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Chapter 302 The two sides enter the venue

Lu Yao was not surprised at all that Zhao Zhen's speech outside the Bird's Nest received the support of most people. Zhao Zhen has always done a good job in giving speeches and inspiring people's hearts. In addition, he has always advocated benevolent government.

When it comes to popular support, Zhao Zhen can still gain some.

Zhao Zhen had a generous temperament, did not indulge in luxury, and was able to restrain himself and treat his officials generously. Bao Zheng, the remonstrating minister, repeatedly offended Yan Zhijian, and even his saliva splashed on Zhao Zhen's face. But Zhao Zhen wiped his face with his sleeves and

He accepted his suggestion without blaming him. Once, Bao Zheng objected to the appointment of Zhang Yaozuo, the uncle of Renzong's favorite concubine Zhang, as the third envoy. Zhao Zhen changed the appointment of Zhang Yaozuo as the Jiedu envoy. Bao Zheng opposed even more fiercely and led the

Qi Yanguan argued with Zhao Zhen. Zhao Zhen said angrily: "Do you want to talk about Zhang Yaozuo? Jiedushi is a rough official, why are you still arguing?" Tang Jie, the Yanguan, stepped forward and replied rudely: "

Jiedushi, Taizu, and Taizong have all done this before, so I'm afraid he is not a rough official." Zhao Zhen was horrified, and finally adopted Yan Guan's suggestion. After he returned to the harem, he said to Zhang: "You only know how to declare Huishi

, Don’t you know that Bao Zheng is the censor?” Generally speaking, Zhao Zhen knew people well and made good use of them. During his reign, there were many famous ministers, the country was relatively stable, the economy was prosperous, and science, technology and culture have been greatly developed. Historians

Known as the "Sage of Shou Cheng".

It is precisely because of the relatively stable political and cultural environment that Lu Yao can successfully hold this new Cuju competition.

Of course, Zhao Zhen did not stick to the rules during his reign. In response to the increasingly serious land annexation and redundant officials, soldiers, and waste in the mid-Song Dynasty, Zhao Zhen appointed Fan Zhongyan and others to carry out the "Qingli New Deal" in the third year of Qingli (1043).


Fan Zhongyan and Fu Bi put forward ten reform propositions centered on rectifying the administration of officials, including "clearly deposing the emperor, suppressing luck, paying tribute, selecting officials, equalizing public land, enriching farmers and mulberry trees, building military equipment, reducing corvee labor, trusting people with trust, and emphasizing orders."

.Ouyang Xiu and others also came to talk about the matter.

Based on his opinions, Zhao Zhen issued an edict and the Privy Council jointly selected various transportation envoys and sentencing officials; it was stipulated that officials must assess their political performance on time and be promoted or demoted based on their performance. He further supplemented the law by stipulating that except for the eldest son, all other descendants must

Enyin can only be obtained when he is fifteen years old, and his younger brother and nephew are twenty years old. However, Enyin's family background must pass certain examinations before he can be appointed as an official. The number of local official positions is also stipulated. In March of the fourth year of Qingli (1044)

, the imperial examination law was updated. In addition, edicts were also issued to reduce corvee service, abolish merging counties, and reduce service personnel.

Because the New Deal violated the interests of the aristocrats and bureaucrats, they were obstructed by them. At the beginning of the fifth year of Qingli (1045), Fan Zhongyan, Han Qi, Fu Bi, Ouyang Xiu and others were excluded from the court one after another, and various reforms were also abolished. The New Deal

Complete failure.

Throughout Zhao Zhen's life, although there was the turmoil of the Qingli New Deal, it was generally calm. Therefore, because of Zhao Zhen's benevolent government, later generations will evaluate him differently.

