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Chapter 259: Boring and boring

Others are worried about how to make money, but Yunjing is worried about how to spend money.

He was not mistaken. After all, he had to consider how to use the small amount of money to sustain his life in the next few months.

"The ship fare will be fifty taels later, and I still have a few months to live on the ship. I still have...the rest..."

Thinking about it in his mind, Yun Jing suddenly looked a little unnatural, and subconsciously looked at the bookcase where he kept his money.

It seems that I have less than fifty taels of money left!

To be precise, there are still forty-eight two hundred and eighty-three copper coins...

It’s quite embarrassing. What will you do when the boatman comes to collect the fare?

"It's difficult to...", he muttered in his heart, and Yunjing's eyes secretly glanced at his shoes again.

It is probably because of the habit of putting money in the mobile phone case he brought in his previous life to prepare for emergencies. During this trip, in addition to the main expenses, he also habitually hid some money in his shoes, not much, just a few taels of silver.

That's all, it's a backup plan as a last resort.

As for the issue of diaphragmatic feet or not, do you still need to consider it? His power is enough to shape silver into any shape he wants!

"Now is the last resort. That is to say, after I took out the spare money and paid the shipping fee, I only had about two taels of silver left with me. I have to live for the next few months and have to pay for food, drink, and toilet.

And the things on board are so expensive..."

Thinking of this, Yunjing was in no mood at all. He just wanted to make money.

In fact, for him, there are still many ways to make money. Even if he puts aside the methods beyond the bottom line of morality and etiquette, he still has many ways to make money, and he still has ways to make money openly without cheating.

Thoughts flickered, Yun Jing had already made some plans, and would start the operation tomorrow. After all, people had just boarded the ship today and had not yet adapted to the life on the ship. It is estimated that not many people would come to spend money here.

Humph, are we the kind of people who betray our looks?

But having said that, it is often easier for good-looking people to make money. After all, no matter what time it is, regardless of gender, people always give too much preferential treatment and tolerance to good-looking people. This is very realistic.

Not worrying about not being able to get the shipping money later, Yunjing felt relieved. Looking at the hard-boiled egg in his hand, he didn't want to waste it. This was Uncle Zhou's wish, and giving it back to him would hurt people's self-esteem.

As for how Uncle Zhou, a poor farming man, could collect fifty taels of shipping money and enough money to live in the next few months, travel thousands of miles to see his daughter, Yunjing didn't want to try to figure it out.

It has nothing to do with him.

Maybe he lied and was not a farmer, but does that matter? If he hadn't lied, it would have been difficult to collect so much money. Why add salt to other people's wounds?

Meeting is fate, it is not easy for everyone, why bother to be so serious...

Yunjing didn't do any fancy tricks when peeling eggs. He cracked the eggshell normally and peeled it off little by little. Even if there was a little bit stuck on the eggshell, he put it in his mouth and ate it.

Pure local eggs, boiled, have a bit of fishy smell. One egg added to Yunjing's stomach with a little protein.

Of course, with his current physique, ordinary food is not enough to sustain his daily life. Most of it is supported by spiritual energy, and eating is purely habitual and instinctive.

Humans should live a normal life. If they eat and drink, they are human. If they don't eat or drink, they are gods.

Bai Zhi, who was peeking at Yun Jing from the opposite side, saw that Yun Jing had eaten the egg. She didn't know whether it was because she was cautious when traveling in the world, or because she didn't want to give others the impression of looking down on the poor. Anyway, Yun Jing ate all the eggs, and she didn't refuse Uncle Zhou's kindness.

However, her method of peeling eggs is much better than Yun Jing's. She pinches both ends of the egg with her right thumb and middle finger, flicks her index finger lightly, and the egg spins rapidly in her hand, and then peels off the egg shell little by little with her index finger nails.

It took more than ten seconds to peel it cleanly without damaging the white and yolk inside the egg.

Is this showing off your skills?

