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Chapter 249 Respect

Alien beasts and tigers, well-preserved huts... these two things together can't help but make Yunjing's previous thoughts waver. Could it be that the gathering of spiritual energy in this area is really man-made?

If it was really man-made, it would affect the world within a hundred miles. And although the outer continuous impact area is much smaller, it still covers an area of ​​hundreds of miles. Who could do such a trick?

Perhaps the answer can be found in the hut...

Focusing on the thatched hut under the tree canopy below, I swept away my mind and saw the cloud scenery clearly inside and out.

The furnishings inside are very simple, with only some simple daily necessities. They are all ordinary objects. They have not been used for many years and have accumulated a layer of dust. There is nothing special about them. The owner of the thatched hut may have been a person who liked reading. There are

There were two bookshelves, but now they were empty, not even a scrap of paper.

"It can be seen that someone once lived in seclusion here, and the spiritual energy gathered was suspected to be the work of the other party. Later, he moved away, and the move took a long time. Further analysis, it is precisely because the owner of this place moved away, that the strange beast and tiger gradually

He lost his restraints, so he accidentally appeared in the outside world and was discovered by others, thus attracting a lot of people in the world..."

Yunjing thought to himself, but these were just his guesses, without direct evidence.

Since there were people living there, the geese flying across the sky would still leave traces. There was no reason why there were no clues at all. Unwilling to give up, Yun Jing continued to look at the inside and outside carefully.

Then he really learned something, and his perspective of thinking was fixed above the door of the hut.

There was a crooked wooden board there, as if someone had hung it there haphazardly. There were three words on the wooden board, "Lichen Residence".

Away from the world...

When he saw the three ordinary Dali Dynasty characters, Yunjing's face changed slightly. His mind went into a trance and he 'saw' a picture.

A lush old-growth forest, in which various huge beasts are either playing or fighting, competing for natural selection. At a certain moment, the earth shakes, the trees sway and break, and a black-striped red tiger as big as a mountain steps forward.

, so shocked that countless ferocious beasts fled here.

On the head of that terrifying black-striped red tiger, there actually sat an old man in linen clothes. He must be an old man, with hair like snow and temples like frost, but Yunjing couldn't see the other person's appearance clearly.

The old man came on a black-striped red tiger and stood in the lush magical mountains. He immediately stood up, looked at it for a moment, nodded as if satisfied, then waved in the air, and an irregular wooden board flew from a fallen tree.

He wrote casually with his finger and pen, and soon the words "Li Chen Ju" fell on the wooden board.

At this time, the picture Yunjing saw in his mind was in a trance and returned to reality.

"The old man who came riding a strange beast and a tiger must have been the owner of the hut who lived here in seclusion. What kind of person was he? The three words he left behind contained supreme will, and he actually imprinted the picture on which he originally wrote the words.

Above the text, I saw that scene. Fortunately, the other party was not malicious, otherwise with a little manipulation, just the remaining will would have plunged me into a place of no return!"

After his thoughts returned to reality, Yun Jing was so shocked that he opened his eyes, his heart fluctuating.

Who is that old man? He can actually control the terrifying alien tiger below, and the other party can let the remaining will of many years affect his thinking by just writing a few words.

The opponent's level is too high, and his methods are completely beyond what Yun Jing can predict today.

"In the picture, before the old man came here riding a strange beast tiger, this place was already lush and lush with countless beasts. In this case, the gathering of spiritual energy here should not be caused by the other party's methods..."

Yun Jing thought of this in his mind.

The old man was obviously an otherworldly expert and did not disdain to use any dark means, so Yunjing only saw the remaining images of the other party's will from those words, and was not affected in any way.

He breathed a sigh of relief and continued to look at the three words on the door of the hut below.

Looking at those three words again, they have become ordinary, and the previous picture is gone. From this, Yunjing guesses that only by looking directly at those three words for the first time can he see the remnants of the old man's will.

