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Chapter 299 Feeling almost meaningless

Each of the four university palaces in the Dali Dynasty has its own characteristics, different teaching philosophies, and different focuses on teaching students.

Take Qingniu Academy as an example. The teaching philosophy of this place is relatively pragmatic and focuses on the moral cultivation of students. Most of the people who come out of this academy are modest gentlemen, and most of them are upright officials in the officialdom.

However, it is ridiculous that such a pragmatic and moral academy has actually been served as the mountain chief for many years by an enemy spy. However, this is not enough to negate the teaching philosophy of Qingniu Academy.

As for the Zhengming Academy, their teaching philosophy is relatively extreme. They pay attention to the word "Zheng" and only focus on the knowledge and abilities of the students. Most of them have a "tolerant" attitude towards character education, and usually let them do whatever they want.

Develop on your own, as long as you are knowledgeable enough and capable enough, people above you won't care too much if you have slight flaws in your character.

As a result, the students of Zhengming Academy have mixed moral character. People from this academy have a bad reputation after becoming officials. They are often corrupt officials and do extreme things. They can be said to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals.

Why isn’t this extreme teaching method banned or improved directly?

This has to be said about the checks and balances system of the dynasty. If all the officials are good and honest, then the officialdom will probably be a pool of stagnant water. Someone will always be the villain to liven up the atmosphere.

Although everyone knows that the characters of the people who come out of this academy are not very good, you have to admit that they really have a way of doing things. Sometimes, evil people are much more efficient than good people in doing things.

I guess while you are still wrangling, they have already finished the matter.

Then, if the higher-ups want to scare the monkeys and arrest someone who came out of the Zhengming Academy, usually they can be identified immediately, which can act as a deterrent.

Anyway, the teaching philosophy of Zhengming Academy still has great significance. Leave the dirty work, tiring work, and troublesome work to them, and they will do it for you clearly.

Yunjing was immediately relieved when he learned that Mr. Zuo had the experience of studying at Zhengming Academy. It was not surprising that he taught so many morally corrupt people. This is why Yunjing did not see anything about his apprentice's character in his notes.

I have reviewed the reviews, but people don't care about it at all.

What is wrong is not Mr. Zuo, but his teaching philosophy.

This kind of teaching concept has both good and bad qualities. If you say it is bad, it is really bad. It is often easy to produce scum. If one happens, many people will suffer. But from an overall perspective, this concept is also beneficial. After all, it is taught

People really have a way of doing things, which saves worry and can play a balancing role, and the emperor is embarrassed to target honest officials. As long as he gives a look to someone from Zhengming Academy, the other party will probably understand and jump out to help the emperor.

But an idea is an idea, which does not mean that people who come from this school will be tolerated if they do something wrong because of their ideas. The law is not a decoration. If the evildoers are found, they will still act according to the rules.

"So there is nothing wrong with Mr. Zuo himself. What is problematic is his students and teaching philosophy. But no matter what, he has taught so many scum. Once the truth is exposed, his reputation will be ruined. The relationship between master and disciple is comparable to that of father and son."

, there is both glory and loss, and he himself must bear half of the responsibility for his apprentice's sins. This cannot be denied just because of his teaching philosophy. Under joint and several liability, Mr. Zuo has a bleak future, and at the very least he will be deprived of his fame...


Although Zuo Wangyue has never been an official in his life, he is still famous. He was a Jinshi in the first class, and he almost won the top three. His knowledge is nothing to say. The reason why he missed the top three is probably because he was from Zhengming Academy.


In the imperial examinations of the Dali Dynasty, few people from the Zhengming Academy won the top three. This is normal. Although the imperial examination mainly focuses on knowledge, moral character is also one of the assessment criteria. If you Zhengming Academy has a bad reputation, you want to be in the top three.

Scenery? You want to eat it, unless your knowledge and ability have reached the point where you can ignore your character.

No matter what, Zhengming Academy can become one of the four university palaces, and it is still a holy place that countless scholars yearn for.

From Mr. Zuo Wangshan, Yunjing got the identities and addresses of all his disciples. Afterwards, he would definitely go to these people's homes to find out. Anyone with a criminal record could not escape Yunjing's investigation. Once found,

Never let one go!

