks.

Lu Xu really didn't expect that Lu Yao would have such a tough attitude towards diplomacy, but after thinking about it, Fan Zhongyan, Han Qi, and Yan Shu actually had the same attitude towards Xixia as Lu Yao. If Lu Yao

If the idea is the same as the three of them, then at least others will not think that Lu Yao is a bloodless person.

Afterwards, Lu Yao also put forward some targeted suggestions for some specific places on the border. After listening to Lu Yao's views, Lu Xu said: "Actually, some of what you said are not issues you need to consider. Tomorrow's

The most important thing about the banquet is your attitude. You are still young now. You can lead troops to fight or serve as a staff officer. Wait until you can actually go to the battlefield. Besides, I haven't taught you this before."

"I understand that I can't let myself appear too eye-catching and powerful in front of others. Showing weakness is the way to survive as an official, but I'm just telling you." Lu Yao said with a smile,

He naturally knows what Lu Xu told him before. In this officialdom, if you are too powerful, you will be jealous and framed by others. Of course, if you are too transparent, you will be abandoned by the emperor for life.

Nothing can be accomplished. Therefore, as an official, the most important thing is to know how to express yourself.

"That's right," Lu Xu nodded and said, "After listening to what you said, I think that whenever they ask you about your views on this mission to the border tomorrow, you should show them your passionate attitude just now. I will go there tomorrow.

I think most of the people at the banquet will be divided into two factions. One side is the peace faction that advocates that even if the problem cannot be solved through peace talks, it cannot cause war. The most popular of them is definitely the peace faction that wants both sides to take a step back through further communication. Finally,

To reach a settlement, for this reason, it is also okay to fight a few small battles to show our national strength."

Lu Yao took over the words and said: "And this second faction should be the main war faction led by Fan Zhongyan and Han Qi. They want to use war to demonstrate the strength of the Song Dynasty and make Xixia dare not

They underestimate us, but on the other hand, if we want to force them to surrender to us, the Song Dynasty, we should adopt an attitude of seeking peace through war."

After hearing what Lu Yao said, Lu Xu showed a very appreciative expression on his face and said: "Yes, your analysis is very thorough. And which faction you will join tomorrow is actually the most important thing. I think

, you haven’t officially entered the officialdom yet, so Fan Zhongyan and the others probably won’t ask about your specific measures.

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That’s right.”

"Dad, do you think I should side with the main war faction?" Lu Yao asked.

"That's right," Lu Xu said, "Actually, which side you choose to stand on, the war faction or the peace faction, mainly depends on what the emperor's current thoughts are and which side he prefers."

Lu Yao nodded, then recalled the history and said: "Needless to say, the current emperor definitely wants to start a war. The national prestige of the Song Dynasty cannot allow others to be so provocative."

Lu Xu said: "Yes, so you only need to clearly state your attitude tomorrow. In this way, the main war faction will think that you are a usable talent, and the peace faction will not dare to do so because of your tough attitude.

To provoke you. But you have to remember that if someone asks you about your specific decisions and thoughts about the war and the details of the peace talks, you can just pretend to be stupid and say you don’t know. Even if the emperor knows that you may have an idea in mind,

But when you face everyone’s questions and just say you don’t know, in this way, you only express your attitude at tomorrow’s party, and you don’t leave any excuses for others. It also makes others think that you are just

He is a person who likes to follow the trend. He has no independent opinions and no specific decisions. He will let down his guard against you so that you can get through safely."

He is worthy of being an old official who has been around the court for so long. Lu Yao thought in his heart, Lu Xu’s words, as long as Lu Yao does as he said, he can safely pass the banquet tomorrow, which shows that

Don't make yourself too conspicuous by your own attitude, so that you won't become the target of public criticism.

"Thank you, dad. The child has learned a lesson." Lu Yao stood up and bowed to Lu Xu.

"Okay, go and get busy with your bank affairs. When it comes to the opening of the bank tomorrow, you are the real owner." After Lu Xu said this, he waved his hand and asked Lu Yao to go out. He walked to the cabinet and picked up the money.

