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Bianliang Time Moon Chapter 432 Confrontation

Before continuing in the martial arts arena, we might as well talk about the folk customs of the Northern Song Dynasty.

When Emperor Taizu of the Song Dynasty established the land private property rights system, free buying and selling, and adopted a policy of not inhibiting mergers, tenancy management became an important form of land management. After the expiration of the tenancy contract, tenant farmers can freely decide to terminate or renew the contract. Population mobility has increased.

, the development of urban commodity economy.

The economic prosperity of the Song Dynasty was unprecedented. Agriculture, printing, papermaking, silk weaving, and porcelain manufacturing all experienced significant development. The navigation and shipbuilding industries made outstanding achievements, and overseas trade developed. In the early Southern Song Dynasty, large-scale, comprehensive and in-depth development of the South was carried out.

, contributed to the southern region becoming the national economic and cultural center, and has since completely replaced the northern region's economic and cultural center status.

Taizu of the Song Dynasty once demanded that his descendants should never kill literati. The status of literati in the Song Dynasty was unprecedentedly improved. The culture of emphasizing literature over martial arts reached its extreme in the Song Dynasty. "A good man should not make nails, and a good man should not be a soldier." "The nobles in the dynasty are all scholars."

." and other common proverbs all originated in the Song Dynasty. During the reign of Emperor Zhenzong of the Song Dynasty, Chen Yaozi, who was born in the imperial examination, refused to take up a higher-ranking military position. With the rise of Neo-Confucianism, religious power declined, speech control decreased, civil culture rose, and the commodity economy prospered.

Against a series of backgrounds including the invention of printing, outstanding literati emerged in large numbers in the Song Dynasty, and intellectuals' consciousness was unprecedentedly awakened. Shi Yaobi believed in "Ce Wen": "In the two hundred years since the Song Dynasty, the prosperity of cultural relics has spanned a hundred generations.

Lu You also believed in the "Preface to the Collection of Lu Juren": "In the rise of the Song Dynasty, all Confucian scholars looked at each other, and there were those who were superior to those of the Han and Tang Dynasties." Later, due to the invasion of Mongolia, China adopted a hostile policy towards literati, and the eight-legged essay of the Ming and Qing Dynasties

The Literary Prison of the Qing Dynasty severely suppressed the free expression of scholars' ideas. Except for the late Ming Dynasty, China has never seen a cultural scene as prosperous as the Song Dynasty.

Compared with the Tang Dynasty, the influence of religion on social life in the Song Dynasty declined slightly, and religion became more secular and sinicized. In the later Zhou Dynasty, Zhou Shizong ordered to restrict Buddhism and abolish non-imperial monasteries in various places. He also denounced Confucianism and abolished the monasteries of the descendants of Confucius.

The right to tax exemption. Song Taizu established the Song Dynasty, committed to unifying the country, strengthening centralized rule, and inherited and developed Zhou Shizong's policies in some aspects. Song Taizong appointed civil servants to govern, and Confucianism gradually rose and Buddhism became more popular. Song Zhenzong claimed that

"Both rituals and music, Confucianism is transformed", vigorously promoted Confucianism, and at the same time promoted Buddhism, believed in Taoism, and established the ideological rule of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism. However, overall, Taoism was the more prosperous religion in the Song Dynasty. Many emperors in the Northern Song Dynasty, such as Song Taizong, Song Dynasty

Zhenzong, Song Huizong and others all believed in Taoism. The government supported and promoted Taoism, which made Taoism flourish in the Northern Song Dynasty and declined in the Southern Song Dynasty, but its lingering influence was still among the people. Buddhism was attacked during the reign of Emperor Shizong of the Zhou Dynasty in the later Zhou Dynasty, and gradually recovered in the early Song Dynasty, but Huizong of the Song Dynasty advocated Taoism.

After suppressing Buddhism, it suffered a slight blow, and then recovered after crossing south. In terms of Buddhist research, it was more depressed than in the Tang Dynasty. In addition, there are still Zoroastrianism, Manichaeism, Islam, Judaism, etc. among the people.