Looking back at the other party, Yun Jing gave a thumbs up and said, "Miss Bai's skill at peeling eggs is amazing."

"Young Master Yun received the award, it's nothing. When I was a child, my master taught me how to practice martial arts, so I used eggs to practice my skills. At that time, I still used raw eggs to peel them. Over time, I got used to it." Bai Zhi said with a smile, looking calm and generous, not staring hard.

The good-looking little brother didn’t try to avoid it, it looked very natural.

Nodding, Yunjing said: "So you have also practiced peeling eggs."

"It's not about peeling eggs, but it's about using eggs to practice the dexterity of your hands," Bai Zhi corrected.

Then Yunjing subconsciously looked at her hands. Although she was dressed very simply, her hands were slender and beautiful, and there was no callus.

People who practice martial arts do not have calluses on their hands. There are only two situations. Either the formation of calluses can be avoided by using precious medicinal materials during martial arts training, or the martial arts reaches a certain level, causing dead skin and calluses to break away.

Angelica dahurica doesn't look like a rich person, and she probably belongs to the latter group.

These are all experiences. Now Yunjing can roughly tell the level of martial arts practitioners without using his mind to observe. This Bai Zhi is at least a little master who has developed internal strength later in life. Maybe Luo Zheng will not be her opponent.


Having said that, without some skills and means, a girl like her probably wouldn't have the guts to run a long distance alone.

"It seems that Miss Bai has great skills in her skills," Yun Jing nodded and said. He didn't drive secretly, but because he heard the other party's sincere praise after she had practiced her skills specifically.

Bai Zhi stuffed the peeled egg into her mouth, her cheeks were bulging, and she said humbly and vaguely: "It's just so so. In fact, what I'm best at is using the sword."

At least eight out of ten people who practice martial arts in the world use swords, and Yun Jing doesn't find it strange at all.

Looking at the dagger she held with the hilt covered with pulp, Yun Jing said: "Miss Bai uses a dagger. As the saying goes, one inch is shorter and one inch is dangerous. The more people use short weapons, the higher their martial arts skills. I guess Miss Bai's martial arts are good."


"Master Yun seems to have a lot of insights into martial arts?" Bai Zhi did not comment on her martial arts skills. Instead, she looked at Yun Jing and asked slightly curiously.

Smiling, Yunjing said: "I can't speak of opinions. I have practiced martial arts for several years and my martial arts skills are mediocre."

"Master Yun is a scholar, so you don't have to worry too much about martial arts..." As she said this, Miss Bai Zhi became a little confused.

She suddenly realized that she couldn't understand Yunjing at all.

Apart from his appearance, Yunjing is not very old, but it is easy for people to ignore his age when getting along with him. Then, Yunjing is a scholar, which can be heard from his conversation. The problem is that Yunjing, a scholar, has so much money on his hands.

There is no callus at all. A scholar never leaves his hand with his pen. How can he be learned without calluses on his hand? If he is good at martial arts, that would make sense. The problem is that Bai Zhi did not feel any internal energy fluctuations in Yun Jing.

It is not impossible to say that Yunjing has achieved innate aura and restraint at this age, but the chance is too small...

At this time, someone came to the cabin and interrupted the communication between the two.

The people who came here were the ones collecting fees from the cargo ship. They probably wanted to avoid wrangling when it came to collecting the fees. The people who came were not good people. There were four or five people in the group, and there was a person who was a martial arts practitioner in the later stages of his life.

It is a matter of course that you pay money when you ride on someone else's boat, and Yunjing and the others paid it.

After waking up, Luo Zheng took out a few silver ingots from the package and handed them to him, then turned over and continued to sleep. Yun Jing vaguely felt that Luo Zheng was a little seasick...

Then Yunjing Baizhi and Zhou Mu were in similar situations. They each dug around for their change and collected fifty taels. None of the three were rich people.

After paying the money, the boatman gave each of them a wooden tag with a special number on it, which served as a proof of payment.

