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Bianliang Shiyue Chapter 393: Martial Arts Hall

Lu Yao's desire to open a martial arts gym was actually the same as holding a new Cuju competition. It was to improve the physical fitness and martial arts foundation of the entire people. Only in this way could the overall military strength of the Song Dynasty be improved.

Although the Song Dynasty has always been said to emphasize culture over martial arts, in fact the martial arts in the Song Dynasty also developed.

The birth and development of martial arts in the Song Dynasty was not only a powerful response to the political, economic, and military development needs of the Song Dynasty, but also the inheritance and development of the ancient Chinese tradition of attaching importance to military education. Explore the development and evolution process of military education in the Song Dynasty, and analyze the impact on its development and evolution.

The main factors are conducive to exploring the laws of military education and providing reference for strengthening military education at present. First, the birth of martial arts in the Song Dynasty. The birth of martial arts in the Song Dynasty was driven by intrinsic motivation, that is, the need for internal selection of military talents, and also

The first is the need of the military examination system, and the second is the driving force of external factors, that is, the defeat of foreign wars and the intensification of border defense crises, which urgently call for military talents.

Since the Tang Dynasty began to set up the martial arts examination and created the examination subjects for selecting military attaches through the imperial examination, it has become the tradition of the imperial examination to attach importance to the selection of military talents. However, with the demise of the Tang Dynasty, the martial arts examination also disappeared until the Zhenzong period of the Song Dynasty.

Only then did calls for the resumption of military examinations arise. It is worth noting that those who advocated military examinations were mostly civil servants, and they had a new view on the quality of military officers. That is, military officers must also be civilized and wise. The reason for such a change

, there are two main reasons: First, Song Taizong advocated that civil servants are the basis for generals to command troops. Song Taizong asked military attachés to study the "Six Tao Art of War" written by him personally, and learn from it the principles of using troops. Second, Taizong used civilian officials to control border areas.

The practice of military positions aroused the enthusiasm of civilian officials for military policies. Coupled with the repeated failures of the Song army in foreign operations, civilian officials found reasons to suppress the military attachés and began to accuse the military attaches of the lack of Wen Tao. Therefore, Emperor Zhenzong served as Wenchen

Command the troops and give them full power without interference, hoping that this approach can solve the border defense problem. It can be seen that the Song Dynasty society's understanding of the quality of good generals has changed, and knowledge and strategy have become necessary conditions for them to measure excellent generals. So since

New requirements have been put forward for the quality of generals. From the previous emphasis on "martial arts" to the current emphasis on "wisdom and strategy", the methods of discovering generals will naturally need new innovations.

As the call for promoting martial arts examinations gradually increased, a new martial arts examination method was introduced in the eighth year of Tiansheng. The examination method was first reviewed, then the archery and horse tests were reviewed, and the preliminary examination by the Ministry of War was passed, and finally the emperor's palace examination. Candidates must first pass the strategy analysis.

Only the examination of martial arts can be assessed, which greatly demonstrates the importance of strategy theory in martial arts. However, the assessment of martial arts only includes archery and equestrianism. Compared with the martial arts examination in the Tang Dynasty, the content of the martial arts examination has been reduced.

And the requirement can be lowered to pass. Since the reform of the martial arts examination method cannot solve the problem of lack of generals, especially the failure of foreign wars and the intensification of the border defense crisis, the issue of military talent training has been put on the agenda. Since the Song Dynasty went through the Tang Dynasty

After the separation of vassal towns at the end of the Tang Dynasty and the division of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, Zhao Kuangyin, the emperor of the Song Dynasty, learned the lessons of the separation of vassal towns at the end of the Tang Dynasty and adopted the policy of revising literature and suppressing military power to strengthen and consolidate centralization. For this reason, in the early Northern Song Dynasty, all military books were

All were listed as banned books, and the development of military education was seriously hindered. Under the influence of the concept of "foreign troubles are minor, internal troubles are more to be feared", the Song Dynasty tightly controlled military education, even though it faced many failures in conquering the Liao Dynasty during this period.


At the beginning of Kangding, Li Yuanhao of Xixia rebelled, the border defenses were corrupted, and the border generals suffered repeated defeats. Since the founding of the Northern Song Dynasty, the national policy of emphasizing culture and restraining military force was not conducive to dealing with the border crisis. The rebellion of Xixia was used as an opportunity to promote the establishment of martial arts. Among them, Fan Zhongyan and Fu Bi were the most important.