The Song Dynasty government's treatment of literati was at the highest level in Chinese history. Since the Song Dynasty attached great importance to the quality of candidates, education also received support from the government. During the reign of Emperor Renzong of the Song Dynasty, he ordered prefectures and counties to run schools and further improved the imperial examination system. The scale of official education in the Song Dynasty was unprecedented.

, the government established Imperial College, Taixue, Martial Arts, Legal Studies, Four Schools and Guangwen School in the central government. Central departments also established calligraphy, arithmetic, painting, and medicine. Locally, schools at the state and county levels were established, and

Academic officials were set up on the road. Teachers were first selected and hired by the local government, and later they were hired as Jinshi or Imperial College graduates. The teaching materials were uniformly promulgated by the state, mostly based on the Five Classics.

The urban commodity economy in the Song Dynasty was particularly developed. At the end of the Northern Song Dynasty, there were 46 cities with a population of more than 100,000, including Kaifeng, Luoyang, Lin'an, Daming, Yingtian, Zhenjiang, Pingjiang, Jiangling, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Fuzhou, Tanzhou, and Quanzhou

etc. The population of Kaifeng Prefecture in Tokyo, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, reached more than one million, and there were more than 6,400 shops. The Song Dynasty broke the zoning system of city and city, shops could be opened at will, and night markets and dawn markets also appeared. The population of Lin'an Prefecture in the Southern Song Dynasty was

It reached 1.25 million in 1274, and the city was extremely prosperous. At that time, it was called the first state in the southeast. Even after the demise of the Southern Song Dynasty, Marco Polo still called Hangzhou the "Celestial City".

The tile house is an important recreational place for the common people, with hooks inside for public entertainment. There are ten tile houses in Tokyo that can be seen in "Tokyo Meng Hua Lu". There are 23 tile houses in Lin'an that can be seen in "Old Martial Arts".

The content of Wase's performances shows a new trend of commercialization, specialization, popularization and popularization. The content of the performances mainly includes rap, drama, acrobatics and martial arts. Its forms are diverse and well received by the public.

In rural areas, the clan system

Become the main factor that maintains society. Before the 20th century, China's political power only extended down to the county government, which was completely managed through "township protectors" and "patriarchs". Under the influence of Neo-Confucianism and the influence of scholars, official management

Social assistance; through the influence of Neo-Confucianism, the business class invested in social assistance. In addition to running academies and making village covenants to encourage moral character, the assistance also generally ran charity villages to rescue the poor and orphans, and subsidized education; it also ran social warehouses to

Prepare for famines and apologize; organize Baojia to replenish the local armed forces and protect the people. This kind of spontaneous relief work by scholars has become an important factor in China's social stability since the Southern Song Dynasty. Before the Song Dynasty, official social relief activities were mostly temporary in nature;

Since the Song Dynasty, various states and counties have generally established permanent institutions for social assistance. Patriarchs maintained social order by establishing township covenants and rules. Local gentry benefited the township through running schools, relief projects, building bridges and paving roads, etc.

During the Song Dynasty, when subordinates met their superiors or humbled themselves to meet their venerable people, they would kneel down or cross their hands as a salute. Women, however, were not allowed to kneel down and salute. When men performed the "reverence" salute, they would kneel on the ground and lower their hands.

That is to say, kneel down and then put your hands to the ground. This is a more important etiquette. The widowed person will lower his head to the ground. At this time, all jewelry must be removed. Zhu Xi said that "starving to death is a small matter, but being unruly is a big matter." He once ordered women

Wood is installed on the soles of the shoes to make the movement sound, making it easier to detect and prevent elopement.

Men in the Song Dynasty had the custom of wearing hairpins. Men's hairpins have been around since ancient times. For example, in Wang Wei's "Remembering Brothers in Shandong on September 9th", "I know from afar that brothers have planted dogwood everywhere on their climbs."

