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Chapter 351 Lu Yao's Strategy

Counting now, Lu Yao has met quite a few famous people since his time travel. They include Fan Zhongyan who worked on the Qingli New Deal, Ouyang Xiu who wrote The Drunkard's Pavilion, Su Xun, Su Shi, and Su Zhe, who are also known as Sansu, not to mention the genius boy Yan Shu.

And Wang Anshi, who will carry out major reforms in the future.

And now, another high-ranking official appeared in Lu Yao's field of vision, and judging from the current situation, he should not maintain any friendly relations with Lu Yao.

Fu Bi was not only a great diplomat. In addition to handling the relationship between the Song Dynasty and the Xia Dynasty and the Liao Kingdom, he also played an important role in domestic affairs above the imperial court.

In the third year of Qingli (1043), Fu Bi was promoted to deputy privy envoy. He resolutely resigned and was awarded the title of Bachelor of Zizheng Palace and concurrent bachelor. In July, he was also appointed deputy privy envoy. Fu Bi said: "Khitan has

With the friendly exchanges with the Central Plains, the deputies said that everything is safe. If the Khitan breaks the alliance, I will still be guilty even if I die. I hope that your majesty will consider the shame of the Khitan for despising and insulting us, and will not forget to repair the government." Hand over the imperial edict.

Renzong was dismissed. A month later, he reiterated his previous appointment and asked the prime minister to tell him: "This is a special appointment by the imperial court, not because of his mission to Liao." Only then did Fu Bi accept the appointment.

Renzong was eager to use the peace of the world to supervise the prime ministers and ministers. He issued many edicts to supervise Fu Bi, Fan Zhongyan, etc. He also opened the Tianzhang Pavilion and gave them pens and paper to write down what they had to do. He also appointed Fan Zhongyan to be in charge.

Fu Bi was in charge of matters on the western border, and Fu Bi was in charge of matters on the northern border. Fu Bi reported more than ten articles on current affairs and thirteen articles on strategies for stabilizing border defenses. The general content was to recruit talented people and repel incompetent people, stop the lucky ones, and eliminate the abuses of the past.

As a basis, it was planned to gradually replace the incompetent people in the supervisory department, and let the supervisory department reduce the officials in various departments. From then on, "the villain began to be unhappy."

Li Yuanhao sent an envoy to bring a letter, claiming that he was a man but not a vassal. Fu Bi said: "Li Yuanhao surrenders to the Khitan but does not profess vassalage to us. In this way, the Khitan will be invincible and cannot be allowed." So he dismissed his envoy, and Xixia finally proclaimed vassalage to the Song Dynasty.

In the fourth year of Qingli, the Liao Kingdom received a ceremony in the clouds and sent troops to attack the Du'er tribe together with Xixia. This place is very close to Hedong, and Renzong suspected that the two parties were planning together. Fu Bi said: "There is no reason to send troops, and the Khitan will not do it."

Li Yuanhao originally had an agreement with the Khitan to control each other, but now the Khitan alone enjoys a large amount of annual coins. Li Yuanhao complained, so he built a city in Weisai to defend it. The Dai'er tribe invaded Weisai many times, and the Khitan suspected that it was Li Yuanhao who instigated this, so this happened

How could they unite to attack us in such a war?" Someone asked for the mobilization of troops to prepare for it. Fu Bi said: "This just fell into his plan, and I ask that this be allowed to happen." Renzong then stopped sending troops, and the Liao Dynasty finally did not invade the Song Dynasty.

Xia Song was dissatisfied and used rumors to slander Fu Bi. Fu Bi was frightened and asked for the governor of Hebei Province. After returning to the capital, he came to Yunzhou as a bachelor of Zizheng Palace. More than a year later, the slanders had no effect and he was punished.

During the incident, he moved to Qingzhou and served as the pacifier of Jingdong Road.

