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Chapter 231 Heaven and Earth Ren Xiaoyao!

Yunjing came to the door. There were several people standing at the door. Judging from their clothes, they should be the stewards and guards of Pinyulou. They all had smiling faces and looked a little uneasy.

They probably already knew what happened in the room, and they were here to find a way to appease Yun Jing.

Except for these few people from Pinyu Tower, there were no other people watching the fun. After all, the fifth floor is where Pinyu Tower's various 'money trees' are located, and casual people cannot come up.

Manager Shi carefully looked at Yun Jing's face and said anxiously: "Master, Miss Tiantian is ignorant and petty. Don't argue with her. I will apologize to you. Then something like this happened."

, we are extremely sorry, what do you think if we arrange another girl for you?"

If something like this happened to ordinary people here, instead of apologizing, Pinyulou would probably treat it as a troublemaker and deal with it. But Yunjing was brought by Mr. Huang, and they didn't dare to offend him, for fear that Yunjing would become angry.


Yunjing shook his head and said calmly: "There is no need to arrange for other girls. I am no longer interested in having fun. You don't need to apologize. No one knows that such a thing will happen. Miss Tiantian is injured. You should arrange for a doctor to come as soon as possible.

Treat her, and don’t let her get sick.”

Hearing what he said, Steward Shi and others immediately felt relieved. Then Steward Shi said: "Young master has a kind heart, but we are the villains. Don't worry, Miss Tiantian, the doctor will be here soon, and he will be cured."

, Young Master, what do you think about this? When Miss Tiantian wakes up, we can let her accompany you again?"

Yun Jing was extremely speechless. These guys really don't treat the girls in the brothel as human beings. She just hit her front foot on the table and was injured and fell into a coma. You then arranged for her to accompany the guests as soon as she woke up. This is what people did.


"No need, let her have a good rest." Yunjing shook his head and said after thinking for a while: "Brother, don't mind if I say too much. Although your Pinyulou girl is a prostitute, she is not a promiscuous woman.

It’s easy, just be nice to them.”

"I sincerely follow the teachings of the young master. In fact, young master, you have also misunderstood us. The girls in our Pinyulou are treated as eldest ladies on weekdays and never force them to do anything they don't want to do. As for Miss Tiantian, it's not because of her today.

It’s our first time to pick up a guest. The guest spent a lot of money and it ended so hastily. We feel bad about it, so we said that,” Manager Shi said with a smile.

These people can't take it seriously when they see people talking about people and talking about ghosts.

Yunjing lost interest in talking and stepped forward: "I hope so. By the way, my salute is still in the small courtyard where I bathe during the day. It's getting late now and it's not convenient for me to find another place to live, so you see...


"Don't worry, young master, you can go and stay in that small courtyard for as long as you want," Manager Shi immediately replied.

"That's good. I won't be able to stay long. I have to travel early tomorrow morning."

"Sir, please slow down, I'll have someone take you there..."

Seeing Yun Jing leave without any sign of anger, Manager Shi breathed a sigh of relief. If Yun Jing made trouble here, if Mr. Huang was blamed, everyone here would be in disaster.

Immediately afterwards, Manager Shi turned around and looked at the room where Tang Wan was. A trace of anger flashed in his eyes. He was so ignorant and so petty. If Yun Jing hadn't been generous, he might have had serious consequences. He wanted to punish Tang Wan.

Yeah, but when I thought about what Yun Jing said just now, I restrained myself.

After thinking for a while, he said: "Why hasn't the doctor come yet? Let her be treated quickly and see if there is anything wrong. If there is nothing serious, when she wakes up, let her go and apologize to Mr. Yun. Although Mr. Yun doesn't

We care about it, but we can’t express it.”

"But..., Manager Shi, Mr. Yun just told Miss Tiantian to have a good rest," the person next to him said hesitantly.

Embarrassed, Manager Shi hesitated for a moment and said: "Let's do this. Mr. Yun will leave tomorrow. You should ask people to pay attention to it and ask Miss Tiantian to apologize to him early in the morning. This will not be considered against his will. We will also

Made the appropriate statement”

"I think so," the person beside him nodded.

Soon the doctor came with a medical kit, and hurried to diagnose and treat Tang Wan, prescribe medicine, and then replied to Steward Shi who was waiting for the results: "The girl is not seriously ill, she is just suffering from a sudden attack on her heart and head.

I just fainted after being hit. I'll be fine soon after taking the medicine. It's just that the wound on my head will take some time to heal. I'll put some good plaster on it, but it won't leave any scars. I'm afraid I won't be able to see guests for a while.

Just leave first. If you need anything, just send someone to call me. Then I will say a few words, you guys, please have some conscience, because a good girl will be forced to commit suicide, what a sin, eh..."

Knowing that Tang Wan was fine, Manager Shi was completely relieved. After all, this was a money tree, and nothing could happen. As for conscience, he had dragged a woman from a good family into the water, and her conscience had long been eaten by dogs!

Yunjing returned to the small courtyard where he bathed in the afternoon and let the women who stayed here ready to serve the guests leave. He sat alone in the small courtyard and stared at the bright moon in the sky in a daze.

He was thinking seriously about a question.

