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Chapter 290 take care

"Brother Yun, what are your plans after getting off the ship?"

On the deck of the cargo ship, Luo Zheng was chatting with Yun Jing. He was like a child, standing on the side of the ship and walking back and forth in that palm-width space. It was quite boring.

Yun Jing is lying on the side of the ship, holding a fishing rod in his hand, and the fishing line is hanging down in the river, following the progress of the cargo ship.

It doesn't matter whether you catch fish or not, what matters is that you can pass the time.

Yunjing stared at the water and said: "I don't have any specific plans. After I get ashore, I will walk around and gain some knowledge. If I have a chance, I want to go to the front line and see the scene of the confrontation between the two armies. Books often say that thousands of

Thousands of troops confront each other and the ground shakes. I have never seen such a shocking scene before."

Although he said this, Yunjing felt that there was little chance of seeing the two armies confront each other with his own eyes. After all, it was almost winter and a truce was very likely.

Moreover, the confrontation between two armies with thousands of horses sounds magnificent, but to put it bluntly, it is the tragedy of blood and fire, the cry of life, the point of no return in life where a white knife enters and a red knife exits, and the harvest field of life.

I would rather that such a scene not happen, but the war is not something Yun Jing can control.

Luo Zheng stopped and turned over lightly, supporting his body with one hand on his head and feet, and finally turned to two fingers to stand firmly on the side of the ship.

He said: "Brother Yun can just walk around and take a look after landing. It is best not to go to the border battlefield. It is very dangerous. During this time, I communicated with other people. There are life-and-death fights on the border every day. Not only the army,

There are also various assassinations and infiltrations, as well as civilian martial arts practitioners trying their best to destroy and plunder. If you don't pay attention, you will be blamed for your life."

"Thank you, Brother Luo, for reminding me. I will pay attention and try to stay away from danger." Yunjing nodded seriously.

"No, it's not about trying your best, but you must stay away from danger. I even advise you to go back after landing, and don't go further north. After landing, there is a border battlefield less than a thousand miles north. The war may have affected those

This place is a mixed bag of fish and dragons, and it’s very dangerous. I’m doing this for your own good,” Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

Nodding, Yun Jing said: "Brother Luo, don't worry, I am sensible, but you are here to kill the enemy and serve the country. Don't be impulsive, and don't act alone. Try to put safety first. I also want to have a drink with you in the future.

You can’t break the promise”

"I'm going to the front line. I've long been prepared not to come back. I just hope to kill a few more enemy dogs." Luo Zheng said with a smile, and did not continue to persuade Yunjing. Yunjing was already an adult, so he would continue to persuade him.

There are some exchanges that are both superficial and profound.

Luo Zheng did not make a fuss, he already put life and death aside.

Yun Jing sighed slightly and said: "Life is still long, years are prime, and wars will end one day. Live and live well. In the future, we will see the peaceful and prosperous world, the colorful world, and there are more things worthy of nostalgia and experience."

Turning over and sitting on the side of the boat, Luo Zheng looked to the north and murmured: "If we keep fighting, we will never return!"

"Then I can only wish Brother Luo all the best and safety," Yun Jing said slightly melancholy.

In a few days, the cargo ship docked and we parted ways, and that parting was probably forever.

When they boarded the ship and first met, they were talking about the past, but now that they are about to part ways, they are talking about the future.

This topic will always be heavy in the future, and parting in this world is never so beautiful, but there is no such thing as a banquet that lasts forever.

Yunjing couldn't help but think of the first lesson his master Li Qiu taught him: separation is not bitter, but the bitterness is not seeing each other again after separation.

It would be very confusing if those who once enjoyed drinking and chatting could only live in their memories from now on...

There are more people looking north as well.

Among them, Zhou Mu counts as one.

As the cargo ship gradually approached the north, his range of activities was not limited to the cabin. He often came to the deck and stared at the north in a daze, sometimes for a whole day.

He was going to the north to visit his daughter. They had been separated for many years and they were getting closer. He probably wanted to fly to the north to reunite with his daughter.

In fact, in the past few months, Yunjing has gotten to know Zhou Mu more or less. He is really just an ordinary farmer. Going to the north to visit his daughter and reunite with her is his biggest wish in this life.

In order to reunite with his daughter, he had saved enough money for nearly ten years, lived frugally and was reluctant to spend a single coin, so he barely scraped together enough money for the round trip.

Although he was just an ordinary person, the greatness and concern of this father's love made this usually taciturn man look taller and taller in Yunjing's heart.

Parents' love for their children does not distinguish between high and low.

Turning over and standing on the deck, Luo Zheng said: "Brother Yun, stop fishing. You can't catch anything. Let's go and have a drink. How about a drink? I'm feeling unhappy. Let's have a drink to relieve our boredom."

"Okay," Yun Dingding nodded and closed the pole.

When leaving with Luo Zheng, Yunjing glanced at Zhou Mu and said that if he could be of help when the time came, he would try his best to help him based on the greatness of his father's love. Of course, Yunjing hoped that he would have a smooth marriage with Luo Zheng.

Daughters reunited.

As the cargo ship got closer to its destination, the atmosphere on the ship became more and more depressing.

People from all over the world gathered together, and after spending several months together, they were about to part ways, and they were still somewhat reluctant to part with each other.

But there is nothing you can do about it, everyone has his own life.

In the last few days when the cargo ship docked, Yunjing socialized more and more on the ship. Sometimes people he knew or didn't know would invite him to have a drink. But many times the atmosphere was dull, and some people got drunk while drinking.

, some people became silent while drinking.

"Brother Yun, you have great painting skills. Why don't you draw a picture for us? Draw all of us. When we are separated in the future, if you take a look at the picture, you can also remember the days we spent together."

