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Bianliang Shiyue Chapter 384: Niece Lu Qiaoqiao

The Immortal in Wine.

Lu Yao mentioned Jintai intentionally or unintentionally when he was practicing boxing with Fangzhuang tonight. He felt that Fangzhuang was proficient in kicking and probably had a certain understanding of Jintai boxing. He never thought that for Bagua boxing, Monkey

Fang Zhuang said that he had never heard of boxing techniques such as boxing. Lu Yao recalled carefully that at this time, Jintai had not yet become its own style, but the kick kick originated much earlier than Jintai boxing.

. It seems that it is impossible to preview Jintai boxing in advance. I can only hope that Zhang Mou can complete the task and bring Jintai back from Hebei.

The second day of training was much more difficult than the first time Lu Yao trained. Even though he had strange powers, Lu Yao was still a bit of a novice in martial arts. Although Lu Yao can be considered a martial arts

Fans, I saw a lot of them when I was a kid, but when it came to actual combat, it was a completely different story. Fortunately, Fang Zhuang taught him very carefully, and Lu Yao also once doubted that if he practiced these kung fu,

In the end, it was quite shameful that he failed to win the ring competition. Fang Zhuang was very confident in the competition that Lu Yao participated in to recruit a bride.

The reason is also very simple. First of all, there is a team composed of four people from Fangzhuang to escort them. After experiencing Lu Yao's strength in the Lu Mansion arena last time, plus the high level of skills Lu Yao later gave to several of them.

After receiving the extra reward, several people practiced hard after returning, hoping to help Lu Yao in the real martial arts competition to recruit a bride. Fangzhuang said that they all have a foundation in kung fu. If they pick it up now, they will be better than those

People who have only practiced for a short period of time are stronger. Furthermore, this martial arts competition is not about comparing whose martial arts is stronger. Its final purpose is to find a husband for Cao Han. No matter how stupid Cao Guojiu is, he will not

He would find a group of reckless men or unattractive and vulgar people to participate in this contest. Lu Yao thought carefully and felt that what Fang Zhuang said made sense. Uncle Cao Guo had always liked to form cliques, or he wanted to

You need to find some high-ranking officials to form an alliance or cooperative relationship with you, which is why Fu Shaolong will be chosen as the winner in the end. If something happens to Fu Shaolong by then, there will definitely be other winners.

Therefore, Cao Guojiu must have arranged other candidates. These people have been personally screened by Cao Guojiu and Cao Ping. Putting aside their martial arts skills, they all have to be the famous young master in Bianliang City. He

They would never find someone with the same bodyguards or martial arts skills as Fangzhuang and others to participate in this competition. Therefore, the upper limit of the martial arts skills of the contestants is actually that high. Lu Yao does not have to worry about the sudden emergence of masters among them.

In this era where culture is valued over martial arts, and the purpose is to get married, it is not to choose a general. The participants are all young masters, so there will not be any top masters.

Thinking of this, Lu Yao felt relieved and continued to learn martial arts.

When he returned home, perhaps it was because he had drunk on the first day of practice, and being exhausted under normal conditions today made Lu Yao feel even more tired. After arriving in the room, he fell asleep.

The next day, before dawn, Lu Yao was woken up by bursts of noise. He could only hear the footsteps of the people in the house very quickly, and the shouts of women could be heard from time to time.

Lu Yao suddenly got excited, got up from the bed, pushed the door open and went out. Tangxi was guarding outside.

"What's going on?" Lu Yao asked.

"Mrs. Xu is afraid that she is going to give birth. The whole family is guarding outside her room now. The master has ordered that if you wake up, please call the young master over too." Tangxi replied.

It turned out that the elder sister-in-law Xu was about to give birth to a baby. Lu Yaoxin said that the baby should be his nephew or niece. So, Lu Yao and Tangxi quickly came to the outside of the elder brother's room. At this time, Lu Xu and the elder brother Lu Hao

They were all outside the room, but my mother seemed to be in the room.

"Here we come." Lu Xu glanced at Lu Yao and said, but he didn't pay much attention to Lu Yao. After all, his grandson or granddaughter was about to be born, which was a top priority.

