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Chapter 244: Bold Ideas

Yun Jing followed his words and came to the bed and turned around to sit down. Su Xiaoye came over with a footbath and placed it in front of him. She squatted down, picked up Yun Jing's feet, gently took off her shoes and placed them in the warm water.

She raised her head and said with a smile: "Brother Jing, how is the water temperature?"

"Just right," Yun Jing stared at her face and nodded.

Xiao Yezi's cheeks were slightly red, he lowered his head and said softly: "Well, that's good..."

Then, she took off the shoe on Yunjing's other foot and placed it in warm water. She gently kneaded and washed it with gentle movements.

Because she had already cultivated her internal strength in the later stages of acquired life, even though Su Xiaoye's hands that held weapons all year round were nourished by her internal strength, there were no calluses. Her hands were beautiful and her skin was very delicate.

The room was quiet except for the soft sound of Su Xiaoye stirring the foot-washing water. Their breathing could be heard clearly, and the atmosphere was a little subtle.

Su Xiaoye's cheeks felt hot, and Yun Jing's heartbeat accelerated slightly.

The sentence is over, I will be guilty if I continue. With such a little daughter-in-law, life is getting worse day by day...

Thoughts flashed in his mind, and after a moment, Yun Jing said: "Little Ye Zi, it's okay."

Su Xiaoye never dared to look at Yun Jing. She lowered her head and helped him wash and squeeze his feet. Hearing this, he hummed and took a foot cloth to wipe Yun Jing's feet. Then he held the foot basin and said, "Brother Jing, what are you doing?"

Sit down and I'll go check if the food is ready. By the way, you can change your clothes later and I'll wash them for you. You should be able to dry them tomorrow."

After saying that, she took the footbath and left as if running away, closing the door behind her.

Looking at her leaving figure, Yun Jingxin said that this is his future wife, how wonderful...

After traveling all day, it would have been better to take a bath, but the conditions of this inn were limited, so taking a bath was troublesome. Yunjing simply stood up, took off his clothes, and silently took a ball of water from the window with his mind, and rinsed his body.

, wash away the dust, then throw out the used and not dirty water to water a tree, and put on clean clothes afterward.

The whole process only took him a minute or two. Mindfulness is really easy to use and can be described as an all-round assistant in life.

Well, having said that, do all men take baths so quickly? Is it perfunctory or perfunctory or perfunctory?

Anyway, you are wet, even if you take a shower...

Not long after, Su Xiaoye opened the door and came in with food. She said, "Brother Jing is hungry. Eat something. Although this inn is not that good, the food is pretty good."

The meal consists of three dishes, one soup and one pot of rice. The portions are very generous. After all, most of the people who come and go in this inn are martial arts practitioners and have large appetites. Naturally, the store has to take this into consideration, and the price is relatively expensive.

Su Xiaoye said that the food in this restaurant was good, but in fact it was just not unpalatable. Both of them grew up in farmers' families in the countryside, so naturally they are not that picky about food.

"Little Yezi, sit down and eat together," Yunjing greeted.

Girls in this era, except for a few strong ones, most of them regard their men as their main focus. Men hardly need to worry about the trivial matters in life, they just focus on supporting the family.

Although Su Xiaoye has not really married Yun Jing yet, in their relationship, she is also working hard to learn to adapt to her identity as a wife, and she must serve her man well so that she can live happily in the future.

As the saying goes, a man comes from a tree and his wife is a vine. In the mountains, you can only see vines wrapped around trees. Where in the world are there trees wrapped around vines? When a wife leaves the rest of her life to a man, then that man will be her life support.

"Yeah," Su Xiaoye nodded, sat down as instructed, and served Yun Jing some food and food.

The two of them ate happily and talked about their respective interesting stories over the years. During this period, their eyes occasionally collided, warm and happy, and their two hearts got closer and closer to each other.

In the future, you will be a husband and I will be a wife. Husband and wife will become one flesh, regardless of each other.

During the chat, Yunjing talked about their encounter in Xinlin County that year. Yunjing smiled and said, "By the way, little Ye Zi, how is the little rabbit I gave you as a gift?"

Hearing this question, Su Xiaoye dodges her eyes, not daring to look at Yunjing, and apologizes: "Brother Jing, I'm sorry, I didn't take good care of that little rabbit, and it ran away not long after I got back."

In fact, the little rabbit was roasted and eaten after being raised by Su Xiaoye for a few months. Not to mention, it was so delicious...

Yunjing said indifferently: "I'm sorry, just run away. It doesn't matter."

"Yeah, I'll just keep another one in the future." Yunjing didn't ask further, and Su Xiaoye breathed a sigh of relief.

After the meal, Su Xiaoye put away the dishes and chopsticks, and took the clothes Yunjing had changed to wash. Yunjing had nothing to do, so he took out pen, ink, paper and inkstone and began to practice calligraphy and write down the day's travel notes.

