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Chapter 130 It's so nice to be young

The next day Yun Jing woke up early and felt refreshed. He stretched out and his whole body felt very comfortable.

"It's the right time to grow taller. In the future, I will grow to a height of about 1.9 meters."

As he fantasized in his mind, Yunjing saw his master Li Qiu in the blink of an eye.

He seemed to have not slept all night and looked a little tired. Some bloodshot eyes could be seen in his eyes. It was estimated that he had been busy flipping through books all night to find records about Yun Jing's holding situation.

"Good morning, Master," Yunjing said hello, and then said a little apologetically: "Master, didn't you rest last night? I heard that you were still reading books in the middle of the night, why don't you go and take a rest?"

Touching his head, Li Qiu said with a smile: "Jing'er is interested. Master is fine. After all, it is rare to encounter an interesting thing and forget the time for a moment. Reading at night like this is not good for a teacher.

This was still twenty years ago.”

As he said this, Yunjing didn't understand how he was doing it. A faint glistening white light flashed across his body, and he suddenly became energetic, and even the bloodshot eyes disappeared.

Tsk, for a congenital master, there are indeed ways to regain your energy even if you don't sleep all night...

"Then Master, you can't be too tired. It's my disciple's fault if it makes Master work harder."

Without worrying too much about this matter, Li Qiu said with a smile: "Let's go, Jing'er, let's wash up, and then go dig the ground while it's still early. Use this time to dig up the ground, so that you can catch Qiu Huhu's tail."

The weeds in the field will be sunburned to death, which will save a lot of trouble in planting next year.”

The cloud scenery is natural, and in recent years I have become accustomed to working in the morning and evening.

It is worth mentioning that when Li Qiu and Yunjing lived here, they were no different from ordinary farmers. They didn't have breakfast when they got up in the morning. They just worked, and then slowly went to the school to eat, and they couldn't.

Even if you say rubbish, I also gave you money...

When he and his master Li Qiu went to the fields to plow the fields with hoes, Yunjing was surprised to find that as the night passed, his physical strength seemed to have increased!

It's not very obvious, but his keen senses can really feel it. The most intuitive manifestation is that he doesn't get tired as fast as before when digging the ground, and the same hoe is also easier to swing, even when the hoe digs into the ground.

, digging a little deeper than the last time I dug with a hoe.

"This must be the change brought about by absorbing the spiritual energy last night. It actually has such benefits!"

Yunjing was overjoyed, he simply fell in love with the invisible aura between heaven and earth.

Then he thought, if he absorbed spiritual energy to nourish his body every day, would his physique be able to continue to grow steadily like this? What would it reach in the end?

He doesn't know, but he still has to give it a try. The future is worth looking forward to.

Plowing the ground is undoubtedly tiring and hard. Now Yunjing's palms have calluses and the skin is thick, so it is not as easy to get blisters as it was at first.

After all, he is still too young, and he only started absorbing spiritual energy yesterday. Although his physical strength has increased, it is still limited. He can only hold on for a little longer than usual, and he should be tired.

He was too tired to bear it. Normally, Yunjing would stop and take a rest, but today he didn't. Instead, he took a few breaths, closed his eyes, and saw the aura between heaven and earth from a unique perspective, and then attracted

Blends into the body for absorption.

Not to mention, in this way, the comfort brought by absorbing the spiritual energy was secondary. Soon the fatigue all over his body disappeared, and he could work with a hundred times more energy.

"Reiki is such a good thing," Yunjing couldn't help but sigh.

Maybe it's because of the morning, or maybe it's because of the outdoors. There is much more spiritual energy around Yunjing in the field than in the house. It's even several times more. This much spiritual energy is enough to support Yunjing's work all the time.

Went down.

He thought happily that with this endurance, even if he did not achieve success or fame in the future, he would probably not starve to death while working in the fields.

Then he decisively pouted at himself to see what potential he had...

Time passed little by little. Yunjing kept working and sweated very little, which attracted Li Qiu's attention. He took the time to ask Yunjing: "Jing'er, aren't you tired? Why don't you take a rest? Don't hold on.

, my teacher doesn’t ask you to work to torture you, you just do your best, other teachers can come and do it.”

"I'm fine, Master, you don't have to worry," Yun Jing said with a smile, and then said, "Anyway, I'm energetic at work today, and I know how to measure it."

"Okay then", Li Qiu didn't hesitate anymore.

He knew that his disciple was not a fool. If he was really tired and couldn't bear it, he wouldn't know how to stop and rest.

The sun was getting higher, and after working all morning, the master and apprentice finished their work and went back. After washing, they put on more formal clothes, and then went to the school.

Although Yunjing has that magical ability, his daily life has not undergone any major changes, and it remains the same every day.

The autumn harvest is still going on, and there are people coming and going everywhere in the fields, especially strangers who don't know where they come from. They are still walking through the fields. Yunjing estimates that this scene will continue until after the autumn harvest.

No matter what, they are busy with their business and living their own lives.

When Yunjing arrived at the school, he thought it was another ordinary day. However, when class was about to begin, he discovered that Zhou Jintai had not arrived.

As the class leader, Yunjing was very responsible and asked his classmates why he didn't come. But after asking around, no one knew why he didn't come.

Just as Yunjing was thinking about how to report the situation to his teacher Yang Yungong, an old man about sixty years old came to the door of the class, and there was a school guard beside him who followed him as if to guard against thieves.