In ancient times, if a woman gave birth and sat on the grass on the ground, she would die." From this passage from a doctor in the Southern and Northern Dynasties, we can see that not only is a woman's life at stake when giving birth, but she also leaves the bed and squats on the ground to give birth. The floor will be paved.

Haystacks or animal skins, on the one hand, prevent babies from being injured when they fall to the ground, and on the other hand, they also prevent blood and water from staining the house, which is taboo and offends the gods.

However, childbirth is a life-and-death marathon that exhausts all one's strength. Squatting in a vertical position makes it easy to exert force, but it is difficult to sustain it for more than ten hours. Because of this, several "waist huggers" (also known as "birth attendants") are needed in the delivery room.

) to help. One of these female midwives stands behind the mother, hugging and supporting her armpits so that the mother can lean on her with peace of mind; the other is in front of the mother, preparing to welcome the newborn. The word "birth" is rarely found in ancient books, "childbirth"

"It was also more commonly used after the Song Dynasty. 1500 years ago, if people said "hug the waist", it meant that they were preparing to deliver a woman's baby.

However, if childbirth is so hard, why didn’t the ancients sleep on soft and comfortable beds?

It may be easier for the mother to exert force and the fetus to move forward, which should be the main reason. In addition, according to documents before the Tang Dynasty, the height of the bed can reach several feet (one foot is about 23 centimeters), and there were pregnant women in the Southern Dynasties who wanted to abort their babies.

Countless times, I put myself in the shoes of a pregnant woman with a big belly and a midwife holding her waist. Lying on a high bed to give birth may not be the best choice. Of course, material conditions may also need to be taken into consideration. Life in ancient times

It is not as elegant and convenient as modern times. Online purchases can be delivered to your home 24 hours a day. Beds and other furniture are far more precious than today. If they are soaked with a lot of blood, they will be scrapped.

At the time of delivery, the midwife (midwife) is already waiting by her side to accompany and comfort the mother, and to help her relax with massage. The mother can sit, lie down, or walk, as long as she feels comfortable. When does she start exerting force? Modern medical treatment uses "opening"

"How many fingers" is used as the standard, and the basis for judgment in ancient times is "how much pain there is." If you exert force too early, you are likely to have insufficient physical strength; you must wait until the mother has severe pain, "abdominal pain connecting to the waist and spine", which means she is close to giving birth, before she can start sitting on the ground.

Work harder.

Even if the entire labor process goes smoothly, it will take more than ten hours. The mother squats to give birth, and waist huggers assist the delivery one after another. If there are not enough people or the labor process is too long, assistive devices will be needed. For example, in Japanese costume dramas from the Edo period,

Use a belt to hang the beam, tie it to the pregnant woman's hands, or hang a crossbar to help her lean on it. Among the dowries of Japanese-controlled Taiwan were birth barrels, in which the mother was asked to squat and cling to the edge of the barrel to support herself. In some early areas,

The dowry also included a toilet called the "descendant bucket", which was probably also used as a production aid.

There are risks in childbirth. If unfortunately you encounter a difficult delivery, in addition to using decoctions to induce birth, there are also records in medical books about the "hand of God" of the birth attendant.

Due to the abnormal position of the mother's fetus, the fetus' hands were delivered first, which could lead to death from dystocia if not careful. Fortunately, the midwife pushed the fetus back into the birth canal, massaged the fetus into the correct position, and finally gave birth safely and naturally.

Similar records are not uncommon. Ancient Hebrew literature records that midwives with superb skills delivered difficult-to-delivery twins. Medical books from the Han and Tang Dynasties also said that if the fetus stretched out its hands first, it could be pushed back and reborn.

Interestingly, the medical book instructs the father to write his father's name on his palm before pushing back, as a threat, "Let the rebellious son correct his evil ways and return to his rightful ways"!

Male doctors emphasized paternal induction, but from this record it can be inferred that the midwives at that time may have the clinical skills to rescue difficult labor. There would be no doctors around during the entire birth process, and the birth attendant actually played the most important role.

However, medical books are written and collected by men, and medical knowledge systems are established. This group of midwifery women who silently provide maternal support cannot be admitted to the "elegant hall". In the long history, they only belong to one of the traditional three aunts and six women, and have no name as doctors.

