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Chapter 101 Words are human bones!

After the second class in the afternoon, school is over.

Students in the school can have one meal and lunch after school, and all three meals a day can be eaten in the school.

At the end of the day, Yunjing already knew that the school had dormitories, and students who were far away from home or who did not want to travel back and forth to waste time studying hard lived in the school. Dinner was provided if they came to the school, but day students like Yunjing

', I'll have to figure out what to do for dinner after I get back.

After lunch at the school, Yunjing and Wang Bolin parted ways and went home.

When they parted, Wang Bolin and the others seemed a little reluctant to leave. As children, they are reserved when they are not familiar with each other. Once they are familiar with each other, they wish to be together all the time. They may have long forgotten how crying they were when they came in the morning.

"Yunjing, don't forget our agreement!"

After separating from Wang Bolin and the others, Lin Yexing appeared out of nowhere, said a word to Yun Jing without knowing anything, and then left like a proud little rooster.

What did I agree with you?

Yunjing couldn't laugh or cry.

Shaking his head, Yunjing didn't care. He walked towards the entrance of the school. Li Qiu, who he hadn't seen for a day, was waiting there. He went back with Yunjing. They still took the bullock cart when they went back. The servants of the Li family probably came to pick him up because they were stuck.


"Jing'er, how do you feel at the end of the day?" Li Qiu asked Yun Jing on the way.

He probably saw Lin Yexing's hostility towards Yun Jing, but he didn't mention the other party.

Yunjing thought for a while and replied: "It feels good. I have made a few friends, learned some basic etiquette, and can read and write my own name..."

If you don’t think about it, you still don’t feel it. After thinking about it, it doesn’t seem to be anything special at the end of the day, it just goes by indifferently.

"Well, make more friends and learn to get along with others. Slowly, you will build up a network of connections. Maybe you don't understand the importance of connections now, but you will understand in the future. But when you get along with others, don't be utilitarian and

The most important thing about purpose is sincerity, and the degree of it must be gradually mastered in the future. If you have any bad choices when getting along with others, you can ask me and I will give you some suggestions. Then etiquette and literacy are the key to your current stage.

The main thing you need to learn is not to be lazy and perfunctory. Mr. Li and Mr. Qin are both very serious and responsible. You should study hard with them. If you don’t understand, just ask, ask them or me, they will patiently explain it to you."

, Li Qiu nodded and said a little bit.

This is the advantage of having a master. He will give you summary and analysis, so that you can avoid detours.

As the saying goes, there are only one true sentence and thousands of false scriptures. On the journey of learning, it is really important to have good teachers and friends around you...

The oxcart did not take them directly to their residence, but stopped at the place where they boarded the car in the morning. Yunjing and Li Qiu then walked back to their residence via a small path.

After arriving home, Li Qiu did not arrange for Yunjing to do any work that afternoon. Instead, he took out the pen and ink from the room and asked him to complete the homework assigned by Mr. Qin.

The homework was not much, just writing my name on five pieces of paper, from the disassembled strokes to the complete name.

Yunjing, like most people in his previous life, was not a versatile person. He had never practiced calligraphy with a brush, not to mention that he was writing a completely new type of writing now.

When he was in school, he didn't feel comfortable writing with wooden sticks on the sand table. Now he was writing with a brush. After he started writing, it was crooked and horrible, and he couldn't stand it.

Fortunately, Yunjing is not as impatient as a real child. He just treats it as a perfunctory task. He calms down and slowly writes stroke by stroke. With his keen senses controlling himself, he gradually begins to

It's like that, well, it's just a ball of ink without a single stroke...

When Yun Jing was doing his homework, Li Qiu was watching from the side. He didn't say anything, but continued to watch Yun Jing finish his five-sheet homework.

After Yun Jing finished writing, he commented: "It's not bad. From the beginning, you couldn't even grasp the weight of the strokes. By the end, you can barely recognize the words you wrote. You've made great progress."


Hearing Master's comment, Yunjing's face turned red, sweat dripped from his forehead and face. It was not from heat, but from genuine shame.

He could hear that Li Qiu was sincerely praising him, but when he saw what he had written, it was so terrible that he couldn't see anyone!

Next, Li Qiu started to cook a small stove for him.

Taking out a stack of paper from the room, he said to Yun Jing: "Jing'er, I will break down your name and write it down one by one. You should read it carefully, remember it carefully, and then write it down yourself.

Practice on a few more sheets of paper”

"Good Master"

After watching Li Qiu's on-site teaching, Yunjing practiced writing his own name again and made some progress. However, compared with Li Qiu's beautiful and pleasing handwriting, his writing was still too terrible to be seen.

They were obviously written according to what Master taught, so why is there such a big gap?

Yunjing was dissatisfied with his progress, but Li Qiu was pleasantly surprised because Yunjing had just begun to learn to read. He had never touched a brush before, but after some practice, the progress was visible to the naked eye!

"Jing'er, I will teach you step by step. You should carefully feel the weight of the strokes and the movement of the strokes after you finish the strokes. Then you can practice on your own."


Master teaches you step by step, how many people can have such an opportunity? Just by practicing on your own, God knows how long it will take before you can write a hand that can be seen by others.

Next, Li Qiu taught Yunjing step by step. Yunjing felt it carefully. After several times, he had memorized the key points of the weight of the strokes and the movement of the strokes. This shows his terrifying learning talent of photographic memory.


