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Chapter 114 Another Gift

School days are always so dull and fulfilling. Eat, go to class, eat, go to class, and then school is over. The day just goes by.

day to day.

Such days are not boring, after all, you can learn something new every day, and occasionally you can encounter some 'surprises' or something.

Take the few friends of Yunjing as an example. They gradually began to show their own styles and characteristics, and from time to time they would come up with new tricks that made people laugh or cry.

After Chen Yijian nearly fell into a manure pit while drilling a hole, he was taught a lesson by his husband. Instead of learning the lesson, Chen Yijian gradually began to run wildly on the road of seeking death, with a certain attitude of never looking back.

For him, climbing a tree to dig out bird eggs and being thrown down, poking into a honeycomb and being stung by bees, catching snakes and being bitten, these are all basic operations. One time, the guy made a fool of himself and came to the school to burn ants.

Just for fun, can you believe that I almost got the school kicked off?

Fortunately, it was discovered in time and no fire was caused, but the guy was beaten half to death. After the husband beat his parents, he also gave him a sum of money, and he was almost kicked out of the school.

That guy was really doing it. Later he didn't dare to play with fire anymore. I didn't know where I heard about the ability of martial arts practitioners to jump up and down. He tried to jump down from a high place, and the height of the jump was getting higher and higher.

One day he climbed up to the roof of the school, but fell off and broke his leg. He stopped for a while. However, instead of feeling embarrassed, he was very proud of himself. He boasted to the sky about how powerful he was, saying that there would always be something wrong with him.

One day I can really fly over the walls...

Then there is the little fat guy Zhou Jintai, who is getting fatter and fatter, and his foodie attributes are skyrocketing. Gradually, this guy is no longer limited to eating all kinds of snacks, he wants to taste everything.

Well, he also participated in that time when Chen Yijian played with fire. Chen Yijian burned ants, and after they were burned, he picked them up and ate them. How greedy was that?

He would try the grass on the roadside, the small animals that could be caught, anything that was edible, and whatever he could find a way to eat, and then he would share with Yunjing and the others what was delicious and what was not. He ate it once

A poisonous mushroom was almost poisoned to death and he didn't stop.

All in all, it's so speechless. If one day he really eats himself to death, Yunjing won't be surprised at all. He's like this even when he's a kid now. If he grows up and learns some skills in the future, God knows what he wants.

What to eat.

Next is Wang Bolin, that guy also has his own characteristics.

It is estimated that stealing the maid's bellyband opened a door to a new world for him. From then on, he became interested in women. He was either a perverted person who wanted to turn himself into a cross-dressing boss, or he was simply curious about women.

I peeked at the maids taking a shower at home, came to school to teach Yunjing and others about the differences between women and boys, and always stared at women when walking on the street.

One day, because he was too curious about women, he heard that there was a place like a brothel, so he secretly went to the brothel. It turned out that he didn't know whether he was toying with something or being toyed with. He didn't have enough money, so the people from the brothel took him to his house.

If you want money, good guy, you can imagine what will happen.

I almost got beaten to death when I went to a brothel at a young age, but that guy didn't feel ashamed. Instead, he gave himself the title of 'romantic talent'. I've already visited a brothel, and this isn't romantic? He even encouraged Yun Jing and others.

I have a chance to go to a brothel with him to meet him.

Among the four friends, Yunjing is the more normal one.

Why do you say it is slightly normal? Because he also has his own characteristics. From time to time, he comes up with something new that astonishes Wang Bolin and others.

What kind of small fruit is used to plug the two ends of the bamboo tube? Use a small bamboo stick to poke it and snap the small fruit in front to fly out. It hurts when you hit it. What is this operation?

When Yunjing made the toy gun, it became very popular in the school. There was a loud banging sound everywhere, and it even triggered a group fight among bored children.

Later, this kind of "gun" spread outside, and there were people in the town who made it and sold it.

Just when people thought that the gun was magical enough, Yunjing turned around and dug a hole in the middle of the bamboo pipe, tied a big bamboo pipe to it, and a burst of 'machine gun' came out. With such a 'machine gun',

Yunjing said that you are all scum, and I can fight a group of you!

This is not over yet. When the "gun wind" gradually subsided, Yunjing used a piece of bamboo and a rope to make a "wooden tiger". He flicked his hands twice and pulled, and the bamboo piece whirled and whirred rapidly.

The bamboo slices still have a certain cutting power. After a group of children learned this thing, the sound of "wooden tiger" was heard in the school all day long, and a group of bored children even came up with new tricks.

, two by two pull the "wooden tiger" against each other to see who is stronger, and they are not afraid of shooting in the eyes and making themselves blind...

In short, Yunjing can always come up with new things unexpectedly, and once led the entertainment trend in the school. In the entire school, who doesn't know Yunjing in advance?

Almost all of them have played with the toys he 'invented'.

This made Lin Yexing, who had once quarreled with Yun Jing, itch with hatred. Why was it that he wasn't the one in the limelight? But what Yun Jing created was really fun...