"What is the purpose of the study tour?"

This is a question that Yunjing has been thinking about since he walked out of the room where Tang Wan was.

Before that, Yunjing thought that the so-called study tour was just about walking around, gaining more knowledge and making more friends, but now, he doesn't think so anymore.

"In the past, when I was studying in Niujiao Town, the world there was only so big, and I only encountered so many things. But it will be different after I come out. All kinds of things in the world will be presented one by one."

"Seeing these various forms of human life is actually a spiritual experience. Such experience cannot be experienced no matter how many books you read. No wonder the imperial examination system of the Dali Dynasty requires scholars to have study tour experience, which has profound meaning."

"When I first became a disciple, Master said that he would accompany me to travel around in the future and see all kinds of things in the world. But before I had time, he went to the capital to become an official. Without Master to teach me in person, I

After all, I have memories of past lives, and my outlook on life is somewhat different from this world, so I am a little hesitant when encountering problems and cannot decide what attitude to use to deal with the things I encounter."

"If Master were here, what advice would he give to Huang Tao, who came to befriend me with a purpose? Should a gentleman be honest and befriend me, or should he stay away as early as possible to avoid causing trouble? Regarding Tang Wan's experience, Master also

How will you teach me to do it? Should I help others and do good things or just ignore them?"

There were thousands of thoughts in his mind, but Yunjing finally smiled silently.

Thinking of the master's character, he felt that whether it was Huang Tao or Tang Wan, the master would probably just let him do whatever he wanted. The most he could say was that no matter what the choice was, he wanted to have a clear conscience.

While thinking about it, Yunjing suddenly frowned.

"Something's wrong, something's wrong. It seems that since Master left, my life has become a little worse. I feel a little confused about everything I do. Why is this?"

Yunjing began to seriously examine this issue.

After thinking about it again and again, he suddenly realized that the reason for this was because he had been with his master since he became a disciple. The master was his guide in this world. Because he had lived together since he was a child, he had been with him unknowingly.

I developed a sense of dependence on my master that I didn't realize I had. I always felt that no matter what happened, my master would always be there to guide me, so I didn't think too much about it. After my master left, I had to face everything by myself, which was a bit confusing.

I’m confused and don’t know what to do rightly!

Thinking of this, a drop of cold sweat fell from Yunjing's forehead.

It's really scary to get used to this kind of thing.

Taking a deep breath, Yun Jing's eyes became firm, and the trace of confusion in his eyes completely disappeared.

"Master is Master. No matter how deeply I am influenced by him, I have my own life. I cannot consider everything from Master's point of view, what is right or wrong, how to act, I follow my own heart

Just leave it to the world to comment on whether you have merit or demerit. People cannot be perfect, and they cannot do anything to be recognized by everyone. Just like if a person has friends, there must be people he dislikes.

There must be night during the day..."

Thoughts flashed in his mind, Yun Jing's eyes gradually brightened, and a feeling of spiritual liberation emerged spontaneously, and some invisible shackles in his heart were released.

With this feeling of spiritual release, Yunjing felt that the whole world was filled with a feeling of 'freedom'.

The mind was released, and Yunjing felt extremely relaxed from the inside out. That wonderful feeling cannot be described in words.

Under the night sky, Yun Jing opened his hands, as if he was embracing the entire world, and as if he was merging into the space between heaven and earth.

In this state, his hair moved without any wind, and some dust around his feet slowly floated up.

Fu Zhi's soul, almost subconsciously, Yunjing tapped his toes lightly, without performing Qing Kung Fu, but the person slowly flew up as if he was weightless, breaking away from the physical constraints of gravity, and slowly flew up into the night sky!

The world is open to him.

How big your heart is, how big the world is!

He flew higher and higher, flying faster and faster, his body cut through the air, his clothes rustled, the strong wind blew on his face, and there was a faint sound of sonic boom. He flew through the night sky, and a wave of air was drawn wherever he passed.


When his flying speed reached a certain limit, the clothes he wore could not withstand the friction of the air and immediately shattered into pieces of cloth.

He stopped very high in the night sky, with misty white clouds beneath his feet, and he adapted to this flying ability very naturally.

"Study travel is experience, and it is a torture of the soul. The more you learn, the more ignorant you feel, the more cautious you act, and people become confused. The so-called cognitive barrier is nothing more than this. Break through the shackles of the soul.

, is freedom, a carefree state where the heaven and earth are one and free to roam..."

At night, the cloudscape stands in the void above the white clouds. Looking at the lights of thousands of houses below, looking at the bright moon in the sky, and looking at the white clouds under my feet, the unrestrained and carefree state is so wonderful that it cannot be described in words.

"It feels so good to be myself completely. After studying for so many years and reading so many books, I almost read into the dog's belly. No one is a saint, so just be yourself!"

As he murmured, Yunjing looked in the direction of Pinyu Tower.

Originally, Tang Wan wanted to go to the border with other people from the Jianghu, so why did he end up living in Pinyu Tower and become a prostitute?

"I was confused before, thinking that doing more is worse than doing less, but now I think about it, I, Yunjing, don't care about other people's opinions when I act. Since you had the intention to serve the country, you shouldn't end up like this."

This chapter has been completed!
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