Although she has no right to speak, she may be a professional who truly practices and imparts knowledge about childbirth, and can accompany women through the difficulties of life and death.

In ancient times, medical skills and facilities were not as developed as in modern times. Lu Yao felt a little uncomfortable when he thought that Mrs. Xu had to go through such a painful childbirth process.

Fortunately, Lu Yao didn't wait for a while when he heard the cry of the baby coming from the room. It seemed that the birth was successful. Lu Yao looked at his father and his expression instantly relaxed. Did he?

How long to wait, but my father and elder brother don't know how long they have been waiting outside this door.

Then, the midwife took the child out of the room. Lu Xu walked forward and asked, "Boy or girl?"

"Sir, it's a girl," the midwife said.

Lu Yao stepped forward and took a look at the newborn baby. Lu Yao didn't have a girlfriend in modern times, let alone raising children. Therefore, this was also the first time he saw a newborn baby.

After the baby.

Lu Yao only took one look and understood what his mother said before. No matter what worries you have or how much pain you endure, the moment you see your child, you will feel that it is all worth it.

Lu Hao on the side also shed tears of excitement.

Lu Xu was very happy about the birth of his granddaughter, and did not show the disappointed look as expected. This surprised Lu Yao for a while. After all, boys have always been favored over girls in ancient times, but Lu Yao didn't have time to think about it at the moment, but he

It can be seen that Lu Xu is very fond of his granddaughter.

Afterwards, Lu Xu asked the midwife to take the baby to the wet nurse. It seemed that the Lu family had made full preparations for Xu's birth, and it should be said that the attention given to it was the same as Lu Yao's marriage.

Speaking of which, breastfeeding in ancient times is also different from modern times. Modern people choose to breastfeed their children more often. However, in ancient times, there were full-time wet nurses. For families like the Lu family, it has long been

A wet nurse has been found for Mr. Xu.

Historically, wet nurses from the lower classes have long been service personnel in the fertility activities of the nobles. From the Eastern Han Dynasty to the Northern Wei Dynasty, there was even a phenomenon of royal wet nurses intervening in politics. Between the Tang and Song Dynasties, the class that employed wet nurses seemed to have a downward trend, that is, they no longer

It is limited to the royal family and the nobles. In Dunhuang murals, we can also see the figures of wet nurses in ordinary families. Figures 13 and 13 are pictures of wet nurses from Cave 31 in the Tang Dynasty. The picture shows a small courtyard. There is a simple hut in the courtyard, and a woman is sitting on the floor.

Or the biological mother of the child; and the other woman holding the child has a very plump figure and exposes her snow-white breasts. She should be the child's wet nurse. The wet nurse became the standard figure next to the goddess of delivering children in the Song Dynasty, which shows that even in the corner of the southwest, Dazu

, wet nurses have also become common service personnel for local middle- and upper-class families.

The title of the wet nurse in the Song Dynasty can also be found in the Dazu Rock Carvings. No. 50 of the North Tower of Dazu has an inscription on the donation made by Feng Ji and his family in Luzhou in the 22nd year of Shaoxing. The inscription details the official titles and ages of Feng Ji and his family, and later says: "The nurse is waiting for the Ren family."

Er Niang is twenty-five years old, Da you, Wu family, are twenty years old, Hu you family is thirty-six years old, Fobao you, Wang family, are twenty-eight years old, Yang Sengyou, Wen family, is twenty-six years old.

"Master, you are Wang, thirty years old, and Buddha, you, Deng, are twenty-eight years old." The so-called "you" is a variant of "milk", which is the common name for wet nurse. Fobao, Yang Seng, Runshi, and Buddha are all seen in

According to the names of the Feng family's grandchildren, the Feng family employed six wet nurses at the same time. Each of the grandchildren had a wet nurse. The number was astonishing. Moreover, when the child was nine years old, the wet nurse still did not leave the main family. Wet nurses generally entered the families of scholar-bureaucrats in the Song Dynasty.

Most of the reasons are because milk is produced from blood. "If there is too much milk, the blood will wither and kill people." "And in a secular home, if a woman breastfeeds her son again after giving birth, the childbirth will damage the Qi very much, and the milk will hurt the blood deeply, and the blood will be damaged deeply."

