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Chapter 364 Persuasion

Lu Mansion, inside Lu Xu’s study.

Facing his father, Lu Yao did not choose to hide it. He told his father everything that was in his heart. At first, he really liked Han Yunyu very much. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it was love at first sight, otherwise he would not be here.

After repenting of the engagement, he re-engaged with the Han family.

Later, Han Yunyu's performance also satisfied Lu Yao. As a lady, she was able to show her face and express her feelings to Lu Yao directly in front of the Cao family. At that time, it could be said that Lu Yao loved Han Yunyu the most. However, later,

As the days passed, Lu Yao gradually realized that Han Yunyu seemed different from what he had imagined, and the two of them could even be said to be drifting apart. Lu Yao felt more and more that it was not him who she liked, but the person she liked.

The stone record written by himself. As for what the stone record is, Lu Yao knows very well. Perhaps God wanted Lu Yao to see clearly how Han Yunyu felt about him, so he arranged a story

Tangxi deliberately sent the wrong manuscript, and everyone already knows the consequences.

Han Yunyu criticized Lu Yao's original novel, saying that she could not understand it at all, and she did not believe that this kind of novel was written by Lu Yao. This really broke Lu Yao's heart. In order to be sure

Han Yunyu's heart, Lu Yao went to meet her in person and asked Han Yunyu why she married him. And the conclusion he got from Han Yunyu made Lu Yao a little disappointed. It turned out that

, what Han Yunyu liked was just her literary talent, not herself as a person. Since she didn't like herself, why should she force others to make things difficult for her? As a result, Han Yunyu gradually faded out of her sight.

At the same time, Cao Han appeared in Lu Yao's sight again and again. She had the same concept of love as modern women. She believed that to marry is to marry someone you like, otherwise the marriage would not be possible.

Happy, so she will not just follow the orders of her father Cao Guojiu to marry a stranger. Moreover, Cao Han has a straightforward personality. Compared with Han Yunyu's Xiaojia Biyu, Lu Yao feels that the probability of conflicts after marriage is much smaller than Cao Han's.

, because Cao Han likes to talk about everything and not hide it, so even if there is a quarrel and the two bicker a few words, no one will remember it after the incident. But Han Yunyu is different, a woman has a deep heart,

These six fonts can be said to be very clear on Han Yunyu. Originally, Lu Yao thought that Han Yunyu liked him very much, and he was very happy. However, when he really asked what she meant, Lu Yao realized that Han Yunyu was just making a decision for his parents.

It's just a matter of course. Even if Lu Yao couldn't write such a shocking article as "The Story of the Stone", Han Yunyu would still listen to Han Yonghe and marry a complete stranger Lu Yao. This was the reason why Lu Yao was very disappointed.

Although it was very normal for parents to order matchmakers in ancient times, during the Western Zhou Dynasty, there were three prerequisites for the establishment of marriage, that is, the substantive requirements for the conclusion of marriage, or the three principles of the ancient marriage system. "One husband, one wife, many wives"

"Concubine system", "No marriage with the same surname", "Parents' orders and matchmaker's words". "Parents' orders and matchmaker's words" are legal elements for the conclusion of marriage and are indispensable in the establishment of ancient marriage relationships.

"The Book of Rites" says: "The person who is doing the wedding will marry the best of the two surnames, to serve the ancestral temple, and to carry on the future generations." Ancient people believed that the purpose of marriage was not only to extend the generations and pass it on from generation to generation, but also to

The function of "combining two surnames is good". In other words, marriage is not only a private matter between men and women, but also involves the union between two families. At that time, people attached great importance to the standard of choosing a spouse by "being close to each other and staying apart".

The method of family marriage to achieve alliances with other families is conducive to the growth and development of the clan. In history, many dynasties have examples of princesses hired from other countries for "marriage", and this is the reason.

"The Book of Songs" says: "How to marry a wife, you must tell your parents." "How to marry a wife, no matchmaker is allowed." There is also a record in "Book of Rites": "A man and a woman will not have sex without a matchmaker." This means that if you marry a wife, you must tell them.

The wife must obtain the consent of her parents and be introduced by a matchmaker, otherwise it is illegal. "Mencius.

"Teng Wen Gong": "If you don't wait for the orders of your parents and the words of a matchmaker, if you peek into each other's holes and obey each other across the wall, your parents and the people of the country will be despised." This means that in ancient times, if there were no "orders of parents and words of matchmakers,"

"Those who get married without authorization will be despised and spurned by their parents and others. Dynasties after the Western Zhou Dynasty generally regulated it through legislation. For example, "Tang Lv Shu Yi" stipulates: "The law of marriage must have a matchmaker."

