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Chapter 337 Intelligence Sources

The official system of the Northern Song Dynasty was quite complicated. Although the Northern Song Dynasty regime was established, there were still eight or nine separate regimes in the south and north, including the Southern Tang, Wuyue, Zhangquan, Southern Han, Hunan, Jingnan, Houshu, and Northern Han.

Political power. Even in the area ruled by the Northern Song Dynasty, there were many Jiedu envoys. They had land, people, soldiers and wealth. In the central political power of the Northern Song Dynasty, there were also a group of imperial guards who had the same status as Zhao Kuangyin in the Later Zhou Dynasty.

Generals, they all held heavy troops. Zhao Kuangyin relied on their support to seize the power of the Later Zhou Dynasty, but he was afraid that these people would also use the same means to get rid of him. Song Taizu, his successors and their main advisers adopted a series of

Measures to strengthen authoritarian centralization also affected the official system of the Southern Song Dynasty. The central institution of the Song Dynasty, the person who truly held the highest administrative power was the "Zai Zhi". The so-called "Zai Zhi" is the collective name for the prime minister and the executive.

The prime minister of the Song Dynasty was called Zhongshu Menxia Pingzhangshi, and his deputy title was Shenzhi Zhengshi. Shenzhi Zhengshi was also called "Government", which was set up by Zhao Kuangyin to contain the prime minister. According to Volume 5 of Li Tao's "Changbian", Song Taizu

After he ascended the throne, he still retained the later Zhou prime ministers Fan Zhi, Wang Pu and others as prime ministers. After Fan Zhi and others asked to retire, although Zhao Pu was appointed as his minister and affairs were smooth, he did not carry out the affairs ordered by the prime minister. At that time, some ministers believed that the prime minister

If the throne is vacant, the governor of Shangshu Province should exercise the power of the prime minister. However, some ministers disagree and say that Pingzhangshi is the prime minister's responsibility. At that time, there were many people who were granted the title of Pingzhangshi, but they were all in the court.

External "envoys" and the like (in the Song Dynasty, princes, privy envoys, left behind, Jiedu envoys and ministers, Zhongshu Ling, and Tongping Zhangshi are all called envoys, but they do not foresee political affairs). Therefore, Zhao Pu alone

He was good at the power of prime minister. Song Taizu wanted to set up a deputy position for Zhao Pu, but he couldn't think of a suitable name, so he asked Tao Gu, a scholar in the Hanlin Academy: "What is the official position of the prime minister?" Tao Gu replied that in the Tang Dynasty, there was a person who was responsible for military affairs.

The title of "Shenzhen Zhizhi". Therefore, Xue Juzheng and Lu Yuqing were appointed as "Shenzhen Zhizhi". This happened in the second year of Emperor Qiande of the Song Dynasty (964 AD). At that time, the status of the "Shenzhen Zhizhi" established at that time was still very low. According to the "Changbian" Vol.

Chapter 5: "Don't announce the system, don't supervise the class, don't know the seal, and don't rise to the political hall. When the order is stopped, the Hui Envoy Hall will be announced. The palace will be located behind the prime minister. The number of the prime minister will be assigned by the imperial edict, and the month will be accompanied by miscellaneous gifts.

Half of all." The political affairs hall is the place where the prime minister discusses and works. Those who are involved in political affairs cannot even enter the prime minister's office, which shows that he does not have much power. Later, when Song Taizu saw that Zhao Pu was arbitrary in politics, in order to strengthen the control of the prime minister, he raised the

The status and authority of participating in political affairs. In the sixth year of Kaibao (973 AD), Xue Juzheng, Lu Yuqing and Zhao Pu were ordered to "increase the knowledge of the seal and support the class to report" to divide their powers. By the time of Taizong, the status of participating in political affairs was further improved.

According to Volume 37 of "Changbian": On Wuzi day of the first month of the first year of Zhidao (AD 995), Emperor Taizong issued an edict: From now on, he will participate in political matters and the prime minister will know the seal on a separate day, and he will be appointed to the Yamen. His position was first changed.

It is appropriate to combine them into one. When meeting the prime minister, envoys, and princes, they can discuss military and state affairs and be promoted to the capital hall.

The capital hall is the political affairs hall. The original differences in status and authority between the ministers and the prime ministers have been completely eliminated. This formed a powerful check on the prime ministers. Therefore, in the Song Dynasty, they were often referred to as "prime ministers".

