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Chapter 294 Wait for the news

Leaving Fangjiatun with regret, Yunjing hoped that he could visit the next person smoothly.

The person he planned to visit next was named Zuo Wangyue. There was nothing noteworthy about his life. The reason why he wanted to visit him was because he was really capable.

Zuo Wangyue has more than ten disciples. Under his guidance, each of his more than ten disciples has made great achievements. Among them, his eldest disciple is now a third-rank official and serves in the capital. The second disciple chose to pursue the path of Jianghu.

Lu is now a famous knight all over the world. His third disciple is full of literary talent and has a vague tendency to be a leading figure among young and middle-aged scholars in the north. In addition, his other disciples are also famous in their respective fields.

This kind of person is totally worth visiting and asking for advice.

"Mr. Zuo has never been an official in his life. He has devoted all his energy to teaching his apprentices. His reputation is not small. Countless rich and powerful people want to send their descendants to become his disciples. Unfortunately, he no longer accepts apprentices.

, he lives in Pofeng County, more than a hundred miles away, it is not difficult to find him. If everything goes well, I will have a chance to meet Mr. Zuo tomorrow, but I don’t know if he will meet me..."

Thinking of these, Yunjing set foot on the official road again in the afternoon.

It took half a day to get to Fangjiatun. The team transporting military supplies on the official road had already left, and the road was open again.

As night fell, Yunjing came to a small town, went to the government to check in, and then found an inn to rest for one night. The next morning, he spent 30 copper coins to ride a carriage to Pofeng County.

The carriage was specifically for soliciting passengers, and there were seven or eight people accompanying it. The carriage was a bit crowded, and Yunjing did not communicate with them in depth.

That afternoon, Yunjing arrived in Pofeng County, entered the city smoothly, and inquired about Mr. Zuo's residence along the way.

Mr. Zuo's home is in the county town. It is a large compound with a large area. When Yunjing inquired all the way to this place, he found that there was a long queue of people who wanted to visit at the door of his house.

Ten people, and one after another others joined the team behind.

Not only scholars wanted to visit Mr. Zuo, but also some people in the world and wealthy businessmen.

Seeing this situation, Yun Jingxin said that this was really about to cross the threshold.

It is a fact that the threshold of Mr. Zuo’s house has been dented by people who have been coming in and out over the years...

"Is Mr. Zuo busy enough to come here? Even if he accepts the visit, when will it be my turn? I can't keep waiting in this county..."

With this thought in his mind, Yunjing took out the name card he had prepared in advance and joined the team.

When he comes to visit, he needs to submit a name card in advance to explain the purpose of his visit. If the host agrees to meet, someone will notify him before the formal meeting. This is a process and etiquette. If he comes directly to the door, it is rude and a bad visitor.

That's why.

When he went to Fangjiatun to visit Mr. Fang, Yunjing had prepared a name card in advance, but he learned that Mr. Fang had passed away before he even arrived at his door, so his name card was not used at all.

The team advanced slowly. Yun Jing noticed that in the team in front, except for people from the martial arts world, the people who came to hand over the name cards were all dressed like servants.

He had no choice but to go on a study tour without bringing his book boy with him, so he had to go alone.

Yunjing guessed that the people behind these servants in the queue also had the idea of ​​​​making a fool of themselves. They had people queue up every day to submit name cards, just in case they were lucky enough to get an interview with Mr. Zuo.

Looking at the name card in his hand, and then at the endless crowd, Yun Jingxin said that with so many people, if his name card was handed over, it would probably be burned as firewood. People would not pay attention to a little-known person.

That's weird.

So this visit is probably going to be dirty again...

But Yunjing still wants to give it a try, but if it doesn’t work, I won’t say again.

As the sun set, it was finally Yunjing's turn to hand over the name card. He handed it to the concierge of Mr. Zuo's house and said, "Student Yunjing is from Xinlin County, Wangjiang County, Jiangzhou. I admire Mr. Zuo's talent and learning.

I came here specifically to ask Mr. Zuo for some advice, and also asked this uncle to inform me."

"This young master actually comes from Jiangzhou? Not far away," the concierge of Mr. Zuo's house said in surprise after taking Yunjing's name card and looking at Yunjing.

This was a wealthy man in his forties, dressed in silk and satin. When he looked at Yunjing, he raised his chin slightly, showing a superior attitude, which made Yunjing feel a little uncomfortable.

The same rice feeds all kinds of people. Yun Jing has not seen Mr. Zuo, so he doesn’t know what kind of person he is. His concierge has to receive many people every day. Everyone who comes to visit is respectful, so he probably feels that

I am a person now.

This is probably the case when the so-called King of Hell is a good guy but a tough kid.

Although he was feeling distraught, Yun Jing still smiled and said: "It is indeed quite far. Fortunately, there was no danger on the way. Please let me know, brother."

"Well, my master is very busy. As you can see, so many people want to visit. Naturally, it is impossible for my master to meet everyone. But because he has traveled thousands of miles to come here, I will remind him specially.

Yes, as for whether the master wants to see you, I will ask you to go back and wait for news." The concierge nodded slightly.

While he was speaking, his left hand held Yunjing's name card, while his right hand made a general gesture of rubbing his fingers.

Good guy, this is blatantly asking for "good luck".

Yunjing pretended not to see it and said with a smile: "That's troublesome. Let's say goodbye first and wait for good news."

With that said, he turned and left.

Yunjing doesn't have much money, so where can he find the extra bribes? Moreover, with the other party's attitude and the constant stream of people coming to visit, the bribes are probably in vain, so he is even more reluctant to part with them.

Besides, if everyone who comes to visit pays a bribe to be admitted, then Mr. Zuo will die of exhaustion, and Yunjing will not spend the unjust money.

It depends on luck.

