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Chapter 340 Expansion

Lu Mansion.

Facing the three families brought by Lao Chen, Lu Yao had some difficulties.

People in the Song Dynasty used frying, frying, and stewing as cooking methods before their predecessors, and they also popularized a new cooking method, which is still a popular cooking method today, stir-frying. In fact, stir-fry had already appeared in the Southern and Northern Dynasties, but it did not become popular in the Northern and Southern Dynasties.

The scale is popular, but the method of frying, frying and stewing is still used.

Due to the development of cast iron technology in the Song Dynasty, the cooking method of stir-frying became popular on a large scale in the Song Dynasty.

Before the Song Dynasty, my country's technology for casting and refining iron was backward. People often used bronze and clay to cast pots. However, bronze pots were relatively expensive and not affordable for ordinary people. Therefore, it was difficult for this method of cooking to spread to ordinary people's homes. It was only in the Song Dynasty that frying and frying were basically perfected. As an agricultural nation, the Han people had grains playing a dominant role in their diet. In the Song Dynasty, there were no crops such as corn and sweet potatoes. The food of northerners was mainly millet and wheat, and the food of southerners was mainly rice. .In the early Song Dynasty, people in the Song Dynasty, regardless of the north or the south, were partial to pasta, so the staple food among the people was mainly pasta.

People in the Song Dynasty were very picky about their diet, which gave rise to a variety of delicacies. In the streets and alleys of the Song Dynasty, there were not only dozens of famous hotels but also various restaurants and snack bars.

Nowadays, people often say "three meals a day", as if three meals a day is normal, but everyone knows that the three-meal system has not existed since ancient times.

During the Qin and Han Dynasties, people generally ate two meals a day, and only the aristocratic class could eat three meals a day. After the Han dynasty, with the development of agriculture and animal husbandry, and the gradual improvement of people's living standards, it was only possible to eat three meals a day.

It was not until the Song Dynasty that the three-meal system became popular, and ordinary people could really eat three meals a day.

Chinese people in the Song Dynasty usually started lunch at noon. Lunch was the most important meal of the day for people in the Song Dynasty. People in the Song Dynasty usually ate various kinds of cakes, rice and other staple foods. People in the Song Dynasty usually had dinner earlier. This was based on the unique agricultural society at that time.

Most people follow the living habit of working at sunrise and resting at sunset.

However, people of different classes in the Song Dynasty ate different types of dinners. The dinners eaten by the middle and upper classes were almost the same as Chinese meals, and even more sumptuous than Chinese meals. The lower class people often went to bed early after dinner, and the dinners and breakfasts eaten by the lower class people often went to bed early after dinner.

No different, the main reason for eating liquid food is to save food.

Just like a poet from the Song Dynasty said, "I have been languishing in Sanya for two years. How can I support my family without rice and money? The only two meals a day are lotus roots, and look at the lotus flowers coming out of my mouth." Although the three-meal-a-day system has become popular, it is not good for society.

The poor people in the lower class still eat two meals a day. This is because they have to reduce the number of meals per day to save food.

However, the development of the urban economy in the Song Dynasty allowed restaurants and shops in the Song Dynasty to spread all over the country, and broke through the restrictions of day and night. For example, the Bianliang Night Market in the Northern Song Dynasty "until the third watch, only to open again at the fifth watch. If you want to go somewhere, it will stay open all night...

…Although there are strong winds, snow and rain in winter, there are still night markets.” In the streets of Hangzhou in the Southern Song Dynasty, “Business continued day and night, and there were three or four drums at night. The number of tourists began to thin, the bells rang at five o’clock, and those who sold the morning market opened their shops again.” Therefore,

Night markets are common in major cities. As long as you have money and leisure, it doesn't matter what you want to eat and when you want to eat.

In the night markets of the Song Dynasty, there was a very eye-catching phenomenon, that is, the catering industry was particularly developed. The snacks in the night markets were rich and colorful, some selling southern food, some selling northern food, and all were sold at special counters. According to "Bianliang Menghua Lu"

" records: "In the north, the Li family in front of Fanlou, the Duan family in front of the house, Shi Feng Bazi, in the south, the Jin family in Temple Bridge, and the Zhou family in Jiuqu, are the most outstanding."