Flowers are good for longevity and jade horizontal hairpins are dancing for sorrow." Wearing dogwood flowers on the Double Ninth Festival has been popular from the Han Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty. Although there was a phenomenon of men wearing flowers in the Han and Tang Dynasties, it was not very common and only on the Double Ninth Festival.

Wearing. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it was done occasionally. Only in the Song Dynasty, men wearing flowers became a common practice and the most prosperous. In the Song Dynasty, men not only put flowers on their heads, but also cut the silk scarf into dogwoods and chrysanthemums to wear. Women were attracted by the hairpins on their heads.

As a result, the emperor and ministers also wore hairpins on their heads.

Han costumes are greatly influenced by Khitan costumes. Han women are popular in wearing a kind of clothing called "Guzi". This kind of Guzi, which is derived from Liao Khitan clothing, has a completely different look from the small clothes and large skirts in the Tang Dynasty.

It shows the length of the clothes and the silhouette of the short skirt. Women wearing kuzi will look dignified, stable and elegant. In the Song Dynasty, it was generally popular for women to wear kuzi, and foot binding was generally a fashion.

Since the aristocratic gentry had declined in the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties, the imperial examination system was truly widely used in the Song Dynasty and had a significant impact on society. The imperial examination system enabled a large number of formerly poor scholars to become the scholar-bureaucrat class and established a close connection between the government and society.

, and also opened up channels for civilians to become officials. The intellectual class who entered the official position through the imperial examination had achieved comprehensive advantages in politics, economy, law, and culture during the Song Dynasty, and also had many legal privileges. Therefore, the public regarded them as

As the primary goal of studying is to be elected to an official position, the society has derived the custom of "everything is inferior, only studying is high". The Confucian concept of loyalty, filial piety, justice, etc.

The method went deep into the people and was promoted to the whole society. Since the Song Dynasty, China has also been able to form a cultural and social group that is far more popular than the Tang Dynasty. The grassroots intellectuals constitute the grassroots gentry and become the bridge between the people in villages and towns and the government. They guide public projects and support

Schools and academies compile local gazetteers, participate in local festivals, organize disaster relief work, recruit local self-defense forces, and provide behavioral norms for villages and towns. During the Song Dynasty, the scholar-bureaucrat class nurtured through imperial examinations was a class that possessed both political power and economic advantages.

, an emerging ethnic group with academic and cultural literacy. The combination of advantageous conditions made this era the most generally developed era in China's history. Therefore, generally speaking, by the Song Dynasty, except for some royal relatives and wealthy businessmen, there was no one in society economically.

There is an obvious class distinction.

It can be said that if most of the people on the field today were not the sons of some big businessmen and political houses, perhaps the contestants in this game could get along harmoniously. However, the fact is that when the two pursuers

After being eliminated, he still looked at Fangzhuang and his group on the stage with unwillingness, which meant to tell Fangzhuang that he was not worthy of winning this competition. In this regard, Fangzhuang and his group didn't care. Lu Yao

I told them a long time ago that since they are going to participate as ordinary people, they must accept the criticism that this identity will bring to them. If nothing else, the forty contestants who participate in the competition will definitely look at it.

Not as good as theirs, which is why Fangzhuang was allowed to show his strength before.

Just now, Lao Ma took out two contestants with one move, which made Cao Han who was watching the battle in the three-story attic very happy. Cao You who was next to her also smiled, thinking about this guy Lu Yao

They have been training hard during this period. If the kung fu of this five-person team is so strong, they may really be able to defeat the team led by Fu Shaolong.

"I didn't expect that these people brought by Fangzhuang are so powerful."

Cao Ping also expressed his sincere admiration at this time.

Uncle Cao Guo saw that his son started to show off his martial arts madness again, but there was nothing he could do and did not respond to him. Unexpectedly, Han Yonghe, who was watching the fun on the side, stood up at this time and said

: "Judging from the positions of the two people just now, they probably made a judgment after careful consideration. Maybe they thought that person should be the weakest among the five, but they didn't expect to be defeated by him again."

