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Chapter 179 Conspiracy!

Killer? Spy? Assassin? Or spy?

In a remote place like Niujiao Town, the writings of the Dajiang Dynasty actually appeared and were quickly erased. This strange phenomenon made Yun Jing think a lot about it.

Let alone him, everyone would probably think so.

After carefully observing the notice wall outside Niujiao Town, Yun Jing keenly discovered that there was more than one mark that had been 'erased' on it!

In other words, this is not the first time this has happened, and Yunjing's discovery today is not an accident, but a coincidence.

"Someone is trying to cause trouble. What is the purpose?"

While Yunjing secretly paid attention to the unknown innate master disguised as an ordinary passerby, he made guesses in his mind.

Is there anything in the entire Niujiao Town that an innate master can covet?

After thinking about it, Yunjing found that it was possible to attract such masters, and there were more than just one!

Farmyard manure, the eldest princess, and... fire-powder!

Let’s talk about farmyard fertilizer first. This thing has become popular. Logically speaking, it will not attract innate masters. But don’t forget that Niujiao Town is the birthplace of farmyard fertilizer. It has special significance. If the other party is a spy from the enemy country, come here.

The investigation seems to make sense.

Next is the eldest princess. She has a special status. She is the eldest princess of the Dali Dynasty, and she is also the only sister of the emperor. Master Li Qiu told Yunjing that the emperor was seriously ill when he was a child and almost died. It was the eldest princess who spent half of his life.

The relationship between the siblings was unimaginable, and the eldest princess could be said to be able to do whatever she wanted. The emperor obeyed her in every little matter. If something happened to her...

There is a war going on at the border, and the Dali Dynasty has to face the pressure of force from three countries at the same time. Once something happens to the eldest princess, it will definitely affect the emperor's mentality, and it will have a huge impact on the military deployment of the entire Dali Dynasty.

After such an analysis, Yun Jing was a little scared to think about it.

The last thing is gunpowder. This cloud scene is a bit uncertain, but it is also the one most likely to attract the opponent.

Only he and his master Li Qiu know about that thing. Now that Li Qiu has been away for so long, he doesn’t know how well it works. Maybe he left with that thing and was noticed by the enemy, and no further progress can be obtained from him.

Details, so you came to Niujiao Town to investigate?

After careful analysis, Yunjing felt that all three scenarios were possible, but the possibilities were different.

As a result, Yunjing suddenly discovered that, seemingly without realizing it, Niujiao Town, an inconspicuous and remote place, seemed to have quietly become a whirlpool of a storm. One bad move might lead to earth-shattering changes!

"This is no small matter..."

Thoughts flashed in his mind. Regarding his discovery, whether it was as expected or not, Yunjing decided to make two plans. First, the innate master disguised as a passerby was definitely not alone. Yunjing had to figure out what their purpose was.

What, secondly, if the other party's purpose is to cause trouble, Yun Jing, one of the innate masters, is not completely sure to handle it, let alone whether there are other strong people hidden, so this matter must be discussed with the eldest princess

Take a breath.

It is not difficult to figure out the other party's purpose. Yun Jing can observe from a distance and the other party cannot find it. The problem is how to inform the eldest princess, which is a bit difficult.

First of all, had the eldest princess left after the encounter that day? Secondly, if those people’s purpose was really the eldest princess, the princess’s mansion must have been monitored by someone now. If they rushed to inform the eldest princess, they would probably alert the snake. Although

The chance of this happening was very small, but Yunjing had to prepare for the worst and couldn't tolerate any mistakes.

Well, okay, actually, this problem is not big for Yunjing. Within two kilometers, he has many ways to notify the eldest princess.

After thinking about his current location, Yunjing discovered that due to the distance, the princess's mansion was beyond his perception range. If he wanted to inform the eldest princess, it was very likely that the innate master would be out of his perception range...

A little embarrassed and hesitant, Yunjing decided to find out what the innate master's purpose was first to avoid causing an own incident, so he still sat in the teahouse drinking tea. Anyway, as long as the opponent was within the confines of Niujiao Town, he couldn't escape him.


The innate master who pretended to be a passerby looked like he was in his forties and dressed like an honest civilian. After he erased the joint code on the notice wall outside Niujiao Town, he entered the town unhurriedly.