Representative, when facing the problems caused by the Xixia rebellion, he strongly advocated the establishment of martial arts to cultivate military talents and enhance military strength. In the first year of Jingyou, Fu Bi wrote to Renzong, "We are rich in literature but not well prepared in military affairs, which may lead to chaos."

Therefore, it was proposed that the martial arts school should be established in the Taigong Temple. The teaching content should be based on the works of Taigong, Sun Tzu and others. Although the initiative of Fu Bi and others to establish a martial arts school was affirmed by the imperial court,

Due to various conditions, it was not implemented immediately. It was not until December of the second year of Qingli that Song Renzong announced the establishment of martial arts, with Taichang Cheng Ruan Yi as the professor of martial arts. Since then, martial arts in the Song Dynasty was born and became the first in Chinese history.

It is an ancient military academy in the true sense. Second, the development and evolution of martial arts in the Song Dynasty. Fu Bi wrote to Renzong in the first year of Jingyou, and was affirmed by the court. This can be said to be the embryonic stage of martial arts in the Song Dynasty. In May of the third year of Qingli

On the 21st, Renzong accepted the letter of remonstrance from Fan Zhongyan and others, "Edict to establish martial arts in the Wuchengwang Temple, with Taichang Chui Ruan Yi as the professor." This announced the formal establishment of martial arts. However, the establishment of martial arts has been controversial.

Many Confucian clergy and officials criticized and resisted. They "thought that ancient famous generals such as Zhuge Liang, Yang Hu, Du Yu, Pei Du, etc. could not specialize in "Sun" and "Wu". They continued to criticize martial arts, resulting in social

There was a strange phenomenon of "heroic" people being ashamed to study, and only a handful of people entered martial arts. It can be seen that the establishment and existence of martial arts in this period was only a flash in the pan. After that, the martial arts of the Song Dynasty, which was established and abolished, struggled amidst twists and tribulations.


In response to the shortcomings of educating and cultivating talents that emphasized literature over martial arts at that time, in the fifth year of Xining, Emperor Shenzong of the Song Dynasty, Wang Anshi once again proposed the establishment of martial arts and listed it as an important part of official education. In June of the fifth year of Xining, Wang Anshi said in a letter:

"I want to restore the martial arts school and educate it widely in order to pursue the ambition of the previous dynasty." Under Wang Anshi's suggestion, on June 27 of the same year, the Song Dynasty martial arts school was rebuilt in the Wucheng Wang Temple.

Han Bin judged the study, and Guo Gu, the deputy envoy of Neizangku, also judged it and gave him the capital Wanluo." At this point, martial arts became an important part of the official academic system of the Song Dynasty and became a higher specialized school for the training of military talents in the Song Dynasty. Since then, the central martial arts academy has not

Then abolished. After the establishment of the central martial arts school in the Song Dynasty, during the Chongning period of Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty, Song Huizong ordered all local prefectures and counties to set up martial arts schools to pay tribute to the central martial arts school. Therefore, "all states set up martial arts schools". This declared the origin of martial arts.

The arrival of its heyday. After more than ten years of development, local martial arts in the Northern Song Dynasty formed a relatively complete supporting system, which played a certain positive role in the development of local military education in later generations. After the Jingkang Incident, martial arts was paralyzed. Although Emperor Gaozong of the Song Dynasty in Shaoxing

In the 16th year, an edict was issued to build a martial arts school in Lin'an Prefecture. However, it was not until the 26th year of Shaoxing that Emperor Gaozong sadly discovered that "the martial arts was declining. Because he ordered his assistant ministers to say, 'Civil and martial arts are the same. Today, the Taixue is ready, and martial arts

If you fail to learn enough, you may leave some talents behind. "The Ministry of War was ordered to discuss allusions and establish new systems." Martial arts was paralyzed.

There are two main reasons for the paralysis of martial arts at this time: First, all the generals' children were ashamed to learn bow and horse. In this regard, Emperor Gaozong pointed out the shortcomings of the court at that time: "The country has martial arts selections, and the relationship is not light. Today, all the children of generals are

It is shameful to learn bow and horse in exchange for literary qualifications. After a few years, no one will learn martial arts, so how can we not persuade them." He tried to revive martial arts to promote the development of military skills, but due to the culture at that time that valued literature over martial arts, he had little success.

