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Chapter 279 Impossible, absolutely impossible!

The capital was too big, so Yunjing was stumped by the question of where to find the eldest princess. It would be a tangle if she was not in the capital.

Not to mention, there is a high chance that the eldest princess is not in the capital. After all, her master led troops to the border...

"If you really can't find the eldest princess, you can just give those things to the emperor. He can't run around. However, giving things to the emperor involves a problem, that is, there may be mythical characters in the palace who can't even extend their telekinesis.

Insurance, if someone follows the 'network cable' and finds me..."

With a headache, Yunjing simply stopped thinking about it and went to see the eldest princess first.

After all, the eldest princess is not married yet, so the palace is his home...

Thinking of this, Yun Jing got even more headache. He went around and around but still couldn't get around the pit of the palace.

"There are spies planted by the enemy country around the eldest princess, and there are also spies around the emperor. There are even ant towers. Although they are hidden, they are indeed there. Therefore, without touching the palace, transfer those things to the servants.

None of them are safe!"

Yun Jing was so depressed that his hair straightened. The enemy's spies had such a big net that they could penetrate everything without revealing anything.

This is not Niujiao Town. You can't do it even if you throw a small piece of paper in secret. If you don't pay attention, if someone knows your specialness, your life will probably be out of the question, and it will be impossible to be free...

When Yunjing was at a loss for what to do and decided that he had no choice but to go around the palace first, he saw an acquaintance within the range of his telepathy.

"Lao Wan? Hey, isn't it the case that when you feel sleepy, someone will give you a pillow?"

After seeing that acquaintance, Yunjing's eyes lit up and he had an idea.

Lao Wan was the old eunuch who followed the eldest princess to Niujiao Town. He had true artistic conception. Yunjing had met him secretly once before, but he still recognizes him (her?) now. After all these years, the years have not faded in his face.

There are not many traces left on his body, but the aura on his body is deeper than before.

Take him with you to Niujiao Town. Wan Gonggong can be regarded as the confidant of the eldest princess. Yunjing did not see his name on the detailed list of enemy countries. He passed him to the eldest princess through him, and he secretly paid attention to it.

, the problem is solved, then you only need to pay attention to the results.

A few streets away, Eunuch Wan walked out of the Yamen of Jingzhao Mansion. He was cautious in front of the eldest princess, but now when he was alone, even the top leaders of Jingzhao Mansion had to be careful to accompany her with a smile on her face.

"Master Wang, please stay. Since we are disturbing our family, I will not delay Master Wang's business. Your Highness the Princess is still waiting for me to return to my life." Eunuch Wan stopped and turned around and said with a smile.

Although he is a subordinate of the eldest princess, he does not show a condescending attitude to put her in trouble when he goes out, and his attitude towards officials is very gentle.

Mr. Wang was also shown to be too groveling. He smiled normally and said: "The princess's matter is important, so I won't keep my father-in-law around anymore. Please also tell the princess that I will investigate the matter of the assassination of the princess and leave it to Her Highness the Princess."

And give an explanation to the princess.”

"Then I'll excuse you, Mr. Wang, and take my leave." Eunuch Wan nodded, then turned and left.

He came to Jingzhao Mansion this time to promote the case of the princess being assassinated some time ago. Although the assassin was not involved and the princess was just frightened, the eldest princess liked the princess very much. Regarding this case,

If you ask me in person, the people below will naturally be more cautious.

Nothing is trivial in heaven!

The assassinated princess was not of royal blood, but a descendant of a duke. In order to maintain the relationship with the duke, the royal family would naturally not be stingy with titles for mere princesses...

After leaving Jingzhao Mansion, Eunuch Wan was about to take a sedan chair back to the palace, but when the servants opened the curtain of the sedan chair, he who was about to enter made a move, and a sharp look in his eyes disappeared.

At that moment, the surrounding wind seemed to have forgotten to blow, and pedestrians within a radius of several hundred meters felt an inexplicable chill for a moment.