After entering the town, he walked around, sometimes asking about the prices of vegetables, and stopping in front of some stalls. Anyway, his behavior was no different from ordinary people. If Yun Jing hadn't discovered him with his unique sensory perspective, he would have noticed him just by looking at the food.

It's impossible to tell with the naked eye that he is actually an innate master.

When an innate master wants to disguise himself, it is difficult for ordinary people to distinguish it with the naked eye. For example, if he treats it as a light bulb, the opponent is covered with a thick cover on the outside, and no light source can shine through. How can he detect it? And Yunjing is that

As for the strange senses, it is not seen with the naked eye at all. It can be seen as thermal imaging. You cannot see the light source, but you can see the heat generated by the light bulb, so that the other party has nothing to hide...

The innate master walked around and walked around, and came into contact with quite a lot of people. However, Yunjing observed carefully that he only had normal contact with people and did not do anything like making contact.

The other party was obviously very cautious and patient, and Yunjing was also very patient, observing silently from a distance.

After wandering around the town for an hour, the innate expert returned to a residential house normally.

"Is this your final destination?"

After seeing this scene, Yun Jing murmured in his heart, and his mind began to scan the house like a radar.

Then Yunjing really made a big discovery. Inside the residence, more than ten meters underground, there was a passage that led all the way to the outside of the town. Yunjing didn't know exactly where it was because it was out of his perception.


In addition, Yunjing also found a corpse underground in the residence, that is, in the passage. It had been dead for an unknown period of time, with only a white skeleton left!

From this, Yunjing could deduce that the innate master definitely killed the original owner of the residence and then disguised himself as the other person.

And it has been lurking for quite some time!

Yunjing had already seen the disguise method of an innate master from his master, so he was not surprised.

The other party actually didn't hesitate to kill an innocent poor man and lurked for so long. It seemed that he had a big agenda. Moreover, he killed someone for no reason, which made Yunjing feel a little cold.

After the innate expert entered the house, he made a fire to cook normally and ate slowly. In the afternoon, he went out again and walked around in a crowded place, then went to a tavern and drank some wine.

Then I went back to my residence to sleep. I actually entered the underground passage and headed to the other end of the passage.

Cautious enough!

The speed of the innate master Yun Jing would definitely not be able to keep up, but the other party probably thought that what he had done before was enough, so he did not rush forward with all his strength.

Seeing this, Yun Jing in the teahouse opened his eyes, stood up and said to Song Yan: "I will go to the small courtyard on the outskirts to see Xiaobai and the others. You go back first, and tell the teacher's wife that I will go back later."

"Okay, young master," Song Yan nodded. He didn't think much about it because he didn't know anything.

Naturally, it was Song Yan who handled the checkout. Yunjing went out directly. He was not in a hurry to chase after the innate master in the secret passage. He walked slowly and slowly on the street. Anyway, as long as the secret passage did not leave him

The perception is.

"Tsk, why is it so exciting?"

Funny in his heart, Yunjing walked around in the street and soon left the town and came to the suburbs. The innate master and that passage never left his perception.

The passage was actually not long, just over three kilometers. Yun Jing did not find it strange that such a secret passage was dug silently by an innate master.

There is a small river in the suburbs, and there is an old man fishing by the river. Yunjing squats under the shade of a tree to watch him fishing, but in fact he is secretly observing the situation at the other end of the channel.

At the other end of the passage is an elegant small courtyard. At first glance, it seems that it is not something that ordinary farmers can afford.

And that small courtyard is less than one kilometer away from the princess mansion!

"This saves me a lot of trouble."

In his mind, Yun Jing's thoughts extended to the princess's mansion, and then he quickly took them back.

The eldest princess is actually still in the manor and has not left. However, she seems to be preparing to take a bath. Please do not look at any inappropriate behavior.

Fortunately, Yunjing has a good mentality, otherwise, there are so many women on the street, and wearing clothes is no different to him than not wearing anything...

In the elegant little courtyard on the other side, Yun Jing actually saw an acquaintance. He couldn't be said to be an acquaintance, he could only be said to be an acquaintance.

That person is the current mayor of Niujiao Town!