Second, because peace negotiation was the basic national policy of the Song Dynasty at that time, and the status of military attachés in the Song Dynasty was not high, the attractiveness of military positions was very low, which also restricted the development of martial arts. After repeated urging by Emperor Gaozong of the Song Dynasty, the construction of martial arts in the Southern Song Dynasty gradually got on the right track.

.From the third year of Chongning's imperial edict to the fall of the Song Dynasty in 1279, local martial arts schools in the Song Dynasty existed for 175 years. At that time, the martial arts schools established in prefectures and counties in the Song Dynasty were mainly concentrated in Anhui, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Hubei, Hunan, and Sichuan.

etc., in the economically and culturally developed areas of the Song Dynasty, especially in the Southern Song Dynasty. Although not all states and counties had martial arts schools, the martial arts schools established in the above-mentioned places, especially the county-based martial arts schools, further popularized military education in the Song Dynasty.

It made a contribution to the improvement of the education system of the Song Dynasty and the construction of the martial arts education system. Of course, some of the reconstruction of martial arts at this time was only a nominal reconstruction, with only a slight renovation of the school buildings.

There are basically no teaching activities.

Throughout the development of martial arts in the Song Dynasty, it can be said to be "unlucky". The martial arts in the Song Dynasty was influenced by the rebellion of Li Yuanhao in the early days of Kangding and Xixia. It sprouted from the first year of Jingyou, when Fu Bi wrote a letter to Renzong in Jingyou, until the third year of Qingli.

Emperor Renzong of the Song Dynasty issued an edict to establish martial arts in the Wuchengwang Temple. However, in just three months, on August 24, the third year of Qingli, in just 95 days, Qingli Wushu was discontinued.

The reason for this is not only the influence of the national policy of "advocating culture and suppressing military force" left over from the Song Taizu period, but the more direct reason is that the end of the Song-Xia war has reduced the demand for military talents. The peace talks between the two countries have made the Song court's demand for military generals no longer war.

It was so urgent when it first broke out. From this, the "tasteless" attributes of Song Dynasty martial arts can be seen at a glance. The subsequent restoration of martial arts on June 27, the fifth year of Xining, once again proved that the demand for military talents and martial arts

In the first year of Zhiping, Xixia failed to attack Qingcheng. Xixia turned to offense and defended. After years of recuperation, it gained the ambition and strength to devour the Central Plains. In May of the fifth year of Yuanfeng, Shenzong of the Song Dynasty, another war broke out. It is worth mentioning.

What's more, the winner of this war was the Song Dynasty, which greatly inspired Song Shenzong's confidence. At the same time, it became an important driving force for Wang Anshi to restore martial arts, and incorporated martial arts into the official academic system of the Song Dynasty, which greatly improved the status of martial arts.

Since then, although there have been twists and turns in the central martial arts, such as the failure of the expedition to Xixia in the fourth year of Yuanfeng, the death of Shenzong and the accession of Zhezong to the throne, the old and new party struggles, etc., which have affected the development of martial arts, it will not be abolished.

During the reign of Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty, following the Song Jiang and Fangla uprisings, and facing increasingly severe national internal security issues, martial arts further won a golden period of development. Local martial arts schools were vigorously established, although the goal of training generals through martial arts was not achieved.

Its purpose was to cultivate famous generals, but some of the grassroots military talents it trained directly served in local areas, playing an important role in local security and stability. But what is regrettable is that martial arts was discontinued during the Zhenghe period.

, one of the important reasons for the discontinuation is that the Song Dynasty won the Battle of Hengshan and Xixia became a vassal, which made the civil servants of the Song court urgently needed to achieve the political goal of suppressing military generals, and martial arts also became a victim of the civil-military political game. After summarizing the Jingkang Incident,

Martial arts was paralyzed. Although Emperor Gaozong of the Song Dynasty reestablished martial arts in Lin'an in the 16th year of Shaoxing, under the basic national policy of "negotiating peace" at that time, the status of military attachés declined sharply, and martial arts was no longer attractive, making martial arts in the Song Dynasty only in name only.

The reconstruction of the school, that is, the renovation of the school building, essentially had no teaching activities. In short, the development of martial arts in the Song Dynasty showed the characteristics of "three ups and three downs", difficult and tortuous, in which the external environment was an important influencing factor, and internal constraints were

The fundamental reason why martial arts has struggled to develop from beginning to end.