Mr. Wang, who was about to return to the Yamen not far away, was startled. He turned around and glanced at Eunuch Wan with confusion. What could have happened that caused such a big change in his mood?

Forget it, one more thing is worse than one less thing. Don't mess with the people in the palace. Just pretend you don't know. Mr. Wang thought so and left peacefully.

Eunuch Wan quickly calmed down after a momentary change in mood. He got on the sedan naturally, and his voice came from inside the sedan: "Has anyone been near here just now?"

How could the person carrying the sedan chair not feel the fluctuations in his breath caused by his previous emotional changes? At this time, a eunuch carrying the sedan chair said in a hushed voice: "When I return to my father-in-law, no one will be around. This slave and the others can guarantee this with their heads."

"Well, let's go back to the palace," Eunuch Wan said calmly, and then added two words: "Hurry!"


The eunuch carrying the sedan did not dare to hesitate and used his Qinggong skills to carry the sedan to the palace.

In the sedan chair, Wan Eunuch was holding a piece of paper with a gloomy expression on his face, his brows almost wrinkled into the Chinese character "Chuan".

I don't know who it was, but silently placed a piece of paper on his sedan chair. This was the source of his emotional change.

Who is so bold?

And no one noticed that such a piece of paper was placed!

Is it difficult for the person who put this piece of paper to know the consequences of doing so?

Compared to the content on the paper and who put it, these are just trivial matters.

There is very little content on the paper, only a few sentences. It says that the eldest princess is asked to go to pick up something from somewhere on Baima Street. The specific item is too important to be revealed, so the eldest princess must be asked to pick it up in person.

In addition, anyone who goes to pick up the note will be worried. If the eldest princess does not go there in person, the thing will not be shown to anyone!

Originally, Eunuch Wan would not alert Her Highness the Eldest Princess to such a thing. No matter who put this note, you dare not even see the light. How can you tolerate a sneaky person like you instructing the Eldest Princess to do things?

?When the subordinates’ problems are solved secretly.

And based on the contents of the paper, it can be inferred that the person who left the note has not gone far at all and is secretly monitoring him. No matter who this person is, he can just find him.

But Eunuch Wan suddenly thought of something, and he couldn't help but pay attention to it and immediately went to inform Her Royal Highness the Princess.

He thought about the note that appeared in the princess's mansion in Niujiao Town. That time he directly uncovered a group of enemy spies, and the other party also conveyed the information that someone wanted to assassinate the eldest princess!

Now this kind of thing has happened again, and the handwriting is almost the same as before, but it is better than before.

In other words, that person also came to the capital with him!

In this way, Eunuch Wan does not dare to make his own decisions. No matter what the other party wants to convey to Her Highness the Princess, Her Royal Highness must handle the matter.

"Who could it be? Even with such means, I can't find out. His cultivation level is definitely more than the true realm, but there are only so many existences in the mythical realm in the world, and if those existences have something to do, they can just go to the eldest princess directly, why bother?


On the way back to the palace, Wang Gonggong thought about it but couldn't think of any clue.

That little brat Yunjing was completely out of his consideration...

That note was naturally placed by Yun Jing. It was not difficult to avoid the people around the sedan with his methods. He could only rest assured that the list was in the hands of the eldest princess. Even if he was sure that there was nothing wrong with Eunuch Wan, he would not add it to her.

After all, the list was too important to make any mistakes.

His 'sight' followed Eunuch Wan until he reached the cloud scene outside the palace wall before retracting his 'sight'. In a place like the palace, even if his telepathy was silent, he would not dare to risk reaching into it now.

Next we just waited for the eldest princess to appear.

Yunjing didn't know how Wan Eunuch negotiated with the eldest princess after he returned to the palace, but half an hour later, the figure of the eldest princess Xia Ziyue appeared in Yunjing's range of senses.

She is still the same as she was a few years ago, and time seems to have forgotten this person.

The eldest princess traveled in simple clothes and did not make any fanfare.

