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Bianliang Shiyue Chapter 65 Steelmaking

One person excitedly raised his hand and said, "The boss of XX wrote it. Only this kind of news can be called news. I don't want to read what they wrote."

Lu Yao's head was full of black lines. He really wanted to throw this manuscript in this man's face and tell him to get out of here immediately.

But he couldn't! If Zhao Zhen found out about this person whom Zhao Zhen had just praised, he would definitely label him as an intolerable person in his heart.

But if he continues to write this down like this, he will no longer have any secrets, and he will feel very uncomfortable.

Lu Yao walked up to the man with a kind smile, patted the man's shoulder affectionately and said, "Your news is really good. Many people have come to me, but it's not good news.

There are many, so you can search outside. There is no need to always focus on our factory. There is not much the factory can write to you. Besides, I also want to keep some trade secrets. What if the things can't be sold?

Pay you wages."

This man looked at Lu Yao with a puzzled look. He felt that what he wrote was right. Every time the news he wrote was published, the factory would definitely work overtime the next day. This shows that he can bring profits to the factory. Lu Yao

Where did Yao's words come from?

"News shouldn't be written around current events. This is what your boss told us on our first day of work. I have been reporting current events at the factory to the people in Bianliang City just to attract their attention.

It allows them to sell more products from the factory, and my approach has already brought about great repercussions. Is there anything wrong with this?"

Lu Yao smiled with a smile on his face and crumpled the manuscript in his hand. He continued to say angrily: "If you tell the outside world about the factory, many people will know how we make money. Then they will rush to imitate it."

, then the factory’s income will be less, so I will write more external things, and try not to write my own things as much as possible.”

The man nodded thoughtfully.

Lu Yao thought that this guy finally got the idea, but he didn't expect this guy to say again: "So that's it, then I'll just write something that can't be imitated by outside factories. I know a lot about this kind of thing. I often hang out in the factory recently."

, I saw a lot of novel things, the complexity of the craftsmanship is staggering, I can guarantee that those outside will definitely not be able to learn it."

"I'm dnmd!" Lu Yao tried his best. He couldn't bear it anymore. He kept trying to explain, but this person just couldn't understand. He told you not to write about things from the factory, but you still had to write. Did you find it?

Lu Yao's punch was not heavy, but this man was just a scholar with no strength. Lu Yao knocked this man to the ground with a light punch.

The man covered his heart with his hand, looked at Lu Yao with an innocent face, and asked aggrievedly: "Master, how can you hit someone? You can tell me if there is anything I did wrong!"

Lu Yao pointed to the manuscript in his hand and said: "I asked you to write news to ask you to write news about the outside world. I didn't ask you to leak all the secrets at home so that everyone would stop playing and sit at the door to drink the northwest wind."

"Look at what you wrote, hundred-refined steel is no longer hard to find. This lets everyone know that it is easy for our factory to make hundred-refined steel. How can I sell it for money? I originally planned to rely on this hundred-refined steel.

Steelmaking is sold at a high price. Once your article is published, I will sell it. At most, it can only be sold a little more expensive than ordinary steel. How can I still live? Those miners are risking their lives to mine. You

I sold all the articles to them, do you think you are worthy of them?"

The man gradually realized his mistake. He had simplified things. He only thought about what news to write, but he didn't expect that the miners' hard work was involved.

He took the manuscript from Lu Yao's hand and was about to tear it up, but Lu Yao stopped him.

He looked up at Lu Yao in confusion. Didn't he ask me not to write these things just now? Why did he want to tear up the manuscript himself, but Lu Yao wouldn't let him tear it up.

Lu Yao coughed twice and said: "It's not easy for you to write an article. I'll keep this article open, but you can't publish it so straightforwardly. You can change it a little, such as 'Shocked! The Su County Iron Works actually produced white wine.

When it comes to making steel, the success rate is incredibly low.'"

This time, this person was shocked. He didn't expect that the article could be written like this. He really learned another trick.

Lu Yao patted him on the shoulder and said, "Do you understand?"

The man nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, "I understand, I understand. Thank you for your teaching. I will definitely write articles like this in the future."

As long as the content is slightly changed, the price of Baili Steel will definitely be more expensive than before. This is the power of newspapers.

"I won't stay here any longer. You guys should write your articles while I go to the iron factory to take a look."

Lu Yao walked to the iron factory.

He already knew about Bai Steelmaking, and this was the method he provided.

When iron ore was first discovered, he had a huge iron-burning furnace built.

The material of the iron-burning furnace is graphite, which has strong heat resistance and can withstand temperatures of more than 2,000 degrees. Moreover, this material is easy to find, but ancient people did not know how to use it.

In just a few days, the first blast furnace in the Song Dynasty has appeared. It is about five feet high. This behemoth can be seen even from a long distance away. The volume of the iron-burning furnace has reached a terrifying twenty cubic meters, which is higher than any other blast furnace now.