The martial arts gym that Lu Yao wants to build is a very comprehensive martial arts gym. It is not like a dart agency, but more responsible for the project of transporting darts. This martial arts gym not only teaches everyone martial arts, but also teaches everyone more.

To cultivate their thinking ability, after all, it is impossible to solve all problems by martial arts alone.

As for Jintai, after the battle just now, Lu Yao felt that it was perfect for him to be the owner of this martial arts gym.

At the moment, Lu Yao also told Fangzhuang about the idea of ​​building a martial arts gym. However, compared to Jintai, Lu Yao planned to keep Fangzhuang with him forever. However, in the early stage, he could also follow up on the construction of the martial arts gym.

After Fang Zhuang heard Lu Yao's idea, he agreed very much. In fact, he and the other three bodyguard brothers had not found any serious jobs after they stopped being bodyguards. This martial arts school was quite suitable for them to survive.

place. And when Lu Yao asked if he could follow Lu Yao to the border if necessary, Fangzhuang also agreed. He said that Fangzhuang might still value money at first, but after hearing Lu Yao's purpose of establishing a martial arts gym,

Fangzhuang felt that this Lu Yao was a person who was ambitious and wanted to do things. If you follow such a person, you will never suffer a loss.

The work of appeasing Fangzhuang has come to an end. Lu Yao decided not to train today. He asked Fangzhuang to go back first, while he went to the private room to meet Jintai.

"The Romance of Fairy Wood"

He told Jintai his true thoughts of coming to Bianliang to find him. The first thing was, of course, the martial arts competition that the Cao family was about to hold to recruit a bride. Naturally, Lu Yao couldn't tell Jintai all the details, but just asked him to

Teach yourself some martial arts thinking and the core moves of Bagua Quan. Jintai did not refuse this, after all, the reward given by Lu Yao was very generous. On the other hand, Lu Yao's idea of ​​establishing a martial arts school was also discussed with Jintai.

Taiwan is somewhat coincident. After all, he has arrived in Bianliang now and knows no one around him. Although the money Lu Yao gave is a lot, it is not easy to gain a foothold in Bianliang City. You have to find someone.

Errands, and the opportunity Lu Yao gave him now is not bad. The martial arts school is not in a hurry. Lu Yao thinks that after he gets married and the imperial examination is over, he can start doing the martial arts school affairs. By then, he will enter the officialdom.

The first achievement should be the establishment of this martial arts hall, which will also make it easier for him to gain a place in the court.

The top priority now is to learn real kung fu from Jintai. Therefore, Lu Yao made an agreement with Jintai to train every night, and Lu Yao moved up his previous training time with Fangzhuang by an hour.

, first practice kicking, then go to Jintai to practice and learn Bagua Quan, and finally learn martial arts thinking.

As for Jintai's residence, Lu Yao directly decided to place him in the dormitory that Tangxi had just built and planned to use it as accommodation for hot pot restaurant employees. After this incident, Lu Yao would talk to Yang Tao and create a single room in that dormitory.

Coming to live in Jintai also represents the importance that Lu Yao attaches to Jintai. Yang Tao understands Lu Yao very well and naturally knows that he must have his own reasons for doing so, and he should not refuse.

Although Jin Tai happily agreed to Lu Yao's request, he also raised a question. That is, he felt that he could count the people who knew him with two hands, but how could Lu Yao know that person before him?

When will you be in Hebei?

Lu Yao smiled slightly and did not tell Jin Tai the answer to this question. It cannot be said that he has the ability to predict the future.

In any case, Lu Yao has reached an agreement with Jintai. Starting from tomorrow, Fangzhuang and Jintai will train him in martial arts together. With the kick kick kung fu and Bagua boxing, Lu Yao

If I learn some martial arts thinking from Jin Tai, I should have a better chance of winning when it comes to the martial arts competition to recruit a bride.

After a night, Lu Yao took Tangxi to the outer city area early the next morning. The destination was the hot pot restaurant he was about to open. The business of this hot pot restaurant was originally planned to be opened before the start of the second round of the official competition.

Today there are only three days left before the start of the second round of the competition. Lu Yao is here to finalize the status of the hot pot restaurant, including ingredients and manpower, as well as preparations for the opening.