It seems that he wants to tell the people who come after him that this place is already owned by the owner, nothing more.

It’s enclosure again…

With this thought appearing in his mind, Yunjing shook his head and continued to look at the words "Lichenju".

The fonts are round and smooth, and a breath of dust blows towards my face. These characters have a high artistic achievement and an extraordinary state. They are at least better than what Yun Jing can write now. They are about thirty stories high. Those three characters are worth mentioning.

In the outside world, I'm afraid there are people asking to buy it for a thousand dollars. It's handwritten by an expert, and it contains the other person's will. It's a good thing that even money can't buy.

Perhaps it was because there were remnants of the master's will on those words that the room was gathering dust, but the three words were still as brand new as if they had just been written on them, and even the wooden board had not been corroded by wind and rain.

Yunjing has a photographic memory, and it is impossible to forget anything he has seen.

At this moment, when he was looking at the three words, countless pictures flashed through his mind. Finally, he found the three words from a copybook he had read, and matched them with the three words on the hut below.

"It's him, that old man, the late Master Chen..."

In an instant, Yunjing understood a lot.

The copybook he had seen at the beginning was Master Chen's handwriting. It was copied by others and then copied by Yun Jingcai during his study. Of course, the copied version he had seen at the beginning could not contain Master Chen's will, but the glyphs and meanings of the characters did not.

Can match the number.

That's why Yunjing was able to infer the identity of the owner of the hut here from the words "Lichenju".

Master Chen was killed by the enemy a few years ago. When he died, the celestial phenomena changed. That was the living history of the mythical realm. A master with a lifespan of 500 years, he fiercely controlled exotic beasts such as the black-striped red tiger, so there was nothing good about it.


For such a person, it is not too much to encircle this place as his own retreat. It is understandable that he can contain his own will in the handwritten words for many years.

The existence and means of the mythical realm cannot be inferred using common sense.

After understanding that the owner of this room was the late Master Chen, Yun Jing, who was a junior, immediately stood in awe and looked at the thatched hut below with a lot of emotion in his heart.

Judging from the amount of dust accumulated in the hut, the year is exactly the same as the time of his death.

"That is to say, when Mr. Chen left, he probably had a vague feeling that he would never come back, so he took away everything in the hut. But he knew that he would never come back, so why?

Do you still want to have no hesitation?"

Yunjing doesn't think that the other party has lived enough. I'm afraid there is a reason why he has to go. As for the reason, Yunjing can't guess...

Master Chen left that day and could never come back. He left his mount, a red tiger with black stripes, here.

"Perhaps it is still waiting for the return of its owner. It has not seen its owner for many years, or it is missing it, or it is unwilling to be lonely, so it occasionally leaves this place and is discovered by the outside world."

Looking at the black-striped red tiger lazily basking in the sun below, Yunjing felt a little more emotional. The master and servant parted, but they were separated forever. It was still waiting for its master to return in a daze, and probably wanted to travel around with him.

The earth.

The master has a lifespan of five hundred and is a person who lives the same history. It is reasonable for such an existence to be accompanied by strange beasts.

As for why the outside world only has records about Confucius but not about this strange beast, I am afraid it is because Confucius himself did not want to disturb the world. People choose such remote places to raise their mounts, and they will not care about the world for decades.

It must show up, it is normal for the world not to know about this strange beast.

Of course, it is impossible to say that absolutely no one knows about the existence of this strange beast. It can be seen from the fact that people in the world have always been in the innate realm.

In a higher level of true artistic conception or even mythical realm, people with hands and eyes as far as the sky know that this strange beast and tiger is Master Chen's mount. Whether it is to give the other party a face or if they themselves do not dare to provoke it, they will naturally not come here.

The black-striped red tiger that can hang out with people like Master has been influenced by his ears and eyes, and his strength and intelligence are definitely far superior to ordinary beasts. From this, it can be inferred that the so-called tiger hunting conference will definitely become a joke.

