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Chapter 140: Silent Night

"Don't blame me, young master, we are also responsible, so please bear with me."

"Yes, yes, the young master will prosper in the future, but please don't bear our grudges. We only act according to the rules."

There are two people responsible for the inspection, big and powerful. The reason why they are arranged is to supervise each other.

Yunjing raised his hands and said, dumbfounded: "Two uncles, please hurry up..."

It’s so embarrassing to be inspected by you all naked. Damn it.

“Okay, okay, it will be fine soon”

They kept confessing during the inspection, but the inspection was still very serious and strict, and they did not miss any suspicious areas that might contain cheat sheets.

I will endure it, I will endure it, I will endure it again...

The days passed like years. Fortunately, the process was not long after all. Just when the cloud scene was about to 'collapse', the inspection was finally over. One of the uncles helped hand him the clothes and said: "Little Master, okay, you put it on."

Just bring your clothes to the examination room and we will wish you a bright future in advance.”

"I'm sorry to trouble you two uncles," he said out of politeness, and Yunjing got dressed and ran away.

The two uncles behind him looked at each other and smiled.

Then the two of them came closer and whispered.

"That young master just now is so good-looking. Tsk tsk, even though he is still young, his figure is so enviable. I don't know how many older girls and younger wives will drool with envy in the future."

"Yes, yes, I can't help but pinch it a few more times. How can I hold it back?"

"What a pity. Although he is good-looking, he is not feminine at all. If he were even a little feminine, hey, I'm afraid many good-mouthed men wouldn't be able to bear it."

"That's right. Moreover, let alone his good-looking figure, he is also very hard. I'm talking about musculoskeletal hardness. He must have practiced martial arts. Fortunately, we didn't go too far. Otherwise, if he gets angry, I'm afraid we will also

You may not be able to defeat it.”

"Hey hey hey..."

Although Yun Jing, who has keen senses, left, the whispered conversation between the two people still vaguely reached his ears, and he suddenly felt a black line on his forehead, "That's enough for you two."

Following the route in his memory, Yunjing quickly arrived at his examination room.

When you sit down in the examination room, you can't see anyone to the left or right. You can only see the high platform in the middle of the examination room in front of you.

In the examination room, there are soldiers standing guard everywhere. They are like wooden men. It is estimated that if any commotion or other accident occurs, they will pounce on it like hungry wolves as soon as possible.

The examination room was quiet, the atmosphere was serious and somewhat depressing.

Yunjing did not wait for the examination papers to be distributed. Instead, he opened the book box that had been strictly inspected several times, prepared pens, inks, inkstones, paperweights and other items, and slowly polished his ink and waited for the examination to begin.

Time passed little by little, and the sun got higher. At about eleven o'clock, a gong sounded in the examination room, indicating that the examination papers would be handed out next. Apart from the sound of the gong, there was no other noise in the examination room.

On the high platform in the middle of the examination room, under the pavilion, eight examiners, including the county magistrate, were sitting on it, scanning every corner of the examination room.

Even though they were all scholars, Yun Jing could feel that each of them had an extraordinary aura and keen senses. They were on a high platform with a wide field of vision, and no disturbance in the examination room could escape their eyes.

The examination papers were distributed in groups of three. Small carts were pushed through the examination room. One person was responsible for pushing, one was responsible for guarding the surroundings, and one was responsible for distributing the examination papers. The whole process was serious and quiet.

Soon Yunjing got his own test papers. In addition to the test papers, there was also a stack of white paper, about ten sheets, which were scratch papers. After the exam, the scratch papers could not be taken out of the examination room and would be taken back and destroyed.

There are a lot of test papers, there are ten of them, after all they are engraved, and the test questions on them are actually not much, there are only a hundred or ten questions in total.

Yunjing did not rush to do the questions, but first checked the test paper to prevent any errors, omissions or damage. If such a thing happened, it needed to be replaced in time to avoid wasting time.

You can't shout directly when changing. There is a rope in the examination room. If you pull it, it will be linked to a certain place, and someone will come to check the situation. In short, try not to make any noise that affects the candidates' mentality.

All the examination papers, clouds and scenery were carefully checked and there were no errors, omissions or damage.

