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Chapter 116 Let her play with things and lose her mind!

"Okay, don't think so much. You can't recognize many characters now, and you're still far away from taking the imperial examination. Go practice calligraphy." Li Qiu said with a smile.

Yunjing thought about it and stopped worrying. Anyway, just study hard. The imperial examination tests knowledge and not luck. As long as you study well, you will have a chance no matter how difficult the exam is.

So he took the rabbit skin hat and tiger skin given by his 'wife' and prepared to put them away before practicing calligraphy.

When he turned around, Li Qiu suddenly said: "Jing'er, did you really see it that day?"

"Hmm..., ah? What? Master, what did you say? Why can't I understand?" Yun Jing subconsciously hummed, but in an instant he realized that he had been fooled, and immediately looked at Master Li Qiu with a blank look on his face.

Li Qiu sneered and said: "Jing'er, don't use a slate to practice calligraphy today. Use paper to practice. Each piece of paper must write at least a hundred words for me, filling up a hundred pieces of paper!"

With that said, Li Qiu turned around and went out to enjoy the cool air with his hands behind his back.

Yun Jing's whole body almost burst into pieces. If he were to be so cruel, Master, write a hundred pieces of paper and ten thousand words, his hand would break, right?

He decided to save himself, looked at Li Qiu's back and said: "Master, paper is very expensive. One hundred pieces of paper is too wasteful. How about a few more?"

"One hundred and twenty!" Li Qiutou didn't know how to say it, and then said in a tone as if you want to fight with me: "I know that paper is expensive, but as the headmaster of the school, I am indispensable for the teacher."

It’s just paper. The government will send a large amount of paper to schools every year. I forgot to tell you that teachers can use it for free. You can use as much as you want. When you use it, just send a note and the government will send it to you, so you don’t have to save money for teachers.”

Yun Jing: "......!!!"

Then that afternoon and into the evening, Yun Jing's hands were swollen while practicing calligraphy. In the end, he couldn't lift his arms. He deeply realized the principle of misfortune coming from the mouth.

He couldn't help cursing himself secretly, you are so smart, but your master's ear was pinched by the master's wife because you were so clever. See what you can do, you must have suffered the consequences now...

He really filled up 120 pieces of paper with more than 12,000 words. He repeatedly wrote what he had learned with a brush. He knew that even if he couldn't finish it, the master would not really do anything to him.

, but he still insisted on finishing it.

Is he stupid? Looking for trouble for himself.

Of course Yunjing is not stupid. The reason why he does this is to teach himself a lesson. Misfortunes come from the mouth. A sentence that is usually on the lips is often just a word. How many people really implement it seriously?

Indeed, this time I was just punished by Master for writing one sentence. What if one day I don't keep my mouth shut and accidentally say something I shouldn't say and cause trouble? Will it be as easy as now?

It's easier said than done. It's better to develop the habit of being strict with oneself early.

Li Qiu said that he was serious about asking Yunjing to write one hundred and twenty pieces of paper, and he was setting an example for others. He would not let what he said become a joke, but he did not say that he asked Yunjing to finish it in one day.

When he saw Yunjing placing one hundred and twenty thick pieces of paper filled with words in front of him, he admired Yunjing's willpower in his heart. He thought that Yunjing had such willpower and would grow up.

In the future, even if you don't take the imperial examination and become an official, you can still be promising doing other things.

Then he looked at Yun Jing's swollen arm and felt a little distressed. He used Zhenqi to relax his muscles and activate his blood circulation to eliminate the swelling and possible sequelae.

At night, Yunjing lay in bed and couldn't sleep. He was thinking about his wife.

It’s not that he’s ‘pubescent’ in advance and misses his wife. It’s just that after learning from his master during the day that his father-in-law’s strength is beyond the limit, he might not be able to ‘reason’ with his wife in the future and be unable to sleep.

Finally, he figured it out, for the sake of future family harmony, well, mainly for his own safety, he felt that he should start doing something now.

He has never thought about this issue before starting to practice martial arts now to improve his ability to 'self-protect'. After all, he has to focus on his studies now. After practicing martial arts, his master will teach him. In this case, he can only start from his 'wife'.


After much deliberation, Yunjing decided to give his wife some gifts. It would be best to give her a gift that would make her lose her temper by playing with things, diverting her attention from thinking about practicing martial arts all day long.

Girls, why are you practicing so hard? If you develop muscle lumps all over your body, it will definitely be uncomfortable to sleep with your arms in your arms...

So what should I give to my daughter-in-law to make her become bored with things?

After much deliberation, Yunjing finally decided on the gift he wanted to give. He decided to draw some cute pictures of animals for the other party, so as to cultivate his wife's love from an early age.

Well, it’s such a happy decision.

Then he still felt that it was a little unsafe. How about making some educational toys such as Luban Lock? Let her study how to solve Luban Lock. Wouldn't it mean that she would have no time to think about martial arts training?

This idea was so great that Yunjing couldn't help but give himself a thumbs up.

"How did you get the Luban Suo? Let me think about it. If you have seen the video in the previous life, it should not be difficult to get it. It is best to get it out as soon as possible and send it over. After winter, the road will be blocked by heavy snow and you will have to wait until next year..."

So in the next period of time, Yunjing began to tinker with gifts for his wife in addition to his normal study life.