On the first day when the cargo ship arrived at its destination, Xing Guangning, Luo Zheng, Bai Zhi, Yunjing and others had a small gathering together, and Xing Guangning suggested it with the help of wine.

"Okay," Yunjing agreed without thinking.

Xiaofei immediately went to prepare pens, ink, paper and inkstones.

Under the influence of alcohol, Yunjing drew four pictures on the spot, including several people. Each picture was almost exactly the same. Then he wrote on the pictures and stamped them with seals, one for each person.

After receiving the painting, everyone fell silent, staring at the people in the painting for a long time without saying a word.

After the next separation, we are far apart, will there be a day to meet again?

Perhaps from now on, each of them can only become a story in someone else's memory. Only the content in the painting permanently freezes this moment.

It was late at night and we separated.

Back in the cabin, no one spoke.

Zhou Mu kept looking at the north outside the window, while Bai Zhi looked at the painting Yun Jing had painted before without saying a word, and Luo Zheng still held a jar of wine and drank it one sip after another.

On the bed opposite, Bai Zhi put away the paintings. She hesitated for a moment, then mustered up the courage to pick up a set of clothes and handed them to Yun Jing. Luo Luo said generously: "Mr. Yun, it's cold in the north and I've been bored during this period.

I have sewn a suit of clothes based on your figure and given it to you. I don’t know whether it will fit or not. It’s not something expensive. Don’t dislike it. Just accept it.”

"Isn't this... bad?" Yunjing looked at the clothes she handed over and said hesitantly.

Bai Zhi smiled and said: "We are about to say goodbye soon. I have nothing to give you. I am still good at needlework... I hope this suit can bring you some warmth. Don't delay, okay?"

"Okay, thank you Miss Bai." Yunjing was not a pretentious person, so he took the clothes and nodded with a smile.

The clothes are made of cotton, and the fabric is very ordinary, but the neat stitches and threads on the clothes are all Bai Zhi's thoughts.

After putting away the clothes, Yunjing thought for a while, took out a pen, ink, paper and inkstone and started writing. He quickly finished writing and handed it to Bai Zhi. After thinking for a while, he said: "Miss Bai, I have nothing to give you. I found out a few days ago that sometimes you

I have an uncomfortable stomach. Although I am not a doctor, I have read a lot of medical books. Take this prescription. When you have an uncomfortable stomach, just boil a medicine and drink it. It will be good for you. This is a nourishing prescription. It is mild in nature and not nothing.

The medicine of tiger and wolf will not be harmful to the human body even if it is not symptomatic."

Bai Zhi blushed when she heard this, but she accepted it and said, "Thank you, Mr. Yun."

"You're welcome, it's just a little effort," Yun Jing said with a smile. He didn't mention this topic too much. Girls sometimes have stomachaches. This is a relatively private topic and it's not appropriate to talk about it too much.

Another long silence followed.

Unknowingly, it was late at night, the river was surging outside the window, and the bright moon was hanging high, not enough light to illuminate the world. Don’t worry.

When the road ends, dawn breaks, and the final farewell is approaching.

After dawn, several people in the cabin packed their luggage silently. They had lived here for several months. It was almost impossible to return to this cabin again, and they still felt a little melancholy.

After tidying up, I took a reluctant look at the cabin, and then walked to the deck.

There were many people standing on the deck, and the atmosphere was a bit sad. Some people were reluctant to say goodbye, and suppressed cries came from the corner.

It’s not funny that some people cry after being separated for a few months. After all, some people are naturally sentimental.

The speed of the cargo ship slowed down, and a small pier came into view. Further ahead of the pier, there was a small town.

That pier, according to Xing Guangning and others, is the last pier on the north side of the Li River that can accommodate large ships, and there is no docking place further north.

From there, the Lijiang River gradually turns westward, going deep into the mountains and into the wild forests.

The wharf where the cargo ship docked is called Baimu Town, which is one of the important timber distribution centers in the north. I heard from Xing Guangning that when they go back, they will transport a batch of timber back so that the ship will not be empty.

Seeing that they were about to dock, Luo Zheng patted Yun Jing's shoulder, grinned and said: "Brother Yun, I don't like crying when parting, so take a step ahead and see you again by fate, take care."

As he spoke, he stood up, used Qing Kung Fu to cross dozens of meters across the river, and landed on the pier. He turned back and waved his hand and quickly disappeared into the crowd.

It was such a clean walk.

The ship finally docked. Yunjing and the others followed the crowd onto the pier. They had already said goodbye to Xing Guangning and the others, so there was no need to say hello to add to the sadness.

"Miss Bai, where are you going next?" After leaving the pier, Yun Jing asked Bai Zhi beside him.

She said: "My master gave me an address. Next I am going to visit a friend of my master, and we will talk about the rest."

"Then say goodbye and take care of yourself," Yunjing nodded.

Looking at Yun Jing, Bai Zhi mustered up the courage to say: "Mr. Yun, after we say goodbye, I wonder if we will see each other again. Finally, can I hug you? I know this request is a bit excessive, but I..."

Before he could finish speaking, Yunjing opened his hands with a smile on his face.

Bai Zhi smiled, took two steps forward, gently threw herself into Yun Jing's arms, hugged his waist, her cheeks were slightly red, she raised her head and said in Yun Jing's ear: "Mr. Yun, I will remember you."

After saying that, she kissed Yun Jing on the face while he wasn't paying attention. Taking advantage of it, she ran away as if running away. Her voice came and said: "I remember Mr. Yun's address. Please contact him often in the future."

What needs to go will eventually go.

Yunjing smiled and touched his chest, shrugged, really...

This chapter has been completed!
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