Uncle Cao Guo listened to Han Yonghe's words, and on the surface he was analyzing the situation of the battle, but in fact he was cheering for the people in Fangzhuang's team. Uncle Cao Guo knew this guy's thoughts very well, and he just wanted this time

Some other situations occurred in the martial arts contest, and Uncle Cao Guo's face would definitely be affected. Furthermore, if someone from the Fangzhuang team won the final victory, then the rich family and the Cao family would

Even if the marriage was terminated, Han Yonghe found it very interesting when he thought about it.

At this time, the two spectators who were also concerned about the situation on the field were naturally Fu Bi and Yan Shu. Yan Shu looked at the man who had just taken action and Fang Zhuang, and said: "It seems that Fang Zhuang is indeed well prepared.

Come on, these five of them are a team, and they should have the same plan as your young master, they must stay until the end, and then take action, allowing Fangzhuang to win."

Fu Bi couldn't believe it. He looked at Yan Shu and said, "But how could they make a plan for something like this? They are ordinary people who just came here today to watch the excitement and then decided to play."

Yan Shu smiled slightly, shook his head and said, "Do you think that if there was no plan, they would directly form a five-person team? Furthermore, how do you know that it is not part of their plan for them to come to watch the game today and then look for opportunities to participate?

However, the other five commoners seemed to have signed up for the competition on a whim, as can be seen from their performance after the competition. But Fangzhuang and the others had already planned it."

"That's actually the case, but even if Fangzhuang had planned in advance to form a five-person team, it means that he knew the secret behind this game and guessed that we would use a small team to win the game.

In other words, he already knew the arrangements of the Cao family and the rules of the game before the game started, but how is this possible? He is not from an official family, and none of us have heard of this person's background.

But how did he know about this competition in advance?"

Fu Bi's question hit the point, and this question also troubled Yan Shu for a long time. Yan Shu said: "We don't have to worry about how he knows the relevant rules and information of this game. As long as the background is strong enough, or there is enough

Money, there is no airtight wall in the world. Although it was not disclosed to the people, Cao Guojiu must have informed the officials he was familiar with about this competition. Therefore, I wanted to find out how he knew about this.

The news of this competition and the rules of the competition are very difficult. However, what we have to consider now is whether he is a real commoner, what is the background behind him, and how can he organize such a

Judging from the team, these people must have practiced martial arts during this period. Their purpose is very clear, which is to win this competition, and they are fully prepared for this. Then I am thinking, even if Fangzhuang

We won in the end, but what if Cao Guojiu cancels the marriage because of the difference in money or status?"

Fu Bi thought for a while and said: "You mean, this Fangzhuang has even considered these things. He must be a person with money and status, but why do we remember that this person does not exist in Bianliang City?"

Woolen cloth?"

Yan Shu nodded and said: "This is the problem. I think since it is a comprehensive plan, Fang Zhuang must be determined to win. Even if he wins in the end, he will be able to do it.

There is no way to solve Cao Yi's difficulties. His background is what we should know most. But now there is no chance to know more, at least until the end of the game. But you said before that except for Fu Shaolong's team,

The Cao family also secretly arranged a team of five for you to help him. From this point of view, your son's probability of winning is still very high."

Yan Shu is worthy of being a famous figure of his generation, and he directly revealed the biggest doubt about Fang Zhuang, which was his identity and background. However, Lu Yao had also considered this before. For such a big event, and the competition time,

It doesn't take long. It is not an easy task to investigate Fangzhuang's background in such a short period of time. Moreover, he has already asked Tangxi to take care of it. Even if Uncle Cao Guo has the leisure to do so during the game,

I went to investigate a few of them, but couldn't find anything.

On the field, after Lao Ma repelled the two pursuers who came to chase the other two civilian contestants, Fang Zhuang's original intention was to lead everyone back to the left area again. Lu Yao still didn't want to do it if possible.

Go to the central area to compete with those people. So far, eight or nine contestants have been eliminated. However, Fu Shaolong's team, including the few people secretly arranged by the Cao family, has not been eliminated yet. The situation is still unbearable.