"Huh? Think about it carefully. I just heard people say that there are strange beasts and tigers coming out, but no one said that strange beasts and tigers hurt people. Along the way, the people who died were all killed by other poisonous insects and beasts. So

At first glance, it can be concluded that this master's mount is biased toward humans. It does not want to hurt people and has a relatively docile personality. This can be seen from the fact that we just looked at it and ignored it when we discovered it before."

To put it bluntly, people staying here quietly do not shock the world, but people come to disturb its tranquility.

"Master Chen has fallen. He is a beast after all. I don't think I know it. Let him stay here and wait for his master to return. It can be regarded as a little thought. The beast is loyal and will not betray easily after recognizing its master."

, it may wait here forever. Although it has made some moves to go out, it has not gone to the outside human gathering place, and there is no harm. If someone wants to take the initiative to die, that is another matter."

Thoughts flickered, Yun Jing didn't want to disturb the tranquility here, just treat it as a unique study tour experience.

Without this experience, how would he know that Master Chen, who had fallen away for many years, still had such a secluded place, and how would he know that there was a strange beast waiting for his master's unscheduled return...

After thinking through various issues, Yunjing bowed to the hut below with full respect for the Master, and then took Su Xiaoye elsewhere.

Every master has made a huge contribution to the country and the people, which may not be felt by ordinary people, but those contributions are real. Such a figure deserves the respect of any knowledgeable person.

What did Master Chen contribute?

After his death, the dynasty announced a series of his contributions to the world.

He lived for four hundred and seventy-three years, and the first thirty years were a period of increasing knowledge. Even so, he traveled around the world and punished countless criminals with his sword.

After he was thirty years old, he became an official. Starting from a county magistrate, he went through ups and downs for forty years, becoming a prime minister along the way. The quality of life of the people in the places he governed was obviously better than that in other places. This is obvious to all.

After he reached the first rank, he put down several internal rebellions and brought stability to the country. He also went on many missions to other countries to bring peace to the borders...

These are just a small part of his contribution in life.

When he was nearly eighty years old, he resigned and returned home to devote himself to learning. This was the beginning of his real great contribution.

During the first twenty years when he devoted himself to learning, he summed up his own experiences and wrote several sets of important policies and tactics for governing the country and the people, which are still in use today and have far-reaching influence.

In another twenty years, he summarized pharmacology and wrote more than ten kinds of prescriptions to treat diseases that would have been fatal once obtained. During this period, he developed a drug that was easy to carry and could be mass-produced.

'Bing Liang Pill', eating one pill can keep ordinary soldiers from being hungry for a day and keep up with nutrition, which greatly improves the combat capability of the dynasty's army.

In the following decades, he successively summarized many things that benefited the country and the people from aspects of people's livelihood, military, medicine, etc.

What made him famous all over the world and became a master was an incident when he was two hundred years old. At that time, he had no interest in worldly affairs, traveled around the world, and found rice, a crop deep in the southern swamps, which made the world famous.

There was an extra kind of food, and he got the title of Master from then on, and was respected by the world.

In fact, rice has always existed. Villages in small places in the south grew it as food, but it was Chen Fuzi who 'brought it out' and promoted it, and he played a major role. Before that, people's food was almost

One bean is mainly wheat and millet.

Since then, Master Chen's merits have been perfected and he has stopped taking part in worldly affairs. However, anyone with a discerning eye knows that in fact Master Chen is still quietly working hard for this country, but at that time he no longer needed fame and fortune.

More than 180 years ago, there was a beast disaster in Minzhou, which was close to the Great Wilderness Forest. The tide of beasts passed by and devastated all life. The disaster was eliminated, and Master Chen's figure was vaguely there.

One hundred and fifty years ago, the Li River overflowed and floods affected more than a dozen states. Master Chen's figure was also looming, splitting mountains to divert the flow, building dams to block the river, and saving countless lives...

One by one like this, Master Chen’s contribution became known to the world.

