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Chapter 28 On the Road

The roads in Xiaoxi Village are very narrow. There is no wide road that can pass the carriages and oxcarts. Even the roads leading to each house are the kind of paths that two people have to give way to when they meet head-on.

If two people meeting each other carry a lot of things, it will be troublesome to give way.

There are no plants in the middle of this kind of path. The villagers have trampled on it day after day for many years, making the stones on the road extremely smooth, and there seems to be a layer of patina...

The road condition in the village is not good, and it is similar outside the village.

A path that is difficult for two people to walk side by side winds on the field ridge, beside the stream, and among the woods until far away.

Xiaoxi Village got its name from its close proximity to a creek.

The stream came from the mountains, and the clear water gurgled into the distance. Its widest part was no more than ten meters, and the water depth in many places was no more than knee level.

This stream can be said to be the lifeblood of the entire Xiaoxi Village. People’s drinking water comes from it, most paddy fields are irrigated by it, and laundry is also washed...

The morning light is bright in the sky, and the villagers going to the town are walking through the mist, walking on the morning dew, talking and laughing. Their faces are not sad because of the difficult life, after all, they are used to it.

Habit is a very scary thing, poverty and suffering. Once you get used to it, you will feel that such a life is natural, and you will no longer feel the bitterness.

It is not easy for the villagers of Xiaoxi Village to go to the town. After all, it is dozens of miles and they have to walk on their legs.

Almost all of them are empty-handed. Some are carrying burdens, some are carrying baskets, and some are carrying heavy objects...

The air was cold in the spring morning, but the villagers carrying heavy goods were already hot and sweating not long after leaving the village. Some villagers even had to take off their clothes to cool down.

No one stopped because they had to come back today and they didn't have enough time.

Fortunately, the villagers are used to hard work. During the autumn harvest, a hundred kilograms of grain can last for a whole day without stopping. They are just carrying heavy objects to town. Traveling dozens of miles is not a problem for them.

Yunjing even guessed that in terms of physical strength and endurance, many of the veterans who carried heavy zippers in his past life memories might not be as good as these villagers.

Look, each villager carries a weight of more than 100 kilograms, many of which exceed 100 kilograms. They are obviously hot and sweaty, but they still have the energy to chat, fart and brag. There is really no one else with this physical strength and endurance.

Comparing secretly in his heart, Yunjing got a result that made him ashamed. That is, even if he compared himself with these villagers when his physical fitness was at its peak in his previous life, walking on this road, he would not necessarily be able to carry more weight than these people with bare hands.

The villagers came easily...

Thinking that he is also a child of a peasant family, he may be able to develop such physical fitness in the future. Gee, Yunjing estimates that he will have a lot of fun in the future.

Yunjing doesn't have any sense of superiority just because he was reincarnated with the memories of his previous life. He still knows when to do what and what kind of life to live.

It's like he is a farmer's son now. If he can't even do the most basic duties well and just tries to make trouble with some experience and knowledge, will he be able to succeed?

The so-called knowledge and experience must be combined with reality to be effective. If you cannot even understand the most basic situation, the so-called knowledge and experience are largely nonsense.

Just like farming, Yunjing knows that farmyard manure can increase food production, but knowing is one thing, and you have to take action, right? If you don't work and put farmyard manure into the ground, just knowing this can produce food.


He is now a farmer's child, and maybe his family's life will get better in the future, but he doesn't think that he will not have to do farm work in the future. Who can say clearly about the future? Let's stay for now.

He is not a very ambitious person, nor is he a person who likes to seek excitement, nor is he a person who is good at taking risks. If he had these characteristics, he would not have lived so mediocrely in his previous life for decades.

Of course, although ordinary days lack a lot of thrills and excitement, they are better than stability. At least in his previous life, Yunjing had not been in trouble for decades, nor had he had a bloody fight with anyone.

He doesn't think that such a life is meaningless. The meaning of life is too philosophical and too high-minded. He is just a mediocre person, so it is not something he should consider.

Is it because the mobile phone is not fun or the games are not good?

Ordinary days also have their own sources of fun.

In the final analysis, Yun Jing is just an ordinary person. Like more than 99% of the people in the world, he lives a mediocre life and cannot be on TV even if he dies.

Whether in the past life or in this life, live your life steadily, and let’s talk about other things later...