Then he practiced on his own, stopping from time to time to recall the feeling when his master taught him how to write. He wrote about ten pieces of paper. In the end, the name he wrote was not very good, but it looked like something like that.

Seeing his huge progress, Li Qiu couldn't help but praise him, even though until now Yunjing still wrote in "big" characters, not in small characters like "Flying Head Xiaokai".

But at this time, Yunjing was scratching his head in embarrassment. He found that he had written his name too much, and in the end, he didn't seem to recognize his own name anymore...

At this point, Li Qiu asked Yunjing to stop. He warned Yunjing seriously: "Jing'er, you were in school before. Mr. Li should have told you that etiquette is the soul of a person, so I will tell you now as a teacher."

Another sentence, words are human bones!”

"A scholar who can write a beautiful calligraphy can not only show his knowledge, but also a person's character. It is said that observing calligraphy is like observing people. Many times, others can tell you by looking at your handwriting.

Don’t think it’s incredible what kind of person he is, it’s just the fact.”

"When a scholar writes, stroke by stroke, it is the most intuitive expression of a person's inner self. Our daily practice of calligraphy is also a process of polishing our mind. Only by enduring loneliness and calming down can we develop good calligraphy.

On the contrary, if the mind is not upright and restless, the words written will also make people feel impetuous. The words practiced in such a state of mind may look decent when viewed individually, but after writing a large paragraph, it is absolutely impossible to compare the top and bottom.

Neat and rigorous..."

At this point, Li Qiu stopped suddenly. He realized that it was too early to talk to Yunjing about this now. He had seen that Yunjing's progress was promising before, and he was a little unable to stop the car.

The conversation immediately changed and he said: "Anyway, Jing'er, before you master the art of hand-knotting calligraphy in the future, don't practice calligraphy in any fancy way. Practice the hand-knotting first. This is the time to build the skeleton. Calligraphy is just a person."

The embodiment of character, and neat fonts are the way to truly show a person’s inner qualities.”

"Disciple understands", Yun Jing nodded seriously after hearing this.

Although what the master said was a bit ahead of his current self, he still knew that he had to learn to crawl first and then walk, so he would not aim too high.

Then he asked curiously: "Master, how long will it take to practice this neat handwriting to be considered qualified?"

"There is no such thing as qualified. My teacher said before that words are human bones. Bones are constantly growing in the human body. The same is true for words. They need continuous practice and continuous improvement, so there is no such thing as qualified." Li Qiu touched

Touched his head and smiled.

Yun Jing was thoughtful after listening.

Li Qiu continued: "Okay, don't think so much. Next, you can continue practicing calligraphy, but don't use paper to practice. Now for you, using paper to practice calligraphy is a waste. Just use a brush dipped in water on the slate.

Just practice, the effect will be the same, the slate can be reused after the water stains dry."

After saying that, Li Qiu went and brought him a few polished stone slabs one foot square and one inch thick. He was obviously prepared.

Then Yunjing changed a writing brush and dipped it in water to practice writing his name on the stone slab. Who told him that he could only recognize these two words now...

Gradually, the afternoon passed, it was getting dark, and the cloud scenery had been practiced all afternoon.

Writing is an easy job, but after practicing for such a long time, even though he stopped to rest in the middle, his arm was so sore in the end that it felt like it was not his own. If it were an ordinary child, he would not be able to hold on anymore.

, but he gritted his teeth and persisted.

Seeing him working so hard, Li Qiu was secretly pleased.

Li Qiu prepared dinner, porridge and pickles, but he secretly added nourishing food to the porridge.

While eating, Li Qiu saw that Yun Jing couldn't even hold the chopsticks, so he shook his head and walked over to use Qi to soothe his muscles and bones. He shook his head and said with a smile: "Jing'er, your hard work is appreciated by my teacher, but anything that goes too far is not enough."

, I didn’t stop you today, so you suffered a lot, right? Remember not to do this again in the future, and you have to be relaxed, otherwise if it gets serious, your arm will be useless without even realizing it.”

"Thank you, master, I understand."

Under Li Qiu's 'massage', the discomfort in Yunjing's arms quickly disappeared, and the energy was amazing...

Then Li Qiu added: "Didn't Jing'er ask me before when I have to practice calligraphy to be considered barely qualified? As a teacher, I can't give you a standard, but I can give you a suggestion, that is, when you practice calligraphy normally

, after a thousand brushes are worn away, by that time, one-hand calligraphy should be able to 'barely' read people!"

Normal calligraphy practice will wear out a thousand pens?

Only then can I practice calligraphy that is ‘barely’ legible!

Hearing what he said, Yunjing was dumbfounded...

In the next few days, Yunjing and Li Qiu went to school together every day and came back together after school.

I learned etiquette and literacy in the school. Etiquette and literacy all started from the simplest and most basic. During this period, I occasionally played and relaxed with Wang Bolin and the others. Lin Yexing came to Yunjing from time to time to 'find trouble' to brush up his sense of presence. Yunjing was basically

If you don't fight with him, the other person will be extremely depressed.

After school, he came back to practice calligraphy. Li Qiu taught him step by step and opened a small stove for him.

In short, I live a life of two points: school and residence...

This chapter has been completed!
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