Although it was inherited from the Tang Dynasty, the participation in political affairs in the Tang Dynasty was not an irregular system. Anyone who held the position of prime minister with other officials was called a participation in political affairs. It was also called participating in the affairs of the court and participating in the affairs of the government. In the Song Dynasty, the participation in political affairs was established in the Song Dynasty.

Political affairs became the customized position of the prime minister's deputy. The improvement of the status of the minister of political affairs was an important measure for the rulers of the Song Dynasty to weaken the power of the prime minister and to check each other with the prime minister, thereby strengthening the imperial power.

In addition to the prime minister, there is also the post of "Pingzhang's Military and State Affairs". "History of the Song Dynasty·Zhiguanzhiyi" says that Zhezong Yuanyouzhong appointed Pingzhang's Military and State Affairs, and he was succeeded by Wen Yanbo and Lu Gongzhu. . His position is above the prime minister, and he is dedicated to high-virtuous veterans to show his favor. He will go to the capital hall (Zhengshitang) every five or two days, and will not go to the capital hall (political affairs hall) except for the morning. However, this official position is only the highest honorary position and does not There were not many "military and state affairs" to manage. In the Southern Song Dynasty, the situation changed somewhat. In the first year of Kaixi of Ningzong (AD 1205), Han Yuzhou was appointed Pingzhang to handle important military and state affairs. He was good at government affairs. During the reign of Emperor Lizong, the powerful traitor Jia Sidao was also promoted to "Grand Master, Pingzhang's military affairs are important". As time went by, his favor increased, and he was ranked above the prime minister. Therefore, "Pingzhang's military affairs are important" As a result, he monopolized military and political power, and a system of integrating military and political power emerged, while the prime minister was relegated to the position of deputy.

In the system of three provinces and six ministries, Menxia Sheng is also called "Left Province". Its chief is nominally a servant under the gate, but is rarely appointed, and is actually named but has no position. The deputy chief is a servant under the gate, and another one is appointed to the minister. Ren "Juanmenxiashishi" is actually in charge of the province's powers. His subordinate officials include Zuo Sanqi Changshi, Zuo Jianyi Dafu, Zuo Sijian, Zuo Zhengyan and Gishizhong. The power of Menxiashe is in charge of the emperor's seal, the imperial meeting Matters such as seat setting, praise, worship, declaration of emperors, exams for foreign officials and foreign officials, transfer of senior officials to supplements, and signatures of appendices to various departments. When Shenzong reformed the official system, the actual status and authority of the three provinces were restored. , the Menxia Province is responsible for deliberation, but since the Minister of Menxia became a part-time official of Shangshu Zuopushe (Prime Minister) or a full-time deputy prime minister, it was no longer related to the duties of the Menxia Province itself.

Zhongshu Sheng: also known as "You Sheng". Its chief is named Zhongshu Ling, but in fact he has no position. The deputy chief is Zhongshu Shilang. Another Zhongshu Sheren is appointed as "Zhongshu Shengtou", He is really in charge of the province's functions and powers. His subordinate officials include Yousanqi Changshi, Zhongshusheren, Youjianyiyiyiyiren, Livingsheren, Yousijiajian, Youzhengyan, etc. The Zhongshu Sheng's functions are in charge of suburban sacrifices, emperor's registration of documents, etc. Examinations for prefecture and county officials, Zhailang and other senior officials were re-enacted, civil officials were given badges and uniforms, monks and Taoists were given the title of purple-robed master, the origin of the candidates and the number of temples and temples. After Shenzong reformed the official system, Zhongshu Sheng was responsible for obtaining decrees and issuing decrees. However, since the minister of Zhongshu became the part-time position of Shangshu Youpuse (prime minister) or the full-time position of deputy prime minister, it was no longer related to the official duties of Zhongshu Province itself.

The left and right casual knights of Menxia and Zhongshu provinces are often servants, the left and right admonish the officials, the left and right admonishers, the left and right Zhengyan are generally called "two provincial officials". The living ministers of Menxia Province and the officials of Zhongshu Province The people in Zhongshushe were called "small and two provincial officials". They often served as cavalry officers and admonished the officials during the affairs, and were called "big and two provincial officials." In the early Northern Song Dynasty, although the officials of the two provinces were called admonishing officials, they would not be called "admonishing officials" unless the emperor specially To serve according to the decree, no remonstrance or criticism is allowed.