At first, Li Qiu said that the guy was from the capital and had the title of Jinshi, and he was actually willing to come to Niujiao Town to be a small mayor.

At that time, Li Qiu sneered at this, especially when the other party went to the princess's house without hesitation. Anyone with a discerning eye would know at a glance that the other party was showing off his face and specializing in business. Now Yun Jing saw that this guy's purpose was anything but simple.

He is not doing it for the mayor of Liangyuan Township to be registered in the hearts of the emperor or the big guys, nor is he doing it to pursue the eldest princess. These are all superficial, for people to see. The real purpose, Yun Jingzheng is about to reveal...

When the innate master came to the small courtyard from the passage, the mayor also entered the house, and the two were having a secret conversation.

The mayor's name is Gao Minghui. He is a middle-aged man in his forties. He is very elegant, handsome and well-educated. He is also a Jinshi. He probably has deep connections in the capital, otherwise he would not be able to go to the princess's house all day long.

Get together.

Gao Minghui immediately asked the innate master: "I have left my mark for so long, why are you here now?"

What they said was the official dialect of the Dali Dynasty. Yunjing understood it and relaxed a little. It would be a headache if they talked in other languages.

"This plan is very big. You know it well in your heart. You can't go wrong by being cautious." The innate master said calmly, with a vaguely high attitude, as if he didn't take Gao Minghui seriously.

In Yunjing's perception, Gao Minghui is also a small master. Although he is not at the innate level, he definitely has it later in life. After all, he comes from the capital and has the title of Jinshi. It is strange that he can be simple.

Gao Minghui nodded and said: "Okay, you people from the Jiang Dynasty have no sense of time at all. Don't you know that I am very busy every day? By the way, no one is following you, right?"

"Don't worry, I can guarantee that no one will follow me. If someone follows me, I will cut off my head and give it to you as a stool to sit on. I still have some caution." The other party sneered, as if Gao Minghui asked him this

The question is a huge insult to him.

In the distance, Yun Jingxin said that you can cut off your head now...

Not mentioning this, Gao Minghui started talking about business, saying: "I've already asked about everything you want me to ask about, and I've confirmed it over and over again. First of all, the origin of farmyard manure, that kind of pickled food, is Niujiao Town.

There is no doubt about it, but its real source is a place called Xiaoxi Village. I have visited there. As the mayor, I understand the people's sentiments and it is justified. No one will doubt that it is just an ordinary small mountain village. There is nothing.

The big man lived in seclusion, and the appearance of farmyard fertilizer was purely accidental. Because it was so many years ago, the villagers couldn't tell who made it."

Hearing this, Yun Jing's heart skipped a beat in the distance, thinking that the innate master really came here for the farm manure? Among the three guesses, this guess was obviously the most unreliable, but it just happened to be so unexpected.


After listening to Gao Minghui's words, the innate master sneered in his heart and thought to himself why he couldn't tell who made it. Is it because you didn't ask carefully?

He didn't care so much, as long as he knew the real source, he nodded and said: "Xiaoxi Village, I understand." After a pause, he said coldly: "Farmer's fertilizer, the appearance of this pickled thing

, which increased the grain output of the Dali Dynasty by up to 50%, especially since the Dali Dynasty promoted and implemented it for several years. Now that the national power is booming, it has seriously threatened neighboring countries like us, so they did not hesitate to join forces to assassinate a member of the Dali Dynasty.

A wife in the Dali Dynasty caused turmoil. When a wife in the Dali Dynasty fell, they would definitely start a war. This is exactly what we want. We just use the war to slow down the development of the Dali Dynasty. It will delay him for a few years. The longer the better, the better.

When our country also promotes farmyard manure and its national strength increases, it will be time to launch a large-scale attack and capture the Dali Dynasty in one fell swoop. This is why the border wars are currently in a stalemate!"

"Okay, you, these words are ringing in my ears. You are just jealous. Jealous about why the farmyard fertilizer did not appear in your country first. Under the pressure of the rising national power of the Dali Dynasty, you had to assassinate the master and trigger a war.

"You are so forward-looking, do you need to say it every time we meet?" Gao Minghui curled his lips and said.

The innate master choked for a moment, snorted coldly and changed the subject: "Now that we know the source, it will be easier to handle. Xiaoxi Village, there is no need to exist. Have you ever counted how many people are there? Those who go out,

No one is left behind, and they will all be slaughtered there, leaving no chickens or dogs behind!"