There was a flood in Heshuo, and the people wandered everywhere begging for food. Fu Bi persuaded the people under his subordinates to take out food and add the government's food. He obtained more than 100,000 public and private houses and arranged the refugees in various places to provide firewood and water. Officials were recruited and were waiting for vacancies.

, all the sojourners were given a salary, and they were allowed to provide food to the old, sick and weak in places where the common people gathered, record the merits of these officials, and agreed to submit memorials to request rewards for them. Generally, within five days, people would be sent to offer condolences with wine, meat and meals.

, out of the utmost sincerity, everyone did their best. Whatever the produce of the mountains, forests, ponds, and ponds was beneficial to the lives of the people, they were allowed to be obtained by the refugees themselves. The dead were buried together in a large pit, which was called a "Congzhong."

In the second year, when the wheat was ripe, the people took food from far and near and returned home. A total of more than 500,000 people were rescued and tens of thousands of refugees were recruited into the army.

After Renzong heard about it, he sent an envoy to commend and express condolences, and he was awarded the title of Minister of Rites. Fu Bi said: "This is the duty of the minister." He refused to accept the resignation. Before that, the disaster relief workers gathered the people in the city and cooked porridge for the refugees.

Eating them resulted in diseases and trampling on each other. Some people waited for relief for several days and could not eat porridge and starved. In the name of relieving the victims, they actually killed the victims. Since Fu Bi's simple, thoughtful and detailed legislation, it has been passed down as a model throughout the world.


Fu Bi trained nine commanders of the horse infantry in Qingzhou to strengthen the army's combat effectiveness. After Teng Yuan learned about Qingzhou, he adhered to his strategy of strengthening the army. Later, various soldiers and horses suffered heavy losses in previous battles, but "Qingzhou soldiers are the most prosperous to this day."

Wang Ze rebelled, and the Qizhou Imperial Army planned to respond. Someone went to Fu Bi to report the matter. The Qizhou Imperial Army was not under Fu Bi's command, and he was worried that the incident would be leaked and cause an accident. It happened that the eunuch Zhang Congxun was ordered to come to Qingzhou, and Fu Bi considered that he could be appointed.

He secretly handed over the matter to him and asked him to ride to Qizhou and mobilize his soldiers to attack Qizhou. As a result, the army was defeated and no one could escape. He immediately impeached Zhuan Shan for his mistakes. Renzong rewarded him even more and made him the minister of the Ministry of Rites.

, he declined and refused to accept. He was promoted to a bachelor, transferred to Zhengzhou, Caizhou, and Heyang, added to the Guanwen Palace, changed to the Xuanhui Nanyuan envoy, and merged with the state.

In the second year of Zhihe, the imperial edict was issued to confer Tongzhongshu Menxia Pingzhangshi, a bachelor of Jixian Palace, and Wen Yanbo was appointed at the same time. On the day of the announcement, the scholar-bureaucrats congratulated each other in the court. Renzong secretly observed and learned about this, and said to Ouyang Xiu

: "The ancients read fortune and fortune, and some learned it from dreams and divination. Is it like today's human relations?" Ouyang Xiu kowtowed to congratulate him. Renzong was unwell, and the ministers could not see him. Chinese and foreign people were worried and frightened. Fu Bi and Wen Yanbo

He went to the court to inquire about his condition, so he stayed in the house until night to perform the ritual sacrifice. Everything was reported before doing anything. The palace was solemn and tidy.

In the third year of Jiayou's reign, he became the Minister of the Ministry of Rites, a bachelor of Zhaowen Hall, and supervised the compilation of the history of the country. Fu Bi became the prime minister, abided by etiquette, handled problems according to the past methods, obeyed public opinions, and showed no favoritism. History said that at that time, "hundred officials were in office (due to their duties)"

, there is nothing wrong with the world.”

