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Chapter 167 Master is leaving!

During class, Yunjing replaced his sitting posture with a horse stance. His butt was less than one centimeter away from the stool. With his clothes blocking him, no one noticed anything unusual about him.

When practicing the lower body posture while standing on a horse, Yunjing itself seems to be transformed into a sapling, taking root in the ground. With practice, the roots will take root under the feet, going deeper into the ground, becoming more and more stable.

If he perseveres, Yunjing believes that one day he will be able to train his horse steps to the point where he is like a towering tree rooted in the earth, able to stand firm no matter how wind blows or rains, and the earth is turned upside down...

A day of study passes quickly.

After school, when he returned to his residence, he and his master continued to work in the fields as usual. When the sun went down, the master and his apprentice finished their work and went home.

In the evening, Li Qiuxian taught Yunjing the second level of health-preserving skills and explained the key points in detail. He only asked Yunjing to learn to remember that the first level did not reach a certain level. He seriously warned Yunjing not to practice the second level.

Second floor.

If the first level of body-nurturing exercises is ‘moving exercises’, the second level can be regarded as ‘quiet exercises’.

The first level requires complex movements and breathing to temper the muscles and bones, while the second level is a secret breathing method. Practicing this breathing method can squirm the internal organs of the human body, nourish blood and energy, nourish and temper the internal organs, and at the same time,

It can also further temper the body from within.

The second level actually has some matching movements, but compared to the first level, it is much gentler and the movements are very soothing. It mainly cooperates with the breathing method and certain breathing rhythms. If you don't do a certain movement, you will not be able to do it at all.

Can't do it.

After teaching the second level to Yunjing, Li Qiu asked him to continue practicing Zhamabu, then the first level of body-building exercises, and finally practice basic swordsmanship. At night, Yunjing would practice calligraphy every day to consolidate his knowledge...

The next day, Yunjing went to school. During the last class in the afternoon, he heard his classmates discussing something. They said that at noon that day, the imperial court had recruited nearly 500 soldiers from all over the town.

After saying goodbye, they rushed to a distant military camp. They will undergo a year of military training. After that, it is unknown whether they will be sent to garrison in various places or go to the battlefield.

Among the five hundred recruits, there were ten or twenty people from Xiaoxi Village, but they had already left. When Yunjing was in class, he didn't even have a chance to see him and say goodbye...

For the next period of time, Yunjing's life will probably be the same as before.

I get up around four o'clock every morning to practice martial arts, go to the fields to work after dawn, then go to the school to eat and have classes, and come back in the afternoon to continue working, practicing martial arts, and calligraphy...

Every day is fully arranged, very compact, busy but not chaotic, and very fulfilling.

Yunjing learned all the six levels of health-preserving skills in six days. Li Qiu explained the key points to him repeatedly and carefully to ensure that there were no mistakes. He just learned to remember them. Li Qiu would not let him

He is practicing subsequent exercises, but currently he is only allowed to practice the first level.

Yunjing listened to his master and followed the steps step by step, without thinking about the rest of his cultivation in a hurry for quick success.

Even though it is only the first level, with the cooperation of spiritual energy, the effect of tempering his body is astonishing. It can be said that his physique is changing every day, and there is obvious progress every day.

On every six days off, the master and apprentice would put down some unnecessary things and go to town to disguise themselves and set up a stall to earn money.

The days passed like this day by day.

Li Qiu said that if Yunjing practices the first level of body-building skills and feels that his physique cannot be improved for a long time, it will almost reach its limit. At that time, he can try to practice the second level and enter the middle stage of acquired life.

But in the past two months, Yunjing has used Reiki and body-building exercises every day. With such amazing results, he can lift five kilograms of weight with one hand without much effort, but he can still feel that his physical fitness is improving.

, I never felt the limit coming.

Regarding this, Li Qiu felt frightened in his heart. At the same time, he told Yun Jing calmly on the surface that since his physique can still grow, he should continue to practice the first level...

Regarding the amazing effect of the health-preserving exercise on Yun Jing, Li Qiu wanted to believe his master and ask if there was any secret about the health-preserving exercise that he didn't know about. However, he had been practicing it for decades and was extremely familiar with it.

No matter how familiar it was, there was nothing special about it. After thinking about it over and over again, he managed to hold it back.

Physical improvement is fundamental, a process that requires hard work and perseverance, but in the past two months, Yunjing's basic swordsmanship has been improved to a very good level.

His basic swordsmanship is perfect!

It is worth mentioning that on the second day of martial arts training, Yunjing began to practice swordsmanship with a real sword. The sword was given to him by Li Qiu's junior brother when he became a disciple. It has been kept by Li Qiu and he practiced martial arts in Yunjing.

The next day he brought it to Yunjing.

The sword weighs seven pounds and three taels. According to Li Qiu, it can still be called a treasured sword. Although it cannot cut gold, jade, and iron like mud, it can still blow hair and break hair. Convert

If it were worth money, it would be two hundred taels of silver.

A sword worth more than two hundred taels of silver was given away as a gift. Tsk, my uncle is really rich...

Yunjing's basic swordsmanship was assessed by his master Li Qiu.