Then he still didn't rush to do the questions, but read all the test questions carefully. This was to avoid the situation of "only taking the last question" from happening.

After checking again, no such weird incident occurred.

Each test paper is numbered, and there are ten papers in a set. Yunjing needs to write his name, place of origin, age, test number, school of study and other information on the first paper.

This information needs to be filled in by illiterate people before the examiner marks the paper, so as to avoid cheating.

In the process of checking the test papers, Yunjing discovered that this year's test questions did not focus on any one subject, and the content of the test questions such as etiquette, arithmetic and poetry were relatively balanced.

Yun Jing has checked the test paper. He has a photographic memory. He knows every test question by heart. He can recall it a little. Generally speaking, it is very simple, and it is all the content he has learned. In terms of difficulty, he is the only one.

In his previous life, he was a primary school student.

Everything he had learned was in Yunjing's mind. Except for the last question, he was sure that he would not get any of the questions wrong.

The last question requires them to write a poem!

Although Yunjing has a photographic memory, it is easy for him to learn, but over the years, he has discovered that he does not actually have a high literary talent, and poetry is not his strong point.

Therefore, the last question, writing poetry, was quite a challenge for him.

I don’t know who came up with the exam questions. The final poetry question requires candidates to write a poem about their mother. There is no limit on five to seven words, and there is no limit on four or eight sentences. You can express yourself freely.

Regarding his mother's poems, Yunjing could immediately think of a few that were famous throughout the ages. After some hesitation, he decided not to copy those poems from his previous life.

It's not that he's pretentious and doesn't want to get high marks, but knowledge cannot be faked. He can copy a poem to deceive anyone in the world, but he can't deceive his own heart.

After all, the poems he learned in his previous life were not his own. He copied them. Although no one asked him for the copyright and there would be no trouble, he still wanted to learn to write one based on his true talent.

He thought he could still write a poem, but whether it was good or not was another question. Anyway, he had never thought about becoming a famous poet in this world. He wrote it based on his true talent and learning, and he could speak it with confidence.

It’s not embarrassing, mainly because I wrote the poem myself, so I don’t feel embarrassed inside.

Yun Jing has not yet decided what kind of poem he wants to write, so there is no rush. He will leave it to the end and finish the previous test questions first.

The first question is actually an arithmetic question.

The topic is like this. It is said that the current price of grain is two copper coins per catty of polished rice. Zhang San had one hundred copper coins in his hand. He bought twenty-five catties of polished rice. After returning home, he cooked eight catties of rice and ate it.

The rest was sold at the original price and asked how much money he had left in his hands at the end.

As for why Zhang San cooked eight kilograms of rice at once after returning home, whether he can eat it or not is anyone’s guess. Anyway, for Yunjing, this question is no different from a score question, which is simple addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Just use it.

There is no need to write down the process on the test paper, just fill in the answers. After all, there are no Arabic numerals and mathematical symbols in this world, so it is very troublesome to write down the entire process.

Yunjing directly calculated in his head, and then carefully wrote down the answers on the examination paper. In the end, Zhang San still had eighty-four copper coins in his hand.

In fact, this question seems a bit complicated to teenage candidates, but some of the processes can be ignored. Zhang San had one hundred copper coins, but he only ate eight kilograms of rice, which is sixteen copper coins.

Just subtract sixteen from one hundred to get the money he has left. There is no need to consider other processes.

Regarding this question, Yunjing seriously doubted that the person who set the question wanted to confuse the candidates. Of course, regardless of whether it was circumvented or not, this question was very simple for Yunjing.

Yunjing has been practicing calligraphy over the years. Although his calligraphy has not yet reached the level that his master said, "can barely read people," he can still write very well.

The answers on the test paper often have to be scored based on the paper surface. If you make a mistake or omit it, you will lose points. Yunjing did not make such a small mistake. His handwriting is correct. Although it is not beautiful and pleasing to the eye, it is very neat.

It's hard to find fault with.

The next question turned out to be an etiquette question.

It turned out to be a fork in the road. Yunjing suspected that the person who asked the test questions was purely trying to manipulate the candidates' mentality. The previous question was about arithmetic, and the next question was about etiquette. This tested the candidates' ability to change their thinking.