In March of the sixth year of Jiayou's reign, Fu Bi resigned from his post to mourn because of his mother's death. The imperial edict exempted him from the Spring Banquet. According to past practice, prime ministers were restored to their original positions when there was a funeral. Renzong appointed him five times when his position was vacant. Fu Bi said

This is a golden reform ritual, which cannot be carried out in a time of peace, so I finally refused to obey the appointment.

In the eighth year of Jiayou's reign, Zhao Shu, Emperor Yingzong of the Song Dynasty, came to the throne. He called Fu Bi as the privy envoy, Tong Zhongshu's family peace affairs, and the minister of household affairs. In the second year of Zhiping, Fu Bi asked to be dismissed due to foot illness. Yingzong tried his best to retain him, but Fu Bi

Bi successively submitted more than 20 speeches and memorials to Chen. In July, England

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Zong granted him the title of Military Envoy of Zhenhai, Tongzhongshu Menxiapingzhangshi, judged the Heyang Army ("Song History" wrote that he was judged in Yangzhou), and was granted the title of Duke of Qi.

In the fourth year of Zhiping, Emperor Shenzong of the Song Dynasty Zhao Xu came to the throne. Fu Bi was appointed as the Military Envoy of Wuning Army and granted the title of Duke of Zheng. Fu Bi asked to be dismissed from his position as the Military Envoy of Zheng. Shenzong then appointed him as Shangshu Zuopushe and Guanwen Palace.

The great scholar gathered to observe the jubilee and summoned him to the court. Fu Bi once again declined on the grounds of foot illness and went to judge the Heyang army for the second time.

In the first year of Xining, Ruzhou was interrogated and ordered to go to Hajj. The sick Fu Bi was allowed to ride in a sedan chair to the palace gate. Shenzong went to the small hall at the inner east gate and asked Fu Bi's son Fu Shaolong to enter from the palace gate.

He also ordered them not to kneel down and to sit down and talk. Shenzong calmly asked Fu Bi about the way to govern the country. Fu Bi knew that Shenzong was bold enough to make a difference, so he said to him: "The likes and dislikes of the master cannot be seen by others; people can spy on them.

, then traitors will be welcomed. We should be like heaven watching over people, picking up the good and evil by ourselves, and then punishing and rewarding, so that both merits and crimes are deserved." He also asked about the border affairs, Fu Bi said: "Your Majesty has ascended the throne.

Soon, we should spread our kindness and kindness widely, and hope that there will be no mention of the use of troops for twenty years." Shenzong remained silent. He did not retire until the shadow of the sun moved westward. Shenzong planned to let Fu Bi stay in the capital with the title of Jubilee Envoy, but

He tried his best to refuse and returned to Ruzhou.

In February of the second year of Xining, Fu Bi was promoted to the rank of Sikong and Shizhong, and was given the rank of Jia (a superior residence). Fu Bi declined all the invitations, and instead worshiped Zuopushe, Shilang under his disciples, and Tongping Zhangshi.


At this time, someone told Shenzong that disasters and disasters were caused by the sky and not by personal gains and losses. After hearing this, Fu Bi sighed: "The only thing you fear is the sky. If you are not afraid of the sky, what can't you do? This must be treachery."

People want to introduce heresy to shake the emperor's will, so that the ministers who assist in the remonstrance have no place to display their talents. This is the key to controlling the chaos and must be cured as soon as possible." He wrote thousands of words and tried his best to discuss the matter.

Said: "The advancement and retreat of gentlemen and villains is related to the decline and growth of the emperor's governance. I hope you can carefully discern and do not regard similarities as joy and differences as anger. Use joy and anger to decide appointments. Your Majesty likes to send people to spy on things outside, so

A treacherous and sinister person succeeds. He also issues many approvals written by himself. If everything is correct, this is not the way to be a monarch. If seven or eight tenths of it is correct, over time, there will be more mistakes. Now the imperial court

Internal and external affairs have gradually changed, and it is probably villains who like to cause trouble. I hope Your Majesty will observe carefully and not have any regrets."