Quantities that the smelter cannot reach.

However, this iron-burning furnace is definitely nothing compared to that of later generations, but there is no way. This is the limit that Lu Yao has built. It is a pity that the current construction technology is not that powerful, otherwise he can build more


The reasons why the ancients could not make steel were: first, the temperature in the furnace was not enough to completely melt the iron into molten iron, requiring blacksmiths to hammer it hard; and second, the carbon content of the iron was not enough.

Both problems can be easily solved.

Lu Yao abandoned all previous iron-making techniques and adopted the iron-burning method.

Put all the iron ore into a furnace and calcine it.

The burning material has also changed from ordinary charcoal to coke.

The temperature generated by coke combustion is very high, which can easily melt the iron ore, and the impurities will also be separated.

As for the sulfide in the coke, we have also found ways to remove it, otherwise the quality of the iron will become very poor when burning iron ore with sulfur-containing coke.

Another problem is the air intake. If a large amount of oxygen does not enter during combustion, the temperature of the iron-burning furnace will not reach the desired value, which will turn the iron ore in the furnace into waste.

This is not a problem for Lu Yao. It's just a blower. He still understands this principle.

But this thing definitely cannot be stepped on manually.

It would not be enough to recruit all the craftsmen, and many people would have to be exhausted.

Fortunately, this place is very close to the Bianhe River. The water from the Bianhe River is transported by waterwheels, and then a larger waterwheel is built here to let the water power rotate the blower. This saves manpower and gets twice the result with half the effort.

Those craftsmen had never seen that iron could be smelted like this.

One by one, they compared Lu Yao to a heavenly being, as if he was a blacksmith who came down to earth to save the iron industry of the Song Dynasty.

Lu Yao could only say shyly, calling him Blacksmith Star was too unpleasant, why not call him Wenquxing.

The number of one blower was definitely not enough, so Lu Yao made eight air inlets on the iron stove, which allowed air to flow in from all directions. Even if one or two of the blowers were broken, the air volume of the other blowers would be reduced.

Enough for an iron stove.

The next step is to preheat the iron-burning furnace. Don’t underestimate this step. It can quickly bring the iron-burning furnace into a high temperature state, and it can also make the furnace temperature about three hundred degrees higher than without preheating.

When iron ore is burned, charcoal must be added to it. As for how much charcoal should be added, Lu Yao is not very clear.

The only way to try is to use a dead end method, which means that the iron in the first few furnaces does not become steel. Either the iron is too hard and becomes pig iron, or the iron is too soft.

However, this iron is not wasted, and it is also a good material to make scissors or kitchen knives.

Lu Yao had already asked the blacksmiths to secretly use these iron materials to make daily necessities such as pots and pans.

The era of using porcelain pots to serve dishes is not far away.

Moreover, the iron pots nowadays are very expensive. When Lu Yao launches his own iron pots, the price will definitely shock many people.

Finally, after several failures, Lu Yao finally measured how much charcoal was needed to make a furnace of iron ore.

When the first furnace of steel came out, the blacksmiths almost jumped with excitement. This was steel made from their hands. Most of them had never made steel in their lives, even if they could make it.

Those are very few. At most, they can only make a dagger or a long sword, and the selling price is at least a few dozen.

There was not much steel in the first furnace, and a lot of it was iron of very good quality.

However, as the blacksmiths become more and more skilled, the amount of steel produced each time will be much more than the last time.

Then comes the step of pouring molten iron.

It is definitely not possible to pour such a large iron-burning stove by someone, and the temperature of the furnace wall is very high, and your hands will probably be burned before you even put it on it.

However, this is not difficult for Lu Yao, who traveled from later generations.

Isn't it just gear technology? He also understands it.

After drawing the sketch, let these craftsmen build it immediately. Now only a few people can easily pour the molten iron from the iron furnace.

Lu Yao had someone lay a layer of graphite ditch on the ground.

The molten iron flows along the ditch to the place where it finally becomes iron.

After some molten iron solidified to a certain state, Lu Yao used a pulley set to move the iron aside.

The thickness of these irons is not very thick.

In fact, it is the iron plate of later generations.

Pouring can only be used when building large iron tools, but it is not used now.

The purpose of turning these molten iron into pieces of iron plates is to facilitate transportation, and secondly, it is to allow blacksmiths to use materials to build items.

You can't just get an iron block that's several square meters in size.

It's convenient when pouring it out. When it's time to strike the iron, you can't let the blacksmith squeeze out a little bit from this huge iron material.

There is so much steel coming out these days that a warehouse can no longer accommodate it.

Lu Yao still remembers that he just missed a sword, and it's time to fulfill his promise.

This chapter has been completed!
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