In the Northern Song Dynasty, the snacks sold in Bianliang City were not only diverse, but also delicious in color, flavor and taste. The Li Si family, the Duan family's northern food, the Jin family and the Zhou family's southern food, the Zhang family and the Zheng family's fried cakes, the Wan family's steamed buns, and the Shi family's

Gourd soup, Ding family vegetarian tea, Cao Granny meat cakes, Wang Daoren candied fruits, Lu family steamed buns, door oil sold by the "Hu Cake Shop", chrysanthemums, wide focus, thick sides, marrow cakes, new varieties of hemp, etc.

They are all well-known and operate day and night. The vendors who go around the streets with trays and baskets sell wine crabs, deer deer, turkey, braised duck, tripe lungs, minced chicken, kidney kidneys, eels, spicy ginger, and fine powder.

Sticks, sugar, ice and snow, etc. These varieties are not only exquisite in taste, color and fragrance, and the utensils and cups are exquisite, but also the materials are rigorously selected, the main ingredients are outstanding, and the original flavor is emphasized. They also have the characteristics of plain but not bland, meat but not greasy.

Moderate sweet and salty flavor characteristics.

In order to meet the needs of different people, different types of restaurants and restaurants have emerged. Those that focus on drinking include main restaurants, foot shops, restaurants, and tea shops. Those that focus on food include restaurants, bakeries, and big stores.

"Welcome the rich and famous" in the shop, taste the flavor in the small shop, and sell "miscellaneous snacks" in the back streets and alleys. The main shop is like a star-rated hotel now. The foot shop is relatively small in scale and sells liquor and

There are delicacies and snacks to go with wine. There are countless foot shops. Paihu is a foot shop. It sells wine from the wine warehouse or the main store, and also sells dishes and snacks to go with wine.

The tea shop, also known as the tea house, supplies tea, tea snacks, tea snacks, and tea fruits. It has a certain scale. There is a tea shop in front of the Fan Building. It is very clean. The tea sets are all made of first-class utensils and the tables and chairs are complete. It is quite attractive to customers. The restaurant

, mainly serving meals, is a specialty store that specializes in one thing. Generally, it does not sell wine or dishes to go with wine. The larger ones are also called Fencha. There are also Sichuan Restaurant and Nanshi Restaurant that serve local flavors.

It meets the needs of southerners who come to Beijing to stay. The cake shop is divided into fried cakes and Hu fried cakes according to different types of business. It sells deep-fried, pan-fried and baked varieties, Cao Granny meat cakes, and Zhangjia's fried cakes, which are "the first in Beijing".


There were many shops selling flavored snacks at that time. According to historical records, the earliest and most distinctive shop in history was probably the "Zhangshou Meijia" in Bianliang. "Zhangshou Meijia" was a market selling seasonal delicacies from the Five Dynasties to the early Northern Song Dynasty.

The store is located outside Changhemen of Bianliang City, which is today's Daliangmen. The store originally had no name. The owner of the store is named Zhang Shoumei, and is known as "Zhangshou Meijia". The store is always in demand for land and water products.

Supply, each festival specializes in one kind of food. People in the capital flock to it and rush to buy it. It is famous at that time. For example, "Yuanyang porridge" on Yuan Day (the first day of the first lunar month), "Dongling porridge" on Hanshi (two days before Qingming), and "Dong Ling porridge" on Hanshi (two days before Qingming).

"Ruyiyuan" at noon (the fifth day of May), "Luohu Luo rice" on the Chinese Valentine's Day (the seventh day of the seventh month), "Wan Yue Soup" on the Mid-Autumn Festival (the fifteenth day of the eighth month), "Mi Jin" (the ninth day of the ninth month)


"At that time, there was a snack shop in Donghua Gate of Bianliang Palace City.

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The shop is called 'Wei's Bream Shop' because people outside Donghua Gate call the bream he sells 'Donghua Bream'." Sun Runtian said that according to legend, Xu Gong, the grandfather of Wang Shiheng of the Song Dynasty, liked to eat "Wei's Bream Shop"

"After making the bream, I had a meal with the guests and sent a servant to buy the bream. The servant didn't know the way, so he asked a passerby: "Do you know the 'Wei's Bream Shop'?" The passerby said sharply: "Who doesn't know who is outside Donghua Gate?


The ham, Dongpo pork, hot pot, glutinous rice balls, various pastries and other delicacies we eat today were all invented or popular in the Song Dynasty.