"The most important thing is Wang Fu. Oh, by the way, that guy also has a study tour diary. Based on his past itinerary, I can read the government records of his time during that period along the way. I think I can uncover a lot of criminal records.

It’s just a matter of running more miles. Now that we have encountered it, if we don’t solve it completely, we will not be able to feel at ease.”

There are many people in Pofeng County who have collaborated with Wang Fu. Some have been transferred away and some have died for various reasons, but there are still a few of them. Yunjing took the opportunity to check on these guys.

, learned a lot of criminal evidence.

However, these people can only be regarded as insignificant little shrimps compared to the treacherous and evil people like Wang Fu, but they should still be punished by the law.

As the saying goes, the law cannot punish him, Yunjing himself will do justice for heaven.

After investigating for half a day, Yunjing went to visit Zhou Mu as the sun set. His injuries had completely recovered, and with the nourishment of spiritual energy, all the hidden injuries and diseases that he had had had been eliminated. He was expected to live for many more years in the future.

After chatting with him for a while, eating something, and agreeing to help him arrange his return trip early the next morning, Yunjing said goodbye and left. He was busy next.

In order to make things easier, Yunjing placed his salute in a secret place, took off his clothes, and then took advantage of the darkness to rise into the sky.

He cut through the night sky at full speed, breaking the sound barrier at a speed that created a wave of air wherever he passed, with constant roar. Fortunately, he was at a very high altitude in the night sky, so he didn't have to worry about disturbing the people in the middle of the night.

The map of the entire Dali Dynasty was in Yunjing's mind. He wanted to first walk along Wang Fu's study tour route to investigate his crimes.

The speed of the cloud scenery is so fast, several times faster than the speed of sound, you can visit it all in one night.

Wang Fu has had three study tours in the past. He traveled all over the world. If he couldn't fly, he could fly so fast. Yun Jing could only look at the ocean and sigh, unable to understand all the evidence of Wang Fu's crimes.

In fact, there is no need to fully understand the evidence of Wang Fu's crime. The contents of his account book alone are enough to kill him ten times. The reason why Yunjing had to make a trip was to investigate his brothers.

It is worth mentioning that Wang Fu has many brothers. When he went on a study tour, he would almost always pass by the residences of some of his brothers. It was convenient to keep in touch with each other. Everywhere he went, there were "relatives" to entertain him, so why would he go to a different place in his life?

Familiar place?

In one night, Yunjing flew tens of thousands of miles. According to Wang Fuyou's academic route, every time Yunjing arrived in a town, he would be the first to read the case files of that place.

What's interesting is that wherever Wang Fu has been, especially where he stayed for more than three days, there will always be one or more beautiful women missing or leaving, and the finger of blame is vaguely pointed at Wang Fu.

When a scholar goes on a study tour, he has to check in with the government. This kind of thing happens every time he goes to a place, especially if he stays for three days. Where in the world is there such a coincidence?

However, this guy does things cleanly, and these cases often go unsolved. There is no direct evidence to prove that Wang Fu did it. But for Yunjing, knowing this is enough. When the time comes, he will write down these case files.


During the many turns along the way, Yunjing also touched the bottoms of several of his fellow apprentices. There were some good ones among them, but most of them had dirty butts.

For this kind of person, Yunjing naturally tried to catch the rabbit and collected the evidence of the crime in a small notebook.

With telepathy, a silent observation method, it is too easy for Yun Jing to investigate. No matter how deeply hidden the secrets are at home, as long as there are physical objects falling, they will not be hidden from his eyes.

Most of the literate people in this world have the habit of taking notes, which is very convenient for Yun Jing.

Whenever you have any doubts, wouldn't it be appropriate to read the official files and compare them?

Yunjing just understands the facts of the crime, interrogation, investigation of witnesses and evidence, etc. He does not need it. Someone will naturally do these things when the time comes.

With so many people involved and so many cases involved, it cannot be solved in a day or two.

Anyway, after Yunjing confirms the fact that some guys have committed crimes, he will throw them into jail. He will follow up and pay attention later. If there is official protection, he can just catch a few more people and beat them to the end!

