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Chapter 163: Popular Science Time

Master had talked about martial arts training before returning home, so it was not too surprising that Yunjing was taught how to practice martial arts as soon as he came back.

But, doesn't this seem a little too eager?

Such thoughts flashed through his mind. Yun Jing nodded and said, "Okay, Master."

After putting things away and coming outside, Li Qiu pointed to a chair next to him and said, "Jing'er, please sit down first. Before I teach you how to practice martial arts, I will give you a general explanation of some things about martial arts."

Let’s give you a preliminary understanding of martial arts.”

Yun Jing sat down and made a gesture of listening attentively.

Gee, it’s probably time to popularize science next, right?

"Jing'er, I didn't teach you martial arts before because I was afraid that you would be distracted and delay your knowledge. Now that you have obtained the title of Tongsheng and have laid a good foundation, you can devote some of your energy to practicing martial arts."

"There is a big difference between practicing martial arts and doing knowledge. Learning involves more thinking, seeing, listening, asking, learning and memorizing, and thinking, while practicing martial arts is more about practicing calligraphy."

"However, learning and practicing martial arts still have something in common. They are both a persevering process. There is no room for relaxation, otherwise we will only stand still or even go backwards!"

At the beginning, Li Qiu told Yunjing the differences and similarities between learning and martial arts.

It can be heard that Li Qiu always puts learning first, and when he speaks, he subconsciously puts "learning" first.

Nodding, Yunjing said he understood.

Then Li Qiu said: "Martial arts, although I often say that it is a small way, a small way is also a way. No matter whether it is a big way or a small way, if you can keep going, go far, and go high, it is a good way."

"Knowledge is the foundation for us scholars. Practicing martial arts is not to fight bravely with others, not to take things by force, but to have martial arts by your side so that you can learn better. After all, what if you can't even guarantee your own safety?

As for learning with peace of mind, my teacher originally said that learning is to reason with people, and practicing martial arts is to reason with people calmly. Although this is true, it is more of just a joke. Unless it is absolutely necessary,

It's best not to use force with others. Fighting and killing is not a good thing after all."

"The so-called Wen Wu is the first and Wu Wu is the second. In terms of martial arts, there are strict divisions of realms. Once you reach a certain realm, you have reached it. If you have not reached it, you have not reached it. There is no room for fraud, but realm is not equal to absolute combat power.

It is not the key to victory or defeat. When two people use force, there are too many factors that determine victory or defeat. Weapons and armor, martial arts skills, favorable weather and location, conspiracies, physical conditions, and even emotional conditions, etc., will often become the decision.

Do you understand the key to victory or defeat? After practicing martial arts, don't rely too much on your own force. Many times you still have to use your brain and only know how to solve problems with your fists. That is a reckless man. This kind of person has a good reputation.

It was indeed a glorious time, but if something went wrong, everything would end in defeat. He is usually good at solving problems with his fists instead of using his brain. Very few people like this can have a good death!"

"Disciple understands" Yun Jing nodded seriously.

Even though Yun Jing understands these principles, it is undeniable that they are good words and valuable experiences that money cannot buy in many cases. It is a good intention for his master to tell him these things in advance.

Smiling with satisfaction, Li Qiu continued: "Martial arts is divided into five realms, acquired, innate, true meaning, myth, and freedom. These five realms are different from junior high school to late stage. Well, how should I put it? Some people always like to

After a realm reaches a critical point, the peak or half-step into the next realm is used to describe the state at that time to highlight the specialness of that state. In fact, it is still just the later stage of a certain realm, not too much.

big difference”

"There are countless people who practice martial arts in the world, and about 90% of them are just in the acquired state. Isn't it unbelievable? But this is the fact. Just like our Xinlin County, the current Princess Mansion is an exception. The rest are just for my understanding. Except

I am outside the innate realm, and the others are just wandering in the acquired realm. Well, maybe it won’t be long before your father-in-law will also cross the acquired realm and step into the innate realm.”

"The acquired realm of martial arts is only the lowest level of martial arts, but it includes 90% of the people who practice martial arts in the world. You can imagine how difficult it is to climb up in martial arts. These martial arts practitioners have great opportunities and great perseverance.

It’s such a waste of time, it probably just stops here.”

"In the middle and late middle school years of the acquired realm, the gap in strength is also very large. Don't take it lightly."

"The early days of the day after tomorrow include half of the people who practice martial arts. Just like you, Jing'er, who will start practicing martial arts next, it can also be classified as this stage. This stage is mainly about strengthening the body, practicing martial arts moves, and ways to fight the enemy.

, How should I put it? To put it bluntly, it is simple and crude, with no technical content at all. Of course, this is from the perspective and height of a teacher, you can’t think so."