Positive reviews say that Song Renzong was a wise king. He had a generous temperament, did not indulge in luxury, and was able to restrain himself. He was praised by historians and politicians of all ages. In the Song Dynasty, there were many people who praised and praised Renzong. These people include Ouyang Xiu,

Sima Guang, Wang Anshi, Zeng Gong, Huan Guo, Liu Guangzu, Zhou Bida, Yang Wanli, Wang Bi, Chen Junqing, Liu Kezhuang, Zhao Ruteng, Ye Shi, Wang Shipeng, Wen Tianxiang, etc. "Benevolence" is the highest evaluation of him, "Being a king"

, ends with benevolence." "History of the Song Dynasty" commented and praised Renzong and his great rule like this: "During the forty-two years of (Renzong's) reign, the officials seemed to be lazy in governing, and did things with contempt for the incompetent; the criminal law seemed to be relaxed,

However, there are many fair and tolerant people in the prison. The country is not without bad luck, but it is not enough to burden the body of governing the world; the government is not without villains, but it is not enough to overcome the good people. The king and his ministers have a compassionate heart and a loyal government.

The foundation of the Song Dynasty has been cultivated for more than three hundred years. Once the descendants correct their behavior, they will tame and lead to chaos. "Biography" says: "Being a king should only be benevolent." The emperor was sincere and unashamed.

Of course, there were many objections to Song Renzong's preference for "governing by doing nothing". According to Wang Euzhi, during the thirty years of Renzong's personal rule, more than forty ministers from the two governments were replaced, and all of them made progress repeatedly.

Repeatedly retreating, "People will easily change their words when they attack each other, and then they will give up, or they will retreat if they go too far (Mingming Ye), or they will rebuke them when they attack and take advantage of them... In total, these thirty

During the years, talents are deposed and state affairs are reformed, one after another, and they cannot end at the end of the year. "Even if a wise man is in office, he cannot be content with his position, and he cannot use his talents and achieve results. In this way, orders are changed day by day, and the opposite is true.

Once again, "the officials are not suitable to guard and the people are not suitable to follow", making the people below feel at a loss what to do, and in the end nothing can be accomplished.

What Wang Fuzhi said was realistic. At that time, the officials all knew about Renzong's temper, so Cai Xiang once said that he was "forgiving and benevolent but not decisive". At the beginning of the Qingli reform, Cai Xiang and others reminded Renzong: "The imperial court has increased

Use remonstrances to ministers, Xiu, Jing, Su one day, and the government and the public celebrate each other. However, it is difficult to listen to remonstrances. It is difficult to listen to remonstrances. It is difficult to use remonstrations. If the three people are loyal, they will be righteous and they will be able to do their best. Ministers are afraid of evil people.

If it is unfavorable, it will definitely lead to the theory of imperialism... I hope Your Majesty will look into it and not let it have the reputation of being good at admonishing but not actually doing so.

However, these are the evaluations of Zhao Zhen by later generations. At the moment, Zhao Zhen really couldn't see the people in the outer city living such a miserable life. There was only a wall separating them from the inner city, and the gap between him and the inner city was so huge.

What the people said was not just a boast, he wanted to truly realize that there is no difference between the inner city and the outer city.

After receiving a burst of cheers from the people, Zhao Zhen naturally did not forget the purpose of his arrival here today. Therefore, he became the most powerful propagandist of the new Cuju competition. Of course, in addition to the new Cuju competition,

, Zhao Zhen also gave Lu Yao a favor, because he had promised before that he would help Lu Yao promote the food court. After getting off the sedan, Zhao Zhen actually saw Lao Chen and the others.

Although Yao had told Zhao Zhen about the food street, Zhao Zhen had been communicating with Lu Yao and had not really seen the three families responsible for making food. Of course, neither did the people like Lao Chen.

How to meet Zhao Zhen.

Today, after Zhao Zhen got off the sedan, he saw the area where Lao Chen and three other families were, and instantly understood that they were merchants in the food street. So, after introducing the Cuju competition to the people, Zhao Zhen casually said

When he said it, it meant that it was almost lunch time. The food street was actually a place prepared by him to solve the hunger problem of the people, and he also said that the food was very delicious. You know, Zhao Zhen actually didn’t even have it.