The main reason why middle- and upper-class women refuse to breastfeed is to protect their own health. The Sutra "Buddha Says It's Hard to Repay Parents' Kindness" also has the same statement: "The Buddha told Ananda: 'Now you will

This pile of dead bones is divided into two parts. If it is a male bone, it is white and heavy; if it is a female bone, it is dark and light.'... Women in the world are short of intelligence and easily indulge in love.

Children rely on milk to nourish their lives, and the milk is changed from blood. Each child drinks eight dendrobiums and four buckets of mother's milk, and a lot of white milk, so he is haggard, his bones appear black, and the amount is also light.'" Cultures will influence each other, and Buddhism related changes in texts

, which in turn will make women more convinced of the rumors that breastfeeding is harmful to the health.

At this time, Mrs. Yan walked out of the room and chatted with Lu Xu. Obviously, her mother, Mrs. Yan, was very happy that the baby was a daughter. Then Lu Xu walked up to Lu Hao and explained a few words.

Yan went back to his room to rest. It seemed that they had been here since late last night, not long after Lu Yao fell asleep. Lu Yao probably slept very deeply because he practiced too much yesterday, and fell asleep in the middle of the night.

He didn't get up. Maybe Lu Xu also knew the reason for this, so he asked Tang Xi to guard the door and wait for Lu Yao to wake up before bringing him over.

Seeing that nothing happened and the baby was delivered successfully, Lu Yao took Tangxi away. After all, the rest was what Lu Hao needed to do.

Unexpectedly, the eldest brother Lu Hao stopped Lu Yao and said, "Your sister-in-law has discussed with me. Among the Lu family, if you want to be the most successful official, it must be our father, but if you want to be the most literary, he is the most successful.

The one with the most talent should be you."

This eldest brother usually didn't praise himself very much. What happened today? He suddenly praised himself. Lu Yao knew that he must have something to discuss with him.

Lu Hao continued: "What we two mean is that this girl is your niece. As for the name, I will let you choose it."

Lu Yao was a little surprised. Usually naming was a big deal for the ancients.

After a baby was born in the Song Dynasty, his parents or grandparents would give him a nickname.

Some baby names are very childish and nice. For example, Su Shi's baby name is "Tongwen", Su Shi's baby name is "Maojun", Su Zhe's second son Su Shi's baby name is "Aluo", Huang Tingjian's only son Huang Xiang's baby name is "Xiao De", Wang Anshi's baby name

The eldest daughter's nickname is "Bo Ji", Ouyang Xiu's eldest son Ouyang is nicknamed "Seng Ge", and Lu You's uncle Lu Huan is nicknamed "Ma Ge". It is an inherent custom in the Jiangnan area for boys to have the character "Brother" in their nicknames, just like Lu Xun

When I was a kid, I was called "Brother Xun".

When it comes to naming women, usually the baby name will be given a double-sounding name, while the first name is more formal. In the eyes of the scholar-bureaucrats of the Song Dynasty, the double-sounding name has no connection with the "three obediences and four virtues", and can only be used when a girl is young. Once she reaches the age of marriage,

Parents must give her a "proper" name, otherwise they will be embarrassed to write their daughter's name in the marriage book to avoid being looked down upon by her husband's family.

Women who were born in the scholar-bureaucrat class rarely used dubbing names when they grew up, and their names were very serious, so serious that they hardly looked like female names. For example, Su Dongpo's wife was named Wang Fu, and Wang Fu

After his death, Lao Su married Wang Fu's sister Wang Runzhi. Wang Fu, Wang Runzhi, a decent, very masculine name, is a famous name at first glance. Huang Tingjian had a daughter named Huang Mu. Xin Qiji had two daughters named Xin.

Jiong and Xinxiu are also very serious names. Do they have nicknames? They definitely do, maybe they are compound names, but they are no longer used after they become adults. Because according to the customs of the Song Dynasty, only lowly women would have them.

Use the compound name throughout your life. The mean woman here mainly refers to a relatively low-level profession, such as prostitutes, geishas, ​​concubines, factory hairdressers, and the lowest-ranking concubines in the palace.