But he lived too long. In his long life, people don’t know how many generations have changed. Many things in the past have slowly settled in history. If it weren’t for the dynasty’s edict, people would only know that he was a man who was respected by the world.

I admire the master who saw the dragon but never saw its end, but I don’t know what he did.

But now, Yun Jing feels that Master Chen should add one more contribution, leaving his mount in the place where the ferocious beasts are entrenched to suppress them and bring peace to the surrounding area!

The existence of the strange beast and tiger below plays a certain role in maintaining ecological balance, so that the terrible creatures here will not escape and cause harm to the world.

"Every action of the Master has far-reaching significance. Even if he dies, he will not forget the world. No wonder the 'Master' can become the spiritual belief of countless scholars. Such people cannot become spiritual beliefs. What kind of people are qualified? It is difficult to believe.

The emperor who sits in the temple and gives orders? The emperor is only the owner and leader of the country. He has great symbolic and practical significance. He is too far away from the existence of the Master to make real contributions to the people...


With these thoughts in mind, Yun Jing and Su Xiaoye did not go directly, but flew over the area, observing the mountains, rivers and land.

Since this place was already like this before Master Chen arrived, then the gathering of spiritual energy was not his handiwork. Yunjing wanted to find out the reason for the gathering of spiritual energy.

Of course, he does not necessarily want to figure it out, but is just out of pure curiosity. The gathering of spiritual energy is a natural phenomenon. So can we summarize the rules from such a natural phenomenon? The result is not important, what is important is the exploration.


Now, compared to the pursuit of fame and fortune in the world, Yunjing prefers to do these seemingly boring things.

In the jungle below and in the mountains outside, some people fight for their lives with wild beasts for a precious medicine. Some people fight with others because of beautiful women. This is their joy in life, and Yunjing also has his own fun things to do.


Using his mind to observe the mountains, rivers, land and rivers below, down to the underground rivers thousands of meters underground, up to the mountain tops with towering trees, everything in this area gradually appeared in Yunjing's mind. After a few rounds, in Su

Xiaoye was confused, everything here was completely presented in Yunjing's mind like a puzzle.

This is an extremely huge workload. You have to memorize every plant, tree, river, and mountain rocks in your mind. Even if you have a photographic memory for cloud scenes, you will end up feeling dizzy.

Fortunately, he does not need to reflect everything in his mind at once. He can observe and summarize it piece by piece like a puzzle, which greatly reduces the amount of thinking he uses.

The mountains, rivers and land of this area were imprinted in my mind, and finally Yunjing took Su Xiaoye to the sky above the west of this area.

Directly below their location, a thousand-meter-high mountain stood, covered with towering plants.

At the foot of the mountain, there is a cave less than two meters high, winding all the way down to a depth of more than a thousand meters underground. The cave has many branches, one of which winds for dozens of miles from the other side to the barren land outside the lush jungle.


The reason why he stayed above this place was because Yun Jing 'saw' that in a cave deep underground in the mountain, there existed the treasure of the Ming Soul Liquid that countless martial arts practitioners in the world dream of!

I have to admire the magic of nature.

The cave where the Ming Soul Liquid exists covers hundreds of square meters and is about ten meters high. It is filled with countless crystal clear crystal rocks, which is beautiful, but such a scenery can only be seen in the cloud scene.

In the center of the cave, an eight-meter-long emerald-like emerald-green crystal stalagmite hung down from the top, faintly glowing green.

The top of the stalagmite was filled with light, and a drop of emerald green liquid that was intoxicating seemed to fall, stubbornly sticking to the tip of the stalagmite.

Directly under the crystal stalagmite, there is a small pool, the size of a washbasin. Over the past many years, there has been a lot of emerald green spiritual liquid in the pool, and the amount should be about three liters.

It is green in color, has a dense light, and is produced underground...

It is exactly the same as the record of the animal skin that Yunjing kept in Wang Tianba's collection on Crouching Tiger Mountain. There is also a black-striped red tiger like a mountain here. From this, we can judge that it is indeed the spiritual fluid of the Ming Dynasty.