Dongpo Pork, also known as Rolled Pork and Braised Pork, is a traditional famous dish in the south of the Yangtze River. It is said to have been created by Su Shi, a great writer in the Northern Song Dynasty. Su Shi was demoted to Huangzhou as a deputy envoy to the regiment due to the "Wutai Poetry Case". Dongpo Pork is a famous dish in Huangzhou.

An abandoned old camp in Su Shi opened up wasteland and cultivated here, getting close to nature, and called himself "Dongpo layman". Because the local pigs were plentiful and cheap, he came up with this method of eating meat. Zhou Zizhi, a Song Dynasty person, wrote in "Zhupo Poetry Talk"

It is recorded in "Dongpo's nature is fond of pigs. When he was in Huanggang, he wrote the poem "Pork Eating Poem" which said: "Slow down the fire and use less water. When the fire is sufficient, he will be beautiful. Get up and have a bowl every day, and you will be full.

Don't take care of it.'" In 1085 AD, Su Dongpo came back from Huangzhou and took office in Changzhou and Dengzhou. He returned to Bianliang and served in the imperial court. Soon he was excluded and in 1089 AD he asked to be transferred to Hangzhou to serve as magistrate.

Huangzhou's experience in roasting pork developed into the dish Dongpo Pork, which later became popular in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. The word "ham" also came into being in the Northern Song Dynasty, and it is said that it was also invented by Su Shi. Su Shi described the method of making ham: "Ham is made from the two ingredients of pig pancreas.

Boil it until all the oil is gone. Hide the ham in the valley and it will be oil-free for decades."

Hot pot was invented by Lin Hong, a gourmet in the Song Dynasty. He once caught a plump hare in the Wuyi Mountains in winter, but there were no chefs in the mountains, so he didn't know how to cook it. An old diner told him: "Only thin batches are used in the mountains.

, ferment the wine, soy sauce, and pepper ingredients, place it on a stove, and use half a cup of water. After a cup of soup is made, divide each tendon into the soup, put it in the soup, cook it, eat it, and serve it with the juice as appropriate. "Use chopsticks.

Sandwich thinly sliced ​​hare meat, toss it in the steaming soup, and it will immediately turn into a cloud-like color. Then dip it in the sauce made of "wine sauce and pepper", and take a bite, it will be more delicious and spicy.

The taste immediately activated the taste buds. Lin Hong named this cooking method "Boxia Gong". Later, "Boxia Gong" was introduced from the mountains and fields to the market, and people got inspiration from it to create delicious food.

It is widely used on the dining table. Not only rabbit meat, but also other slices of meat and vegetables can be boiled and eaten with sauce. This method has been passed down to this day, and people call it "shabu-shabu hot pot."

"Jia Qinggong" records the method of making bean sprouts: "Soak black beans in water, expose them to the buds, put chaff in a basin, spread sand to plant the beans, and press them with a board. When they grow, put them in a bucket, and dry them in the sun at dawn...

…After three days of sunrise, wash and blanch them with oil, salt, bitter wine, and spices. They can be made into meat, especially rolled into sesame cakes. The color is light yellow, and it is famous for its goose and soy beans.” In the recipes of the Song Dynasty, soybeans, mung beans, and peas

, bud silkworms, and adzuki beans can all be grown into bean sprouts for consumption.

Tangyuan was also invented in the Song Dynasty. In a poem by Jiang Baishi, a poet of the Southern Song Dynasty, he wrote: "On the Lantern Festival, people compete to see the lotus-picking boats, and BMWs and incense cars pick up and drop diamonds; in the late night of the stormy night, when everyone has dispersed, the solitary lamp is still calling for selling glutinous rice balls." People in the Song Dynasty used it.

The way of eating glutinous rice balls implicitly conveys feelings and looks forward to being reunited with loved ones.

With the increase in crop yields, wheat noodles and rice were gradually developed into snacks with richer flavors. In the Song Dynasty, there were many kinds of pasta snacks, including dark-roasted soft lamb noodles, tung skin noodles, salt-fried noodles, and shredded chicken noodles.

Pork noodles, three fresh noodles...Steamed buns include mutton steamed buns, bamboo shoot meat steamed buns, fish steamed buns, crab meat steamed buns, sugar meat steamed buns, steamed steamed buns...Sesame cakes include thousand-layer cakes, moon cakes, burnt golden flower cakes, and milk cakes.