In a place like the school, parents are generally not allowed to come in, and I don’t know who sets the rules. Anyway, Yunjing heard that it is called to cultivate students’ independence.

The old man stood at the door, looking at a group of little children who were looking curiously, and asked: "I am the steward of your classmate Zhou Jintai's family. Who is Yunjing, the leader? Master Zhou Jintai asked me to bring it to him if he has something to say."

After hearing what he said, Yunjing stood up and walked over, bowed to his elders, and said politely: "Old man, I am Yunjing. I wonder what my classmate Zhou Jintai asked you to bring to me? You can just say it."

As the steward of a wealthy family, the old man still had some knowledge. He returned Yunjing's gift according to normal etiquette and said, "It's like this. My young master went back yesterday and ate some poisonous mushrooms he picked up somewhere on the way. He can't stand it."

He is as confused as hysteria, but after a night of treatment, he is much better, and he is awake, but he still has some diarrhea, and he is very weak. He specially asked me to bring you a message, asking you to take a leave of absence from the teacher. He can't come today."

"I see, old man, I understand. Don't worry, I will tell you sir. By the way, Zhou Jintai is okay, right?" Yun Dingding nodded, and then became a little worried about the greedy little fat man.

Good guy, Yunjing calls him a good guy, that guy really remembers to eat and not to fight. How many times has he been sent to the doctor after eating, how come he doesn’t have a long memory?

Look, you've made yourself suffer by eating randomly again, haven't you?

Really, if he continues like this, it would not be surprising at all for Yun Jing to die from eating randomly because of his greed.

The world of foodies is too difficult to understand, and that guy can no longer be considered a foodie. He just wants to taste salty shit. He should be called a foodie...

"Thank you very much. I've already said it, so I won't disturb you anymore."

The old man left in the company of the school guards.

Those guards were really conscientious. After all, the old man was a stranger. We couldn’t tell who he belonged to, so we just believed him. If we didn’t keep a close eye on him, if someone pretended to be someone else and came to the school to do harm to the students in the school,

If trouble occurs, problems will arise.

As soon as the steward of Zhou Jintai's family left, Chen Yijian and Wang Bolin joined him.

After all, they were the best friends in the school. They proposed to visit Zhou Jintai after school. Yunjing thought about it and agreed. Among classmates, in this situation, it is indeed necessary to visit Zhou Jintai.

The children here are all precocious. When Yunjing and the others were around eight years old, it was time to gradually start to maintain their own relationships and connections.

Relationships at this age don't have much utilitarianism and are very simple. If they are friends made after adulthood, if they are not like old friends at first sight, they are actually more or less purposeful. This is a fact...

There is no way, once people grow up, they are no longer simple.

After class, Yunjing briefly told Yang Yungong about Zhou Jintai's situation. He just said he knew about it and didn't pursue it. Obviously, he was used to Zhou Jintai's "ability" to eat randomly and didn't find it strange at all.

After school in the afternoon, Yunjing saw his master Li Qiu and told him that he wanted to visit a friend with his classmates but could not go back with him. Instead of blaming him, Li Qiu happily said that he could go but remember to go home.

Then he gave Yunjing a tael of silver and told him to bring some gifts when he went and don't go empty-handed.

In the end, he simply left the bullock cart and the guards with Yunjing and the others, and walked back alone...

So Yun Jing, Chen Yijian and Wang Bolin went to visit Zhou Jintai together. The three of them, plus their respective guards, actually numbered more than ten people.

They went to the town to buy gifts first, and they were not expensive things. Yunjing took into account the guy's foodie nature and brought some fruits to Zhou Jintai. The guy was too fat, so just forget about the tonic. Don't let him be eaten one day.

If you eat yourself to death, you will become fat to death.

It's not that Yun Jing was cursing him, friends were just so casual, and he didn't want to be their father and it would be fine...

Buying fruits didn't cost much, and Yunjing planned to return the remaining money to his master after returning home. After all, he had nowhere to spend the money.

Zhou Jintai's family can be considered a small wealthy family. The house has a large courtyard with four entrances. It is not as elegant and elegant as Li Qiu's family. The decoration looks a bit earthy and nouveau riche.

Their arrival was warmly received by Zhou Jintai's family.

However, what made Yunjing and the others dumbfounded was that Zhou Jintai looked sick and gloomy. When they came, the guy was still chewing pig knuckles, and his face was covered with oil.

Yunjing seriously suspected that the guy was taking the opportunity to pretend to be sick and not go to school.

As a child, it was okay to meet friends. When the adults were away, they naturally started to fight. Zhou Jintai was held down and beaten by Yunjing and the others, saying that he was enjoying himself at home and did not go to school to join everyone.


The little fat guy Zhou Jintai was very resistant to being beaten. He was beaten by Yunjing and the others and it didn't matter. He even yelled that you hadn't eaten, so he didn't have any energy at all.

Then you were beaten again to see if you still behave.

The afternoon passed quickly with fighting and fussing. Zhou Jintai's family gave Yunjing and the others a good meal. When the sun was setting, they made an appointment to meet again tomorrow, and then said goodbye one after another and went home.

On the way home, Yun Jing lay lazily on the oxcart, looking at the sunset on the horizon with a smile on his face and thinking that it was great to be young...

This chapter has been completed!
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