"Let's talk about strengthening the muscles and bones first. At this stage, depending on the individual's physical constitution and the factors of the exercises learned, the upper limit of each person's physical constitution is also uneven. For those with weak points, it is considered good if they can punch two to three hundred kilograms. To deal with those who have not practiced martial arts

Ordinary people are more than enough, but as for the strong ones, it's hard to say. I know that in the later stages of life, there were people who could lift a thousand kilograms of weight with one hand. Can you imagine how terrifying a punch with that kind of physique would be?

Strength? In short, the upper and lower limits at this stage are simply unreasonable. Of course, as the teacher said, people who can lift a thousand kilograms of weight with one hand at this stage are so rare that they cannot be described as rare.

It's too much. For such unreasonable people, it is not difficult to fight across levels. It is simple and crude to crush with strength. As for practicing martial arts moves, I won't go into details about this, but they are all practiced, which increases the opponent's strength.

"enemy tactics"

"When the muscles, bones and body have been worked to a certain level in the late acquired period and the qi and blood are full, if there are corresponding exercises, you can enter the next stage, the middle acquired period."

"In the middle stage of acquired life, you use your own qi and blood power, and use unique techniques to transport qi and blood, and your strength is greatly increased. How can I put it, at this stage, warriors transport qi and blood. If you see someone's hand suddenly enlarged, some parts

Don't be surprised if you suddenly become tougher or even change color. That's because Qi and blood are at work. Certain clever techniques can transport blood and Qi, which is enough to exponentially increase the strength of your own body. You cannot do this in the early days after tomorrow.

It's the difference between the middle stage and the early stage. Jing'er, you must remember that when you practice martial arts in the future, if your physique is not up to a certain level, you must not try to transfer blood and energy. If you fail, it will cause a loss of energy and blood, and in serious cases, you will suffer from disabilities and injuries.

Don’t be careless!”

"Cultivation in the mid-acquired period is mainly about increasing one's own blood and energy. Where does the blood and energy come from? Naturally, it is the bone marrow and blood of the internal organs. This stage can also be said to be tempering the internal organs. When the internal organs are strong, the energy and blood will be sufficient.

At a certain point, when the qi is flowing into the whole body, if there are corresponding techniques, the qi and blood can be transported to open up the meridians. Once the meridians are opened, the qi and blood will be further condensed and turned into internal force. That step is the later stage of the day after tomorrow."

"There is an essential difference between internal force and qi and blood. Internal force can be understood as a special kind of qi. It exists in the meridians and travels throughout the body. Internally, it can further strengthen the skeletal muscles and internal organs. Externally, it can be attached to weapons on the body surface.

Form special attack methods. According to the different skills, the properties of the internal force are also different. Some internal forces are as blazing as fire, some are as cold as frost, some are as gentle as water, and some are as sharp as a knife... You can only do these for now.

A simple understanding, I’ll talk about the details later.”

"The human body is very magical and mysterious. When a warrior's Qi and blood open up the meridians and turn into internal force, they enter the later stage of acquired life. Their martial arts are superior. Ordinary people are as fragile as ants in front of such warriors. Warriors of this level are already qualified to establish a sect, just like Feng

Like the leaders of Jianghu sects such as Daomen Liuyejian sect, they are at this level."

"The cultivation of warriors in the later stages of life is mainly to open up the meridians and increase the internal strength. When the muscles and veins of the whole body are connected and the internal strength is strong, you can hit the innate realm."

"To attack the innate realm, one uses internal force to open up a divine aperture in the Dantian. That acupoint is called the Qihai acupoint. Once it is opened, there is the universe and the sea of ​​​​qi. As the name suggests, it is as vast as the sea. When the internal force opens the sea of ​​​​qi,

After the acupuncture point, internal energy pours into it, which can be transformed into innate true energy. I was at this stage as a teacher a few years ago, and that is the innate realm, the early innate stage."

"In the innate realm, you can already be called a master. At this level, as long as you don't deliberately cause trouble, you can say that you can achieve anything in the world. The true energy can penetrate the body, hurt the enemy through the air, and the mysterious and abnormal methods are unimaginable to ordinary people. This

There are not many warriors in this realm. One hundred martial arts practitioners may not be able to produce one. Among all the martial arts practitioners, if the acquired realm accounts for 90%, the innate realm will occupy about nine levels."

"In the early stage of Xiantian cultivation, the main thing is to increase the Xiantian Zhenqi. Where does the Xiantian Zhenqi come from? Ordinary food can no longer provide the growth of Xiantian Zhenqi. Except for the treasures of heaven and earth like panacea, the main source of Xiantian Zhenqi is

The source is the spiritual energy from heaven and earth. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth is everywhere, but it cannot be seen or checked. It can only be vaguely felt to guide it into the body and turn into innate true energy. According to the personal physique and the martial arts practiced, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is transformed.

