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Bianliang Shiyue Chapter 423 The momentum is huge

That night, in Cao's mansion.

Uncle Cao Guo asked Cao Ping about the movements of Cao You and Cao Han today, and Cao Ping answered truthfully. Regarding Cao You, Uncle Cao Guo felt that there was nothing wrong with him, even if he found Chen Chen and Zhe Kexing to inform Lu Yao about the competition for marriage.

The matter only lasted less than a day, so even if Lu Yao thought about it, he wouldn't be able to make any waves.

When he heard that Cao Han was very normal from noon to evening today, Uncle Cao Guo was relieved. It seems that Cao Han has accepted the fact that he will attend the martial arts contest tomorrow. She should understand that as a member of the Cao family,

She can't just think about herself.

The relieved Cao Guojiu and Cao Ping made arrangements for tomorrow's martial arts competition. This competition is not only a martial arts gathering, but also a dinner party for officials from the DPRK and China. No matter what, it can't just be a competition for marriage.

They left after watching the game. The venue for the competition tomorrow will be very large. In addition, Cao Guojiu bought all the empty houses next to the competition venue. He also made a simple layout these days. Those few houses are just

It will be used as a place for officials to have dinner after tomorrow's ring competition. For this reason, Cao Guojiu specially paid a high price to invite the masters from Fan Lou to be responsible for cooking tomorrow. It can be said that he also invested a lot of money in this martial arts contest to recruit relatives.

financial resources.

In the Northern Song Dynasty, there were actually some rules for dinner parties, especially the gatherings of officials. We can find from the wine table culture of the Song Dynasty that such gatherings are actually inseparable from politics.

Before the Song Dynasty, wine shop stories such as "Wine Pond Meat Forest", "Hongmen Banquet", "Green Plum Boiled Wine to Discuss Heroes" and "Qujiang Drinking" were all related to politics, either exposing the disaster of indulging in ruining the country, or describing hidden murderous intentions.

They may express the intention of giving guidance to the country, or show the interest of officialdom. However, in terms of political topics, the past events at these wine tables are far less rich and diverse than those in the Song Dynasty.

"Release the Military Power over a Drink of Wine", which took place in the first year of Qiande (963), was a play directed and starred by Song Taizu himself. The supporting characters were the Forbidden Army generals Shi Shouxin, Gao Huaide, Wang Shenqi, Zhang Lingduo and others who had directly participated in the play.

The sworn brothers of Zhao Kuangyin who participated in the "Chenqiao Mutiny". The venue was the inner hall of the imperial palace in Kaifeng City. The theme was the imperial banquet where the monarchs and ministers gathered to drink and talk, and the purpose was to withdraw troops. According to the Song Dynasty historical book "Xu Zi Zhi Tong Jian Chang Bian"

According to records, one evening in July of that year, Song Taizu held a banquet in the palace and invited Shi Shouxin and others to the banquet. When they were drunk and emotional, Zhao Kuangyin retreated to the people around him. He first thanked them for their help in the mutiny in the past, and then lamented that the emperor

The generals then realized that they were attending a "Hongmen Banquet". Thinking of the precedent of the founding kings often killing heroes, they all cried in fear and begged for a way out. Zhao Kuangyin then said: In life

Just like the white horse passing by, the word "wealth" in the picture is just to accumulate more money, travel and enjoy yourself, so that your descendants will avoid poverty. Why don't you relieve your military power, go out to defend the feudal lord, buy good land and houses, and establish a long-term inheritance for your descendants.

, raise more singers and dancers, drink and have fun every day, and live forever. If I marry you all again, there will be no suspicion between the monarch and his ministers, and they will live in peace. "Isn't that good?" After knowing that this was a political transaction, Shi Shouxin took the lead

Thank you and accepted the conditions offered. The next day, all the heroes and generals took the initiative to resign from the military and returned to their fields. Of course, outsiders did not understand such a paradoxical result. It was originally an exchange of interests reached at the wine table. In fact, Song Taizu was well prepared.

However, Shi Shouxin and others were unprepared, so they were caught unawares while they were drinking and talking, so they had no choice but to bow their heads and obey their orders.

The "Banquet in the Houyuan", which is similar to "Release Military Power over a Cup of Wine", simplifies the process a lot. In October of the second year of Kaibao (969), Song Taizu held a banquet in the Houyuan and invited Wang Yanchao and Wu Xing

De, Guo Congyi, Bai Chongyun and Yang Tingzhang and other senior military envoys attended the meeting. While still drinking heavily, Zhao Kuangyin said to you: You are all long-term ministers of the imperial court.