But when they returned to their original position to confirm the situation of the two civilian players, they saw a surprising scene.

The two contestants had already been eliminated. They were kicked out of the field by two people respectively. They were kicked cleanly, without any sloppiness, and the moves were made quickly. The two commoners did not see clearly the appearance of the attackers.

When he came back to his senses, he had already been eliminated.

"What's going on?" Lao Ma looked at the two contestants with some disbelief. The kung fu of the two contestants should be said to be higher among the other five common people contestants. Although they were chased by those two just now,

Even a mid-level player could handle more than a dozen moves against them, but they never imagined that both of them would be eliminated in this moment.

"Did one of them eliminate one?" Xiaopang looked at the two people in front of him with their backs to him. These two should be the ones who eliminated the two common people contestants. Lu Yao frowned under the mask. These two were both

There are two people in another team arranged by the Cao family. It seems that Lao Ma's performance just now has attracted their attention. These two people are coming to target their team.

Fang Zhuang naturally noticed this, and just when he was about to speak, he heard Lu Yao beside him speak. This was the first sentence Lu Yao said since he stood on this ring. Lu Yao said: "Fang Zhuang, you

Stand here and don't move. I'll be in a group with Xiaopang, and the other two will be in a group to deal with them both. If you take action at this time and I don't move, it will arouse the suspicion of others."

When Fang Zhuang heard this, he felt that what Lu Yao said made sense. One of the main strategies for this competition was to package Fang Zhuang as the leader of the team. Only by not taking action at this time could he deepen this impression.

And if it was Lu Yao who stood there motionless, he would attract more attention.

As a result, Fangzhuang's steps forward stopped. And this scene was seen by Fu Shaolong, who had been watching Fangzhuang's team.

The next second, Lu Yao and Xiaopang rushed towards one of the two people. Lao Ma and the remaining one also rushed towards the other one, while Fangzhuang stood still.

Wait and see.

"From now on is the most difficult time." Cao You, who was watching the battle in the attic, said. He was very aware of Cao Ping's arrangements. In fact, Cao Ping had introduced everyone to him in this secretly formed team.

, Cao You has also seen their kung fu. However, according to the current situation, it is two against one, Lu Yao and the others should still have a chance.

Cao Han on the side had completely different emotions from Cao You. When she saw Lu Yao finally taking action, she couldn't hide her excitement. You know, Cao Han actually didn't have a good impression of Lu Yao at the beginning.

Yes, I just heard Uncle Cao Guo talking about an engagement with the Lu family, so Cao Han planned to see for himself how capable Lu Yao was. But when it came to really making Cao Han feel attracted to Lu Yao,

It was really the first time the two fought against each other. Now, Cao Han couldn't be happier to see Lu Yao show off his kung fu again.

Fu Bi and Yan Shu looked at the current scene, and they

They didn't notice the hesitation in Fangzhuang's footsteps just now. Because of this grouping, the two of them were convinced that Fangzhuang was indeed the core leader of the five-person team, and in the end they would let Fangzhuang win the game.

"Now it depends on the strength of the team that Cao Ji has recruited, but it will still be a bit difficult to fight one against two." Fu Bi looked at the situation on the field and said.

Yan Shu said: "It doesn't matter. In the end, the people in this team were paving the way for Fu Shaolong and they will be eliminated. Their mission is very clear. It is good to be able to eliminate the people from Fangzhuang's team, even if they cannot be eliminated.

, but also to consume their physical strength to the greatest extent. Your son has been resting now, and they are being consumed. When the final battle comes, Fu Shaolong will have the advantage."

What Yan Shu said is very reasonable. This is also the task that Cao Guoshu gave this team before. Once they encounter experts, they must eliminate them as much as possible, or consume their physical strength. Obviously, the team in Fangzhuang is now

It has become the primary target of this team, so naturally it must be solved first.

Fangzhuang couldn't help but feel a little worried when he looked at Lu Yao speeding away.
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