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Chapter 236: Fleeing

Late at night.

It rained all the time.

Tie Jun was struck by lightning before. Although he was not seriously injured, he was a little sluggish and felt sleepy while chatting.

When Yunjing was thinking about how to avoid domestic violence if he met Xiao Zizi.

Tie Jun shook his head and braced himself, looked outside the cave and said worriedly: "I don't know when the rain will continue. Dead horses are soaked in the rain. If it's sunny tomorrow and exposed to the scorching sun, there's a risk of epidemic disease. No, I

You have to throw it away”

With that said, he stood up and rushed into the heavy rain.

Looking up at him, Yun Jingxin said that although this person was a member of the martial arts community and not familiar with both parties, he could think of these things and no matter how bad he thought about it, he couldn't be that bad.

What he said made sense. There was no thunder outside anymore, so when Yun Jing saw what he was doing, he didn't stop him. Instead, he stood up and said, "I'll go help too."

"No need, Mr. Yun, just rest. I'll be fine soon." Tie Jun turned around and smiled, then plunged into the rain.

When Yunjing came to the entrance of the cave, he had already used Qinggong to go to the dead horse, carried it and quickly rushed deep into the mountain forest. Yunjing couldn't find a chance to help even if he wanted to.

Looking at his hands, Yun Jingxin said that he probably thought that he was not someone who did rough work.

Since he can do it alone, Yunjing no longer forces himself.

After returning to the cave and sitting down, Yunjing took out a book and read it slowly by the light of the fire.

Not long after, Tie Jun came back with a wet body. Yun Jing raised his head and said with a smile: "Brother Tie, have everything been taken care of?"

"Haha, okay, I'll throw it far away, so it won't affect passers-by." Tie Jun grinned, then shook his long hair that was constantly flowing and said, "It's just that this heavy rain is a bit annoying."

"Brother Tie, please warm up the fire to avoid getting sick," Yunjing said as he added some firewood to the fire.

Tie Jun wrung out the water from his clothes at the entrance of the cave, and then sat by the fire. In fact, he wanted to take off his clothes for baking, but considering his status as a scholar in Yunjing, he did not do so, which was a bit indecent.

Before, Tie Jun was in a coma and the horse was dead. After all, it was his private property, so Yun Jing didn't touch it. But now that he has lost it, Yun Jing is not polite.

Such a big horse will get a lot of meat, and Yunjing plans to make the best use of it.

“Don’t neglect a good deed because it’s small, don’t waste it.”

Thoughts flickered, and while Tie Jun was dozing off and not paying attention, the knife in Yunjing's book box flew out silently, into the rain, and went to the place more than a thousand meters away in the depths of the mountain forest, where Tie Jun left the dead horse.


A sharp knife quickly disembowelled the dead horse and broke it into pieces of meat. Then the pieces of horse meat soared into the sky and flew to a poor village with only a dozen households seven or eight kilometers away, where they fell into the hands of these families.

In the pot.

"A little bit of horse meat can give these people a few meaty meals."

Talking to himself, Yunjing took back his 'sight' and the knife. It was late at night, and he leaned against the stone wall with his eyes closed to rest. As for how those people would react when they woke up and found the horse meat in the pot, Yunjing didn't care.

Horses are a strategic material in this era. In order to prevent horse meat from causing trouble to those families, Yunjing threw away all the unnecessary things such as fur and horse hooves. Just eat the pure meat and eat it. I think those families benefited from it.

I won’t yell around and cause trouble for myself.

Yun Jing's sleep was particularly uncomfortable that night. First of all, there was no bed. It was strange that he could sleep comfortably with his back against the stone wall. Second, Tie Jun was snoring. The snoring was so loud that it sounded like thunder, making the cave buzz.

Yunjing wanted to knock him out many times...

After finally making it to dawn, the wind stopped, the rain stopped, and a new day began again.

The morning light is shining slightly, and there are not many clouds in the sky. It is expected to be another good weather.

