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Chapter 200 Blow it up!

Yunjing decided to leave behind a 'unparalleled sword technique' in Crouching Tiger Mountain. After practicing it, he would block the gods and kill the gods and Buddhas. Starting from the acquired realm, practicing this sword technique would be like cheating all the way, but

You can cut down melons and vegetables and push them all the way to the enemy. As your level increases, you can easily kill enemies across levels, until you can kill them in Xiaoyao Realm!

To think that such a 'peerless swordsmanship' appeared in Crouching Tiger Mountain would make any martial arts practitioner go crazy. Yunjing couldn't believe that he couldn't attract the masters to destroy the Menghu Village.

Of course, Yunjing doesn't have the peerless swordsmanship that can kill the legendary Xiaoyao Realm master, but he can brag, and the more powerful he brags, the better. It doesn't matter whether he is true or not, it's just fabrication anyway.

You have to say that the true mood in the world is almost the end of the warrior. It is not a matter to compose a swordsmanship that can cut the swordsmanship that can cut death and the realm.

People will have a sense of luck. When people hear this news, they will probably give it a try. What if it is true?

It doesn’t even take much, as long as you can deceive a master of true artistic conception, the Tiger Village will be finished!

Even if the 'unparalleled swordsmanship' can't deceive anyone, then there is still the foundation of Ming's spiritual liquid. If no one is tempted, it can always attract people, right?

In any case, it was Menghuzhai who ultimately took the blame.

Why did Yunjing first think of leaving behind a sword technique instead of the sword technique and spear technique? Probably because it is more handsome with a sword, and most people who practice martial arts in the world use swords.

Since we want to attract people to come and destroy the Tiger Village, of course we have to attract a lot of people like that.

There are three steps to leaving the 'peerless sword technique' to attract people to come and destroy the Tiger Village. The first is to leave behind the sword technique, and it must be meaningful in words, so that people will not work in vain and practice it or not.

If it succeeds, it's not Yunjing's fault. The second step is of course to build momentum. If we don't create some strange phenomena, no one will believe that there is a peerless swordsmanship in Crouching Tiger Mountain. The third step is to publicize it.

, this is simple, just let a few storytellers publicize it in a teahouse, and the news will spread.

If these three steps are performed well, I don’t believe that Menghu Village can still exist in the world!

Why do you have to leave behind the sword skills? You need to have a complete set for acting, otherwise it will be useless to just make up a story and it will lack the sense of ritual.

With the plan in place, Yunjing began to operate quickly, implementing the first step and leaving behind a 'peerless swordsmanship'.

As for swordsmanship, the more secretive it is, the better. Otherwise, if it is too conspicuous, it will be too cheap.

Scanning Crouching Tiger Mountain with his mind, Yunjing worked for a while before finding a suitable place.

There is a natural and spacious cave located in the hinterland of Crouching Tiger Mountain, more than 1,500 meters deep underground. There is a small gap in the cave that winds outside the mountain. The cloud scene can be easily controlled with thoughts to stay in the cave.

Under the sword technique, what is commendable is that the cave is only more than a hundred meters away from the tunnel currently dug in the Menghu Village. Even if there is a slight deviation, if they keep digging, they can still reach the cave below.

After finding a place to put the sword skills, the next step is to leave what kind of sword skills.

Yunjing had already thought of the name. He stole a piece of metal in Menghu Village with his mind, and then 'took' the metal piece into the cave along the gap outside the mountain.

Using that piece of iron, Yunjing carved the name of the sword technique on the stone wall, just two words, "Sword Sutra"!

The simpler and shorter the name, the more awesome it is, and the longer it is, the more rubbish it is. Yunjing grasps this point very well. Jian Jing, the name alone is very awesome. When you hear it, it sounds arrogant. Anyway, it’s just bragging.

It's best to blow the sky apart.

After the name was engraved, Yun Jing began to carve out the swordsmanship. After all, if you only have a name and no moves, people will see you practice it.