The efficiency is also different. Reiki is a very wonderful thing. It is flexible and lively. In many cases, even if it is introduced into the body, it cannot be retained. It will run away and cannot be restrained. It can only be guided slowly and patiently.

Refining is a process that tests your patience. If you want to improve the innate realm, it is many times more difficult than the acquired realm. Countless people who have set foot in the innate realm can only waste their lives in this realm. Well, innate

Realm, if there is no accidental death, it is no problem to live a hundred years, and the long-lived person can live a hundred and fifty years."

"It is difficult to grow innate true energy. If you want to grow more true energy faster, you can only find a way to open up the human body's acupuncture points. The more you open, the closer the connection with heaven and earth will be, and the more spiritual energy you can attract.

I just said that the Qi Sea Cave is a universe of its own, as vast as the sea, so it is almost impossible to fill it with innate true energy. When you feel that your innate true energy has reached a certain level, you can try to further condense it and turn it into true essence. Then

It is the middle stage of Xiantian, and I am currently at this stage."

"The true energy can be controlled freely. When it is released, it can exist for a long time. If there are special means, the released true energy can also be recovered. It can be said that the life is endless, which greatly extends the time against the enemy. Unlike true energy, which is released,

Once you go, you can't take it back. For warriors at this stage, sometimes it is not an exaggeration to fight for three days and three nights. The growth of true energy is slower than that of true energy. It is a hard work. Ordinary innate warriors at this stage, true energy

The source of spiritual energy is still the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. The growth rate of true energy depends on how many acupoints are opened. The human body is mysterious and unpredictable. The number of acupoints is unknown. It is impossible for ordinary people to open them all in their lifetime. Every time one more is opened, the speed of cultivation will be faster.

one cent……"

"When the true energy has been accumulated to a certain level, it will be further condensed and turned into a substance-like Gang Qi. The Gang Qi is a combination of hardness and softness, and is extraordinary. As a teacher, I haven't reached that level yet. I don't know the details very well, so I won't be careless.

I explained it to you so as not to mislead you.”

"The innate realm is probably like this. True Qi, True Yuan, Gang Qi, step by step. In short, after setting foot in the innate realm, it is best not to rush to the next stage. Take the True Qi stage as an example. Accumulate

The more True Qi there is, the more True Yuan will be turned into at that time, and the same is true for the transformation of True Qi into Gang Qi. After all, it is easier to accumulate in the former stage than in the latter stage, so there is no need to rush to break through, and only through accumulation can you make progress.

Go further”

"Having said so much, Jing'er, you should have understood that the road to martial arts is not easy. For countless people who practice martial arts in the world, nurture and innateness account for 99% of it."

"As for the realm of true meaning above the innate, it is even rarer. I don't understand it. Even your master is still in the innate realm. Every existence of the true meaning is a giant that suppresses one party. They live for two years.

One hundred, one person is enough to create a century-old family. Even in the army, he can serve as the commander-in-chief of an army and control thousands of troops!"

"Normally, masters in the True Intention Realm have the highest combat power in the world, and above that, there is the Mythical Realm..."

"The existence of the mythical realm can no longer be measured by common sense. The Master is at this level. Jing'er, do you know that our Dali Dynasty has a vast territory and a population of about one billion. In the past, there were only four Masters. You can imagine

Do you know how rare the mythical realm is?"

"Of course, it does not mean that our entire Dali Dynasty, with a population of one billion, only has four powerful men in the mythical realm. But there were only four of them in the past, but it was true that they were dedicated to the country and the people and had made countless contributions, so they were given the title of Master.

, in the opposition, within the dynasty, there are definitely no more than three powerful people in the mythical realm. Even if there are two or three, one of them is definitely a member of the royal family. The royal family's background is unimaginable to ordinary people. With the resources, there must be such a person.

Only such strong people can maintain the majesty of the royal family. This kind of existence is often just a symbolic meaning. They live five hundred years. They are used to the changes in the situation and the chaos in the world. It is difficult to arouse their inner feelings.

It’s turbulent”

"Finally, there is the realm of freedom, the real freedom and freedom, but that realm is just a legend. In the long history, there may be people who have reached that realm, and maybe there are such beings living in the world, but who knows?

, that kind of existence has transcended the ordinary world and cannot be speculated with common sense."

"More likely, the Xiaoyao Realm is just an unattainable dream. It is a realm that countless martial arts practitioners yearn for spiritually. Whether that realm exists or not is still open to question..."

At the end, Li Qiu looked at Yun Jing and said with a smile: "Jing'er, the situation in the martial arts realm is probably like this. You only need to understand these briefly. Don't aim too high. Whether it is learning or martial arts, it is just one step.

"Come out with one footprint"

The five realms of martial arts are acquired, innate, true meaning, myth, and freedom.

The master has made it very clear. After listening to this, Yunjing truly has a general understanding of martial arts...

This chapter has been completed!
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