However, Yunjing cannot guarantee whether the effect will be as recorded. You have to try it to know.

Ming Soul Liquid is a green-colored liquid that emits light, but is more viscous than water. It is somewhere between water and jelly. It is similar to a non-bovine fluid. It has been accumulated underground for countless years.

So much, perhaps due to environmental factors, has not evaporated.

Under there, Yun Jing could vaguely detect signs that someone had been there, but it was obvious that he didn't know how many years had passed, and the traces were blurry. He thought it must have been someone who had left animal skin records.

He did not enter the underground through the jungle with countless ferocious beasts, but came in accidentally from the outside passage. There are marks left by him in the underground maze-like passage.

The man seemed to have come out of the jungle. There were faint traces at the entrance of the cave. I am afraid he saw the dangers here, then turned back and took the benefits of Ming Spirit Liquid and left. He should have seen a black-striped red tiger at the entrance of the cave.

, that’s why it’s recorded like that.

Of course, Ming Soul Liquid cannot be found only in this place in the world, otherwise there would be no record of its name and efficacy.

But getting this kind of thing is hard to come by, but at this moment, beneath the cloud scene, deep underground, there is a full three liters for him to take.

How much does it take for a martial arts practitioner to enter the true realm? Does it have to be an innate realm?

At this time, Yunjing was thinking about this issue. He remembered that it was recorded on the animal skin that those who took the Ming Soul Liquid and entered the true realm were in the middle stage of innateness.

"Brother Jing, what are we doing here?"

When Su Xiaoye saw Yun Jing standing in the void and meditating, she couldn't help but ask.

Smiling, Yunjing said: "Nothing, let's find a place to rest first."

At present, Yunjing does not plan to take away the spiritual fluid, as long as he knows the location.

First of all, we can’t find a suitable candidate to take it. After all, does the effect of this thing really mean that after taking it, you will have the opportunity to enter the true artistic conception? How can there be such a good thing in the world? It must at least be accumulated to a certain extent and have follow-up skills.

It’s a prerequisite, otherwise the strong ones in the true artistic conception will not be satisfied with Tian Fei, and I don’t know if that thing has any side effects. Yun Jing doesn’t dare to take it rashly and eat it for others. If it hurts someone, it will be a sin. If it does, it will be a sin.

The people around me are so regretful, and Yun Jing doesn’t know what to store that thing in. What if I randomly find something to store it in, and it goes bad? Does it cause a chemical reaction?

In short, he can fly now and has the ability to control objects with his mind. Once he knows the location, it will be very convenient to pick it up when the time is right.

Putting this matter aside for now, Yunjing took Su Xiaoye out of the dangerous jungle, went to the barren area outside, and found a safe open space to land on the ground.

There are many tall cacti growing here, and the fruits are ripe and very appetizing.

After coming to the ground, Su Xiaoye got familiar with the feeling of being back on the ground, then she broke away from Yun Jing's arms slightly, blushed and said: "Brother Jing, I... I'll go over there, don't peek."

As she said that, she ran away. Facing the gaze of the black-striped red tiger, she almost peed in fear and leaked a few drops. She was always embarrassed to say that she had to quickly find a place to relieve her embarrassing state after going to the ground.

The surroundings were relatively safe, but Yunjing still reminded him: "Little Ye Zi, please be careful."

Peep, are we that kind of person?

Then, Yunjing found a stone and sat down, picked the cactus fruits with his mind, ate them slowly, and waited for Su Xiaoye, and then began to think carefully about the gathering of spiritual energy.

"The gathering of spiritual energy is a natural formation, not man-made. The lush and lush jungle range of hundreds of miles is the key, but there are many beasts there, which often damage the environment. It seems to have nothing to do with plants. In this way, the plant factors can be eliminated, and the remaining

The environment of mountains, rivers and rivers..."

This chapter has been completed!
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