"Bah, where did the poverty come from?"

After Yunjing turned around, the concierge immediately changed his face and muttered in a low voice. As for Yunjing's name card, he casually threw it into the basket beside him. The basket was almost full of similar name cards...

Noticing this, Yunjing felt depressed, oh well, I guess this visit is hopeless.

So should we ‘wait for news’? Usually waiting for news means no news.

Depressed, depressed, it was getting dark, Yunjing went to find an inn to rest first, and we would talk about the rest tomorrow.

He found a decent inn, registered his information at the counter, and spent thirty coppers. Yunjing got the key to a single room.

Just as he was about to go upstairs, he caught sight of an acquaintance. Upon closer inspection, he turned out to be an acquaintance.

In the corner of the lobby of this inn, the honest Zhou Mu gnawed dry steamed buns with a bowl of water. From time to time he glanced blankly at the street outside, not noticing the arrival of Yun Jing.

Now that they have met and they have been together on the boat for several months, Yunjing has no reason not to say hello, so he walks over and says, "What a coincidence, Uncle Zhou, you are here too."

"Huh? Ah? It turns out to be Mr. Yun." After hearing the voice, Zhou Mu turned around, then stood up and said unexpectedly cautiously.

Yun Jing smiled and said, "We haven't seen each other for a few days. Is your trip going smoothly to Uncle Zhou?"

"It's okay. I didn't know what to do after I got off the ship. At the same time, the fellow who got off the ship knew about my situation and brought me here." Zhou Mu said with a smile.

No wonder he ran in front of him and nodded. Yunjing asked by the way: "By the way, Uncle Zhou, where are you going to look for your daughter? Maybe we can drop by on the road next. We were walking in a hurry that day and didn't even have time to ask."

"When my daughter left, the address she left behind was in this county. I just arrived today and haven't had time to find out the specific information yet," Zhou Mu said with a smile, as if he was looking forward to the scene of meeting his daughter.

He was unfamiliar with the place. He had just arrived and had little experience. After settling down temporarily, he met Yun Jing before he had time to look for his daughter.

It was really difficult for him to search for his daughter who had been away from home for more than ten years in this strange county.

After thinking for a while, Yunjing said, "Do you need help?"

Yunjing doesn't mind lending a hand to help as much as he can, if it's not troublesome.

"Thank you Mr. Yun for your kindness. I won't bother you anymore. I'll just look for it myself." Zhou Mu quickly waved his hand.

Yunjing did not insist and said: "In that case, I will wish Uncle Zhou and his daughter a reunion in advance. I won't disturb you for eating. I live in Room B and 3 on the second floor. If you need help with anything, Uncle Zhou

You can go look for me, but I guess I have to leave tomorrow.”

After exchanging some pleasantries, Yunjing said goodbye and left.

"Mr. Yun is such a nice person, but why bother with some trivial matters? I'll look for it myself..." Zhou Mu thought to himself as he watched Yun Jing leave, then sat down and continued to eat the steamed buns.

He didn't have much money, and he hadn't found a daughter yet, so he had to save every copper he had. He didn't pay for a room in the inn, so he agreed to help the inn wash dishes and stay in the woodshed, so he had a temporary place to stay...

Moreover, Zhou Mu also thought that if her daughter did not live well after finding her, he would keep the return trip expenses and leave the rest to his daughter. The father had no ability and could only help as much as he could.

Of course, he hopes his daughter will live well, which is every father's wish.

When he came to the room, Yunjing took a shower and then started practicing his calligraphy every day as usual.

It was late at night, and when he was about to take a rest, he paid a little attention to Zhou Zhou Mu and saw him washing dishes in the backyard of the inn. He would hit his back from time to time. Seeing this scene, Yun Jing probably understood his situation and was filled with emotion.

He traveled thousands of miles to look for his daughter, but now she has not been found. Instead, she has to work in exchange for a place to stay. The greatness of a father's love is beyond description.

If he needs help, try to help him, Yunjing thought in his heart.

As the saying goes, giving roses to others has lingering fragrance, and helping them reunite with their loved ones is a joyful thing in itself, but it must be done before leaving. It is good to help others, but Yunjing does not want to delay himself for too long.

Early the next morning, Yunjing noticed that Zhou Mu was not at the inn. He thought he was looking for his daughter, so he ate something and went to Mr. Zuo's house to ask if there was any follow-up. If there was no follow-up, he would just

We can continue our journey.

They queued up and arrived at the door of Mr. Zuo's house. It was still the same concierge as yesterday. When faced with Yun Jing's inquiry, the other person said with disgust that his nose was not a nose and his eyes were not eyes: "I have already handed the master's name card to the master. As for the master, do you want it?"

To meet the young master, go back and wait for news."

This means there is no follow-up. Yunjing still politely said: "Sorry to trouble you."

After looking at the sky, Yunjing decided to leave for the next place.

He had already anticipated this situation of being shut out and was not bothered by it.

I didn’t feel like I was being slapped in the face. After all, I wasn’t a big shot. How could I just see others if I wanted to?

As for the concierge, how petty is he to be angry with him?

Put yourself in Mr. Zuo's shoes, he has such a good reputation, how can he just accept anyone who pops up from any corner and wants to visit him? Moreover, so many people want to visit him, and he is too busy to do so.

Before leaving, Yunjing still used his telekinesis to search for Zhou Mu, just in case the other party needed help.

However, when Yunjing 'saw' Zhou Muzhi, he found him lying in an alley, covered with injuries and dying!

Frowning slightly, Yunjing drew his spiritual energy from the air to treat the other party, and quickly rushed there himself.

After all, they were acquaintances who had known each other for several months, so I felt really sorry for leaving Yunjing alone.

But how could this happen?

This chapter has been completed!
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