"Da Ming Law" also stipulates: "Marriages are all performed by the grandparents and parents. If there are no grandparents or parents, the marriage is performed by the mother. If the husband dies and the daughter is married, the daughter is married by the mother." These legal provisions show that the entire feudal society is married by the mother.

They follow the principles of their parents’ orders and the matchmaker’s words.

During the Western Zhou Dynasty, the government also established a special matchmaker agency. According to the "Book of Rites of Zhou" records: "The matchmaker is responsible for the judgment of all people." The important function of the matchmaker is to deal with marriage issues among the people. In the Southern Song Dynasty, there was even a "matchmaker"

"Official matchmaker" specializes in handling marriage matters for the royal family. In the Yuan Dynasty, the matchmaker system was further standardized and began to develop in a professional direction. Matchmaking was an important job in the society at that time, and the court attached great importance to it. The Yuan Dynasty government placed great emphasis on matchmaking

Detailed requirements were set for the qualifications, professional abilities and professional standards of the work, and official training was also organized. By the Ming and Qing Dynasties, in addition to being responsible for matchmaking work, matchmakers also had the status of government servants and were responsible for guarding and escorting female prisoners.


It is precisely because this feudal traditional thought is deeply rooted that Lu Yao will appreciate Cao Han more at this time, who advocates free love and wants to find a man he truly likes to marry. In Cao Han's opinion, does he like this man or not?

The first thing is, and it is also very important whether the two people have common hobbies and topics. Coincidentally, Lu Yao has a lot of topics. They both like martial arts, which can be said to be the most popular among women.

The invincible Cao Han, Lu Yao was the first person to make her suffer, so she began to be deeply impressed by Lu Yao. Maybe she hated her at the beginning, but you think about someone you hate every day, and think about it.

Then, this kind of dislike turned into liking. From the beginning, Cao Han felt that Lu Yao was a person who bullied women, and later he felt that Lu Yao was a martial artist with relatively powerful kung fu. This was an obvious change.

From then on, Cao Han began to have more interactions with Lu Yao. She was willing to change herself for Lu Yao, wear skirts, and grow long hair. It has to be said that although Lu Yao talked about ancient times, his aesthetic views were still the same.

Nothing has changed. Cao Han had always tied her hair up before, but that day, she wore a white skirt and spread her hair. Lu Yao had to admit that he really had no resistance to women with waist-length hair.

, and Cao Han dressed like that was not inferior to Han Yunyu in every move and gesture. Even in Lu Yao's dream that night, Cao Han like that appeared.

Cao Han dressed up specially for Lu Yao, and Lu Yao knew it very well, so he felt even more guilty about Cao Han. Another common topic between the two was novels, which were different from Han Yunyu's character.

Similarly, Cao Han doesn't really like reading novels like The Story of the Stone, but she praised Lu Yao's own novels so much that she even urged them to update them. This made Lu Yao very happy.

This is the first novel he started writing after arriving here. Up to now, in fact, in addition to Cao Han, Lu Yao has also shown his original novel to people around him. He originally thought that if everyone thought the manuscript was acceptable, he would

After finishing my Story of the Stone, I asked the printing house to start publishing my current original novel.

Lu Yao gave the manuscript to Pan Wen, Cao You, Chen Chen, Su Shi, Su Che, and Han Wenyuan to read it. However, these people, whether they were Pan Wen with little education, Su Shi, a great talent, or officials

Cao You and Cao Han all felt that Lu Yao's original novel was really not nutritious. They either couldn't understand it or they were not optimistic about its sales after it was published. However, Cao Han was the only one who read every chapter with gusto.

Later, the first thing Cao You said every time he saw Lu Yaode was, My sister asked you to update the novel quickly again.

The so-called love for the house and the bird is as simple as this. With such a comparison, the gap between Cao Han and Han Yunyu becomes wider and wider. Because Cao Han likes Lu Yao, she will also like the novel written by Lu Yao, and

Han Yunyu had some admiration for Lu Yao because of The Stone. In the final analysis, it was just admiration. She would not like other things created by Lu Yao that she did not like because of this emotion.

This is the essential difference. So should you choose a Han Yunyu who admires you, or a woman who both Lu Yao and the other party have feelings for each other? The answer is very obvious.

Lu Yao told Lu Xu everything he could about the stories about himself, Han Yunyu and Cao Han. Lu Yao said that for the first time in a while, he felt very sad and helpless because of Cao Han.

Therefore, I have confirmed my relationship with Cao Han, and I will definitely participate in this contest to recruit a bride.