Hearing these words secretly, Yun Jing broke out in a cold sweat. If he hadn't met by chance this time, Xiaoxi Village would have been in disaster. No, it was already in disaster. People were already targeting that place.


However, what Yunjing is confused about is, do you fucking need it?

Just because Xiaoxi Village is the birthplace of farmyard manure, you want to slaughter them all, even those who go out, is that okay?

Not only Yun Jing couldn't understand it, but Gao Minghui couldn't understand it either. He frowned and said: "I have found out clearly that the villagers in Xiaoxi Village are all normal farmers who seldom go out. Now there are three and a half-year-old children in a place called Fengdaomen.

There are about twenty adults who are studying martial arts and are serving as soldiers. In addition, there are a pair of brothers who are studying in the town. Well, of those two brothers, one is studying with Li Qiu, who was once the first of the four great talents, and the other is studying martial arts in the town.

I am worshiping Lao Juren. I have figured out these things over the years. Anyway, I am responsible for helping you collect information. You can take care of the rest. In the end, I don’t understand. Although Xiaoxi Village is the origin of farmyard fertilizer

Land, but you don’t need to slaughter them all, right? As for what, speaking of it, farmyard manure was produced there, and all farmers and countries in the world benefited, and your country is no exception. In this way, not only will you

If you are not grateful, you will massacre the village. What’s the point? Is repaying kindness with enmity?”

"You know shit, let me tell you this. The birthplace of farmyard fertilizer is Xiaoxi Village. In the Dali Dynasty, this has a special significance. It invisibly increases the national destiny of the Dajiang Dynasty, although the national destiny is just an illusory one.

But this is how the superiors arranged it. Destroying the source of farmyard fertilizer is equivalent to weakening the national destiny of the Dali Dynasty. We will just do it, understand?" the innate master said solemnly.

The two of them obviously haven't 'cooperated' once or twice. They can talk about this kind of thing casually and don't know how to take it easy.

Gao Minghui listened and said speechlessly: "What is the national destiny and not the national destiny? Who has seen it? It's just an illusory thing. Master has never been able to see the national destiny. You are the only one who still takes it seriously. And that one of yours

The country always likes to talk about luck and the like. If everything is about luck, why should we read books and do knowledge? Let everything be left to luck to determine destiny. The culture of your country is really difficult to understand. Forget it, you love

Just do whatever you want, just don’t forget the benefits of promising me.”

"Don't worry, you won't do anything for our Dajiang Dynasty. When the time comes, our Three Kingdoms will march south to destroy Dali and divide the territory. At that time, you will be given at least a third-rank official," the innate master said with a smile.

Gao Minghui was unhappy and said: "You are only in the third grade."

"Don't be ungrateful. You are just responsible for collecting information. The third grade is not small. If it weren't for your talent and loyalty to me, Dajiang, otherwise you wouldn't even think about it. The third grade is already in charge of a state.

Now that you are a high-ranking official, what else do you want?" The innate master frowned.

After thinking about it, Gao Minghui said: "Okay, the third grade is the third grade, and there is still room for improvement. With my talent and learning, I will not stop at the third grade!"

He has great confidence in himself.

The congenital master is contemptuous in his heart and looks down on this kind of young man, but the benefits of agreeing will not be less. Otherwise, if he really wants to kill the donkey, who will work for the Dajiang Dynasty?

After all, after taking over Dali in the future, we will still have to use our own people to rule. How can we maintain stability if we don't give enough benefits?

Then the innate master said: "What about the other thing?"

"You said it was about the eldest princess. This is the highlight. I have been planning it. Unfortunately, in the past few years, I have been shamelessly close to her. She has only met me a few times, and every time she has not spoken much.

I'll see you off in just one sentence," Gao Minghui said depressedly.

The innate master curled his lips and said: "Let's get to the point."

"Well, what's the point of urging? It can't make people complain anymore? Let's put it this way. Anyway, I don't know why. The eldest princess hasn't gotten married in these years, and I haven't heard of any sweethearts, but no one can get in.