Gee, there are pitfalls everywhere. No wonder it’s so difficult to pass the exam.

Yun Jing's foundation was very solid. This etiquette question was still a scoring question for him, so he quickly wrote down the answer neatly.

Next there are arithmetic questions, and then there are arithmetic questions, and then there are fill-in-the-blank questions about poetry and articles...

Yunjing worked on each question one by one. He did not seek speed, but only wanted to get them all right. He also tried to make the paper neat and tidy. Occasionally, he would write calculations on the draft paper and confirm the answers before copying them on the examination paper.

They were all simple questions for Yun Jing, and he solved them easily.

Time passed by, and after an hour, Yunjing had finished all ninety-nine questions on the examination paper, with neat handwriting, no corrections, no errors or omissions.

Still not thinking about the last poetry question, Yunjing rechecked the previous questions twice to make sure there were no mistakes that needed to be corrected before he started to think about the last question.

A poem about being a mother…

Facing this question, Yunjing couldn't help but fell silent and thought seriously about how to use his true talents and knowledge to write this poem.

This is a big question, and it probably occupies a large proportion. The poem you write may very well affect your final score.

Even so, he still had no intention of copying the poems he had learned in his previous life.

"I have been studying for so many years and I have learned everything others have learned. Why do I think I am worse than others? Do I need to use things from my previous life to prove myself? Whether I write well or not is all based on my true ability.

, no shame, even if it lowers the overall performance, I can still face my heart and be confident!"

With thoughts flickering in his mind, Yun Jing became more determined in his thoughts.

Copying poems is fun, and it's cool to show off, but how much weight you have and how knowledgeable you are cannot be fake.

Then Yunjing wanted to laugh a little. He felt that with his master's character, if he wrote a frontier fortress poem that would be famous throughout the ages even though he had never been to the frontier fortress, he might not have any reason to just say it in his face.

I copied it myself, even though the source of the poem could not be found at all.

You have never experienced it. What the hell are you writing? What are you copying? There is no need for any reason at all!

The examination room was quiet, with more than a thousand people immersed in exam questions.

Facing the examination papers in front of them, it is really time for the candidates to test their true talents and learning.

Not everyone is as relaxed as Yun Jing. Facing the test questions, some people racked their brains, some sweated on their foreheads, some looked blank, some were trembling, and some even burst into tears...

In the examination room and in each examination room, the various attitudes of scholars when facing the imperial examination are performed.

There are always people who are not afraid of death because they take chances. Although this exam is strict, so strict that the government has considered almost all cheating methods, there are still people who cheat!

In a corner, someone quietly took apart a writing brush and took out the cheat sheet contained inside.

Some people glanced at the examiner on the high platform furtively, and then used ink-burning water to draw on his arm, and then densely packed handwriting appeared on his empty arm.

Someone also opened a secret mechanism from the inkstone they brought and took out a small palm-sized booklet.

One person, after a period of secret retching, spit out a wrapped paper ball from his mouth.

There was also a ruthless man who did not know what means he used to disguise himself. He opened the skin on his arm and took out a piece of paper from the flesh. After taking it out, his open wound did not bleed...

In short, those candidates can be said to have great powers when it comes to cheating!

Wow, you really put a lot of effort into it.

They thought they were doing it secretly, but how could they escape the gaze of the examiner on the high platform? They looked in all directions and listened in all directions. If they noticed something was wrong with someone, they would just look at them. Then the guards would receive the signal and go up to cover them up.

Drag it away with your mouth!

The fate of those people is that their future is probably ruined...

The exam was still going on 'silently', and the atmosphere became more and more tense as time went by, because as time went by, the afternoon time came, and no matter whether you had completed the exam questions or not, you had to hand in the paper!

Under this huge pressure, many people almost collapsed. The pressure was so great that they were unable to solve some questions that they knew they could do.

There are also some candidates who are stubborn and struggle with a certain question. They are almost desperate when facing a lot of unfinished questions. Such people are also weird. If they insist on struggling, they will not first do what they will do later and then think about it.


Time passed little by little, and when the sun turned to the west, I suddenly remembered a shout of collapse in the examination room.

"This question is too difficult, I can't do it..."