Lu Yao breathed a long sigh of relief after saying all his feelings in one breath. On the way to the study, Lu Yao thought about countless ways to say how to get his father's consent and help after the showdown with Lu Xu. But when it came to the real face

When he was talking to his father, Lu Yao felt that his brain began to fall into a blank state. Later, Lu Yao decided not to think about any excuses, and just described what happened between him and these two women during this period.

Just tell Lu Xu everything and wait for Lu Xu's reply.

Lu Yao actually did this after thinking about it. His father, Lu Xu, has never taken a concubine for so many years. In fact, according to Lu Xu's current official position, it is not very normal and easy to take a concubine. The reason why it is not so

There is probably only one reason for doing it. Lu Yao knows his mother Yan very well. She is a woman who loves Lu Xu very much, and Lu Yao believes that as long as Lu Xu proposes to take a concubine, Yan will definitely agree. So.

, Lu Xu did not take a concubine, it was Lu Xu’s own wish. In this case, the reason why Lu Xu did not choose to take a concubine was that he had a deep relationship with his wife Yan.

Therefore, Lu Yao planned to play the emotional card to impress his father, hoping to get Lu Xu's support. He felt that his feelings for Cao Han now should be no worse than his father's feelings for his mother.

Having said that, Lu Yao also knew that after all, this matter involved the Han family and the Cao family, Lu Xu also had to think carefully about it. Apart from anything else, there was basically no etiquette in taking concubines, so it was straightforward.

Get a sedan and carry it to the house. So it is absolutely impossible for the Cao family to agree to this alone. Therefore, it is not only the work that Lu Xu has to do here, but there are actually many things that Lu Yao has to do. Why?

How to deal with the Cao family, even if the Cao family agrees in the end, the most important thing is how to deal with Han Yonghe. According to ancient rules, concubinage requires the consent of the main wife, so the Lu family has a marriage contract with the Han family first

, in any case, even if Lu Yao married Cao Han in the end, the position of the principal wife would still be Han Yunyu, so this matter must be settled by both the Cao family and the Han family.

However, now that time is running out, Lu Yao has asked Zhang Mou to invite Jintai. Fortunately, among the five people Tangxi has found, there is a kick master Fang Zhuang, who will start a one-on-one martial arts battle against Lu Yao starting tomorrow.

The training and martial arts recruitment competition is about to start. Lu Yao should be sharpening his skills before the battle, and he will be unhappy. But this is also because Lu Yao really doesn't have much time to prepare.

However, Lu Yao did not feel irritated at all because there were so many things to be done with him. He knew that he could not mess up at this time, so he had to do things one by one. The first thing was to make himself free from worries.

, so the support of family members is necessary.

The owner of the Lu Mansion is naturally his father, Lu Xu. Lu Xu has already seen some clues from the fact that Lu Yao didn't pay much attention to Han Wenyuan's previous visit. According to common sense, Lu Xu

In terms of Yao's feelings for Han Yunyu, he should be the kind of person who can't wait to hold a wedding immediately. What's more, Lu Yao has experienced everything personally during this period, whether it is factories, restaurants, or even this new Cuju competition.

Even if there is no way to handle everything in person in the end, Lu Yao will arrange them in an orderly manner. Lu Yao is a very careful person in this regard.

As for the marriage, it involves Lu Yao's life-long event. Logically speaking, he should be very concerned about it and do it personally. Even if he has to worry about the Cuju competition, he should send Tang Xi or Chen Chen to follow him throughout the process.

It's about preparation, instead of leaving everything to Lu Xu and Yanshi to take care of like now. Therefore, at that time, Lu Xu had already guessed that there must be some problem between Lu Yao and Han Yunyu.

However, in Lu Xu's impression, the number of times Lu Yao and Han Yunyu met could be counted on one hand. Although Lu Yao visited Han Mansion frequently, it was not so rare to see Han Yunyu.

An easy thing. In addition, Lu Yao often wrote some manuscripts to Han Yunyu and sent them to him. This should be regarded as an intersection between the two of them. Therefore, Lu Xu concluded that the problem might lie in this manuscript.

Today, after listening to what Lu Yao said before, Lu Xu finally understood that the problem really lies in the things Lu Yao wrote. And Lu Xu is different from other parents. He is a passionate person.

He is a person who is not the kind of person who values ​​other people's interactions or his own status in the court. In fact, when he reaches Lu Xu's age as an official, everything has been taken lightly. Otherwise, no matter how much trouble Lu Yao made before, he would not

He would not break the engagement between the Lu family and the Han family, and later came to apologize and resume the engagement. All of this was for Lu Yao's consideration. At least Lu Yao had identified Han Yunyu at that time.