Yunjing, who is relatively skilled in swordsmanship, still knows a few sets of swordsmanship. His master Li Qiu taught him at the beginning, but those swordsmanship is only useful in the later stages of innate cultivation, and the power of higher realms cannot keep up. Such swordsmanship cannot scare people.

When it comes to something that can bluff people, of course the simpler the better, just like the name Jian Jing.

So Yunjing simply carved dozens of movements of basic swordsmanship on the stone wall, no more, no less, a total of thirty-six movements.

Yes, the basic swordsmanship that Li Qiu taught Yunjing, those dozens of simple movements, have now turned into the peerless swordsmanship that Yunjing made up at random.

This set of 'unparalleled swordsmanship' is not a copy of the one taught by Li Qiu. Yunjing has mastered the basic swordsmanship at the beginning. He can combine simple moves at will. Each combination can be said to be a 'new' one.

Swordsmanship, it's too easy for him to randomly make up a set of swordsmanship using those movements.

Can such basic sword moves scare people?

Of course it's impossible. Sword moves come second. The most important thing is that if Yunjing wants to stay, if you use those simple basic sword moves, you won't be afraid of not being able to scare people.

After carving out dozens of simple sword moves, Yun Jing began to write bluffing words. Anyway, he just blew it and blew it up.

First of all, he came up with an 'autobiography'. He called himself Anonymous. He was obsessed with swordsmanship since he was a child. He learned swordsmanship at the age of three. He became a master of basic swordsmanship at the age of five. He was familiar with the world's sword manuals at the age of ten. At the age of fifteen, he began to wander around the world and challenge the masters from all over the world. Two

At the age of ten, he is innately invincible. At the age of twenty-three, no one can take on his three swords. At the age of twenty-five, the myth is no longer a myth. At the age of thirty, a single sword can defeat the five great freedoms equally. From then on, he can be said to be invincible in the world.

He was dissatisfied. He had never been defeated in his life. He was still cold at high places. He had no rivals in the world. He was lonely and unbearable. What fun was there? So he closed his sword and went into seclusion. He spent twenty years in silence. He realized that there was still a way forward for a free and happy state, and he was in the vastness of the world.

In the starry sky, I invited several happy friends to look for the way forward with swords in the galaxy. I feared that they would never return. I summed up what I had learned in my life and left a sword scripture to wait for the destined person. I hope that the person who can find the sword has a righteous mind. If he wields this sword

Heaven and man feel that the law is wrong and evil, I will look back in the depths of the starry sky. I have a heart for the ruthless swordsmanship, and I will send down the brilliant sword light to punish and kill him on behalf of heaven!

After writing the 'autobiography' and putting down the last stroke, Yunjing couldn't help scratching his head. Why does this thing look a little familiar? If it's familiar, then it's familiar. It's just a bluff anyway, so don't care.

After the autobiography, the cultivation method of the Sword Classic is still made up and made up, the more awesome it is, the better.

First there was a warning, and then Yun Jing wrote a simple sentence, which goes like this: The sword is supreme, the sword sutra is unparalleled, the thirty-six sword moves cover the supreme sword, and people without great wisdom and perseverance cannot practice it.

In order to avoid wasting time and accomplishing nothing.

Then there is the general outline of the Sword Classic, which is also a simple sentence. He writes like this: The great way is to simplify, simplify the complex, simplify the complex, keep the sword in the heart, and all swords will return to the clan!

Next is the specific training method, two words, practice and enlightenment, practice to enlightenment, enlightenment to practice, he has written it before. The thirty-six sword moves cover the supreme swordsmanship. In short, can you understand it?

It all depends on your luck when you come out. As for the great simplicity, who can you blame if you can't realize it?

Regardless of whether others believe it or not, Yunjing believes it anyway. The more unreasonable something is, the more reasonable it is. If you can’t understand it? Can’t you realize it? That’s because you don’t have enough IQ and understanding.