Shangshu Province: also known as "Du Sheng". Its chiefs are nominally Shangshu Ling, and there are also left and right servants, left and right ministers, etc., but Shangshu Ling is never appointed. In fact, other officials with a third rank or above or a bachelor are appointed as " It saves trouble to judge the power of the minister."

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The power of the Shangshu Province is to have overall jurisdiction over the six departments of officials, households, rituals, soldiers, punishments, and industry, and the twenty-four departments such as Si Feng, Si Xun, Kao Gong, and Du Zhi. Precepts, gifts from civil and military officials in Beijing, payment of notices to selected personnel, transfer of officials from the twenty-four divisions, etc. The Shangshu Province has six departments and twenty-four divisions, which belong to the Zuo Division and the You Division. The Zuo Division is in charge of the Ministry of Personnel ( Under the jurisdiction of the Si Feng, Si Xun, and Kao Gong), the Department of Husbandry (under the jurisdiction of Duzhi, Jin Department, and Cang Department), and the Ministry of Rites (under the jurisdiction of the Temple Department, Host and Guest Department, and Food Department); Department, Treasury Department), Xing Department (under the jurisdiction of the Du Guan, Bi Department, and Division), and the Ministry of Industry (under the jurisdiction of the Tuntian, Yu Department, and Water Department). Each of the left and right departments has 1 doctor and 1 yuanwailang.

During the reign of Emperor Taizu of the Song Dynasty, Liu Nei Quan (Quan Division for short) was established, and two people with the power to judge Liu Nei Quan affairs were appointed to take charge of examination selection, judging cases, and drafting dispatches. The Third Class Court was also established, and the "Zhi San Class" was appointed.

"Yuanshi" or "Activity Sanbanyuan", with an uncertain number of members, is responsible for the examination of the east-west ministers and other military ministers and the preparation of dispatches. During the reign of Emperor Taizong, the Mokanjing Dynasty Official Court and the Mokan Muzhi Prefecture and County Magistrates were established.

The imperial court, collectively known as the Mokan Academy, was responsible for assessing the officials and candidates of the Beijing Dynasty. Later, the Mokan Imperial Academy was changed to the "Jianguan Yuan", and the Mokan Muzhizhou and County Official Academy was changed to the "Examination Academy". Taizong

At that time, the "Beijing Official Dispatch Yuan" was also set up, responsible for dispatching Beijing officials below the Shaoqing Supervisor. In the fourth year of Chunhua (993 AD), it was also merged into the Inspection Official Yuan. In the third year of Shenzong Xining (1070 AD)

, the West Court of Judges was set up to be in charge of the review of military ministers and envoys from the ministerial level to the envoys, and to prepare dispatches and other matters. The Court of Judges was also changed to the East Court of Judges, in charge of the assessment of merits and demerits of civil servants and officials below the imperial court, and narrated

His rank is responsible for planning dispatches and other matters. Each of the two houses appoints a magistrate, one member from each of the Tongzhi Yuan, and two chief registrars. In the fifth year of Yuanfeng (1082 AD), as one of the measures to comprehensively reform the official system, Quan Zhu was appointed

The law of the Ministry of Personnel was completely vested in the Ministry of Personnel. The Dongyuan of the Inquisitor was abolished and changed to Zuoxuan, the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel. He was in charge of sending officials to the imperial court in Beijing and civil servants whose positions were not awarded by the Zhongshu. The Liuneiquan was abolished and changed to Zuoxuan, the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel.

Selection, in charge of civil servants from the initial appointment to the selection of people; the Western Court of the Inquisitor was abolished and changed to the Right Selection of the Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, in charge of military ministers who were promoted to court officials or above and whose positions were not awarded by the Privy Council; the Third Ban Court was abolished and changed to the Right Selection of the Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs

Selection, in charge of military officials from deputy lieutenant to Cong Yilang. According to "History of the Song Dynasty·Official Officials Three", from then on, the selection and examination of military officials, notes, responsibilities, promotions, narrations, supplements, examinations

The government orders of the class, as well as the system of titles, honors, rewards and punishments, and palace leaders, are all under the control of the Ministry of Personnel. The chief of the Ministry of Personnel is the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, with one member. The deputy chief is the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, and under him are the Langzhong and Yuanwailang.