, vegetable cakes, Hu cakes, peony cakes, hibiscus cakes, cooked meat cakes, chrysanthemum cakes, plum blossom cakes, sugar cakes... In the Song Dynasty, people used rice to make various cakes: sugar cakes, flower cakes, honey cakes, glutinous rice cakes,

Bee sugar cake, chestnut cake, wheat cake, bean cake, steamed small steamer cake, Double Ninth Festival cake...the famous Su-style snacks are fragrant with osmanthus and rose, and have a sweet taste. They have formed a genre in the Song Dynasty.

From the Song Dynasty to the present, no matter how history changes, as a dazzling pearl in the history of Kaifeng’s food culture, the Kaifeng night market snacks that have been passed down for thousands of years have become a bright business card of Kaifeng with their unique charm. They are famous at home and abroad, fascinating and fascinating.

, lingering in the dream.

However, both hot pot and Dongpo Pork have been created by Lu Yao, and now it seems that they are not considered delicacies, so they cannot be brought to the food street at all.

Originally, Lu Yao wanted to persuade the three families to go back just like that, but seeing the look in Lao Chen's eyes, Lu Yao understood that the economic conditions of these three families were not as good as those of Lao Chen's family. If there was no other way,

He probably wouldn't follow Lao Chen to come to beg for help.

Lu Yao thought about it carefully, then looked at Lao Chen and said, "Have you told them some specific things about the food court, including the money to be paid, and the fact that it is under the management of the royal family."

When Lao Chen heard what Lu Yao said, he felt that this matter was interesting. He nodded quickly and said: "Of course I have told them all these things. They saw the money I made from selling food at the stall before, and they thought these costs were nothing.

The key to the problem lies in what to do, so I brought them to ask you." At this point, Lao Chen was also a little undecided, and then said, "Of course, if you have any difficulties, you can also tell me directly.

, they can all accept it.”

Lu Yao shook his head and said: "Actually, it's like this. I really don't have any new food and snacks that I can launch now. Moreover, even if there is, the base at your old house in the outer city has been completed. If it is expanded,

It will also be a troublesome thing, not to mention that this food street has just started, so the three new snacks are already good in the short term. If you want to expand, you have to study it slowly. The first thing to renovate is your old house.

The base over there,"

Obviously, the three families who heard this sentence had a somewhat panicked look on their faces. Although Lu Yao did not finish his words, the meaning of these words had been told to these people.

Objectively speaking, there is no way for the food production base to admit more people and families. From a subjective point of view, according to the current technology and raw material conditions, Lu Yao really has not found anything else that can be produced for a while.

Food, after all, he spends more time on it now

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Regarding the hot pot restaurant that will open soon.

Everyone looked at each other in confusion. One family looked at Lao Chen, then sighed, and looked like he was about to turn around and leave, but was stopped by Lu Yao.

"Although there are no new delicacies for you, the food stalls in the inner city, such as tea stalls, can't be set up in the outer city, which is the food street. As for the cost, you can ask the boss

Chen, there is no need to worry at all."

Lao Chen fully affirmed what Lu Yao said and said: "I prove this. We have now become cooperators with the royal family, so we will never ask for any fees from you again."

Hearing what Lu Yao said, the person who was about to leave stopped and then asked: "But without these new delicacies, how can we choose what type of traditional delicacy to eat? How to choose, and there are no more traditional delicacies?"

For the base, we should make and sell directly on the street, so the process should be balanced."

Lu Yao was very pleased to hear this family speak like this. Originally, he thought that the residents of the outer city might be relatively backward in their thinking. The gap between them and the people in the inner city was not just in terms of income. However,

Through what this family just said, Lu Yao could fully understand that the people in the outer city actually had their own ideas. When they learned that there was nothing new to learn and they wanted to make traditional delicacies, their first thought was

Consider whether this plan is feasible in food streets in the outer city. In fact, Lu Yao thinks this is okay. After all, the economic conditions in the outer city are limited. There are many delicacies and snacks that can be often seen in the inner city, but people in the outer city want to eat them.

, it will take more time and cost to buy them. Now, they have moved these delicacies directly to the outer city, which is definitely a good thing for the people in the outer city, not to mention the price will definitely be higher.