Wang Yanchao expressed his willingness to take off his yue, but Wu Xingde and others were unwilling to accept it, and they all told their own merits. Zhao Kuangyin no longer patiently persuaded, and simply replied: These are all matters of the previous generation, so why bother. The next day

, and sent them all to idle posts. The incident at this banquet occurred when the foundation of the Song Dynasty was consolidated, not to mention that these people were the relics of the previous dynasty, so Song Taizu's attitude was resolute and decisive. The sumptuous banquet was just a

It's just a formality, but what's behind it is that the axes and axes are being used, and those attending the banquet have no choice but to surrender.

The small-scale banquet was a special occasion for the Song Dynasty emperors to observe their officials.

Cheng was also affected by this. For example, Liu Chongjin, the military governor of Pizhou, was ordered to enter the court. After chatting with him at the banquet, Zhao Kuangyin said to his surroundings: Liu Chongjin's behavior was not abnormal. He was a general in the previous court, so why should he take on a big responsibility? Sui

He dismissed him as a sinecure. In April of the first year of Zhidao (995), Emperor Taizong of the Song Dynasty asked Prime Minister Lu Mengzheng for advice on promoting Lu Duan, a counselor and political official, as prime minister. Lu Mengzheng thought that Lu Duan was confused. Lu Mengzheng was alone in the prime minister's position.

However, this criticism aroused Song Taizong's suspicion, so he replied: Lu Duan is confused about small things, but not about big things. So, at a banquet in the back garden one day, Song Taizong observed carefully and composed a "Fishing Poem"

Signaling Lu Duan, there was a sentence in it, "If you want to bait the golden hook, you must ask the fishermen in the river." It was a metaphor that he was King Wen of Zhou who was seeking talents, and Lu Duan was Jiang Ziya who was fishing. After a few days, Lu Duan

He was promoted to prime minister, but Lu Mengzheng was dismissed as prime minister.

The Notes of the Song Dynasty "Yu Hu Qing Hua" records an anecdote from the Taizong Dynasty of the Song Dynasty: Zhao Changyan, deputy envoy to the privy council, Chen Xiangyu, deputy envoy to salt and iron, Dong Yan and Zhizhigao Hu Dan were Jinshi in the same year, and they were all young talents at the time.

, plus Zhao Changyan's former colleague Liang Hao, the five of them were very close and had similar atmospheres. Therefore, they often gathered at night in the Privy Council where Zhao Changyan served, drinking as much as they wanted, playing chess and pot, and spending almost no time.

After returning home drunk in the middle of the night, Liang Hao encountered an officer on guard who stopped his horse to ask questions. Liang Hao whipped him on the horse and uttered wild words: "I don't care about the night, so don't rush me." Suddenly in Kaifeng City, "Chen Sangeng" was heard.

, Dong Midnight" ballad. Perhaps this incident spread a lot and harmed the image of the imperial court, so Zhao Changyan was demoted. Later, when he came back to participate in political affairs, Song Taizong smiled at him and said: Don't have a meeting in the middle of the night.

Zhao Changyan immediately kowtowed and apologized. This record, written a hundred years later, was meant to poke fun at a scholarly legend in the past, but it filtered out the hidden story behind it.

On the surface, the "Midnight Party" was just a gathering of drinking buddies and a turmoil caused by excessive drinking, but it was actually related to political entanglements between cliques. The protagonist of this turmoil, Zhao Changyan, along with Hu Dan and Dong Yan, were members of the Taiping Xingguo Three

In the same year (978), Hu Dan was the number one scholar and Zhao Changyan was the provincial governor. The three of them had the same friendship. Since the rise of the imperial examination system in the Tang Dynasty, the relationship between the same year has been an important resource in the officialdom and they have provided mutual assistance.

, it has become a common phenomenon for the same party to defeat different parties. Chen Xiangyu and Dong Yan, who were both Jinshi scholars, were colleagues in the third department of the highest financial institution, and they were addicted to each other's drinking, so they naturally entered Zhao Changyan's circle. Liang Hao was the deputy director of Yongxi in the second year of Yongxi's reign (985).

The number one scholar was once a subordinate of Zhao Changyan, and they were friends for a long time. As a result, Zhao Changyan, who held the high position of deputy privy envoy, formed a closely related faction group in the court. However, Song Taizong was a headstrong and self-willed man.