There are two members each, responsible for the left and right selections of the ministers and the left and right selections of the ministers. In addition, there are two ministers, one is the minister, the other two are the ministers and the ministers, and one is the official in charge of the court.

Department of Household Affairs: In the early Song Dynasty, three departments were set up to take charge of the national finance. The Department of Household Affairs had almost no responsibilities. It only appointed one person to "judge the department of household affairs" to accept tribute from various places and display it in the palace. During the reform of Shenzong's official system, the three departments were abolished.

, the national financial plan was first assigned to the Ministry of Household Affairs. The Ministry of Household Affairs was responsible for national household registration, land, government orders of money and grain, tribute, conscription and other matters. There was a Shangshu of the Ministry of Households, one left and right Cao Shilang. There were two ministers and one minister.

There are two members each, Duzhi, Jinbu, and Cangbu. The left Cao is in charge of household registration, taxation, tribute, levy, and other matters. The right Cao is in charge of Changping, exemption, Baojia, and free warehouses. Duzhi is in charge of the national financial budget.

, live within one's means; the Finance Department is in charge of the country's currency receipts and expenditures, which are stored in the treasury; the Warehouse Department is in charge of warehouse storage, receipts and payments, etc.

Ministry of Rites: In the early Song Dynasty, the Taichang Temple Ceremony Hall was established. During the Zhenzong period, the Ceremony Court was also established to be in charge of etiquette matters. The Ministry of Rites only appointed one member of the "Ministry of Ceremonies" to be in charge of the imperial examinations, the appointment of the Taimiao Zhailang, etc.

The functions and powers of the Changliyuan are assigned to the Ministry of Rites. The Ministry of Rites has one minister, one minister, one minister, and one minister. The Ministry of Rites has three departments: the ancestral department, the host and guest department, and the dining department. It is in charge of rituals and music, sacrifices, court gatherings, and banquets.

, schools, imperial examination orders.

Ministry of War: In the early Song Dynasty, the Privy Council was established to be in charge of military orders. The selection of military ministers was the responsibility of the Third Class Court and the West Court of Judges. The Ministry of War was only responsible for the emperor's guard of honor, official records, military examinations, volunteer archers, etc., and appointed a member of the "Ministry of Military Affairs"

During Shenzong's reign, there were one minister of the Ministry of War, one minister, one minister, one minister, one minister, and one minister. Their powers were slightly expanded, and they were in charge of the militia, archers, Xiang army, Tibetan soldiers, and the rest.

Members of the military, martial arts tests at the samurai school, and the inheritance of official titles for ethnic minorities.

Ministry of Punishment: In the early Song Dynasty, the Ministry of Punishment was one of the highest judicial institutions. It was in charge of national criminal affairs and reviewed the cases decided by Dali Temple. During the reign of Emperor Taizong, the Court of Punishment was created and the power of trial and review of the Ministry of Punishment was transferred to the Court of Punishment. The Court of Punishment became another national jurisdiction.

The highest judicial body. During the reign of Emperor Shenzong, the Court of Criminal Justice and the Prison Department in Beijing were abolished, and their powers of review and review were returned to the Ministry of Punishment. From then on, the powers of the Ministry of Punishment were greatly expanded, and it was in charge of national criminal law, prison litigation, memorials, and pardons.

Narrate matters and other matters. There is one Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice and two ministers; two members each of the Langzhong and Yuanwailang of the main department, and one member each of Duguan, Bibu, Simen and other departments. The Langzhong and Yuanwailang of the main department are divided into left and right.

There are two halls, each with two members. The left hall is in charge of details and the right hall is in charge of Xu Xue.

Ministry of Works: In the early Song Dynasty, there was only one member of the "Ministry of Works", and the powers of the Tuntian, Yu, and Water Ministries were all assigned to the "Three Divisions". The Ministry of Works had very few powers. During the reform of Shenzong's official system, the "Three Divisions" were abolished

, the Ministry of Industry resumed its functions and powers. There were one Minister of the Ministry of Industry, one minister, one minister and one minister, one minister, one minister, one minister, one minister, one minister, and one minister, Yuanwailang. They were in charge of the country's city walls, palaces, boats, vehicles, equipment, coins, canals, etc.