After writing a few words, Yunjing suddenly thought of something. He glanced at the door guiltily and quickly hid the travel diary of that day to Pinyu Tower. He pressed it tightly with the sundries at the bottom of the book box.

Not long after, Su Xiaoye came back after washing the clothes and hanging them to dry. When she saw Yun Jing writing quietly, she didn't bother him. She just sat opposite him and held her chin in her hand, watching quietly, just like she had done in the Xinlin County Inn.

Time is changing, but neither of them has changed.

Su Xiaoye is also literate. Her father has hired many teachers to teach her since she was a child, but her knowledge level is not high and she can only understand books and martial arts secrets.

Looking at Yun Jing's handwriting, she thought to herself that Brother Jing's handwriting was really beautiful, better than any other gentleman's handwriting she had ever seen.

"Brother Jing is a learned man. I have to restrain myself from now on, and I can't embarrass brother Jing anymore."

With these thoughts in her mind, Su Xiaoye noticed that what Yun Jing wrote was actually what happened today. She couldn't help but curiously asked: "Brother Jing, what are you doing writing this?"

While speaking, she blushed a little because Yun Jing happened to write about the scene where she met her today.

Yun Jing took the time to say: "This is a travel note. It records what I saw and heard on my study tour. It can be considered as homework assigned to myself. I can put these records on paper and read them in the future. Maybe I can get some intellectual inspiration from these past experiences."

"That's it. Brother Jing, did you also record what you saw on the road before?" Su Xiaoye asked curiously.

Nodding, Yunjing said: "Of course, yes."

"Can you show it to me?" Su Xiaoye blinked and said.

My heart tightened, Yunjing said it was coming, but fortunately I was prepared...

Then he put down the brush and said with a smile: "Of course you can read it. Just wait, I will get it for you."

"Oh, brother Jing, write yours, I'll get it myself," Su Xiaoye stood up and said.

Yunjing quickened his pace and said, "No, no, no, I'll come."

Come here, if you turn to the section I hid below, and you see it, I won’t be beaten to death on the spot...

She took out the travel diary and handed it to Su Xiaoye. She watched with relish as Yun Jing rewrote today's travel diary. From time to time, she glanced guiltily at the bookcase in the corner. To him at this time, it was no less than a fake book.

A bomb.

Why did I record that part so stupidly at that time? I feel scared all the time now. As long as that part is still there, I won’t be able to feel at ease in the future. Hey, why don’t you consider destroying it secretly?

Time passed little by little, and it was late at night. Su Xiaoye read Yunjing's previous travel notes and found nothing unusual. After all, Yunjing did not write every day, and occasionally there were gaps.

Su Xiaoye, who was bored, began to doze off.

Yunjing stopped writing and said to her: "Little Yezi, it's late at night, go and have a rest."

"It's so late, time flies so fast," Su Xiaoye looked out the window and yawned. Then she didn't know what she thought of. She was completely sleepless, her cheeks were slightly red, and she avoided looking at the cloud scenery.

Yun Jing smiled and said: "Yes, it's so late. Go to bed quickly."

"Then I'll go over there, brother Jing. It's right next door. If you need something, just call me and I can hear you." Su Xiaoye whispered, got up and walked quickly to the door, as if running away.

"Well, take a rest early." Yunjing stood up to see him off.

Both of them were still young. Although Su Xiaoye had already fallen in love, she did not have the courage to stay. Even though she was reluctant to leave and wanted to stay with Yun Jing all the time, girls in this era should still have the reserve and bottom line before getting married.

Must have.

Although Yun Jing was a normal man, but as he said, both parties were too young, and he didn't have that kind of judgment, so they went back to the house to sleep separately.

"In many short videos on the Internet in the past life, those married men were trying to find ways to sleep with their wives separately. I don't know if it is true or not." After the separation, this idea popped up in Yunjing's head inexplicably.

After falling asleep, Yunjing absorbed spiritual energy as usual to improve himself, and by the way, he gave some of it to Su Xiaoye next door. His daughter-in-law must take care of her.

That night Yunjing had a long dream. In the dream, there was a vague girl entangled with him, but he couldn't see her face clearly...

Then the next day, I woke up before dawn and my crotch was sticky.

Damn the troubles of adolescence.

After waking up, Yunjing secretly tidied up his personal hygiene. However, when he sneaked to the backyard of the inn to get water to wash his underwear, he happened to catch Su Xiaoye's gaze.

She didn't know when she woke up. She stood in the yard and practiced martial arts quietly with her spear held straight. She was really a diligent and motivated girl.

Looking at the horizon where there was no light at all, Su Xiaoye put away her spear and said in astonishment: "Brother Jing, you got up so early?"

"Um, my stomach is a little bloated. Come out to relieve yourself. Are you so early, little Ye Zi?" Yun Jing said awkwardly, quietly hiding his underwear behind his back.