How have you tasted the delicacies made by Lao Chen and the others?

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Moreover, the revenue from this food court was actually not much. It was more than one-tenth of the lottery. However, since Lu Yao had been promised, it was natural to promote it to him.

After all he had to say, Zhao Zhen simply did not return to the sedan chair. He walked swaggeringly outside the Bird's Nest Stadium under the gaze of all the people, and then under the protection of a group of soldiers led by Gu Liang

, entered the Bird's Nest Stadium.

At this point, Zhao Zhen was outside the Bird's Nest, even if his face-to-face publicity was over. There were a large number of people present who came to join in the fun. For them, the presence of the emperor today naturally made them feel more excited than the new Cuju competition.

I'm interested. What's more, the Bird's Nest Stadium can only accommodate five to six hundred people, so not everyone can go in and watch the game today.

Now that we have seen the emperor's appearance and heard his words, that's about it for today. As a result, the number of people outside the Bird's Nest Stadium instantly began to decrease on a large scale. Basically, they all went back to their homes. Of course, most of them

Most of them are people from the inner city, and they are actually joining in the fun today. Some of them followed Zhao Zhen's sedan along the street all the way here, with the purpose of catching a glimpse of the emperor's face.

Those people who stayed behind were either able to enter the Bird's Nest Stadium to watch the game in a unified manner soon, or they became interested in the delicacies of Lao Chen and others after listening to what Zhao Zhen said just now.

In fact, the food street of Lao Chen and others has already opened for business, but because Zhao Zhen did not arrive, everyone present was very nervous, so no one came to buy their things. Lao Chen was very happy about this.

I don't understand. He is very clear about his position. He is just a common man, doing some small business to make some money. In Lao Chen's view, these people watching today are also common people. Whether the emperor comes or not really has nothing to do with them.

Whatever the reason, the emperor didn't come, and the people around him looked very nervous. In Lao Chen's opinion, it was really unnecessary.

After Zhao Zhen entered the stadium, because of the reason that Zhao Zhen just mentioned casually, the customer flow of this food street also increased all of a sudden. At first, because the appearance of the rice buns made by Lao Chen was indeed not as beautiful as the other two delicacies.

, so the income was not as good as the other two households. However, because the supply exceeded demand, the other two delicacies could not be purchased, so the rice packs began to be sold crazily.

Finally, when Gu Liang came back and announced that the audience could enter, the stalls of Lao Chen and three other families were already empty. This of course included the finished products that were continuously sent from the production base. They followed Lu Yao's suggestion of hunger marketing.

, are sold in limited quantities every day, and no more will be made after they are sold out. Today is only the first day, and Lao Chen is confident that the things made by the three families will definitely leave a deep impression on these people.

Since the items were sold out, as Lu Yao had explained before, Lao Chen and the other two families said hello to Gu Liang and entered the stadium. Lao Chen had agreed to cheer for his son.

To be honest, Lao Chen and his three families did not expect this. They originally thought that these snacks would be sold until after the game started. Unexpectedly, those people lined up to enter the venue after buying the food, which meant that the game started.

After that, there won't be too many people outside, and even if someone comes to buy snacks and delicacies, the ingredients prepared by Lao Chen will not be enough.

"It seems that the limit will be higher in the future, and we have to stick to it at least until the end of the intermission every day."

Lao Chen thought in his mind that there would be a twenty-minute break between the first and second half, and people might come to the food court to buy snacks, so he had to increase his daily limit.


But these are all things for later. After Lao Chen briefly communicated with his two friends, his task today was naturally to cheer Chen Chen up. As for the other two families, they did not expect that things were sold.

It was so fast and they made a lot of money. They couldn't wait to go to the production base to share today's income with their family.

At this time, inside the stadium.

"How are you, are you nervous?" After Lu Yao had arranged everything, he was now standing in the rest area of ​​the grassroots team, talking to Chen Chen.

Chen Chen closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then said: "I'm fine. It's just a game."

Although Chen Chen tried his best to control his emotions when he spoke, Lu Yao still heard some tremors in his voice.