Her discernment is that she has always been single. How many people with lofty ideals have fallen into the dust. It makes no sense. Don’t stare. I haven’t finished what I said. In other words, she wants to win her heart and thus influence her words and deeds. Recently,

As for planning to control the Dali Dynasty, this path may not work," Gao Minghui continued depressedly.

There are endless conspiracies and intrigues between countries.

In the Dali Dynasty, the emperor and the eldest princess are biological siblings. If someone can arrange for someone to marry the eldest princess, and then find a way to kill the emperor and all the royal people, then the eldest princess's child will most likely be able to legitimately take over the throne of the emperor.

, and then things will be easier to handle...

But the problem is that the eldest princess has been looking down on everyone for so many years. What do you think of doing this? People will stare at her, and subsequent plans will not be implemented.

The eldest princess once fell in love with Li Qiu. This matter is very secret and few people know about it. After all, it is related to the royal family's reputation, and those who know will not tell it. Therefore, the world hardly knows about this matter and has never understood why the eldest princess did not get married.

, would rather be alone.

The eldest princess, the emperor's only sister, if anyone marries her, tsk tsk...

The problem is that her sensitive status is supposed to be an important stability-maintaining resource for a country, but the emperor just leaves her alone, which shows how much the emperor condones her.

Regarding Gao Minghui's answer, the innate master was not surprised. He nodded and sneered: "Since you can't control it, then destroy it. The effect will be the same."

"The information our spies have received is that the emperor of the Dali Dynasty values ​​her sister very seriously. Once he kills her, the emperor of Dali will be angry and vomit blood. It will be a bigger blow than killing two more concubines.

At that time, Emperor Da Li will be dizzy with anger. Any wrong decision will be beneficial to us!" the innate master said coldly.

Gao Minghui thought for a while and said: "It's not easy to kill her. Not to mention her own martial arts skills, the people who secretly protect her should not be underestimated. You all know the importance of killing her. How can Emperor Dali not do it?"

Try every means to protect her?"

"You don't need to worry about this. You are only responsible for providing information. Tell me about the information you got about the eldest princess." The innate master shook his head and said.

Gao Minghui also knew that it was not something he could worry about, and said: "I have been shameless to show my face to the princess's house these years. Although the people there look down on me, they are already familiar with me. I know some of the elders from them.

The princess's itinerary. Over the past few years, she has been staying at the Princess Mansion in Niujiao Town most of the time, and she rarely shows up. However, I have heard news in the past two days that she will leave Niujiao Town soon, and that's all in the past two days.

Well, I really don’t understand how the eldest princess in this poor place is interested in staying here for a long time..."

Hearing this, the innate master raised his eyebrows and said in a deep voice: "Is the news true?"

"It's not wrong. In the name of getting close to the eldest princess, I have shamelessly confirmed it with the servants of the princess's house. They have already started preparing for the departure," Gao Minghui nodded.

He is a Jinshi, has some background, and is a current official in Niujiao Town. Although the eldest princess knows that she cannot reach such a high level, she approaches him shamelessly. The princess palace cannot treat him like a dog and drive him away, so she can only hold her nose.

Deal with him.

To be honest, it is really a headache for scholars to be shameless.

"Well, okay, the information you provided is very important. I will leave first. You continue to be your mayor and act as if nothing has happened. We will talk about any arrangements for you in the future." After listening, the innate master

He stood up later and said.

Gao Minghui was stunned and asked: "You don't want to take action, do you?"

"Don't ask if you shouldn't. Knowing too much will do you no good!" With that said, the innate master coldly dropped these words and entered the secret passage to leave.

Regarding this, Gao Minghui felt a little unhappy. What's the secret? You're just a secret agent. You can throw away the secret at any time. What are you talking about? When I become a third-grade official in the future, I can find an excuse to let you do it.

Death without a burial place!

It's no wonder that Gao Minghui wanted to work for the Dajiang Dynasty. Ever since the farmyard manure came out, it has aroused the alarm of other countries. At that time, the surrounding countries were already making plans. Gao Minghui's family was controlled and had to act obediently. He himself

You are not optimistic about the Dali Dynasty, which is targeted by many countries. How could you not arrange a way out for yourself in advance?

This kind of person, to put it bluntly, does not have much concept of family and country at all, and all they care about is their own interests.

