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Chapter 156 Heavenly phenomenon!

Mingyue Tower is one of the most high-end restaurants in Xinlin County. In recent years, the thank-you banquet for children's examinations has been held here. The boss behind the restaurant is named Niu, and the current magistrate of Xinlin County is also named Niu...

It's very realistic.

Mingyue Tower does not accept individual customers that day, and the entire restaurant is busy preparing for the teacher appreciation banquet.

When Yunjing and the others came here, Mingyue Tower was already very busy. There was a lot of traffic at the door and well-dressed people coming in and out, which was in sharp contrast to the ragged beggars under the walls in the distance.

No matter when or where, the gap between rich and poor can only be reflected through comparison...

"Are you here to attend the teacher-appreciation banquet? Do you have an invitation? If not, a certificate of student status is also acceptable."

Someone in charge of reception stopped Yunjing and the others and asked them politely.

Naturally, there was an invitation, so Li Qiu took it out and handed it to the other party, and then they were invited in very politely.

Yunjing waved his hand behind him and followed his master into Mingyue Tower.

After all, Su Xiaoye and his daughter were not in the circle of scholars, so they could only stop outside the door of Mingyue Tower that day.

Pouting, Su Xiaoye turned around and looked at a teahouse opposite Mingyue Building. Her eyes lit up and she said, "Dad, let's go there. If we open the window on the second floor, we should be able to see Brother Jing and the others opposite."

"Brother Jing, brother Jing, it's been your brother Jing all day long, Xiao Zi, have you almost forgotten that you have a father?" Su Orion muttered in amusement.

Su Xiaoye took his hand, shook it and said coquettishly: "Oh, I didn't forget. Daddy is the best. How about we go to the second floor of the teahouse?"

"There's really nothing we can do about you, let's go." Su Orion smiled and shook his head, and went to the teahouse opposite Mingyue Tower with Su Xiaoye.

They left, and the person in charge of reception at the entrance of Mingyue Tower breathed a huge sigh of relief. It was so scary. If Su Orion wanted to eat at Mingyue Tower today and forced his way in, they really didn't know how to deal with it. That guy,

Most people simply can’t stand it!

After Yunjing and the others stepped into Mingyue Building, they were led directly to a hall on the second floor. There were five large round tables, each table could seat about ten people.

Someone had arrived earlier than them, and most of the tables were occupied.

However, most of them didn't know each other, and it was obvious that the main person hadn't arrived yet, so everyone rarely talked to each other.

The arrival of Yunjing and the others only caused a few glances from those who came first, but it did not cause any disturbance.

A few people found empty seats and sat down. Li Qiu whispered: "I don't know these people either. Just wait until Uncle Niu and the others come. It should be over soon."

"Well", Yun Jing nodded, what else can I do, just wait.

Gee, it seems like it’s the same everywhere, the ‘leader’ always arrives last, as if not doing so is not enough to show his status.

Chen Yijian complained in a low voice: "It's so boring. If I had known this, I would have tried to pretend to be sick and couldn't come. It also made me travel all night."

"Swordsman, believe it or not, after you come, not many people will remember you, but if you don't come, everyone will definitely remember that you didn't come!" Yun Jing lowered his voice and laughed.

Chen Yijian was a little unable to react and said in shock: "What's the truth?"

"What Jing'er said makes sense," Li Qiu nodded from the side.

Yun Jing said: "It's not obvious. All the twenty people who have passed the Tongsheng test this year will show their faces. If you don't show up, it's like an eight-year-old child missing a front tooth. It's too obvious."


"Um, okay, what will happen if you don't come?" Chen Yijian scratched his head and asked curiously.

Shrugging his shoulders, Yun Jing said: "It shouldn't be anything like that. At most, some people will say you are aloof and unsociable afterwards. Maybe you will be ostracized at some point in the future and make a fuss about your absence this time.


"It's so serious. Fortunately, I'm here," Chen Yijian patted his chest and said.

While they were talking, classmate Lin Yexing also came. Next to him was a rich middle-aged man. The two looked somewhat similar. Yunjing guessed that he was his father.

Seeing Yunjing and the others, Lin Yexing and the wealthy middle-aged man beside him walked straight over.

The rich middle-aged man obviously knew Li Qiu and smiled enthusiastically: "Mr. Li, you are here too. We haven't seen you for many years. Your style is even better than before."

"Mr. Lin, you're welcome, please take a seat." Li Qiu nodded and said with a smile.

The other party sat down naturally, shook his head and said: "Mr. Lin is not the same as Mr. Lin. It's just because of others' praise. Mr. Li has disgraced me..."

The two of them chatted about household matters in a low voice naturally. Yunjing and the other juniors couldn't get a word in, it was quite boring.

People came one after another, and those who were familiar greeted each other and sat down, and the restaurant gradually became lively...

Yunjing was sitting by the window. The window was open, and he felt keenly that someone was watching him. When he looked back, he saw that he was on the second floor of the teahouse across the street. Su Xiaoye was looking at him and waving bouncingly.

Smiling and waving his hand, Yunjing signaled that it was not convenient for him to talk to her remotely.

Perhaps because his movements were a little too big, the rich middle-aged man surnamed Lin who was chatting with Li Qiu looked over and said after he turned around: "You are Yunjing, right? I am Lin Yaohua, the father of your classmate Lin Yexing."

Yunjing stood up and saluted: "It turns out to be Uncle Lin, Yunjing is polite."

"No need to be polite, just sit down and talk. You are worthy of being Mr. Li's disciple. He is indeed a talented person." Lin Yaohua looked at Yun Jing and said with a smile.