One day, Li Qiu threw beans at Yunjing and asked him to use his sword to pick them up accurately. At first, they were one by one, and then slowly, there were more and more. In the end, they were flying towards Yunjing like a heavy rainstorm.


The long sword danced in Yunjing's hand like an iron wall, which could not be penetrated by splashing water. But in the end, as the number and force of the beans thrown by the master increased, he still couldn't throw them all away.

But Li Qiu told him that he could learn basic swordsmanship. Yunjing asked doubtfully, "I haven't mastered all of them yet." Li Qiu asked "impatiently" where do you have so many questions...

Is Li Qiuneng 'impatient'? The basic swordsmanship displayed by Yunjing has already surpassed many swordsmen in the mid-acquired period. Yunjing himself doesn't know it. As a master, if he can't 'suppress' his apprentice's 'arrogance'

, where to put that face?

Although Yunjing has already mastered the basic swordsmanship, Li Qiu told him that he still cannot fall behind, and he still has to devote time to practice every day. The next step is to grind the kung fu. How far can he finally master the basic swordsmanship?

It depends on Yunjing's own luck and perseverance.

After Yunjing learned basic swordsmanship, Li Qiu began to teach him some advanced swordsmanship. With Yunjing's strong foundation, he quickly mastered the advanced swordsmanship, but it takes time to polish it to become more proficient.


Yun Jing could feel that his master seemed a little 'anxious'. When he learned one sword skill, after practicing it for a few days, the master would teach him another sword skill.

Later, he even taught Yunjing a lot of swordsmanship that Yunjing could not practice at all now. He just taught it to Yunjing so that he could remember it and practice it slowly in the future.

Practicing swordsmanship was secondary. Li Qiu also taught Yunjing basic martial arts such as fists, feet, palms, and even swords, guns, and sticks. According to Li Qiu, although Yunjing wanted to master swordsmanship, he still had to dabble in other martial arts.

, if you don’t even understand the basics of other martial arts, how will you respond if you encounter an enemy in the future?

If you don't pay attention, you will suffer big losses.

Yunjing's schedule was already full every day, but Master still took the opportunity to teach so much, which was really a bit of a cramming-style teaching.

Fortunately, Yun Jing has a photographic memory. No matter how much his master teaches him, he can learn and remember it. But if he wants to master it, he has to practice slowly later. He can't forget the things in his head.

, it’s not harmful at all. For ordinary people, it’s really too much to bear. After all, how many people can do it by instilling something that takes months or even years to remember?

In addition to practicing martial arts, Li Qiu often took time to take Yunjing to his family's yard. Li Qiu's family's courtyard had a special martial arts training ground, where the eighteen squads of swords, guns, and sticks were fully equipped with weapons.

Sometimes Li Qiu and Yun Jing sparred, but more often, he found some martial arts practitioners to sparring with Yun Jing from nowhere. Those sparring practitioners used different martial arts weapons.

Gradually, Yunjing's actual combat experience has been greatly enriched through sparring!

"Master is leaving!"

Under such a compact and oppressive teaching, Yunjing's idea became more and more clear in Yunjing's mind. It is likely that from the day his master taught him to practice martial arts, the countdown to the days of spending time with him day and night has already begun!

In the blink of an eye, a semester passed by.

In previous summer vacations, Yun Jing would go home, but this year's summer vacation, Li Qiu let Yun Jing stay in the town and conducted even more "crazy" teaching.

Yunjing is asked to learn new things every day, only that Yunjing can remember them, not that he can master them. Even though it is a cram-like teaching, he still teaches very seriously, repeatedly checking whether there is anything that Yunjing does not understand.

If there is a place, ask as soon as possible and he will answer it easily.

As a result, practicing calligraphy and learning became a rare time for Yun Jing to relax.

Li Qiu's "eager for quick success" actually goes against his stated philosophy of putting knowledge first...

One day during summer vacation, Yunjing and Li Qiu went to town to set up a stall and heard some very bad news.

War breaks out!

The Dali Dynasty assembled an army of 800,000 people and formally declared war on the Northern Dajiang Dynasty. The reason was that the Dajiang Dynasty had murdered Chen Wenze, the master of the dynasty. If this revenge was not avenged, it would not be enough to anger the people, not enough to restore the prestige of the country, and not enough to give the Dali Dynasty billions of dollars.

All the people will give an explanation!

When the news of the outbreak of war spread, the whole world was shocked. Even in a small place like Niujiao Town, a cloud of war enveloped the sky.

While people are panicking, prices of various commodities are also rising quietly.

Secondly, when the news of Master Chen's death spread, countless people cried bitterly. It can be said that the whole country was in sorrow. Countless scholars rushed to the streets and rushed to the yamen. Some were so distraught that they took the initiative to fight and went to the battlefield to avenge Master Chen. Some people scolded the court for its incompetence.

, I want to go to the court and give an explanation to the scholars all over the world. Someone took the initiative to pay tribute to the fallen Master Chen...

The chaos has quietly begun!

After returning that day, Li Qiu's face no longer had a smile on his face, and he taught Yunjing even more content. If it weren't for the fact that the things he taught could not be sloppy, he would have wanted to teach them all to Yunjing...

This chapter has been completed!
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