However, before the cry of collapse could completely subside, a soldier quickly stepped forward, struck him with a knife, and knocked him unconscious and dragged him away.

Hearing the collapsed shout, Yun Jing subconsciously looked in that direction, and subconsciously gave him a soundtrack in his heart, with snowflakes fluttering and the north wind blowing...

That guy, the order in the examination room is shocking, and his end will definitely be miserable.

Even if he didn't observe it deliberately, Yun Jing could probably guess that under the influence of that guy, many candidates with a bad mentality must be affected, causing harm to others and themselves.

Calming his mind, Yun Jing still considered the issue of poetry.

Write a poem about mother, mother, maternal love, selflessness, hard work, housework, raising children...

These thoughts flashed through Yun Jing's mind, and then a picture suddenly appeared in Yun Jing's mind.

A few years ago, when Yunjing was coming to town to study and was about to leave home, one day, Yunjing woke up in the middle of the night and found that the oil lamp at home was still on. At that time, he did not have the ability to see through the air.

, so I got up and took a look.

He saw that in the middle of the night, his mother was quietly sewing clothes for herself by the oil lamp. Every stitch and every stitch was filled with love and reluctance for her son.

When Yun Jing saw that scene, his nose was sore, his eyes were moist, and his throat seemed to be blocked by something. He did not disturb his mother, but left silently.

Recalling that scene, Yun Jing's heart still felt sour, and then an idea flashed through him, and he thought of writing a poem.

Taking a piece of draft paper, Yunjing picked up a pen and wrote three words: Ye Wusheng

After writing these three words, he was still unable to write. After hesitating for a while, he continued writing stroke by stroke:

Studying in a young age will lead to long journeys,

After writing this, Yun Jing paused again, recalling that scene in his mind again, and then wrote:

In the third watch of the night, the moon is bright and the mother has no sleep.

As I wrote this, Yun Jing seemed to be inspired, and his thoughts surged like a fountain. He wrote the next two sentences in one breath:

Silently seeing the lights reflecting on the seams of clothes,

If I don't say anything, I still fear that the needle will prick my mother.

After putting down the last stroke, Yun Jing looked at the poem he had written quietly. He no longer cared whether his writing was good or not. When he was going to travel far away from home, his mother silently sewed clothes for him in the middle of the night. That stitch

Every thread is filled with concern and reluctance.

Looking up, Yunjing looked in the direction of home. He was thinking, at this moment, my mother who is far away at home, are you okay and what are you doing...

After withdrawing his thoughts, he looked at the poem in front of him. He did not intend to revise it anymore, and then began to write the poem on the examination paper.

Silent night

When I was young, I was about to travel far away to study. The moon was shining brightly in the third watch and my mother had no sleep.

Silently seeing the lamp reflecting on the seams of my clothes, I was still afraid of needles pricking my mother without saying a word.

After writing the last stroke, Yun Jingxin said, no matter what happens in the future, he will always go home and take a look when he has time.

When the ink dried, he began to pack up the test papers, and then took the trouble to check them over and over again. Although he was sure that he had done all the previous questions correctly, he did not show his character and hand in the papers in advance, but slowly waited for the end of the exam.

In the whole set of test papers, Yunjing was only unsure about poetry. He didn't know whether he could pass the Tongsheng examination. Anyway, he had tried his best, and it was all based on his true talents and learning, without any cheating or opportunism.

As for the final result, it is left to the examiners to judge.

Regarding the poem he wrote, Yun Jing read it for the last time, and he couldn't help but shake his head. The first three sentences were mediocre, without any highlights, and even suspected of being pieced together. Forget it, he was only at this level.

But he was very satisfied with the last sentence.

Without saying a word, he was still afraid of the needle pricking his mother. During the middle of the night, he was really afraid of disturbing his mother by speaking, and was afraid that the sharp sewing needle would sting his mother's fingers that were rough from hard work, so he chose to leave silently.

Dang Dang Dang.

In the afternoon, the gong rang three times and it was time to hand in papers.

After years of studying hard, I finally submitted an answer sheet at this moment.

At this time, there were all kinds of people in the examination room. Some were crying, some fainted, and some begged the person collecting the papers to give them more time. Of course, there were also those who were confident in themselves and looked proud...

This chapter has been completed!
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