At this time, there was a drought for a long time. The ministers requested to honor the emperor and use sacrificial music, but Shenzong did not allow it. However, the Liao envoys should celebrate the emperor's birthday on the same day, so he did not refuse his request. Fu Bi said that this was to expand virtue.

, this should be used to show it to the world and beg to be deposed Shangshou. Shenzong followed Fu Bi's suggestion and it rained that day. Fu Bi went to Shu again, hoping to be more afraid of God's warning, stay away from evil and evil, and be close to loyal and good people.

Shenzong personally wrote an edict to commend and thank him. In the second year of Xining, Wang Anshi served as the Councilor for Political Affairs (Deputy Prime Minister). Wang Anshi had always been at odds with Fu Bi, and Fu Bi considered not arguing with him. He claimed to be ill and resigned dozens of times.

Chapter 1. Shenzong allowed him to resign and asked him: "If you resign, who can replace you?" Fu Bi recommended Wen Yanbo. Shenzong remained silent for a long time before saying, "How about Wang Anshi?" Fu Bi was also silent.

Yu. In August, he was appointed as the Military Envoy of Wuning Army, and Tong Zhongshu Menxiapingzhangshi was sentenced to Henan Prefecture. At the request of Fu Bi, the sentence was changed to Bozhou.

After the Green Crops Law was promulgated, Fu Bi believed that this would gather wealth in the court and disperse people's hearts, so he refused to implement it. The elevating official Zhao Ji impeached Fu Bi for not executing the imperial edict, and the imperial censor Deng Wan begged to hand him over to Yousi for disposal.

So the sentence was changed to Ruzhou with the post of Zuopushe. Wang Anshi said: "Although Fu Bi was punished, he still lost his wealth. In the past, Gun was executed for disobeying orders, and Gonggong was exiled because he appeared to be respectful but was arrogant in his heart. Fu Bi

If you commit these two crimes at the same time and only take away the position of envoy, how can you stop evil?" Shenzong did not answer. Fu Bi said: "I don't know about the new law, so I can't use it to implement it in my counties. I hope it will be implemented in my county.

Return to Luoyang to recuperate." Shenzong agreed. Soon after, Fu Bi Shangshu requested to retire and return to his hometown. Shenzong resumed his duties as military governor of Wuning and Tongping Zhangshi, and ordered him to serve as an official with the title of Sikong, Han and Guogong.

Although Fu Bi lived at home, he knew everything about the important affairs of the court. Guo Kui was conquering Annan, and he begged for an order to order Guo Kui to choose a favorable position to advance and retreat to protect the army. The Khitan disputed the border of Hedong, and Fu Bi thought that the court could not agree to give it.

The earth; the stars changed, and he asked for more people to speak out; he also asked for new laws to be changed as soon as possible to relieve the people's urgent needs. Although Shenzong did not adopt them all, his nostalgia and courtesy did not decrease. Once because Wang Anshi wanted to implement some new measures, Shenzong declined and said: "

Fu Bi wrote in his own hand that "the old minister has nothing to say and only looks at the roof and sighs privately." The situation will soon arise." Shenzong respected him so much.

Fan Chunren, Tongzhi Jianyuan, once wrote an "Explanation of Shangshu" dedicated to Song Shenzong, and explained: "Fu Bi has received favor and reliance from the monarchs of the three dynasties, so he should take the initiative to take on the important responsibilities of the country, but he did it for his own sake.

He worries more than he worries about the affairs of others, he worries more about his own illness than he worries about the country, and he is at fault in both serving the monarch and being responsible for his conduct."

In the third year of Yuanfeng (1080), the "Yuanfeng Reorganization" was implemented, and Fu Bi was appointed to the third division of Yitong in the Kaifu. In the same year, Wang Tonglao, the son of former prime minister Wang Yaochen, wrote to the court saying: "My late father (Wang Yaochen) was appointed as the counselor."

