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Chapter 106 I know it all

Yun Jing's mood could not be more aptly described as returning home like an arrow. It had only been more than a month since he left home, but it seemed like a long, long time had passed for him.

A road of dozens of miles was considered a long way, but in such a mood, Yun Jing felt that this road was extremely long.

Perhaps sensing Yunjing's eagerness to go home, Liu Dazhuang and Ding Wei, who escorted him, spoke little during the journey and hurried toward Xiaoxi Village.

They rode with Yunjing, and their speed was undoubtedly very fast.

The road turned into a small road, bumpy and bumpy, and as the sun gradually rose, the familiar and friendly scene of Xiaoxi Village came into Yunjing's sight after turning a hilltop.

The village is still the same village, the old tree at the entrance of the village, the stream flowing below the village, the rounded path even the stones have been stepped on, everything has not changed at all.

I am still the same person I was before. After I went to the town to study for more than a month, Yunjing looked at the familiar scene, and it was hard to say that he was afraid of being close to home. It was clear that nothing had changed, and it was clear that not much time had passed, but why?

Do you feel like you're in another world?

"Master Yun, we will send you here and pick you up in two days."

After approaching Xiaoxi Village, Liu Dazhuang and Ding Wei slowed down their horses. When they arrived at the entrance of the village, they put Yunjing down and wisely said goodbye, as if they didn't want to disturb Yunjing and reunite with his family.

After gathering his mood, Yun Jing said: "Uncle Liu, Uncle Ding, there's no need to rush back. It's a rare trip, why not stay and play for two days?"

"No, Master Yun. We still have things to do when we go back, so we'll leave first."

I don’t know if they really have something going on, but they insist on leaving anyway. Yunjing has no choice but to watch them ride away.

Watching their departure, Yunjing thought about how many times it was Liu Dazhuang and Ding Wei who had picked him up and off. Yunjing gradually thought about it. They seemed to be vaguely developing in the direction of his full-time bodyguards...

"Where are the bodyguards? Tsk, no matter in the past life or in this life, things that I never dared to think about in the past are actually coming true so slowly. The situation in life is really wonderful..."

Smiling, Yunjing walked towards home.

"Isn't that little...Yunjing? Why are you back?"

"I heard that you went to the town to study. Is it true?"

"How does it feel to study? Are you tired? Are you tired from working? What is the school like?"

"Who was it that sent you just now? How many times have I seen them come..."

When Yunjing came back, he was naturally seen by the villagers working in the fields. After Ding Wei and the others left, they all greeted Yunjing as he approached.

Hearing this, Yunjing was a little stunned, thinking that no one in the whole village except his family should know that he was studying.

Who leaked the news?

"I've had a few days off and haven't had to go to school, so I'm back. I feel good about studying. Sometimes I'm tired, but I'm not tired when I'm not working. If you make a mistake, the teacher will beat you. The school is on the mountain outside the town. You can go there if you have time.

Take a look, but you shouldn’t be able to go in. Those two people just now are acquaintances in the town. They don’t worry about me coming back alone, so they sent them to me specially..."

Along the way, Yunjing greeted one by one and answered all kinds of strange questions from the villagers. He did not use the etiquette he learned in school at this time, because Yunjing felt that it was more cordial to be casual with these familiar villagers.

Although he didn't know how the villagers knew that he went to study, Yunjing could feel that when the villagers learned that he had become a scholar, they no longer had the sense of freedom that the elders had when looking at the younger ones. They were more or less reserved, and even

They subconsciously no longer treat themselves as children.

The change is subtle, but obvious.

It seemed that Yunjing, the little baby they had watched grow up, was no longer on the same level as them without realizing it. Well, that was also the case...

Yunjing knew that there was nothing he could do about it. When he became a scholar, such changes were bound to happen.

Having said that, although the change of status made the villagers a little cautious in facing themselves, they did not feel alienated. They were curious about the so-called study, but also a kind of proud mentality, which was intuitively displayed in them.