Swordsmanship is divided into five levels, corresponding to the five realms of martial arts. Each level has its own uniqueness. Otherwise, why would you be invincible?

First of all, the first level. The thirty-six moves that contain the supreme sword technique only focus on the word "quick". Even the most 'simple' moves, when you practice it faster than everyone else, then you can also use this sword technique.

Invincible in the acquired realm!

After writing this, Yun Jing secretly pouted, "Isn't this nonsense? You are faster than everyone else. If you are not invincible, who is?"

Then on the second level, you pay attention to the word "heavy", and practice until you can use a light wooden sword to cut out a huge force with one sword. At that time, relying on this sword technique, you will be innately invincible.

Next is the third level, which corresponds to the true artistic conception. The swordsmanship at this level pays attention to a change of hardness and softness. When the swordsmanship is soft, it is open to all rivers and can accommodate everything and is innately invincible. When it is hard, it can destroy everything. When the swordsmanship reaches the point of hardness and softness,

When Bingji does whatever he wants, he will be invincible in the true state of mind.

Next is the fourth level, which corresponds to the mythical realm. The cloud scenery in this realm is illusory and illusory. It can be summed up in the words "the heart of the sword is clear". To practice swordsmanship, everyone should unite their swords, and use the sword to replace the heart. The heart of the sword

Arouse the heart of heaven, so that the sword technique can be used with the help of the power of heaven and earth.

The last is the fifth level, which corresponds to the realm of freedom. The description of the cloud scene in this realm can be summed up in two words: life and death. The sword comes out of the sky and the earth in the same spring, allowing the enemy to get lost in the endless beautiful life between heaven and earth, but that infinite

However, life contains the supreme terror of death. In short, if the swordsmanship reaches that level, with one sword strike, the enemy will die in infinite beauty.

After writing all of this, I browsed through Yunjing and was still very satisfied with it. Anyway, it was pretty exciting.

He just left a description of the 'sword technique' and the corresponding realm. He didn't say how to practice it. Anyway, the results have been told to you. Use your own brain to figure it out. Everything is in the thirty-six sword moves. You can figure it out.

If you don't come out, it's because you don't have enough IQ.

There must be a reason for peerless swordsmanship. If anyone can practice it and master it, can it still be called peerless swordsmanship?

To be honest, if these things were not carved by his own hands, he would almost believe them.

This is just a swordsmanship, not a martial art. He did not describe the route of the skill. He had not even started practicing it himself, so he did not practice it. He only wrote at the end that the Sword Sutra is the supreme swordsmanship, and any internal skill is truly

He was able to cooperate with his Qi, and he was able to bring it back.

To put it bluntly, the sword skills he left behind are just basic sword moves, which do not involve any execution routes or internal energy. Of course, they can be used in conjunction with any internal energy. The stronger the internal energy, the greater the power.


So far, a peerless swordsmanship has just been revealed.

"Hey, if someone really comes here and sees this peerless swordsmanship, they will definitely wonder why these look so fresh. Needless to say, this is left by the expert who explored Xiaoyao Realm.

Those moves, those words, none of them contain the nameless supreme will. Isn’t it normal that they will remain the same as new for eighteen hundred years?"

Anyway, Yunjing feels that the more loopholes he leaves, the more people will see them and they will figure it out. Many times, if you are too detailed, it will look like a fake.

After finishing the sword technique, Yun Jing took out the iron piece and decided to take it away and throw it far away to avoid leaving any flaws.

"If someone really learns something from my random swordsmanship in the future..."

This thought flashed through his mind, Yun Jing quickly shook his head, impossible, absolutely impossible!

The next step is to create some strange phenomena to make people believe that a supreme swordsmanship is about to be born in this place, and then go back and think of ways to publicize it and make it a 'fact', so that countless people will flock to it if they don't believe it!

How to create a vision?

With the ability to control objects from a distance, Yunjing said that this is still very simple.