These are just adjustments in daily life. Wang Bolin, Yun Jing, Chen Yijian, and Zhou Jintai, the four children each have their own characteristics, but they can play together, and their relationship once reached the level of killing a chicken's head and worshiping the master.


Because their deeds are so well known to everyone, they have become the foursome in the school. Of course, except for Yunjing, the reputations of the other three are relatively negative.

In addition to study and entertainment, every day when he had a rest, Yunjing and his master Li Qiu would go to the town to set up a stall in disguise. While making money, he experienced different people and heard different stories, which gave Yunjing a taste of all living things.

The feeling of state.

Then he realized that Master took him to set up a stall to earn money. I am afraid that the real intention was to use this method to let him understand different people and experience human nature and people's hearts.

After understanding this, Yunjing had to admire his master's methods. He would not tell you directly, or even ask you, but let you see and taste by yourself. The more you have seen and experienced,

You can always understand and learn a lot of things subtly.

This kind of teaching method can be called reducing complexity to simplicity and returning to simplicity. It is better to see, taste, and experience it in person than to say a thousand things.

During the holiday at the end of the second month, Yunjing went back home again.

It was already the autumn harvest season. After Yunmu Jiang Susu was out of confinement, she devoted herself to the heavy physical work of harvesting food. She had to take care of the children, wash and cook, and take care of the housework. She was very busy.

Keep your feet on the ground.

A few days after he returned home, Yunjing helped with the housework. Even though he was too tired to move every day, he did not miss practicing calligraphy day after day.

Well, within a few days of Yunjing's return, all the crops in his field were harvested.

It's not that Yunjing helped much. On the one hand, it was because the family had already harvested part of the harvest a few days ago. On the other hand, Liu Dazhuang and Ding Wei, who sent Yunjing back, saw his family harvesting grain, and then they stopped.

Go back to town, but stay and help.

The two of them were martial arts practitioners, and their physical strength was not to be underestimated. They worked as hard as several others, carrying three to five hundred kilograms of grain while walking in the wind, and they could still talk and laugh.

With their help, Yunjing's family harvested food so quickly.

Of course, the more they work, the more they eat...

Then, when I went back to Yunjing, I beat up Xiao Yundong so much that Xiao Yundong didn't even want to recognize him as his brother.

The reason was that the guy still wanted to nurse, and Yunmu refused to give milk to Xiao Yunxi if she wanted to. The guy got angry and took out his anger on Xiao Yunxi when no one was paying attention. He slapped Xiao Yunxi until she cried. You

Can you say that without beating him?

Yun Dong was beaten honestly by Yun Jing, and he probably won't dare to bully Yun Xi anymore. He was also forced to quit breastfeeding. He was still eating it when he was almost three years old. I haven't been breastfeeding for this long.

Although Xiao Yundong was beaten badly, he was instantly coaxed by Yun Jing, a little sugar man brought back from the town. Yun Jing said that he had a thousand ways to deal with such a little brat!

Yunjing did not buy the candy man, but Zhou Jintai, a foodie, gave it to him. Yunjing was not a greedy child, so he brought the candy man back without eating it.

The candy man is really expensive and most people can't afford it, but Zhou Jintai's family is obviously not short of money.

Candy making is a special craft that can be passed down to future generations for generations to make a living from. There is only one family in Niujiao Town that has this craft, and there is no other.

After the autumn harvest, winter is about to begin.

At this time, rural people have finished harvesting their crops and begin to focus on preparing firewood for the winter.

On the third day after returning to the town to study from home, Yunjing returned to his residence after school. Manager Zhao of the Li family visited the place where Yunjing and Li Qiu lived for the first time.

He came here specifically to deliver something, and left after delivering it.

The three things he sent were a tiger skin, a bear skin and a rabbit skin hat.

These were sent by Yunjing's father-in-law. They were originally sent to Yunjing's family in Xiaoxi Village, but Yunjing was not at home, so Yunjing's family took advantage of the market and sent them to the town. They didn't know

Wherever Yunjing was, I also knew that Yunjing was at school, so I didn't bother him. I had to go to Li Qiu's house, and then Manager Zhao sent him here.

The tiger skin was for Yunjing. It would keep the bed warm in winter. Aunt Wang mentioned this matter more than a month ago, but she didn't expect that Yunjing's father-in-law Su Orion actually got it.

The bear skin was given to Li Qiu. Su Orion knew that Yunjing worshiped him as his teacher. As Yunjing's father-in-law, he gave the bear skin to Li Qiu to express his gratitude. His son-in-law was also half a son, so what he gave to Yunjing was

Master's gift is reasonable and reasonable.

The rabbit skin hat was ugly, this was Yunjing's first impression, but he liked the hat very much because it was specially made for him by his 'daughter-in-law'.

The second time, Yunjing received a gift from his daughter-in-law, whom he had never met before.

His little daughter-in-law also asked someone to bring a message, telling Yunjing that she had become famous in school and would make many clothes for her husband in the future. She also said that she ate a lot of rice and meat every day and wanted to hurry up.

Marry her and take care of Yunjing when she grows up, so that Yunjing can do nothing and concentrate on studying...

This chapter has been completed!
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