Government decree. In the Southern Song Dynasty, the General Arms Supervision and the Capital Water Supervision were merged into the Ministry of Industry, and the Ministry of Industry's powers were further expanded. The Ministry of Industry also managed the Ordnance Institute and the Academy of Literature and Thought; during the reign of Emperor Gaozong, the Imperial Ordnance Manufacturing Institute was also established and appointed

There are two dianguan and several supervisory officers, each of whom are responsible for manufacturing weapons. The Wensiyuan is responsible for manufacturing gold, silver, rhinoceros and other utensils, and has one official and three supervisory officials.

The Third Bureau was the highest financial institution in the early Northern Song Dynasty and was known as the "Province Plan". At the end of the Tang Dynasty, the tax law was chaotic, and the revenue from land tax and Ding tax could not sustain the huge expenses of the dynasty. The country's fiscal revenue mainly relied on salt, iron and Duzhi. After the Five Dynasties, Emperor Mingzong of the Tang Dynasty established

The "three divisions" of Yantie, Duzhi and Hubu were followed in the early Song Dynasty. The power of the three divisions was to take charge of tributes from all over the country and the country's finances. The chief executive was the three divisions, and his power and position were no different from those of governing.

"Ji Xiang". "History of Song Dynasty, Official Records II" says:

In the early days of the country, following the system of the Five Dynasties, envoys were placed to oversee the country's affairs and receive tribute from all directions. The court did not intervene, and one was assigned to three divisions. They were responsible for the management of salt and iron, Duzhi, and the Ministry of Household Affairs. They were named "Ji Sheng" and were ranked as Ya.

To govern, the purpose is "

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Plan phase".

The deputy chief of the Third Division is the deputy envoy of the Third Division. During the reign of Emperor Taizong of the Song Dynasty, the three envoys were dismissed and three envoys of Yantie, Duzhi and Hudu were appointed. During the reign of Emperor Zhenzong, the three envoys were dismissed and one member of the third envoy was re-established.

There are deputy envoys of salt and iron, deputy envoys of Duzhi and deputy envoys of the household department. There are seven cases under the salt and iron, namely military cases, customs cases, commercial tax cases, capital salt cases, tea cases, iron cases, establishment cases, etc., in charge of

National mining and metallurgy, tea, salt, commercial tax, river canals and military weapons, etc. There are eight cases under the Du branch: reward case, money and silk case, grain case, Changping case, shipping case, riding case, and Dendou case.

The Hundred Officials' Case is in charge of the country's wealth. There are five divisions under the Ministry of Household Affairs: Household Tax Cases, Confession Cases, Construction Cases, Qu's Cases, Clothing and Food Cases, which are in charge of national household registration, two taxes, liquor taxes, etc. Three divisions

According to "History of the Song Dynasty·Zhiguanzhi 2", there is the Mo Survey Department, which is in charge of the Revenue and Expenditure Department, the Detention Department, the Accounting Department, the Du Yuan Department, the Opening Department, the Distribution Department, and the Hook Department.

These include the Chisel Division, the Urgent Division, the Acceptance Division, etc. This shows the wide range of powers of the Three Divisions and the complexity of affairs. In the early Northern Song Dynasty, most of the national fiscal expenditures relied on the Three Divisions, which actually replaced many positions in the Shangshu Province.

When Yuanfeng reformed the official system, although the three divisions were abolished, they were still under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Revenue and the Ministry of Works. Among them, the armory case was changed to the Military Supervision. These reforms seemed more reasonable. However, after all, financial planning was not something that the Ministry of Revenue could handle. Therefore, in the Northern Song Dynasty,

At the end of the period, there were also the chief financial officer and the general envoy of the economic system, who were in charge of them.

In the early Northern Song Dynasty, Zhongshu's subordinates were in charge of civil affairs, the Privy Council was in charge of military affairs, and the three departments were in charge of finance. The three stood side by side without knowing each other, and the power was concentrated in the emperor. After Shenzong's restructuring, the prime minister was actually in charge of finance.

After Lu Yao finished chatting with Zhe Kexing, Pan Wen and Yang Tao, he did not choose to go home. Instead, he asked Tang Xi to drive the carriage towards Han Mansion from the Bird's Nest Stadium. Along the way, Lu Yao was thinking.

Regarding the official system of the Song Dynasty. The reason why we need to think about this issue is because the conversation between Lu Xu and Zhao Zhen yesterday can be said to have been conducted under very secret conditions. Although after the game, all the ministers Zhao Zhen brought with him, including

Lu Xu, Yan Shu and a group of officials who opposed Lu Yao were all taken back to the palace by Zhao Zhen. However, his father also said yesterday that after a brief summary of the new Cuju competition, Zhao Zhen left Lu Xu alone.