"Let all the sword-wielding gangsters on Crouching Tiger Mountain shake their swords... This is not enough. It is best to fly out of thin air and fly to a fixed location. Countless long swords are pointed in the same direction to create a 'ten thousand swords'."

The scene of people coming to worship with their swords ringing together is not bad, right? There are a lot of high-quality lamp oils stolen by the gangsters on the mountain. I will control the lamp oils to burn high in the sky to create a scene of swords soaring into the sky.

, it’s late at night, it’s dark, it’s so high, it’s so conspicuous, it makes people unable to see clearly, this should be enough. As for the smell of burning lamp oil, what I want is just a vision, why do I care so much? And

It’s not to make people in Menghu Village believe it, but to make people in other places believe that something strange is happening here!”

As soon as he said it, Yunjing started to take action. He would have to rush back to Fengyang County to designate the publicity plan for the next day.

Now his ability to control objects can control objects weighing more than ten kilograms, more than eleven kilograms to be precise. Most people's swords in the world do not exceed this weight. Yunjing makes all the sword-wielding gangsters on Crouching Tiger Mountain more powerful.

The long sword 'Thousands of Swords Flying Together' can still be achieved, but it is not possible to control all the long swords at the same time, which is a bit unsatisfactory.

When you are in a secret place, find a way out and get going.

Swish, swish, under Yun Jing's control, long swords flew out of their scabbards from various places on Crouching Tiger Mountain, piercing the sky and flying directly above where Yun Jing's sword skills were depicted. Those flying long swords flew out from their scabbards.

The swords formed a circle, with the sword tips facing inward, as if they were worshiping something.

Yunjing's 'movements' were still very fast. It took him about five minutes to complete the thousands of long swords. The first priority was the swords of the sleeping gangsters. Their swords flew away without even knowing it.

As for those who are not asleep, they cannot do it at the same time and can only do it separately.

Soon the gangsters, whose swords flew away one by one, chased in the direction in which their swords flew away, and then they saw swords lying on the ground in a circle.

This situation is really weird and inexplicable, making all the gangsters very uneasy, and they don't dare to pick up their swords, especially when there are sharp swords flying from a distance. The situation is a bit scary, and the gangsters who came first don't dare to mess around.

They even retreated to the circle of swords, watching this strange scene, and everyone fearfully discussed what happened.

Soon the entire Menghu Village was alarmed. When the three innate masters arrived, Yunjing had already obtained the long sword from the air and completed the operation.

When almost everyone in the Menghu Village gathered together to discuss this strange phenomenon in confusion, Yunjing secretly controlled more than ten kilograms of lamp oil from various places and flew it to an altitude of more than 2,000 meters, shaping it with his mind.

The shape of the sword was so thin that it was more than twenty meters long and nearly one meter wide. I pulled a ball of cotton from a certain unlucky guy's quilt, scattered it and merged it with the long sword made of lamp oil. Yun

I'm afraid that simple lamp oil won't burn, so I need to add some wick.

All this was done quickly. He stole a firecracker and lit the lamp oil sword high in the sky.

The lamp oil burned, forming a flame of more than 20 meters in the air at an altitude of more than 2,000 meters. The long sword hung high in the night sky, with the tip of the sword facing down, directly above the circle of long swords on the ground below, just like those long swords on the ground.

Like worshiping the flaming giant sword in the sky.

This is how the vision came together.

The flaming giant sword high in the sky is so conspicuous that even those with good eyesight can see it from dozens of miles away.

Yun Jing accomplished all this in just seven or eight minutes. He was really exhausted and his eyebrows ached a little.

The flaming giant sword in the sky only lasted for more than ten seconds before the lamp oil was burned out. After it was extinguished, the cotton wick turned into ashes and drifted away in the wind, leaving no trace.

No matter how Menghu Village views this matter next, Yunjing finished all the work and left secretly.

This is just the beginning...

This chapter has been completed!
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