The jealous emperor was afraid that he would be ignored, so he not only frequently replaced his ministers, but also hated the cliques formed by the bureaucrats. Zhao Changyan and his group knew the rules, so they gathered together in the name of drinking to secretly discuss political disputes.

In the Song Dynasty, there were many political struggles related to drinking. Typical examples include: In the second year of Emperor Renzong’s Mingdao reign (1033), during a ceremonial event held by the court for the late Queen Mother, Prime Minister Zhang Shixun

I took the time to go to the Privy Councilor Yang Chongxun's house for a drink. There was a prime minister and a Privy Councilor, who were the heads of civil and military affairs respectively. The guests and hosts just exchanged glasses and forgot about important matters. They drank until noon and the officials were waiting for them.

Unexpectedly, the censor Zhongcheng Fan Xi immediately impeached the two people, which was unbecoming. As a result, Zhang Shixun and Yang Chongxun were both dismissed from office. Although the two demotions were caused by this incident, in fact they were also related to political wrestling.

Related. Zhang Shixun and Yang Chongxun were important people in the past when Empress Dowager Liu was in charge of the government behind the curtain. Zhang Shixun had always had a competitive relationship with another prime minister Lu Yijian, and they often took turns in power. Therefore, Zhang Shixun formed an alliance with Yang Chongxun after Song Renzong came to power.

Consolidate his power and position. This time, drinking caused such a big commotion. Probably Zhang and Yang gathered at the drinking table many times, and finally provided an excuse for their political opponents, giving Lu Yijian, who was behind the scenes, a chance to regain his position. Zhezong of Song Dynasty

At the beginning of his accession to the throne, Wang Guan, a Hanlin scholar, wrote the poem "Qing Ping Le" based on his personal experience and the content of the imperial banquet: "In the golden palace, two dragons are playing in the shadow of candles. I can see that the official family is really drunk, and after drinking, I feel like shouting long live."

Dancing all over Yizhou, the monarch's kindness and Zheng scratched their heads. After a night of announcing in front of the emperor, how many people in the Sixth Palace were worried." As a result, he was caught by his opponents, accused of blasphemy against Emperor Shenzong, and was immediately dismissed from office.

After the bureaucrats in the Song Dynasty retired in old age, many people still maintained the habit of gathering for drinks, and some good people even organized gatherings for the elders. For example, after Li Fang, the Prime Minister of the Taizong Dynasty of the Song Dynasty, left office, he imitated the "Nine Elders' Meeting" organized by Bai Juyi in the Tang Dynasty.

Gathered with Song Qi and other nine veterans

Drinking and music. During the reign of Emperor Renzong of the Song Dynasty, Prime Minister Du Yan had a "Five Elders Meeting" with four retired elders after his leisure time. They drank, composed poems, and "were drunk and rejoiced." During the reign of Emperor Shenzong of the Song Dynasty, it was the most prosperous era of the Song Dynasty.

Gatherings of the elderly among scholars became even more popular. According to the "Shao Family Hearing and Seeing Record", in the fifth year of Yuanfeng (1082), Wen Yanbo, an important senior minister, served as a stay-at-home officer in Xijing as a Taiwei, that is, to provide leisure time in name.

Envying Bai Letian's "Jiu Laohui", he launched the "Senior Young People's Club" and invited "the senior ministers and senior officials" who settled in Luoyang to participate. After hearing this, Wang Gongchen, who stayed in Beijing, wrote a letter expressing his willingness to participate in the meeting. Sima

Guang was not over seventy years old, but Wen Yanbo had always admired him as a person and strongly invited him to join the association. In accordance with the local custom of not giving officials or titles to senior citizens, the order was: the seventy-nine-year-old former prime minister Fu Bi, the seventy-seven-year-old

Wen Yanbo, former Si Feng Lang Zhong Xi Ruyan, seventy-six-year-old former imperial court official Wang Shanggong, seventy-five-year-old former Taichang Shaoqing Zhao Bing, former secretary and supervisor Liu Ji, defense envoy Feng Xingji, seventy-two-year-old Qian Tianzhang

In order to control Chu Jianzhong, the former imperial court official Wang Shenyan, the seventy-one-year-old Wang Gongchen, the seventy-year-old former Taizhong official Zhang Wen, the direct bachelor of Longtuge Zhang Tao, plus Sima Guang, a total of thirteen people

Wen Yanbo also built a room in the temple "Zishengyuan", named it "Qiying Hall", and ordered painters to paint portraits of everyone and hang them in it. So Wen Yanbo, as the initiator, led the elders to bring singing girls and entertainers.