He felt that, if nothing else, this country would not be around for many years. Three countries were targeting it at the same time. The Dali Dynasty was in the far south, isolated and helpless, and one of his masters had died. What do you think should be done? Everyone can see it.

You will be doomed if you leave this country.

After the other party left, Gao Minghui tidied up, pretended that nothing had happened, walked out of the courtyard, and headed for the town leisurely.

Anyway, everyone knows that he, the mayor, is here to get gold plating. He has long been familiar with people who do nothing but travel all day long...

After listening to their complete conversation, Yun Jing was frightened and furious at the same time.

They are really people from the Dajiang Dynasty. Not only did they come here because of the farmyard fertilizer, but they also wanted to destroy the entire Xiaoxi Village for their unfounded so-called theory of luck. They also wanted to attack the eldest princess!

It's a matter of wealth, life and family, how can Yunjing not be angry!

‘They’ are obviously not just the one innate master who has arrived, there are definitely others. As for how many people, how many masters, and how high they are, Yunjing cannot guess, after all, they have not said.

Yun Jing didn't have any doubts. To attack Xiaoxi Village, it was estimated that a late acquired man plus a few other martial arts practitioners would be enough to massacre all the 'unarmed' villagers in a short time. In front of the martial arts practitioners, those villagers

So fragile that there is no difference between it and an ant!

However, when it comes to the eldest princess, one or two talents are definitely not enough. Maybe there are even higher masters, and it is very likely that they are not just masters from the Dajiang Dynasty!

The cloudscape in the town has been 'scanned', and now apart from the innate master, there are no other masters. In other words, the others must be hidden elsewhere.

"Fortunately, I knew it in advance!"

Yunjing, who was pretending to watch fishing by the river, thought to himself and looked in the direction of the Princess Mansion.

The next step is to find a way to eliminate this crisis. If done well, not only can the crisis be eliminated, but it can also be nipped in the bud. It can even follow the clues and eliminate a hidden danger for the entire Dali Dynasty.

Who knows exactly how many people are lurking in the Dali Dynasty, thinking about some conspiracy and conspiracy all day long.

This is a contest between countries, with overt and covert fights and intrigues. It can be said that there has never been a moment of true peace.

"That innate master is just a connector. There are definitely others. He should be connecting with others next. Now, what I have to do is to inform the eldest princess to let her be prepared. Then,

Continue to follow the innate master to see if I can figure out their specific deployment and number of people. However, there is a certain danger in continuing to follow. I secretly observe the innate master and the other party cannot find it, but in case there is another innate master.

Well, at that level of true artistic conception, can I still observe it silently?"

The risk is high, and there are some uncertainties. Yunjing is hesitant.

The true artistic conception is definitely the most powerful being that the other party can send. As for the mythical realm above the true artistic conception, Yunjing does not take it into consideration. Such beings cannot be dispatched easily.

Let the eldest princess know first, and then continue to follow the innate master.

Yunjing made a decision at this time. Although it was very risky to continue to follow him, he still had to take a risk because it was about his family and life. If he backed down again at this time, he might die without knowing how, and everyone was already watching him.

You fell in love with yourself!

Li Qiu said at the beginning that even Master couldn't achieve the special perspective and senses like his. The chance that a master of true artistic conception would find out that he was secretly observing was still very small, so it was not a big risk to take. At worst, the other party would have something

Being alert and retreating on the spot means that there is a distance of two kilometers. Even if the other party is alert, they can't follow their invisible and immaterial senses to track them, right? After all, the senses can be taken back as soon as the mind is moved, and they will be looking for and observing them everywhere.

Man, I ran away long ago, so it shouldn’t be a big problem

So how to notify the eldest princess next?

This kind of secret plan of the enemy country is not something that a little boy like him can easily discover. If he tells it to his face, it will definitely not be justified. The eldest princess is not her master Li Qiu, so Yun Jing will not tell him her special ability.

So I had to tell the eldest princess the matter in another way.

Remote control.

More than a thousand meters apart, Yunjing's mind controlled the pen and ink, and quickly wrote down all the previous conversations between Gao Minghui and Gao Minghui, then folded the paper, controlled it to fly into the sky, and then 'sent' it to the eldest princess...

This chapter has been completed!
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