And now, after listening to Lu Yao's sincere expression, Lu Xu also believes that his son really likes Cao Han. After all, Lu Yao has undergone earth-shaking changes during this time. He is no longer the same person as before.

That stupid young man thought about the problem very comprehensively, and his words just now were also very serious and serious, so he decided that Cao Han was the person he liked.

However, this matter stumped Lu Xu.

Lu Xu looked at Lu Yao, thought for a moment, and said: "So, what you mean is that you want to marry Han Yunyu for your career and other people's evaluation, and I don't want to ruin your impression in other people's minds.

But you still have to marry Cao Han, even if it’s a concubine.”

"Not bad." Lu Yao nodded and said.

Lu Xu smiled slightly and said: "I'm afraid it's not that easy. First of all, you have to win this competition. Don't think that you can really win the competition just by wearing a mask. Not to mention the Fu Bi family.

Young Master Fu Shaolong is very skilled in martial arts, and even with the other martial artists participating in this conference, you may not be their opponent."

Lu Yao said: "I know this well. If I can't win this martial arts competition, it will all be empty talk. But, if I win by chance, dad, will you support me in marrying Cao Han?"

Lu Xu looked at Lu Yao's firm eyes and understood that his son was not joking. Over the past few days, Lu Xu knew that Lu Yao was a person who never fought a battle that was not prepared for. Since he was so confident, he naturally started to take action.


So, Lu Xu touched his beard and continued: "Even if you can win this competition, how can you convince the Cao family? What's more important is that you are already preparing for the wedding.

Can the Han family really agree? You have to convince two families, not one family. Don’t say anything else, but just prepare for the wedding. Do you think the Cao family will accept the idea of ​​letting Cao Han enter the house with only a sedan chair and wine? "

Lu Xu's question was immediately obvious, and it directly pointed out the difficulties that Lu Yao would face next. Lu Yao thought in his heart, the road is going step by step, things will happen one by one, so he still looked at his father seriously and seriously.

Yes, he said: "Don't worry about this, dad, please help me. I just want to ask you now, if I really marry Cao Han, will you agree and support me? If the Han family and the Cao family want to ask

Regarding your attitude, can you stand firmly in my position?"

To be honest, Lu Yao didn't have much confidence when he asked this question. Although Lu Xu is not the kind of person who follows the trend and pays attention to political influence, his status in the court is still very important. If his position on this matter is

That's not right, or Lu Yao failed to handle the relationship between the Cao family and the Han family well in the future. Coupled with Fu Bi's family, I'm afraid it will be difficult for Lu Xu to gain a foothold in the court.

However, just a few seconds later, Lu Xu actually nodded and said: "Since it is what you want to do, I will naturally support you. After listening to your words, I know your feelings for the Miss Cao family,

Just like your mother and I, it's just that this person really can't have everything go as he pleases in his lifetime. If you can really coordinate the relationship between the Cao family and the Han family by then, you can successfully marry Cao Han into the family.

If so, I don't care much about your concubinage. As for Fu Bi, he alone can't pose any threat to me. Besides, your sister-in-law is about to give birth.

He should retire in a year or two, so you don’t have to worry about me."

The attitude given by Lu Xu made Lu Yao very happy. After all, the support of his family is the most important, and Lu Yao, who has no worries, will have to deal with the affairs of the Cao family and the Han family next, as long as he can coordinate the relationship between them.

, even if this marriage is consummated, in Lu Yao's opinion, it is not easy to settle the matter between these two families.

After seeing his son's happy expression, Lu Xu waved his hand and said, "Don't be too happy too early. I'll tell you the ugly things before you. Only you and I know about this. We can't tell your mother. She won't be able to bear the shock."

In addition, all wedding preparations remain as usual and cannot be delayed just because you have to participate in this contest. Until you have thoroughly coordinated the relationship between their two families, the wedding must still be carried out according to the original schedule. "

Lu Yao nodded. The date of the competition was originally scheduled before his marriage to Han Yunyu. Time was tight and he had to get it done as soon as possible.

"Well, I've told you everything you need to say. You don't need to tell me what you want to do. I only look at the results. If you can really do it, I will naturally be on your side."

"Thank you, father." Lu Yao bowed and left the study.

In any case, he finally settled Lu Xu's case. If Lu Xu didn't support it, even if the Cao family and the Han family agreed, the final thing wouldn't work.

The next step is to practice martial arts well, Lu Yao thought to himself.

This chapter has been completed!
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