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Chapter 269 The problem is serious

Life on the ship is boring. Even though I had just slept all day, not long after I woke up, I actually ran to bed and lay down...

I was muttering in my heart, and I was aware of the movement and cloud scenery outside, so I decided to go out and take a look.

In fact, he can know what's going on without going out. Isn't this boring? Although he has a beautiful woman as his companion, he can't get started, so he might as well go out to kill time.

After getting out of bed and carrying her luggage, Yunjing asked her, "Do you want to go take a look?"

When going out, Yunjing, who has had the experience of being robbed, is used to carrying the salute with him.

Bai Zhi dexterously turned over and got out of bed, her jade feet accurately landed on her shoes and nodded, "I'll go too."

Zhou Mu didn't move. He was just a simple farmer. He came here just to see his daughter who had been married for many years. No matter what happened outside, he had no intention of being busy or anything like that.

Poor people can't stand the trouble...

Yunjing and Bai Zhi came outside one after another and found many people standing on the deck, pointing at the river in the distance.

From people's conversations and the situation on the river, Yunjing quickly learned what happened.

Bodies appeared on the river.

Dead people are not a trivial matter at any time, and it is reasonable to attract people's attention, especially since there are more than one corpse on the river!

"Look, there's a body over there."

"I saw three bodies in total. They all floated from upstream. I don't know if there are any more."

"Judging from the condition of the body, the time of death should be about a day. How could such a thing happen?"

"What should we do? Should we salvage the body? Or report it to the official?"

People are talking a lot about the corpses appearing on the river. It is a bit unlucky to encounter such things when going out, especially when corpses appear one after another on the river, which may be related to their own safety, and people's expressions are not good-looking.

"How could this happen? Those people obviously drowned," Bai Zhi glanced at the corpses on the river from a distance and frowned.

Yun Jing looked at them for a moment and then frowned and said: "They were indeed drowned. There were no injuries on their bodies, but looking at their clothes, they were obviously dressed as sailors. It stands to reason that such people have been making a living on the river all year round and are very good at water. Why did they end up drowned?"

The fate of death?”

"This..." After hearing what Yun Jing said, Bai Zhi didn't know and didn't know how to answer.

But at this time, Yunjing was thinking a lot. Could such a thing happening upstream be related to the suspicious person Xing Guangning and the others caught on the ship?

Although the person who was caught is dead and there is no follow-up, but such a situation occurs upstream, Yunjing cannot tolerate not connecting it.

At this time, a small boat was put down from the cargo ship, and someone rowed it towards the corpses, obviously to salvage them.

The person who directed the boat to salvage the corpse was Xing Guangning. He was standing high on the bow of the ship. His face was not very good. I am afraid that he and Yun Jing wanted to go together and wanted to understand the situation through the corpse.

The three corpses were salvaged, but before the boat could return, another corpse appeared at the meeting.

When this happens again, most people on the cargo ship become anxious. This is definitely not a good sign. If you continue to move forward, will you encounter such a fate?

"The dead people are definitely more than the ones we see!" Bai Zhi frowned.

It's okay if one or two drown, but if they appear one after another, it becomes a serious problem.

"Mr. Yun, I don't know if it's convenient for you. Our boss would like to ask you to come over." At this time, a sailor came to Yun Jing and said.

Yunjing guessed that Xing Guangning was looking for him about corpses. After all, he had told him not long ago that corpses could talk. He wanted to find out what was going on, so he nodded and said, "Please lead the way."

Bai Zhi hesitated a little and followed.

In fact, as soon as Yunjing saw the corpse in Jiang Shang, he extended his telepathy to check the situation in Jiangmen. Within the range of his senses, there were far more corpses than the few he saw!

In just a moment, Yunjing had already 'seen' dozens or twenty corpses. Some were far away and could not be seen with the naked eye on the boat. Some were underwater, but Yunjing did not see the source.

Soon Yunjing met Xing Guangning and the others again.

"Mr. Yun, you have seen all the corpses on the river. This reminds me of the suspicious man who committed suicide immediately after we caught him. Now several corpses have been salvaged on the boat. It is not convenient to bring this boat up. You

I said corpses can talk, so I would like to ask you to come with us to see what's going on and help analyze it. I wonder if Mr. Yun can help?" Xing Guangning said as soon as he saw Yun Jing.

He also saw that the dead people were dressed as sailors. If he didn't figure out the situation, it was very likely that the next corpse that appeared on the river would be the people on this ship!

The purpose of finding him was the same as what he thought. Yunjing did not delay, nodded and said: "Without further delay, let's go."

Bai Zhi, who was following, glanced at Yun Jing in surprise, thinking that he was not afraid of corpses at all, even though he was so polite. Normal people would always avoid corpses when encountering them, even if they were scared to death, but Yun Jing was actually still afraid of corpses.

Take the initiative to move forward.

I also discovered a special thing about Yunjing, that he never panics when encountering anything...

After a while, the small boat carrying four corpses came back and approached the cargo ship, but it did not get on board. Instead, it hung on the cargo ship and followed it. Many people on the deck watched with mixed emotions.

Xing Guangning asked someone to put down the rope ladder, and they came to the boat.

Yun Jing took a closer look and saw that three of the four corpses were dressed as sailors, all in their twenties, already white and swollen from soaking, and one was a woman in her thirties.

None of them had any injuries on their bodies, and it looked like they were simply drowned.

"Could it be that the boat capsized upstream?" Xing Guangning frowned after looking at it for a moment. Such puzzling things appeared one after another, which made him a little upset.

He is not afraid of danger or trouble. He only cares about things that use his brain.

He couldn't see anything, so he asked Yunjing: "Master Yun, do you see anything?"