But the identity of the eldest princess is so dazzling, no matter how low-key she is, she cannot be silent. Everyone who sees her kneels down to salute, but she does not care about what others think of her trip, and goes straight to Baima Street.


"Throwing a small note to the eldest princess again, tsk..." Thinking of this, Yun Jing felt a little irritated when he saw the eldest princess appear.

With the appearance of the eldest princess, Yunjing clearly felt that the atmosphere in many places was wrong, but he couldn't pinpoint what was wrong, and he didn't care. He knew with all his strength that someone was secretly investigating his actions.

Let's just investigate. There were so many streets and several kilometers away. Everything was normal. The investigation couldn't find anything on his head. Yun Jing didn't take it to heart.

On the other side, the eldest princess took Eunuch Wan and a few maids to Baima Street quickly. Walking so far, normal pedestrians would no longer recognize her. Of course, with her dress and temperament, she was a bit of a pushover.

They didn't dare to get close to her. There were crouching tigers and hidden dragons in the capital, and no one with a bit of discernment would easily provoke her.

After arriving here, she asked Eunuch Wan: "Where is the specific location?"

"Back to the princess, the other party didn't tell me," Eunuch Wan said anxiously. The piece of paper left by Yun Jing did not leave the exact location.

The eldest princess nodded calmly and said: "In that case, just walk around. If the other party asks me to come to Baima Street, things will definitely appear in front of me."

After carefully observing the calm expression of the eldest princess, Eunuch Wan hesitated and said: "Your Highness, that person appeared a few years ago, and now he appears again. It is of great importance. Do you want to find him?"

"You have never stopped looking for that person all these years. Have you found him?" The eldest princess looked at him lightly and said.

Eunuch Wan trembled all over, sweating on his forehead and said: "This slave deserves to die."

The eldest princess had said that there was no need to investigate, but Lao Wan was secretly investigating. Although he had good intentions, it was against his master's will. If he was blamed..., how could he not be afraid?

"I don't blame you, you are just thinking about me, so forget it if you can't find him. He doesn't want to show up, and he has no ill intentions toward me, so there's no need to force him," the eldest princess said calmly.

Eunuch Wan nodded and said, "I understand."

They were wandering around, and when they passed a deserted alley, a drain opened inexplicably, and then a thick stack of paper flew out of the ground and fell into the alley.

The senses of the eldest princess and others are so sharp. Apart from the first time they noticed the movement of those things, they didn't notice any other abnormality.

Eunuch Wan realized that those things were being handed over to the eldest princess by the person behind the scenes, and said: "Your Highness, my servant will help you get them."

"No, I'll go by myself, you stay here," the eldest princess shook her head and walked over.

No one dared to go against her will, and Eunuch Wan and others stayed behind.

"What surprise are you going to give me again...", the eldest princess thought to herself as she stepped over, with a slight smile on her lips.

Looking at the dark cloud scene in the distance, my scalp felt numb for no reason when I saw this scene. I thought to myself that the eldest princess knew that she was up to something, right?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

When the eldest princess got the list information given by Yun Jing, she took a quick look and saw that she had a smile on her lips before, but she couldn't smile the next moment.

What big scene has she never seen before? But the content she got still made her scalp numb with shock.

She took a deep breath to calm down. The matter was too serious. She subconsciously alerted her surroundings. She turned around with those things as if nothing had happened and said to Eunuch Wan and others: "I got the things. Let's go back to the palace."

Eunuch Wan and others naturally had no objections. He was curious to see what the eldest princess was holding, but what greeted him was the eldest princess's cold gaze.

"This slave deserves to die." Seeing the eldest princess's gaze, Eunuch Wan trembled with fright.

The eldest princess did not mention his move, but asked: "Where is your Majesty at this time?"

Actually want to alarm His Majesty?

Eunuch Wan realized that his actions just now, which he just wanted to take a look at, might have ruined his future...

This chapter has been completed!
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