He held less than two taels of broken silver in his hand but it was still warm. This was Yunjing’s last possession. It was imperative to find a way to make money!

Traveling by boat is boring. After paying the money, Yunjing lost interest in talking and simply lay down and rested for a while.

In the afternoon, Luo Zheng woke up and suggested that he should go for something to eat. Yunjing Baizhi went with him. Uncle Zhou Mu said that he would not go because he had brought dry food with him.

Luo Zheng should be quite rich, but probably to take care of Yunjing and the others, the three of them went to a restaurant with poor conditions to have a big meal together.

It's a bit expensive, only ten coppers per person. The portion is not much, the taste is not good, and there is not much oil or water.

Yun Jing didn't mind it, as long as he had something to eat, he ate nothing. Bai Zhi also finished the meal without changing his expression. As for Luo Zheng, one portion was not enough for him. He ran back and forth ten times before finally finishing it.

He said he barely ate half full.

Luo Zheng paid the money, and he said he would pay for the meal, and looked anxious if he wouldn't let him do it.

Yun Jing secretly thought that you should have told me earlier. If you had told me earlier, I guess Uncle Zhou Mu would not refuse to come for dinner...

After the meal, a few people went for a walk on the deck. This was a cargo ship, and there were piles of cargo everywhere. There was nothing to walk around. At most, they could just stand by the ship and look at the mountains and rivers. It was boring.

When the sun set, they all went back to the cabin.

Girls love to be clean. After returning to the cabin, Bai Zhi went to a special washing place with a salute that never left her body.

Yunjing thought about it and went. When he got there, he learned that it would cost two copper coins to wash up. He turned around and left. It was a waste of money. Can't I get a ball of water to wash myself?

As night fell, Yunjing quietly washed himself and went back to the cabin to sleep. When he returned to the cabin, he vaguely noticed that there was a vague orchid fragrance in the cabin, and the source was emanating from the Angelica dahuricae.

Her hair was not completely dry, and Yunjing guessed that she had taken a shower before.

They met for the first time, chatted for a while, and then went to sleep.

The four people behaved differently when sleeping. Luo Zheng lay carelessly on the narrow bed, Zhou Mu hugged Xingli tightly in his arms, Bai Zhi was a girl after all, and the dagger never left his hand in his arms, and it was estimated that any trouble would

She will get violent and hurt others. Girls are always used to protecting themselves when they go out.

As for Yun Jing, it doesn't matter. He sleeps naturally. His senses are sharp and he will wake up immediately if there is any hostility or danger approaching.

The first day passed like this, it was a really boring and boring journey.

And this kind of journey will last for several months. To be honest, most people really can't stand this kind of life.

Yun Jing woke up as usual early the next morning, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Bai Zhi's big, round butt facing him...

Don't get me wrong, I was wearing clothes, but because of sleeping, the clothes were pressed a little tight, and then the amazing curvature of the silhouette was revealed.

She is the material for giving birth to a son...

He muttered in his heart, "Don't look at anything inappropriate." After one glance, Yunjing looked away.

Slowing down his movements, Yunjing got up, took his luggage and left the cabin. He moved slowly and did not disturb others. He came to the deck and there was no one around. He got a ball of water from the river to wash up, and then practiced martial arts on horseback.

Work hard and never slack off for a day.

By the way, he was thinking about how to make money.

In fact, there are only a few common ways for scholars to make money. Don't even think about making money by writing letters to people on a ship. Everyone is traveling far away, and they have only been away for a day, so there is no need to rush to report that they are safe.

After much thought, Yunjing decided to set up a stall on the boat to help people make money by painting.

He didn't plan to paint any artistic paintings, so he just painted portraits for people. With his control over details, the paintings he drew with sketches were no different from black and white photos. He thought someone should take care of the business.

There is a saying that Yun Jing's poetry level is not good, but he is still good at playing music, chess, calligraphy and painting.

This chapter has been completed!
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