This is understandable. Chen Chen is just an ordinary citizen from the outer city. If he had not met Lu Yao, Chen Chen might never have imagined that he would perform this Cuju performance in front of the emperor and hundreds of spectators.

During the game, his emotions were naturally extremely complicated.

Not to mention Chen Chen, as the organizer of this competition and a time traveler, Lu Yao boasts that he has seen many big scenes in modern times. He has gone abroad before and watched the European Cup finals abroad. He has also been in

The real Bird's Nest Stadium has hosted concerts attended by tens of thousands of people. Compared with those big events, this small venue today is nothing to mention.

But, even so, Lu Yao was now in the small Bird's Nest Stadium. He looked up and saw that the sun was directly above the stadium, shining directly into the venue. Lu Yao touched his chest and he could feel his heartbeat.

He also dances faster than usual.

It turns out that changing your identity from a participant to an organizer is such a wonderful experience. Compared with other viewers, even Zhao Zhen, who wanted to see the result of this game, Lu Yao was more concerned about this.

The question is whether the event can be successfully held.

"Most of the audience who came today support the Huangtian team. On the way here, I heard from my team members that their friends all bought football lottery tickets for this game, and they all favored the Huangtian team.

The team wins. I don’t think anyone thinks we will win.”

Chen Chen's words brought Lu Yao back to reality. It seemed that although Chen Chen said that he would do his best to obey fate, he could also know that with the atmosphere at the scene today and the team that the audience was optimistic about, they were all heading for the Huangtian Team.

Well, maybe, I am more like a clown.

Lu Yao listened to Chen Chen's words, smiled, put his hand on Chen Chen's shoulder, and said: "Believe in yourself, I also believe that I have not misjudged the person. As long as you try your best, don't care about the result, enjoy this

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Process, just treat it as the last Cuju game in your life."

When Chen Chen heard what Lu Yao said, his eyes regained confidence and nodded.

"The Emperor has arrived!"

In the distance, a voice came. Lu Yao knew that this was Zhao Zhen coming, so he immediately took Chen Chen and called all the grassroots team members to greet Zhao Zhen. The same was true for Zhe Kexing, he called all the people in the stadium

The staff also includes the trio of Bao Zheng and the two brothers Su Shi and Su Che.

Everyone came to the entrance of the venue together to welcome Zhao Zhen's arrival.

Although Zhao Zhen went from the palace to the Bird's Nest Stadium with a huge pomp and a lot of people, no matter how small it was, the honor guard would have had two to three hundred people. However, those who entered the stadium were Zhao Zhen and Tang Long.

In addition to the dozen officials who were previously selected by Zhao Zhen to watch the game together. Naturally, there is also Gu Liang's team to protect Zhao Zhen's safety.

Speaking of which, this is Zhao Zhen's first time coming to the Bird's Nest Stadium to watch a game on the spot. Because he trusts Lu Yao, he has never paid attention to the construction of this stadium before.

Therefore, Zhao Zhen is now looking around with curiosity in his eyes.

After looking around, Zhao Zhen walked up to Lu Yao and said, "The construction of this stadium is quite interesting. It is actually uncapped."

Lu Yao had long known that Zhao Zhen would ask this question. After all, this kind of architectural style should have never appeared in the Song Dynasty. Lu Yao said: "Your Majesty, this is a ceiling specially designed for competitions, so that it can fully

If you use weather and lighting to affect the game, the uncertainty will be even greater."

Zhao Zhen thought that although the structure of the stadium was strange, this new type of Cuju was a new thing. In addition, he trusted Lu Yao, so he didn't ask any more questions.

Then, Zhao Zhen looked at the officials following him, looked at Lu Yao again, and said, "Look, I brought so many officials to watch this game today, so don't let me down."

Lu Yao turned around and called Chen Chen. Chen Chen naturally knew what Lu Yao meant, so he said to Zhao Zhen: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, the common people will try their best to compete."