After sitting down, Yunjing said: "Uncle Lin was so complimentary."

"I'm telling the truth. I heard from Ye Xing that you ranked first in this county exam. My Ye Xing is not as good as you. You are each other's classmates. Please give him some guidance in the future." Lin Yaohua looked like he was a son.

He said with a worried expression.

Lin Yexing was very depressed at the moment. He was originally competing with Yun Jing one-sidedly, but now his father said this. How could he raise his head in front of Yun Jing in the future?

Life is too difficult. Sitting here is simply a mistake. It’s such a torment...

Yun Jing hurriedly said: "Uncle Lin is serious, we can't talk about giving advice, let's discuss each other, discuss each other."

"Haha, it's not serious, it's not serious." Lin Yaohua waved his hands and said. He didn't know what his brain circuit was. Then the conversation changed and he made a U-turn and asked Yun Jing: "Do you mind if I call you Xiao Jing? That's right.

, Xiaojing, I wonder if you can get married?"

Hearing his words, not to mention Yun Jing, even Li Qiu and others around him were stunned and looked at him with strange expressions.

The corners of his mouth twitched, and Yun Jing smiled and said, "As far as Uncle Lin is concerned, I already have an engagement."

"Ah? That's it. It's a pity. I don't know which girl can have the blessing to marry you." Lin Yaohua said with regret after hearing Yun Jing's answer.

Monk Yunjing Zhang Er was confused and said, "Uncle Lin, what are you regretting?"

Lin Yexing felt bad. He hesitated to speak. He wanted to ask his father why he said those words. It was inappropriate at the moment, so he could only give up and hold it in his heart. It felt so uncomfortable.

Across the street, Su Xiaoye, who had been watching this side, suddenly widened his eyes. He turned back angrily to look at Su Orion and said: "Dad, over there, that fat man opposite Brother Jing, I hate him!"

Su Orion, who was drinking, raised his head and said in astonishment: "Little Ye Zi, why did he provoke you?"

"Dad, you forgot, you taught me lip reading. The fat man just now asked Brother Jing if he was married. What did he want to do? Could it be that he also wanted to marry a daughter to Brother Jing? Humph, I was so angry."

, Su Xiaoye said angrily while grinding his little tiger teeth.

Su Orion pretended to be angry, teased Su Xiaoye, glared, and said: "That's unreasonable. Xiaoye, don't be angry. If you can't be angry anymore, why don't dad find an opportunity to kill him to vent your anger?"

"Ah, it's not that bad," Su Xiaoye waved her hands quickly, and then added: "Dad, although I feel uncomfortable, it won't hurt people's lives. Don't mess around, you will be sued."

Nodding, Su Orion said: "Since you said so, little Ye Zi, then I will let him go for the time being."

"Yeah," Su Xiaoye nodded quickly.

Feeling funny, Su Orion comforted her and said, "Xiao Yezi, don't worry about him. You and your brother Jing are engaged. As long as you don't do anything sorry for your brother Jing, no one can change this fact. No one can rob him."

Your brother Jing is leaving, so you can rest assured. Besides, you guys slept in the same bed last night. If your brother Jing dares to be irresponsible, I will break his legs!"

"Oh, daddy, what are you talking about?" Su Xiaoye was shy, and then said: "Daddy, don't break brother Jing's legs."

Nodding, Su Orion said: "Okay, since you are interceding for him, I won't interrupt."

Unexpectedly, Su Xiaoye said: "If Brother Jing dares to be irresponsible, I will personally interrupt him and take care of him for the rest of his life. In this way, he will never be able to leave me, but I can't let him go. Hey, it's so difficult."

Su Orion: "..."

Opposite Mingyue Tower, Yun Jing didn't know about the conversation between Su Xiaoye and his father. Anyway, he felt inexplicably cold all over at the moment...

They chatted casually, and soon, almost all the people came, including the county magistrate Niu Guishou, the real owner.

After all, he was the parent official, and everyone present, including Li Qiu, stood up to greet him.

"I'm sorry, I'm so busy with official duties. I'm late. I'm sorry for the long wait." When he stepped into the restaurant, he waved his hands in all directions and apologized.

People dared to blame him for coming late. They all responded politely and even praised him for caring about the people. Xinlin County was blessed to have a county magistrate like him.

Tsk, everyone should carry the sedan chair.

Walking to the main seat, Niu Guishou said: "Everyone, please sit down, everyone please sit down..."

At this moment, his expression was stunned, and he forgot what he was going to say next. He subconsciously looked up and looked out the window, and even couldn't help but walk towards the window.

Many people were confused by his move, and they all looked in the direction he was looking at, and then their expressions changed drastically.

When Niu Guishou made that unusual move, even earlier than him, Yunjing, Li Qiu, and Su Orion in the teahouse across the street all felt an inexplicable palpitation in their hearts. Invisibly, a sense of depression came over them.

It made me feel uncomfortable and out of breath, and I subconsciously looked towards the horizon.

Then they saw that in the distance, at an unknown distance, there was blood-colored light surging on the sky, sweeping across the sky, as if it was going to dye the entire sky red.

The source of their heart palpitations came from an unknown place in that direction.

At this moment, not only Yunjing and the others, but also the entire Xinlin County, the entire Wangjiang County, and the entire Dali Dynasty, wherever you have a wide field of vision, you can see the scene on the horizon in the distance!

The sky is stained with blood, and strange phenomena appear in the sky...

"What happened?"

Countless people have this sentence in their minds at the same time...

This chapter has been completed!
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