Li Shishi has always used the double-sounding name "Shishi" all her life, and she is a prostitute. Su Xiaoxiao has used the double-sounding name "Xiaoxiao" all her life, and she is also a prostitute.

In other words, the double-sounding name was a double-edged sword in the Song Dynasty: it was cute and melodious, and suitable for parents to call young daughters; at the same time, it exuded the smell of prostitution, and was often reduced to the status of prostitutes and concubines.


Of course, there are situations where naming is taboo. People in ancient times took names very seriously. The names of kings, bosses, elders, and parents were all taboo. Not only could they not be written, but they could not be spoken.

The name is even more inappropriate. This situation is completely contrary to European and American customs. The father is called Nicholas, the son can be called Nicholas, and the grandson continues to be called Nicholas. Three generations of grandparents can have the same name. In China,

Children and grandchildren generally cannot use the names used by their parents, otherwise it will violate the taboo of names.

When parents in the Song Dynasty chose names for their children, it didn’t matter whether they sounded nice or not. The most important thing was to avoid violating name taboos. For example, Song Taizu’s name was Zhao Kuangyin. From then on, the names of emperors in the Song Dynasty would never have the word "Kuang" or "Yin" in their names. Nobles

And these two words cannot appear in the names of ordinary people.

There were many emperors in the Song Dynasty, including Taizu Zhao Kuangyin, Taizong Zhao Guangyi, Zhenzong Zhao Heng, Renzong Zhao Zhen, Yingzong Zhao Shu, Shenzong Zhao Xiang... the names of emperors of each generation cannot be violated.

People in the Song Dynasty sometimes received special notices not to offend the names of the queen, the queen mother, the queen mother's father, etc. When Song Renzong ascended the throne, Empress Dowager Liu listened behind the curtain and made her father Liu Tong's name an official taboo, prohibiting people from using the same name.

Name. When Zhezong of the Song Dynasty ascended the throne, the Empress Dowager Gao listened behind the curtain and made the name of her father Gao Zunfu an official taboo. "Zunfu" is two words, and it is too difficult to avoid it. Fortunately, the Empress Dowager was particularly gracious and allowed people to

Just avoid the word "fu".

Lu Yao thought carefully for a moment and then said: "Why not, let's call her nickname Qiaoqiao. The word Qiao means exquisite. I just looked at my niece's face and felt that she will be a powerful woman in the future. It is also a good idea to choose this name.

I hope she can inherit your exquisiteness in the future."

This compliment made Lu Hao feel a little embarrassed, but it seemed that Lu Hao was not very satisfied with Lu Yao getting this name. Lu Yao naturally knew that what Lu Hao asked him must be in the future.

A great name for my niece.

"If it's a famous name, let's call it Wanyi. What does it mean? I will tell my niece the meaning when she becomes sensible."

"Wanyi, this is a good name." Although Lu Hao didn't know the meaning of Lu Yao's name, from the literal meaning, it was also a good name.

Therefore, the name of Lu Yao's niece is Lu Wanyi. However, since she is still young, everyone in the family should call her Qiaoqiao.

"One more thing." Lu Hao continued: "I plan to resign."

"What?" Lu Yao was a little surprised. "Have you told dad about this?"

"I've said it." Lu Hao nodded and said, "I think you will definitely enter the court in the future. If nothing else, your achievements will be greater than mine. You don't need to deny this. Since we are all from the same family

Man, I discussed it with my father. In fact, my pursuit of becoming a high-ranking official is not that big. Now that I have daughters, I want to spend more time with them."

Lu Yao knew that Lu Hao was very high-spirited before. The reason why he made this choice was actually to pave the way for himself, and he was the one who made the sacrifice.

Lu Hao continued: "I plan to resign and focus on managing your bank with your sister-in-law, and then we will do some small business ourselves. When the time comes, you can give us some advice. This business is mine.

If I don't become an official, I won't cause any trouble to you."

Lu Yao looked at Lu Hao and said, "Brother, you are doing this for me..."

Lu Hao waved his hand and said: "Don't think so. In fact, I didn't want to be an official in the first place. It's just that you were really insignificant at that time. Dad could only let me be his successor. Now that you have become famous, I can naturally do it."

Let’s do what I want to do.”

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