During the political affairs, when Renzong was taking medicine, he discussed with Fu Bi and Wen Yanbo about establishing the crown prince. Renzong happened to recover the next day, so the matter was dropped." Shenzong confirmed with Wen Yanbo and later learned the truth. Shenzong commended Fu Bi without boasting.

For his meritorious service, he was awarded the title of Situ, and his son Fu Shaojing was promoted to the title of Chief Marquis of the Pavilion.

On the 22nd of the intercalary month of the sixth year of Yuanfeng, Fu Bi passed away at his home in Luoyang at the age of eighty. He sealed his legacy with his own hands and asked his son Fu Shaoting to present it to the imperial court. Its content is roughly as follows:

When Your Majesty came to the throne, it was the time when the evil ministers adopted the advice and appointed officials, but the opinions were not suitable, which caused Your Majesty to become deaf and blind, and gradually developed into disasters. Now, from the ministers to the scholars, they are all afraid of chaos and seeking benefits for a long time.

Since then, it has become a corrupt trend. Words of loyalty and integrity can no longer be heard by Your Majesty. Your Majesty is old and sick and is about to die. What else can you ask for? I just can’t bear to let Your Majesty live up to the Holy Might, so I do my best to hope that Your Majesty will pity you.

Pity the foolish minister and adopt the foolish minister’s advice. Yongle last year

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During the battle, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians died. Now that the garrison has continued for a long time, can we deny our mistakes and feel shameful because of the failure without considering saving the disaster at that time? Heaven and earth are the most merciful, can we compete with the Qiang and Yi to win or lose?

?Hope to return the occupied land, stop the war, let the people have a rest, and let Guan and Shaanxi slowly generate vitality. In addition, Shaanxi has set up Baojia and repaired teaching grounds, and all prefectures and counties have implemented it. The momentum is like a spark forming a fire.

When the situation is burning, everyone is frightened, and it is difficult to appoint another one. It is better to remove and stop to show gentleness and comfort. The things stated by the ministers will have an immediate effect on the state affairs. As for the most important truth, it lies in the teachings of the saints.

, and what is used is the distinction between a gentleman and a villain. Your Majesty has reviewed and observed the world situation. Don’t you think it is not worth worrying about?

After Shenzong read the memorial, he was shocked and mourned. He stayed away from court for three days, personally wrote a memorial in memory of him, and posthumously awarded him the title of Taiwei, with the posthumous title "Wenzhong".

It can be said that Fu Bi was a loyal minister. During the reign of Song Renzong, the relationship between Song and Liao became increasingly tense. The Liao State stationed troops in the northern border and requested to send envoys to negotiate and demarcate territory with the Liao. At that time, the courtiers in the Northern Song Dynasty were unpredictable due to the enemy's situation.

No one dared to take on the role of envoy. Faced with the worries and humiliation of his ministers, Fu Bi stepped forward and sent two envoys to the Liao Kingdom. During the negotiations, he stated the interests of both parties from all aspects. He was neither humble nor arrogant, benevolent but powerful.

As a result, Xingzong of Liao Dynasty knew that he was in the wrong, so he stopped fighting. The people in the north and south did not see war for decades, and the world praised him for being good. Fan Zhongyan said that Fu Bi had the talent of a king's assistant, which shows the great resourcefulness of Qi.

If possible, Lu Yao really doesn't want to be an enemy of such a minister. Although Fu Bi is only a Situ now, I am afraid that with Han Qi's current status, sooner or later the position of Privy Councilor will become Fu Bi. If Lu Yao is in

At this time, if there is a quarrel with Fu Bi over a personal matter such as marriage, it may affect his career.

However, Lu Yao has made up his mind. This matter involves his lifelong happiness. If Lu Yao is really a Northern Song Dynasty person, then maybe he will choose to give in and turn a blind eye to the Cao family's martial arts competition. But modern people who advocate love first

Lu Yao would never give in to a girl he liked, even if his opponent's father was an important official in the Song Dynasty.