A book was read.

Seeing this, Lu Yao didn't want to disturb him, so he said goodbye and left Lu Xu's study. This conversation with his father can be said to have benefited Lu Yao a lot. In addition, he also understood a truth. Whether you have traveled through time or not

Or, how much knowledge and technology do you have that others don’t understand at all, but in the era you live in, you have to follow the rules of this era to do things.

Back in the main hall, not long after Lu Yao sat down to rest, his eldest brother Lu Hao had already returned home. It seemed that he had sent out all the fifty manuscripts Lu Yao had given him.

Lu Yao originally thought that Lu Hao would have a relaxed and happy expression on his face when he came back, but when he saw Lu Hao now, he looked a little nervous and his eyes were a little evasive.

Lu Yao said to Lu Hao who was sitting down: "Brother, have you sent out all the manuscripts? I think you don't look good, but what happened during the process?"

Lu Hao looked at Lu Yao with a worried look on his face and said: "There is no problem with the manuscript. I found some friends and scholars to send out the manuscript. If calculated based on the number of people, there should be nearly a hundred people tomorrow.

, came to the bank through the manuscript I sent."

Lu Yao is very satisfied with this number. It seems that Lu Hao has indeed used his own connections to promote himself. You know, if ten people from official families come to the bank to support them, the effect is better than that of a hundred scholars.

, it is conceivable that the bank’s reputation will increase.

However, since the publicity effect was so good, why didn't Lu Hao look happy at all? So Lu Yao asked: "Since the effect is so good, brother, why do you look a little restless?"

Lu Hao said: "That's because I discovered Tang Long's people on the way to deliver the manuscript."

"Tang Long?" Lu Yao didn't expect, "What are Tang Long's people you mentioned doing?"

Lu Hao thought for a moment and said, "When I was leaving after delivering manuscripts to several friends in the DPRK and China, I saw that Tang Long's men."

Lu Yao said: "You mean, Tang Long has been sending people to follow you?"

"Yes," Lu Hao said with some worry, "Everyone in the court knows that Tang Long is the emperor's confidant, and usually some of the more secretive things are left to Tang Long. But I don't understand. I

I have stopped going to court recently, so why are they following me?"

Lu Yao shook his head and said, "I think I'm not targeting you, but me."

When Lu Hao heard this, he also reacted and said: "Then you mean that the emperor is eyeing your bank's business? But didn't you say before that you have already told the emperor about the bank's affairs?"

"I've said it before, but that doesn't mean His Majesty won't investigate." Lu Yao smiled and said, "It's very important for the Emperor to investigate the bank with so much money. He knows that my bank will open tomorrow, so he wants to

Let's see what means I will use to promote today, but I didn't expect that it would be achieved through tracking." At this point, Lu Yao paused. "Perhaps, I have been tracked and monitored for a long time.

It just started. It’s just that you discovered it today, brother. You didn’t show anything in the face of their surveillance."

When Lu Hao heard this, he quickly said: "That's not true. I did whatever I had to do, because at the time I thought they were spying on me. I didn't think there was anything inappropriate in doing things for you, so I didn't show it."

"That's good," Lu Yao said, "I think the surveillance will be lifted when the bank opens tomorrow."

Lu Yao was thinking that Zhao Zhen was probably afraid that he would use the bank to win over other people to build a network, so he sent people to keep an eye on him. It seemed that his reputation and prestige were gradually growing, and even the emperor began to take precautions.

Well, life was really difficult for people in ancient times and they had no freedom at all.

"Should I tell dad about this?" Lu Hao asked.

Lu Yao quickly stopped and said: "You must not tell dad about this kind of thing. The less your family knows, the better. Leave the matter to me. Brother, just pretend that you have never seen those people who are monitoring you today."


Lu Hao thought carefully and finally agreed with Lu Yao's decision. In order to comfort Lu Hao, Lu Yao took out a bottle of 50% wine to calm Lu Hao's shock.

(End of chapter)

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