In the current social system, a village can be regarded as a big family. When a scholar comes into the family, it is a glorious thing for everyone. There will be envy, but there is almost no jealousy or hatred. After all,

Ah, there is a scholar in my village, and I still know him. It would be more honorable to tell people about him, right?

This is the simple mentality of the simple villagers. They are simple and not that complicated. Their ancestors have been hardworking farmers digging in the fields for generations. They have long accepted their fate and will not complain about the injustice of God because such good things have not happened to them.

Resentful thoughts.

Worrying not about equality but about scarcity will only appear in the hearts of people who have enough food and clothing and have time to think about other things, because such people have complicated minds and think more. What they can't get, others can get.

He will be dissatisfied, jealous and resentful...

After greeting the villagers along the way, Yunjing returned to his home.

The familiar yard, the familiar house, even the vegetable garden had not changed much before I left, everything was as it was yesterday.

"Mom, I'm back"

Standing at the door, Yun Jing shouted purely subconsciously.

The house was quiet, no one answered.

Yunjing was a little disappointed and felt inexplicably sour. He missed his mother and family appearing at the door, and then looked at him in surprise and said, 'My child misses me so much...'

But such a scene did not appear.

Autumn is coming soon, and my family is very busy at this time. When Yunjing came back, it was probably after ten o'clock in the morning, and his family was not at home, which was normal.

"Huh? Isn't this little...Yunjing? Why are you back?"

Just when Yunjing was thinking about where to find his family to surprise them, this sentence came from behind him.

Yunjing looked back and saw that it was Aunt Wang from the village. It was she who had arranged the matchmaking process for his little daughter-in-law, whom he had never met before.

"Auntie, it's me. I haven't had classes for the past few days, so I'm back. You're busy." Yunjing looked at the other party and said with a smile.

Aunt Wang suddenly felt as if she had picked up a few taels of silver. She looked at Yun Jing and said with a smile: "Yun Jing, you are indeed a scholar. You have such a sweet mouth. What can I do, mother, just wander around all day?"

Yunjing couldn't laugh or cry in his heart, he thought to himself that I am not the same as usual, I am so sweet-mouthed, and you don't even have a reason to praise me.

Aunt Wang is one of the special people in Xiaoxi Village. Her family is also farming, but she doesn't do much work in the fields. She travels around every day, either as a matchmaker or as a matchmaker.

On the way to deliver babies, she earned some gifts as a thank you. It’s not certain how much money she could earn, but it was true that her family’s life was more prosperous than that of most families in the village.

After saying hello, Yunjing simply asked her: "Auntie, where are my mother and the others? Do you know where they are?"

"I don't know. They just came back. They must have gone to work in the fields." She shook her head and said, "Yunjing, let me tell you, your father-in-law's family will be very happy to know that you are studying."

, and also said that he would go into the mountains to hunt a big insect before winter comes, and then the tiger skin will be used to keep you warm when you study in the winter. And your little wife, she asks me about you every time I go there..."

Hearing what Aunt Wang said, Yunjing knew that her words were probably exaggerated. His 'Old Taishan' wanted to give him a whole tiger skin? Are tigers so easy to kill? And his little wife, she is just now

At four years old, you already know that asking about yourself is a bit ridiculous...

But there is one thing that Yunjing has 'solved', that is, the fact that the villagers learned about her study definitely came from her mouth!

I especially remember that her family asked her to help inform the Su Orion family about her study. Who else could it be if she wasn't the one?

"Auntie, you're busy, I'm going to look for my parents."

After exchanging pleasantries with Aunt Wang, Yunjing prepared to go find his family.

"Go, go, Yunjing, don't forget that your wife is the one I set up for you..." Aunt Wang reminded her without leaving a trace.

No wonder Aunt Wang felt as if she had picked up silver when she saw her. Her feelings were there for this reason. It wasn't that she wanted to take advantage. After all, she had arranged a marriage for the 'scholar', and it would give her face to talk about it.

With this advertisement, how could her matchmaker's 'business' be any worse?

This chapter has been completed!
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