The reason for coming down was very simple, just to tell him about Lu Yao.

Therefore, in fact, when Zhao Zhen was talking to Lu Xu, it should be said that except for very close people, such as Tang Long, who would follow the emperor, and Lu Xu did not notice anything unusual, no one else would know about Zhao Zhen.

Zhen and Lu Xu’s conversation.

Wait, Tang Long? Lu Yao suddenly remembered that when Lu Xu was talking to him yesterday, he mentioned that Tang Long had come in once or twice when Zhao Zhen was talking to him.

In this way, everything makes sense, Lu Yao thought. In this way, he would know how to face Han Yonghe when he went to the Han Mansion. But he did not expect that Tang Long, as the Taifu, would actually be with Han Yonghe.

The political views coincided with each other, and the two people actually became members of the same faction. Although Tang Long did not have a higher scope of power than Yan Shu, in fact, the role he played in guiding and advising Zhao Zhen was more important most of the time.

More important than Yan Shu.

"It seems that I really underestimated Han Yonghe before." Lu Yao thought in his heart as the carriage got closer and closer to Han's mansion.

At the same time, Han Yonghe and Han Wenyuan, who had left the morning court, were waiting at home for Lu Yao's arrival. At this time, Han Yonghe had already told Han Wenyuan his purpose of coming to Lu Yao, which was to get Lu Yao to accept what Zhao Zhen had given Lu Yao yesterday.

Xu's suggestion can help Lu Yao get a good ranking in the palace examination.

Han Wenyuan naturally did not dare to question his father's decision, but he and Lu Yao were also curious about how his father knew about the conversation between Zhao Zhen and Lu Xu. Even if Han Wenyuan's political sense is not keen, he still knows this

Under normal circumstances, not many people would know about the conversation. Moreover, someone from the Han Mansion came to report this matter last night. Han Yonghe also made a prompt decision and called the housekeeper and asked him to go to Lu this morning.

He asked Lu Yao to come to Han's house as a guest at noon. This information was really well-informed and efficient.

Han Yonghe looked at Han Wenyuan, smiled slightly, and said, "I know a lot of things. When you can really take over the things in my hands, I will tell you naturally."

Han Wenyuan had no choice but to give up.

"Dad." A weak voice came from not far away. Han Yonghe and Han Wenyuan turned around together, only to see Han Yunyu standing there.

"Will Lu Yao come over today?" Han Yunyu asked, "I haven't received his novel for two days."

Han Wenyuan stepped forward and said: "He will come over at noon, but there are really a lot of things going on recently. I think he won't have time to write anything for you these days."

Han Yunyu couldn't hide the disappointed look on her face, nodded, turned around and went back to the room. This move clearly showed that Han Yunyu seemed to prefer the words written by him, Baoyu Baochai's love, to the arrival of Lu Yao himself.

This was because Lu Yao was not allowed to see it, otherwise it would definitely happen. However, Lu Yao had already known about Han Yunyu's personality and true thoughts before.

"Alas, she went back to the house when they came." Obviously, Han Yonghe, a person who puts politics first, naturally has no idea about his daughter's thoughts. He saw his daughter's current behavior

, I just thought that these two people might have some conflict, and I didn't want to pay more attention to it.

At this time, Lu Yao's carriage had already arrived in the inner city. Lu Yao had just given some guidance to Yang Tao and Pan Wen at the Bird's Nest Stadium, and then confirmed Chen Chen's situation with Zhe Kexing, in order to avoid Han Yonghe's challenge.

It was his fault, so he quickly left the stadium and came to Han Mansion.

After the carriage stopped and Lu Yao got off, Tangxi asked: "Sir, every time you came to the Han Mansion before, you either brought ingredients for cooking or wine. Today you didn't bring anything. Do you want me to go to the Wine Fairy?"

Get some."

Tangxi's emotional intelligence can be said to have improved rapidly. However, Lu Yao didn't have a good impression of the Han family now, so he waved his hand and said: "I'm here to talk about business today. It doesn't matter if I don't bring anything. Just wait for me here. I'll be there soon."

Just come out."

After saying that, he walked into the Han Mansion.

(End of chapter)

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