Much cheaper than those in the inner city.

However, there are many things to worry about. As this family said, since there is no base, the items chosen by these three families should be made and sold in the food street. This has a big impact on the production time.

, there are very strict requirements for the input materials and things that need to be prepared. Therefore, the final choice of which three items to enter the food court is a very important issue, and there are many aspects to consider.

Although these three families can still think a lot in the general direction, if they are asked to choose what kind of food to cook, these people have no idea for a while. Lu Yao also knows that according to their family's situation, they don't understand

It's also normal.

So Lu Yao asked them to go back first, and promised them that at the latest after the first round of the New Cuju Competition is over, Lu Yao will help them choose the food items they want to do. As for the time when they will actually open their doors and enter the food street, it will be

It is scheduled to be the official start of the second round of the New Cuju Competition, which is when Luyao Hotpot Restaurant opens.

Several people were naturally very happy after receiving satisfactory answers. Seeing that they had achieved their goal, Lao Chen let them go back first. Obviously, Lao Chen himself had other things to tell Lu Yao.

He first apologized to Lu Yao. After all, he didn't say hello before, so it was a bit rude to directly bring three families to look for Lu Yao. In fact, Lao Chen couldn't help it. He was pestered by these three families when he woke up early this morning.

After living there, he asked himself to take them to do whatever he wanted. Lao Chen also knew in his heart that these people were just making money watching the delicious snacks made by Lao Chen, and he also wanted a share of the pie. After knowing their purpose clearly, Lao Chen

Chen finally chose to help them because Lao Chen still valued his friendship in the outer city.

Lu Yao didn't say anything about what Lao Chen did. He just told Lao Chen that if he had any new thoughts or ideas about the food court, he could make a plan first, and then he'd better inform Tangxi in advance.

This way Lu Yao also has time to prepare.

Lao Chen also has another purpose today, which is to express his gratitude to Lu Yao. This gratitude is not only on behalf of Lao Chen himself, because Lu Yao gave him the opportunity of the food court and made him a lot of money. Lao Chen also

He came to thank Lu Yao on behalf of his son Chen Chen. After seeing Chen Chen in such a panic, Lu Yao still chose to let Chen Chen be his housekeeper out of trust. At this point, Lu Yao casually asked Chen Chen what he was doing now.

Regarding the situation, Lao Chen said that Chen Chen still looked decadent before Zhe Kexing went home today, but after Zhe Kexing left, he began to read the manuscript sent by Zhe Kexing, and then began to practice narration at home.

Lu Yao was not too surprised by Chen Chen's behavior, but it was certain that he had recovered from the previous defeat of the grassroots team against the Huangtian team, and Lu Yao was still relatively happy.

Originally, Lu Yao wanted to keep Lao Chen at home for dinner, but Lao Chen felt that he had caused a lot of trouble to Lu Yao by coming so rashly today, so he finally declined Lu Yao's kindness and went home.

Lu Yao did not force Lao Chen to stay. After Tangxi came back, Lu Yao used his free afternoon to write a novel for Cao Han and Han Yunyu. As for the Han family, Lu Yao didn't know if Han Yonghe would pass it.

The conversation guessed that there was a conflict between Lu Yao and Han Yunyu. In order not to affect the subsequent events, Lu Yao decided to continue writing the novel for Han Yunyu. However, Lu Yao began to speed up the pace and planned to press down the events behind Dream of Red Mansions.

Go ahead and combine the two chapters into one chapter, so that you can finish the manuscript earlier. Although he knew that Han Yunyu was with him because of his literary talent, Lu Yao was now starting to be a little curious. Once he writes this by himself

After the "Story of the Stone" is completely finished, what will happen to him and Han Yunyu? Will they have nothing to say and become strangers?

Forget it, let’s not think about it. On the contrary, Lu Yao was still full of enthusiasm when he wrote his own original novel for Cao Han. Tomorrow, Lu Yao hopes to find out through Cao Ping what the Cao family’s next arrangements for Cao Han will be.

In this way, Lu Yao didn't want to wait until it was too late to take action.

In this way, the day passed quickly. After dinner in the evening, Tangxi sent the manuscripts to the Cao family and the Han family respectively. After one night, the second game was about to begin.

(End of chapter)

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