People arrived at Fu Bi's mansion for the first gathering, and then continued in sequence. It was said in history that "all the old men had white eyebrows and great clothes." Every gathering would attract crowds of people to watch. Wen Yanbo also proposed to launch the "Tongjia Meeting"

" and organized a banquet with his peers. Afterwards, Sima Guang also held a "Zhenshui Party" with several old friends, and made an agreement in advance: wine should not be limited to the five elements, food should not be limited to the five flavors, only vegetables are not limited. One of them increased the number of drinks and dishes.

, if it is considered a breach of contract, an additional penalty will be imposed.

At the gatherings of retired bureaucrats represented by the "Senior Elite Club" in the Song Dynasty, the banquet was more about reminiscing about the past, especially those who once held high positions. It was probably inevitable to mention political topics in their lofty speeches, and the past conflicts were even thrilling.

, all laughed at it. Since ancient times, there has been a tradition of respecting the elderly and nurturing the virtuous, so such activities are recognized by the government and the public, and often become a temporary legend. When there is success, there will be loss. Some frustrated bureaucrats gather together just to drink to drown their sorrows.

Troubles. "Neng Gaizhai Man Lu" records that the aforementioned Fan Xi was later demoted and returned to his hometown of Jinan, where he often had drinks with relatives and friends. One day, a retired official invited him to drink at his residence, and Fan Xi took advantage of the excitement.

Afterwards, he wrote a poem on the wall: "The body is still healthy again after the garden, and the official position is all abandoned. Only Nanshan and the king's eyes will not change the old green when they meet." What is revealed between the lines is the helplessness after losing power.

There are still many rules like this, not to mention that even the emperor Zhao Zhen knows about the Cao family's martial arts competition tomorrow. Although the emperor will not be present in person, Cao Yi, as the uncle of the country, cannot neglect to attend.

In addition to watching the game, the guests must also take care of the following party matters.

So Cao Guoshu and Cao Ping studied these things until late at night.

But Lu Yao's side was different. In the afternoon, after they talked about some actions and strategies to be taken tomorrow at Jiuzhongxian, they didn't train for long. Fang Zhuang originally wanted to practice until dark anyway. After all,

He was going to compete in the arena tomorrow. But unexpectedly, Lu Yao said at dusk that today's training was over. He hoped that everyone would go back to rest early, recharge their spirits, and use their full abilities in the martial arts competition tomorrow. And

Lu Yao himself also returned home early, had dinner, and prepared to sleep.

Although it seems that Lu Yao's series of arrangements show that he is actually very confident about tomorrow's competition, but lying in bed, only Lu Yao knows that he himself will also be nervous about tomorrow's competition.

The reason why he asked Fang Zhuang and others to go back before was because he didn't want them to see his emotions. After all, if he, as the backbone, is worried about tomorrow's results, let alone them who are just following orders.


What will be the process and result tomorrow? Even Lu Yao, who has traveled through time and has modern thinking and rich historical knowledge, does not know what the direction of tomorrow's arena match will be. After all, this arena

Wasn't Sai's appearance caused by the fact that he had resumed his engagement with Han Yunyu? If not, Cao Han might have become Lu Yao's wife now, and the one who was incompatible with Lu Xu should be the Han family.

It’s no longer the Cao family.


The root cause of the matter is himself. It was Lu Yao who mistakenly looked at Han Yunyu. At that time, he didn't know what he wanted. Since this matter started with him, it should end with him.

, Since I failed Cao Han first, I must give Cao Han an explanation tomorrow.

Strangely enough, Lu Yao could be said to be in a state of tossing and turning at first, but for some reason, when this idea and belief appeared in his mind, Lu Yao quickly fell asleep.

the next day……

In the early morning, Lu Yao got up very early. Of course, he was woken up by Tang Xi, who had already given instructions in advance. At the same time, Fang Zhuang and other four people also arrived at the Lu Mansion after Lu Yao had just had breakfast. According to them, they saw many

The people were walking towards a large courtyard in Bianliang City, and it seemed that they were all there to watch the excitement. Needless to say, that was probably where the competition for marriage was held. Uncle Cao Guo had always been wealthy, not to mention that after this competition, he was even more wealthy.