He drew a set of twelve zodiac signs of small animals, cartoon-like. This was not difficult, but he had never learned to draw, so the drawings were a bit ugly, cute and cute. Anyway, he thought girls would see them.

Must like it very much.

He also finished the Luban Suo, which is still the sixteen-column type!

It's absolutely heartbreaking.

Why did he do something as difficult as Sixteen Pillars? He felt that the higher the difficulty, the better. Let the little wife worry about it. It would be better to study that thing and forget to practice martial arts.

For the sake of a happy life in the future, Yunjing finally dealt cruelly to the young daughter-in-law he had never met!

Too cruel……

The gifts were ready, but how to deliver them was a problem. I couldn’t go home before the end of the month to entrust them to Aunt Wang, and I didn’t have time to go to the town to find people coming to the village for the market. Seeing that winter was getting closer and closer, I really had no choice.

As a last resort, Yunjing ran to the inn to see if he could send it by mail.

After some inquiries, I was able to send it, but it would cost money. It would only be a few dozen miles, and the post station would cost thirty coppers!

The reason why it is so expensive is that Dagoulin is too remote and in the countryside. It is not cost-effective to arrange for someone to make a trip just to deliver such a small amount of things to him, so the charge is so expensive.

Then Yunjing gave up sending it by mail because he was reluctant to spend the money.

He still has money. When he came to the town to go to school, he didn't have the chance to spend the money his grandfather gave him, but he still couldn't bear to spend it. His family worked too hard to earn money. He didn't know how much sweat it took to get a copper.

How can you waste the money your family earns just because of your own selfishness?

The weather was getting colder and colder. Yunjing managed to survive until the end of the month. He went back to the village before the heavy snow fell and entrusted the things to Aunt Wang. He didn't know if he would have time to deliver them this year. After all, Aunt Wang also

It's not like running to Dagou Forest without seeing the sky.

However, Aunt Wang told him that there was no problem at all. She had relatives in Dagoulin, and she would go there every year before heavy snow closed the road to reassure Yunjing and keep it for him.

Aunt Wang also teased Yun Jing that at such a young age, she knew how to give gifts to her daughter-in-law to please girls. When they grow up, Qin Se and Ming will definitely be very affectionate.

Tsk, she is indeed a matchmaker who runs around talking nonsense, and her speech is better than that of ordinary poor farmers.

Yun Jingxin said that he gave gifts so that he and his daughter-in-law could be more affectionate in the future. If she could not let her "lose her mind by playing with things," then she would not be able to say that they were more affectionate, and he might have to lead a "miserable" life.

In fact, it's not a big problem. After all, Yunjing will also practice martial arts in the future. But, wouldn't it be better if the wife didn't practice martial arts? If both of them practice martial arts, if there is a quarrel in the future, or even turns into a fight, will the family still have it?


Both of them are ‘martial arts masters’. Yun Jing is drunk just thinking about that kind of fight scene. He probably has to punch through the roof...

This trip back to the village is the last time Yunjing goes back this year. Because the road will be blocked due to heavy snow in the coming winter, how can we go back if we can’t see the road?

The next time I go back I have to wait until next year.

The weather has gotten colder, so the school has distributed new clothes, two sets of cotton-padded coats, clothes, pants and shoes. If you wear them, if you wear more underneath, they will still keep you warm.

These also cost money, but Li Qiu helped Yunjing get it done and didn't mention it to Yunjing.

It is worth mentioning that going to school is indeed something only wealthy people can participate in. The school considers that it is difficult for students to attend class in cold weather, so charcoal fires are burned in the classrooms during cold weather. The consumption of charcoal fires required every day is amazing, and the consumption

The money for the charcoal fire must be paid by the students’ families!

The classrooms in the school are made of bricks and tiles, and some have gaps for ventilation, so there is no need to worry about carbon dioxide poisoning...

One day, snowflakes began to fall suddenly, gradually covering the earth and decorating the whole world in white.

The students in the school are very happy, even excited. They like winter very much. They wear cotton-padded clothes and play happily in the snow. When it is cold, they can go to the classroom to warm themselves by the fire. Even the senior students even pretend to recite a few poems to praise winter.

of beautiful scenery.

Cloudscape doesn't like winter very much, although it has a unique beauty.

Although he occasionally played in the snow with his classmates, most of the time he just stared into the distance silently.

These children from wealthy families have no idea that what seems to them to be a wonderful winter is actually no less than a man-eating demon to many people!

Maybe they also know the cruelty of winter, but without personally experiencing the cruelty of winter, who of them really cares?

I hope there will be less snow this year. In that case, fewer houses will be crushed and fewer people will freeze to death, Yun Jing said silently in his heart.

The school does not have classes all winter. After winter, classes only lasted for more than a month, and then classes were suspended. There will be a holiday that lasts for more than a month.

This winter did not give Yun Jing as much snow as he wished. The snow on the ground was more than two feet deep. Therefore, even if he had a vacation that lasted for more than a month, he could not go home and could only stay in the town.

During this period, Li Qiu did not let Yunjing stay where they usually lived, but took Yunjing to his yard.

Again, he wanted to let Yunjing experience hardship, but he didn't really want to torture him...


(Additional update of 500 monthly tickets, although it is not yet 500, rounding off I pretended that I had 500 monthly tickets...)

This chapter has been completed!
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