Tie Jun woke up in a daze and saw a strange environment. His whole body ached after lying on the ground all night. He stood up and stretched his muscles before he recalled what happened last night. Then he saw the cloud scenery not far away, and he suddenly became awe-struck.

Respect, a hint of shame arose in my heart.

Gai Yin Yunjing got up earlier than him, and had already set up his posture to stand for who knows how long.

Yun Jing is a scholar, and Tie Jun is a martial arts practitioner. In the end, he is not as diligent as others. It is strange that he can not be ashamed.

"Brother Tie is awake. I didn't disturb you, did I?" Yunjing stopped walking and said with a smile.

Tie Jun cupped his fists and saluted: "Young Master Yun is indeed a scholar. He has taught me a good lesson. I am ashamed of myself. Those of us who practice martial arts should keep our fists in our hands. We must practice diligently all the time and never let up for a day. In the future,

A certain family will definitely not forget Mr. Yun’s teaching today and have learned from it.”

Yunjing was stunned for a moment and thought to himself, "What nonsense are you doing? I just couldn't sleep because you were snoring too loudly. I just had nothing to do when I was idle. I just walked on horseback. Why did you involve me in giving you lessons?"

"Whether it's martial arts training or something else, there's nothing wrong with being more diligent," Yun Jing said casually, and then thought about what to eat later.

Tie Jun seemed to have found a direction in life. In short, he was a little excited. He said: "Yesterday I ate half of Mr. Yun's rabbit and it was not full. I will hunt some game and have a good meal later."

As he said that, he ran out quickly.

Scratching his head, Yun Jingxin wondered what kind of brain circuit this was...

Not long after, Tie Jun brought back a wild deer weighing forty or fifty kilograms, which had already been skinned and washed. He guessed that he had done this kind of thing a lot. When he came to the cave, he relit the extinguished fire and said, "Let's do it later."

Mr. Yun, try my skills."

Why is this so weird? Yun Jing felt a chill running down his spine.

Seeing Tie Jun roasting the venison roughly on the fire, he took out a lump of brown salt from somewhere, crushed it and wanted to sprinkle it on it. Yun Jing hurriedly said: "Brother Tie, let me do it. I have some here."


As he spoke, Yunjing took out various condiments from the book box.

Looking at the snow-white salt grains in the bamboo tube in Yun Jing's hand, and then looking at the lump in his own hand, Tie Junxin said, do all scholars think this way? Then he said in astonishment: "Young master Yun, do you still carry these with you when you go out?"

"Haha, you have to be kind to yourself when you go out to eat and sleep in the open," Yun Jing said with a smile, taking over the barbecue job.

The salt is Yunjing's own refined salt made from salt blocks on the market. Now his family only eats this kind of salt without making any publicity or trying to make a fortune from it. After all, salt is something run by the government.

Under Yunjing's operation, the cave was filled with fragrance. Tiejun swallowed his saliva from time to time. He blushed a little. He wanted Yunjing to try his skills before, but he couldn't do it at all.

After passing the exam, the next step is to eat.

Yunjing didn't eat much, he only ate a deer leg. It was missing a few seasonings and it didn't taste good. Moreover, the lice that crawled out from Tiejun's body from time to time really made him lose his appetite.

Tie Jun ate so voraciously that most of the dozens of kilograms of venison went into his stomach. Yun Jing had seen that martial arts practitioners have a big appetite.

He was embarrassed at first, but when Yunjing said he was full, he became rude...

While he was eating, Yunjing went outside to wash up using the water left by last night's heavy rain.

When Tie Jun had eaten and drank enough, he went outside to wash up and once again fell into a slightly autistic state.

I saw Yunjing with a towel on his shoulder, a water cup made of bamboo in his left hand, and a small brush in his right hand to clean his mouth.

Is this a study tour? This is obviously an outing. Are you so particular when you go out?

"Where do you want to go, young master? Let me escort you for a while," Tie Jun said as he casually wiped his face with water.

Gululu... drink and vomit...

After Yunjing rinsed his mouth, he smiled at Tie Jun and said, "I won't bother you, Brother Tie. I'm slow on my feet. If we go together, it will delay your business."