Su Xiaoye wondered: "It's getting late. I used to get up early to practice martial arts. By the way, isn't there a bucket in Brother Jing's room? You don't have to come out to relieve yourself."

"Ah ha, I forgot. Little Ye Zi, you are busy, I'll go back and take a nap." After saying this, Yun Jing immediately ran away. He didn't care about what Su Xiao Ye was about to say behind him.

Yunjing almost died of embarrassment when he encountered his daughter-in-law doing something like this.

Looking at Yun Jing running away so fast, Su Xiaoye was stunned. What happened to Brother Jing? She couldn't figure it out, so she continued to practice martial arts with full of doubts...

After returning to the room, Yun Jing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Su Xiaoye didn't chase him.

He smiled awkwardly, and then he secretly used his telekinesis to steal a ball of water to clean the dirty pants.

"I was careless. I didn't observe the environment. If I had known this, why would I have run out?"

As long as it was not a special environment or special situation, Yunjing was not used to using his mind to observe his surroundings. Yunjing was constantly depressed while cleaning his pants.

After washing and drying, Yun Jing didn't feel sleepy at all, so he just practiced martial arts in the house.

After dawn, Su Xiaoye finished her martial arts practice and washed herself. Then she brought warm water and knocked on Yun Jing's door: "Brother Jing, are you awake? I'll fetch water for you."

What a considerate girl.

Yunjing finished his martial arts practice and said: "I'm awake, little Ye Zi, come in."

Su Xiaoye pushed the door open and came in. When Yunjing was washing up, Su Xiaoye happened to see Yunjing hanging his pants that were still slightly dripping. Without thinking about it, she said with some resentment: "Brother Jing, just leave me alone."


"Ah ha, it's okay, I have nothing to do anyway," Yun Jing said with a haha, thinking that it was lucky that Little Ye Zi was still innocent, otherwise he would have been very embarrassed, so he quickly changed the subject and said, "By the way, Little Ye Zi,

What are your plans today?"

"I don't have any plans. I'm just waiting for dad in the city." She muttered depressedly, and then she said nervously: "Brother Jing, you said you are on a study tour, are you leaving today? I don't want to be with you.


After thinking about it, Yun Jing said: "I'm not leaving today. I also want to see that strange beast, the tiger. Let's stay for a few days. If you really don't have a chance to see me, I won't stay for a long time."

"That's good." Su Xiaoye breathed a sigh of relief, and then a bold idea suddenly popped up in her head. She looked at Yun Jing and said expectantly: "Brother Jing, can I come with you on your next study tour?"

Do you want to elope with me?

Bah, bah, bah, what does elopement mean? We are engaged.

With thoughts flickering in his mind, Yun Jing hesitated and said, "Will uncle agree?"

"Dad will definitely not agree, but I can run away secretly with Brother Jing," Su Xiaoye blinked, her heart beating faster, and she felt inexplicably excited.

"Isn't this bad?" Yunjing asked tangledly, turning Xiao Zizi away. Will his father-in-law break his legs when the time comes?

Su Xiaoye said happily: "It's okay. When we leave, I'll leave you a message for dad. I'll be with you, and dad will be relieved."

He doesn't feel at ease if you are with me. Little Yezi, you don't understand such a creature as my father-in-law.

After thinking about it, Yunjing said: "This matter is not urgent. Let's talk about it in a few days."

"Well, I listen to Brother Jing," Su Xiaoye pouted.

After Yunjing washed up, the two of them went downstairs to have breakfast.

While eating, there was a sudden noise in the street.

"What happened?" Su Xiaoye glanced outside and asked in confusion.

At this time, someone rushed into the inn and said excitedly: "Good news, good news, last night someone found the footprints of a strange beast and tiger in the mountains more than eighty miles away. You all came here for the strange beast and tiger. If you are interested, you can go and take a look.

I'll take the first step"

The man rushed into the inn like a gust of wind, left these words, went to the room to get a weapon and ran away in a hurry.

As a result, people couldn't sit still, and they all checked out and left. Soon, the inn that was full before became empty.

"Brother Jing, there are traces of strange beasts and tigers. Should we go and take a look?"

Su Xiaoye obviously couldn't sit still after hearing the news about the strange beast and tiger, but she still restrained her mood and asked Yun Jing's opinion. She wanted to be with Yun Jing more than the strange tiger.

After thinking for a while, Yunjing said: "I also want to take a look, but my uncle hasn't come back yet. Shouldn't we wait for him? He will be worried if he comes back and sees no one."

"It's okay, Brother Jing, let's leave a message to the store. If dad comes back, he will know where we are going," Su Xiaoye suggested.

After a moment's hesitation, he thought that since he could fly, Su Xiaoye would definitely be safer following him than following his father-in-law, so Yun Jing nodded and said, "Okay, let's go take a look first. I'm also curious about what that strange beast tiger looks like..."

This chapter has been completed!
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