When Yang Tao saw Lu Yao coming, he immediately started to talk to Lu Yao about the preparations of the hot pot restaurant recently. As for the ingredients, Yang Tao had already made an agreement with Zhao Hu. On the opening day, he would prepare what he needed for the day before the opening.

The ingredients are all delivered to this hot pot restaurant. As for the personnel, the current hot pot restaurant clerk Lu Yao took a look and found that the manpower is enough. These people were selected by Yang Tao and Zhang Maocai, plus those from the Tigers.

The team members must have enough manpower. After checking the environment and personnel, Lu Yao once again asked the most critical question, that is, whether there will be full seats at the opening. This is a very important question. During this period, Lu Yao

I have been busy with the imperial examinations, martial arts training and Cuju competition. I basically didn’t take care of the hot pot restaurant. I left everything to Yang Tao. Although I have a cooperative relationship with Zhang Maocai, a big businessman, it is about to open now.

, it will become a problem if no one comes to visit by then.

Yang Tao did not answer Lu Yao directly, but gave Lu Yao a manuscript. Lu Yao took it and looked at it. In modern times, this manuscript is equivalent to a flyer. It is filled with some discounts for the opening of the hot pot restaurant.

For example, residents in outer urban areas can enjoy greater discounts, and there will be discounts for dining with more than a few people. These are probably things Zhang Maocai did.

Yang Tao later said that Zhang Maocai used his connections to ensure that the opening proposal would be full. The hot pot restaurant is now a two-story building, and there should be more than 20 tables upstairs and downstairs. Yang Tao said that by then,

It can be full.

Lu Yao nodded. It seemed that everything was normal in the hot pot restaurant. Now he could just wait and see the situation for himself when it opens in a few days.

"Don't forget to leave a table for me when the time comes." This is also a big deal, Lu Yao told Yang Tao.

Different from the previous opening of the bank, Lu Yao did not find many officials to attend the opening ceremony with great fanfare this time when the hot pot restaurant opened. Firstly, Zhang Maocai had already found many officials, and secondly, the business of this hot pot restaurant was after all

It is not as profitable as a bank, not to mention that it is more for the convenience of residents in the outer city and to narrow the gap between the inner and outer cities. In other words, it is more oriented to the people in the outer city. So Lu Yao does not intend to find those dignitaries or dignitaries.

Big businessmen come here to eat.

Later, Lu Yao explained to Yang Tao about the accommodation issue in Jintai. Just as Lu Yao had thought before, Yang Tao didn't even ask what Jintai was for, so he agreed directly. Being able to have the treatment of a single room, this

Even Yang Tao couldn't compare to him. This person's importance to Lu Yao was evident. Yang Tao naturally couldn't be careless.

Everything was checked and it was just a matter of Lu Yao coming over on the opening day. Before leaving, Lu Yao and Yang Tao also inquired about the training situation of the Fan Lou team and the Lions team. He was still more concerned about Pan Wen and Cao You.

Of course, Lu Yao couldn't ask Pan Wen directly about this. After all, if others knew about it, they would say that he was giving Pan Wen advice in private. However, it was still possible to ask Yang Tao from the side.


After listening to Yang Tao's description, it seems that he is very confident about Fanlou team's second round match. Yang Tao and Chen Chen have given Pan Wen guidance in various aspects in the past few days, which is equivalent to saying that Fanlou team has two more coaches.

Of these two players, Chen Chen is good at defense and can make suggestions on the back line, while Yang Tao is more likely to come up with some strange tricks, which can also be used against the Huangtian team.

"It seems that Pan Wen still has a good chance of winning the next game." Lu Yao said.

Yang Tao nodded and said that of the four teams in the top half, at the beginning, three of the teams were led by Lu Yao's friends or subordinates, but after the first round, only one team was left.

Therefore, both Yang Tao and Chen Chen felt that they had to do their best to send the Fan Lou team to the finals.

Having said that, facing the Huangtian team, even with the help of Yang Tao and Chen Chen, they may not be able to win easily.

As for the Lions, Yang Tao said that Cao You has been very busy recently and seems to be doing special training for the Wenyuan team. The reason why Lu Yao wanted to inquire about these things was because he wanted to know the status of each team in advance. After all, he wanted to

Make sure this second round is more exciting than the first.

According to Yang Tao's answer, there should be no need to worry about this problem.

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