Under the morning light, Yun Jing's teeth seemed to be shining, and coupled with the appearance of that handsome young man...

Tie Jun avoided his gaze and thought for a while and said: "In that case, let's just say goodbye. Tie Mou will repay Young Master for saving his life in the future."

You guys who are messing around in the world are just real, you all say it's easy with a little effort, so why bother.

Regardless of him, Yun Dingding nodded and said: "We meet in the mountains and rivers, and we will meet again if we are destined."

"Then Tie Mou will take his leave first." Tie Jun clasped his fists and strode away.

After walking a few steps, he came back in embarrassment. He forgot to take something, so he went back to the cave to get his belongings, then he clasped his fists and said goodbye.

There is a long road ahead, meeting different people and hearing different stories...

After Tiejun left, Yunjing packed up and continued on the road. He walked along the pipeline and arrived in Qingyan County in the afternoon to check in at the government office. It was getting late, so he found a cheap inn to stay.

With nothing to do in the evening, Yunjing left the inn and went to the county town for a stroll. He was reluctant to spend the money to go to elegant places like brothels, so he could only go to street shops to find delicious food.

Not to mention, he actually found a century-old braised pork restaurant. The taste was outstanding and left a lasting impression on his lips and teeth. For this reason, he spent another five yuan to buy two kilograms of braised pork to eat on the way.


It was late at night, and Yunjing returned to the inn.

As a result, something happened that made him depressed.

A place like Cheap Inn is a mixed bag. He couldn't bring his luggage with him when he went out for a stroll, and he didn't keep an eye on his things remotely at all times, so it was stolen...

"Your sister, you stole it from me." Yun Jing was speechless.

Then he swept away his mind and quickly found his stolen things. In an abandoned courtyard two streets away, a few guys who seemed idle at first sight were preparing to divide the stolen goods.

At first glance, they were habitual offenders. Of course, Yunjing would not be polite to such people.

I punched them in the back of the head with my telekinesis force, knocking them all unconscious. Then I took out my student registration certificate from the air. I turned around and went to the Yamen. I showed my student registration certificate and received a warm reception. Then I said that my things were stolen and I returned them.

Know where the thief lives.

Good guy, it was okay to steal all the things from well-known scholars, so the Yamen police officers were dispatched and surrounded the small courtyard. Several unconscious recidivists were chained and taken away on the spot.

In jail, the county magistrate probably had some free time, or he saw the name Li Qiu in the master column on Yunjing's academic record. The trial started in the evening, and several habitual criminals were sentenced that night. They would not be able to escape after several years in prison.

, and have to do hard labor, so unlucky.

Yunjing's things were recovered and nothing was missing. Afterwards, the county magistrate invited Yunjing to dinner, and even tried to betroth Yunjing's nine-year-old daughter to Yunjing under the influence of alcohol, which frightened him and ran away.

"Things like petty theft are too annoying. I have to keep a closer eye on things from now on." Yunjing returned to the inn in the middle of the night and couldn't help but feel entangled.

This experience reminded him of the first time he went out to work in his previous life. He walked around the train station and didn't know when he lost his wallet and mobile phone. He reported the crime but could not recover it. In the end, it was just nothing.

I wrote a travel diary about what I experienced this day and went to bed after finishing it.

Early the next morning, Yunjing continued on the road.

In the summer, everything is lush and lush, but as the cloud scenery goes north, the road starts to become desolate. Sometimes there is no human habitation for a hundred or two hundred miles, and the road becomes difficult to walk.

A few days later, Yunjing came to Yanshan County. He finally saw what it means to have more mountains and less forests.

Looking around, there are barren mountains everywhere, with little vegetation and few trees ten meters high. The rocks and soil are particularly dazzling in the sun.

Grab a handful of dirt on the ground, squeeze it gently, and turn it into dust and scatter in the wind.

"The land is barren, even if it is cultivated, the yield is very little, and the water source here is not abundant. No wonder it is so barren and desolate!"

After clapping his hands, Yunjing continued to move forward...

This chapter has been completed!
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