Having said that, Lu Yao still had to come up with a foolproof strategy. It was best not to make the relationship with Fu Bi very stiff.

So, Lu Yao called Tang Xi and began to give instructions on what Tang Xi should do next. Since Fu Bi's son was going to participate in the competition, it would be impossible to try to deviate from other factions. He could only win by strength. However, I'm afraid it wouldn't be that easy to get on stage casually.


Lu Yao said to Tang Xi: "When you were a bodyguard before, you should have known some peers with outstanding martial arts skills in Bianliang City. Of course, I am talking about unmarried people, preferably those who have a bad relationship with you.

, that way no one will think that you have anything to do with them or say anything to them.”

When Tangxi heard this, he smiled awkwardly and said, "I did know some of them before, but since I became your housekeeper, they no longer have a bad relationship with me."

When Lu Yao heard this, he also burst into laughter. Indeed, Tangxi's identity now is different from before. With the title of steward of the Lu Mansion, no one would dare to offend him.

Later, Lu Yao asked Tangxi to tell the unmarried people in Bianliang City about the martial arts contest to recruit brides. He hoped that when the Cao Mansion officially held the martial arts competition to recruit brides, these people would be able to attend, and then the atmosphere would be aroused.

They got up, and finally asked Cao Guojiu not to come down to the stage, and agreed that they all go up to the stage to take the written examination.

Tang Xi nodded, but he felt that since Fu Bi could send his son to compete, maybe this guy also has some skills. If all the people he found were defeated by Fu Shaolong, it would be meaningless.


Lu Yao smiled slightly and said that he had taken this into consideration, but what Tangxi needed to do was to get these people to stir up the atmosphere and get the Cao family to agree that people with strong martial arts skills would compete on stage. As for the rest, Lu Yao

Make your own arrangements.

Lu Yao's idea was naturally to go on stage to compete. Apart from other things, he was relatively confident in his own strange power. However, if he appeared in a competition to recruit a bride like this, Cao Guojiu would be

He will definitely not let himself go on stage. In this case, he will have to put on more disguises.

So, after Lu Yao and Tang Xi left Fanlou and returned home, they began to work hard on disguise. Lu Yao calculated the date when Uncle Cao Guo would hold a contest to recruit a bride, which should be before the palace examination, so even if he was the last

After winning the martial arts competition, how to deal with the relationship between the Cao family and the Han family will be another problem. What's more, it is inappropriate not to tell his father about this kind of thing, so Lu Yao plans to do it first

After the Lun Cuju competition, have a good talk with Lu Xu and ask for his permission first. Then he will be able to help you speak.

In terms of identity disguise, Lu Yao first thought of masks. Thinking of this, Lu Yao's mind came to countless props often used in horror novels and mystery novels, human skin masks, but when these four words appeared in

In Lu Yao's mind, he gave up the idea of ​​making it. There was no information on how to make this thing in the Song Dynasty. Instead of going to such trouble, Lu Yao finally decided to let Tangxi go to the factory and make people according to the size of his face.

Make an iron mask and wear it when the time comes. Of course, confidentiality must be maintained.

Tangxi was not a fool. When he heard Lu Yao's idea, he immediately knew that Lu Yao wanted to wear a mask to participate in the competition. Naturally, Tangxi did not dare to neglect.

Not long after Tangxi left, Fu Bo came to report that Mr. Cao Yu had visited.

Lu Yao looked at the time and figured that the competition should be over by now. He had been studying the disguise and competition to recruit a bride, and almost forgot about today's competition.

Lu Yao was very interested in the outcome of today's game. On one side was his friend Pan Wen, and on the other was his newly trained talent Yang Tao. Who of the teams led by these two would win?

Lu Yao came to the main hall and met Cao You, and immediately asked about the result of the game. Cao You smiled slightly and gave it up. It seemed that he wanted to find out what Lu Yao heard in Fan Lou first.

(End of chapter)

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