He wanted to have a good time with the officials who were present, so he didn't even think about buying all the houses in the row next to the compound. Lu Yao was not very surprised by this.

Unlike participating in various activities before, Lu Yao planned to go to the scene in advance today, first to observe the arena, and secondly to see who the officials were present today. So Lu Yao and Fang Zhuang

After briefly understanding the situation, they prepared to leave the Lu Mansion and set off. Before leaving, Lu Yao went to Lu Xu's study.

For Lu Xu, who knew Uncle Cao Guo's arrangements for today and what Lu Yao was going to do today, he naturally got up early and was waiting for Lu Yao in the study.

Seeing Lu Yao come in, Lu Xu turned his back to Lu Yao and said, "Are you sure you want to go?"

Lu Yao looked at Lu Xu's back with firm eyes and said, "Well, let's leave now."

"How sure are you?" Lu Xu asked again.

"About 70%, but I will try my best." Lu Yao said.

"Well, just try your best in everything. Don't worry, since I already know your thoughts, I will support you."

"Thank you father, I'm leaving."

After Lu Yao finished speaking, he left the study and left Lu Mansion with Fangzhuang and his party.

Today, Lu Yao did not intend to let Tang Xi drive the carriage to the competition venue. Although Lu Yao had put on the mask and put on a long black suit since leaving the Lu Mansion. He had never worn it before.

He would not wear black clothes. However, as Tangxi was the steward of the Lu Mansion, many people in the city could recognize him. Therefore, Lu Yao decided to leave Tangxi in the Lu Mansion. He wore a mask and followed Fang.

Zhuang and his entourage went on foot so that no one would be suspicious.

Since it was the Young Master's order, Tangxi naturally followed it.

Although Lu Yao was walking through the streets with Fangzhuang and the others, and Lu Yao was wearing a mask, the highlight of today was naturally the martial arts contest and the wedding ceremony, and since it was early, not many people paid attention to this wearing mask.

On the person wearing the mask. What's more, even if they see Lu Yao wearing a mask, most people will think that this person has a facial defect, and it is nothing strange.

Therefore, Lu Yao did not encounter any resistance along the way.

When we arrived at the competition venue set up by Cao Guojiu, which was at the entrance of the compound, it was overcrowded. In addition, Cao Guojiu did not set any admission tickets for the contestants this time, so everyone was crowded.

They entered the courtyard all at once, and Lu Yao couldn't tell who among these people was coming to compete, who was coming to watch the game, and who was coming to watch the fun.

Fangzhuang whispered from the side: "This Cao Yi is the uncle of the country after all. Why is the gate of this courtyard open like this, without distinguishing one's status, and he can enter casually. It's so unruly."

Lu Yao shook his head and said: "I don't think so. You can tell from the clothes of these people entering the venue and the look in their eyes that these are just people who come to watch the fun, or they want to watch the competition.

People with martial arts skills, among these people, can you find officials, or people who look like martial arts masters?"

Fangzhuang took a closer look, but he really didn't notice it. Lu Yao continued: "I think that this courtyard is so big, there can't be only one door. Those officials may have already entered through the back door.


Entering the courtyard, Fangzhuang found that what Lu Yao said was absolutely correct. The center of the courtyard was a venue, and what surrounded the venue was a three-story attic. At this time, Lu Yao had already seen several people in the corridor on the second floor.

An acquaintance, Fu Bi and Yan Shu, were chatting happily on the second floor. They were on the second floor, and it was obvious that the Cao family, as the hosts, were on the third floor. Lu Yao looked at Sancheng, and sure enough, the person he bumped into was

Cao You's gaze. Cao You had seen Lu Yao's mask, so he naturally knew it was him, and he waved to Lu Yao.

Entering the courtyard, Lu Yao took a look at the competition arena. The design was relatively simple. What Lu Yao didn't expect was that the arena was actually made of cement. When he thought about it, he had not touched the steel plant and cement for a long time.

Regarding the situation of the factory, it seems that Cao Guojiu found them for cooperation.

On the other side, after Fang Zhuang and others entered the venue, they immediately found Yang Tao and Zhang Mou. The two groups they brought also had a simple communication with Fang Zhuang to understand

Plans for the next game.

In order not to be recognized, Yang Tao and Zhang Mou left the original courtyard shortly after meeting Fangzhuang and the others.
This chapter has been completed!
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