As we walked again and again, the sun gradually rose, illuminating the misty mist in the mountains and making the morning dew crystal clear and reflective. With such a scene, the poem "The sun shines on the incense burner creates purple smoke" suddenly popped up in Yunjing's head.

Although he didn't see the incense burner, he felt that when Li Bai wrote this poem, he was probably in the same mood as himself. He calmed down, took in all the beauty of nature, and was moved by the beauty of the world.

The difference is that Yun Jing has no artistic talent, and he cannot write beautiful poems like Li Bai, but his perception of the beautiful things in the world is the same.

To be honest, traveling is a very hard thing. Even though Yunjing didn't walk a step, he was carried by Yunshan along the way. But after all, he was only in his early two years, and it was really uncomfortable under the bumps.

Fortunately, his attention was distracted by the surrounding scenery and he was thinking about some random things in his head, so he didn't feel so uncomfortable.

On the contrary, it was his father who was really tired. He was covered in hot sweat but he didn't stop even one step.

Obviously he is still at the age of a spirited young man, but he has gradually become the backbone of the family. The family is everything to him, forcing him to think about the family first in all his actions, even thinking about his dreams in his spare time.

There are no qualifications.


Somehow, Yunjing looked at Yunshan who was dripping with sweat and screamed.

He immediately asked: "What's wrong with Xiao Jing? Is he feeling uncomfortable somewhere? Look, I told you not to come but you have to come."

"It's okay," Yunjing replied with a grin, and then began to look at the road again.

He simply wanted to call him daddy.

It is not easy for every father in the world.

In the eyes of their children, fathers should be all-powerful supermen, but Yun Jing, who has memories of his past life, believes that for the sake of his children, a father can truly be 'all-powerful'.

'You have to do it even if you don't!'

If a father feels unable to cope with the difficulties of his children, then he must be old...

At first, the villagers were laughing and laughing when they set off from Xiaoxi Village, but gradually no one spoke, only heavy breathing and messy steps.

Listening to the villagers chatting before, Yunjing learned from them that the road was actually not safe and they might encounter bandits who robbed the road. The villagers had experienced this kind of thing before. Of course, the chance was very small. After all, they were just a group of people.

Help me haha, how many big boys can the robbers rob?

The robbers are not all vicious people. If they are stopped by them, if you have a good attitude and lower your posture, most of the robbers will not actually embarrass them too much.

These are all words of experience from the villagers. Yunjing listened to them and took them to heart carefully, so that he might be able to use them one day.

When we left Xiaoxi Village for about three or four miles, we couldn't even see any fields along the way. There were only barren mountains and jungles, and the natural ecology was still in a primitive state.

I have to say that Xiaoxi Village is really too remote. It’s so remote that government officials only go there every year when collecting taxes. It’s so remote that you barely see a few outsiders all year round.

In fact, there are many poisonous insects and fierce beasts in the wilderness along the way, such as wolves, bears, jackals, pythons, tigers, wild boars, and lynxes. These animals are found in the mountains and forests. The cloud scenery is also known from the villagers' chats.

Wild beasts attack the villagers from time to time, which is why they travel together, so that together they have someone to take care of them if anything happens.

If there are only two or three people, there is no need for the villagers to be unwilling to go to the town because it is not safe.

After learning this, Yunjing realized how much risk his family had taken for him.

When he was six months old, he caught a cold and had a fever. His family braved the wind and rain and walked this road at night to find a doctor in the town. You can imagine the hardships along the way, especially because the presence of wild animals was life-threatening.

Don't they care about their own safety?


How could they take risks if they didn't have to?

They just care more about themselves...

After walking over mountains and ridges, I don't know how far they walked, but I guess it was ten to twenty miles, and then they came to a main road.

Compared with the road from Xiaoxi Village, this road that can accommodate two carriages can be called luxurious.

This is an official road with a loess pavement. After many years of foot traffic, the ground on this road is probably as solid as a rock.

From here, it's still ten or twenty miles to the town.

They have only walked half of their journey to this point. At most, the next journey will be easier, but the next journey will be more tiring. After all, they have put in too much energy on the previous journey.

After the group arrived on the official road, they did not continue moving forward. Instead, they found an open place on the roadside to stop and eat to replenish their strength...

This chapter has been completed!
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