Yun Jingxin said that I am not a god, but I can see a ghost just based on this drowned corpse.

But he still frowned and said: "These people were drowned. This can be seen at a glance, but if there are too many deaths, there will be a problem, especially those who are obviously dressed as sailors. They make a living on the river, and their water quality must not be bad.

They all drowned. This is definitely not a normal capsizing accident. After all, every large ship is equipped with an escape boat. Unless the ship suddenly sank, they were sucked into the water and choked to death."

"That's my guess, but as far as I know, from here onwards, there are safe rivers for hundreds of miles. There are no reefs. How could there be a major shipwreck that would make it too late to escape?" Xing Guangning frowned.

There were no injuries on the body, which ruled out the reason for being robbed.

With his thoughts flickering, Yun Jing said: "There is another possibility, that is, someone sabotaged the ship and artificially caused the shipwreck!"

As soon as these words came out, Xing Guangning and others subconsciously looked at each other, thinking of the suspicious person who was caught and died.

If the other party got on board, did they also want to sink their ship?

Thinking of this, they couldn't help but feel scared. Fortunately, they found it in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous. Maybe they could survive, but a large number of people would definitely die, and if the ship sank, the losses would be huge, enough to bankrupt Xing Guangning and others!

So much cargo is gone and we can’t keep it with us. Many people on board the boat have died. Why shouldn’t we be held responsible? The government will investigate.

"It doesn't make sense. It's okay to be robbed by river bandits, but it's just for people to sink the boat. How can you be so relieved?" Xing Guangning said tangledly.

Yunjing suddenly asked him: "Brother Xing, your cargo ship mainly transports grain, oil, cloth, etc., right?"

"Yes", Xing Guangning nodded.

Then Yunjing asked again: "Brother Xing, do you know that there are many ships transporting these things to the north recently?"

After thinking about it, Xing Guangning nodded and said: "Brother Yun, don't tell me. As far as I know, there are quite a lot of ships transporting these things recently. I know several friends who operate cargo ships. They have to transport these things to the north recently.


After hearing what he said, Yun Jing's face suddenly turned gloomy.

"Master Yun, what did you think of?" Bai Zhi asked, she had never seen Yun Jing's face look so gloomy before.

Taking a deep breath, Yun Jing said: "Brother Xing, who do you think least wants to see these things shipped to the north smoothly?"

"This..." Xing Guangning thought of something, but couldn't grasp the clue for the moment and didn't know how to answer.

Yunjing gave them a hint and said: "Winter will begin in the north in two months, and at the northern border, our Dali Dynasty has been fighting wars with three other countries for so many years!"

With his heart skipping a beat, Xing Guangning blurted out two words: "Enemy country!"

Nodding, Yunjing said: "It is bitterly cold in the north, and there must be a truce after winter. And our Dali Dynasty has millions of troops stationed in the north, and the daily consumption of materials is a huge number. The north alone cannot supply it, and the Li River

As one of the main supply routes to the north, once this supply route is cut off by the enemy, supplies cannot be transported to the north. The soldiers will have no food or clothing. After all, many people will freeze to death and starve to death when winter comes. The chain reaction is likely to cause

Total collapse!”

"If this is the case, many things can be explained. The enemy has deliberately sneaked into our territory. The purpose is to cut off supplies. They don't need to kill people. They only need to sink the ship to achieve their goal. Although our ship is transporting things,

It is not transported directly to the army, but there is a high probability that these things will flow into the army and become military items. We are just one of them. Some people sneak into the ship with the intention of sabotaging the ship. After being caught, they commit suicide as soon as possible to avoid exposing this sinister purpose."

Xing Guangning gritted his teeth and said.

"I'm afraid the truth is pretty much what we guessed!" Yunjing said in a deep voice.

Xing Guangning's nephew was also here. When he thought that a little person like himself would be involved in a struggle between countries, he couldn't help but feel his scalp numb, and he asked anxiously: "Then what should we do next?"

"We must not let the enemy's conspiracy succeed!" Xing Guangning said with cold eyes.

Xiaofei struggled and said, "But what can little people like us do?"

After decades of living, Xing Guangning soon came up with his own opinion, saying: "Whether it is for credibility or for feelings of family and country, things must be sent to the north. What we have to do next is to continue to go north while

Report this matter to the government. The government has a department dedicated to dealing with enemy countries. They will not sit idly by and do nothing. They must also notify other cargo ships to strengthen their vigilance. Every time a ship's supplies are lost, many soldiers who have fought bloody battles will not be able to survive.

It’s winter”

"What to do with these corpses?" Bai Zhi asked.

Xing Guangning said: "This is no longer our matter. Let's inform the government and they will organize manpower to salvage it. By the way, even if the ship is sunk, it is impossible for everyone on the ship to die. There must be survivors, Xiao Fei

, ask someone to send a small boat to search ahead. If they encounter survivors, ask them to claim the bodies and learn about the situation."

"Okay, I'll go right away," Xiao Fei nodded.

But Yun Jing looked upstream and frowned: "If things are as we guessed, it would be great if there are still people alive. We can follow the clues and uproot these ambitious guys!"

"Originally, one person was caught, but the other person was too cunning. Seeing that there was no hope of running away, he committed suicide. It was obviously to prevent this kind of thing from being exposed," Xing Guangning said tangledly.

Yunjing was disgusted with the people who sank the ship. Putting aside his feelings about his family and country, those were all grains grown by farmers with so much hard work. The ship sank at the bottom of the river, so much grain was wasted. So far,

So far, we still don’t know how many ships transporting food have been sunk. How much food will be needed?

Ever since he was young, he had witnessed how difficult it was for his parents to farm. Yun Jing could not wait to cut into pieces those who wasted food.

This chapter has been completed!
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