Zhao Zhen looked at Chen Chen. He knew that this person would be Lu Yao's confidant in the future, so he said, "Well, I'm looking forward to it, Wang Da!"

Wang Da, who was following behind, heard the emperor's call and stepped forward. Zhao Zhen said: "You two, you must perform well today. After all, this is the first game. No matter you win or lose, you must leave something for the audience."

A deep impression, understand?"

Wang Da and Chen Chen said in unison: "Understood!"

Zhao Zhen nodded, and then he saw the trio of Bao Zheng and said nothing. Zhao Zhen just gave him a look, which meant that I have noticed you. For such monarchs and ministers who have been together for many years, a look has a natural meaning.

Needless to say.

On the other hand, Su Shi and Su Che on the side aroused Zhao Zhen's interest. Zhao Zhen directly expressed that he was very much looking forward to their and Zhe Kexing's performance in today's commentary. Of course, he was also very much looking forward to the performance of Su Shi and Su Che in the palace examination.

The meaning of this sentence is quite profound, and Su Shi and Su Zhe naturally understand the meaning. The meaning of the emperor's words is that the two of them have passed the examination, and they are expected to perform well in the palace examination. Although it is expected,

But when they heard the current emperor say it himself, the two of them were very happy and immediately expressed their intention to explain it carefully.

Zhao Zhen received a positive answer from the two brothers Su Shi and Su Che, and was very satisfied. Then Zhe Kexing saw that the time was almost up, so he stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, the time is almost up, and the game will start soon.

Do you want to take these people to your resting place to prepare to watch the game? Because once the audience enters the venue, the scene will become very chaotic."

Zhao Zhen nodded and said: "Yes, I am taking them to watch the game today. You should be busy with your business. Don't feel nervous or do something special because I am there. I will take them to a resting place right away."

, you continue."

After saying that, Zhao Zhen waved, and under the leadership of Gu Liang, he left the scene with a group of officials and went to their exclusive rest area.

Lu Xu and Lu Yao looked at each other without saying anything, but Yan Shu walked up to Lu Yao and said, "I plan to find an opportunity to talk to His Majesty about Wang Anshi later. What do you think?"

Lu Yao was currently focused on the new Cuju competition that was about to start. He suddenly didn't react when he heard what Yan Shu said. He thought for a moment and said: "Well, it's best to find a suitable time, while His Majesty is very special.

Say it when you are happy, this will be easier to accept. After all, Wang Anshi has submitted a letter before, but it was rejected by His Majesty. After all, the Emperor has some impressions of Wang Anshi."

Yan Shu felt that what Lu Yao said was very reasonable, because Wang Anshi had actually had some interactions with Zhao Zhen before. Although they may not have met in a real sense, Zhao Zhen had seen the memorial. You know, the first impression is very important.

Zhao Zhen had already vetoed Wang Anshi's memorial before, so if he mentioned Wang Anshi now, if he didn't find a suitable time, it would still arouse Zhao Zhen's resentment.

So, Yan Shu agreed to Lu Yao, and then followed the large army to the exclusive area to rest.

At this time, after Zhao Zhen and others left, Wang Da led the Huangtian team and Chen Chen led the grassroots team and dispersed from the door to the rest areas of their respective teams.

"It seems that you are well prepared." On the way, Wang Da did not forget to say something to Chen Chen.

Chen Chen said with a smile: "I only know that most of the audience today are here for the reputation of your Royal Cuju team. If you lose then, it will be ugly. If we lose, there will be no pressure."

Chen Chen's words can be said to be a perfect response to Wang Da's slightly sarcastic words just now. The two sides have not started fighting yet, but the smell of gunpowder has already started.

After Zhao Zhen and the other two teams were in place, Zhe Kexing signaled that they could start buying tickets and entering. The people entered the venue very quickly. After a while, the more than 500 seats were already occupied.

It was fully occupied. Of course, Lao Chen also came to the scene and was watching from the front row.

Lu Yao took a deep breath and thought it was finally time to start.

(End of chapter)

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