Prisons in this era are not easy places to treat, and those with strong force are even worse. First of all, they will be chained to their bones. It is impossible to enjoy life in a prison by relying on force.

In one night, Yun Jing only understood part of it. He still had to be busy, but he was particularly energetic in doing this kind of thing of getting rid of harm for the sake of fame.

This couldn't help but remind him of that idea again. With his own ability, it was very suitable for him to work in a place like Yilou. Even if he was not good at it, he was also very suitable for investigation and evidence collection such as being a detective.

However, in this era, for scholars to be "ants" and policemen, it should be said or not. It is really a somewhat humiliating thing, so Yun Jing just thought about it.

In fact, he doesn't want to become an official in the future. Once he enters the officialdom, he can't help himself. He still enjoys a free life.

At dawn, Yunjing, who had been busy all night, returned to Pofeng County, had breakfast with Zhou Mu, who had gotten up early, and then went to help him arrange his return trip.

As an honest commoner who was unfamiliar with the place, it was not easy for Zhou Mu to go back. Safety was a big issue.

Fortunately, it was not a big problem for Yunjing to come forward. He was a scholar after all, so he found a bodyguard agency in the county, where there were some things that needed to be escorted to the ferry in Baimu Town. After Yunjing explained his purpose, the other party generously agreed to help deliver a piece of Zhou Mu, and the money

No need for it, it’s just a way to go.

There are still many good people in this world.

Maybe Zhou Mu could catch Xing Guangning's return cargo ship after arriving at Baimu Town Ferry.

Seeing Zhou Mu, who was grateful for all his kindness, follow the people from the escort agency and leave, Yun Jing sighed inwardly. In the end, he still failed to see his daughter, who had come all the way.

It's really sad that he will never see his daughter again.

When they said goodbye and sent their daughter off happily, he never dreamed that it would be like this.

The separation is not painful, but what is painful is that we will never see each other again after the separation.

This kind of bitterness is a hundred times and a thousand times more bitter than eating coptis!

"Uncle Zhou, don't worry, I will help you get justice. Some people shouldn't live in this world. I'm sorry, I can't tell you this cruel fact. In fact, you should also have the right to know, but for you

It's too cruel. I know it's wrong not to tell you, but I really can't say it. Maybe you have realized something yourself..."

Seeing Zhou Mu disappear from the end of his sight, Yunjing, who was full of discomfort, looked away and had to continue to investigate further.

When he turned around, he saw that Wang Fu's junior brother had come to Pofeng County in advance to wish his master a birthday. Wang Fu was greeting his junior brother. Yun Jing wanted to see what you two could do since you two are so good that you are like-minded.

Things come up.

In this way, Yunjing paid attention to every move of Zuo Wangshan and his disciples during the day, and at night, he took advantage of the darkness to fly around to investigate the facts of the crime.

After three days of busy work, Yunjing investigated all the relevant personnel, filtered out the innocent ones, and collected all the evidence of those who committed crimes and recorded them on paper.

In the end, Yunjing wrote a large pile of criminal information, with hundreds of criminal members and thousands of cases!

There is evidence of the crime, but the personal and material evidence is not within the scope of Yunjing's collection. If he has finished everything, what else will so many officials do?

"Who should these criminal evidence be handed over to deal with these disgusting things? Now it is no longer Zhou Xiaojuan's problem. There are too many people involved, many identities and connections are not simple, the case is too complex and serious, and ordinary officials cannot grasp it at all.

If you don’t get credit for your work, you will get burned, so there must be someone with enough weight to thoroughly investigate these cases..."

Looking at the pile of criminal information in front of him, Yun Jing couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Although he wanted to cut some guys to pieces, the process still had to go through. As I said before, it was too easy to kill them directly and let them be ruined and then be punished by the law. This was the end they deserved.

He will be tortured in a prison for a period of time before being convicted. There are many people with special hobbies in the prison. Doesn't Wang Fu like to play with women? I guess he can taste the feeling of being played with.

Thoughts flickered, Yun Jing didn't know any high-ranking officials, but it wasn't a big problem, he had connections.

"Some relationships don't have to expire. Aunt Xia, I've helped you twice. Isn't it too much to use your name to help clean up a bunch of moths in your house?"

Thinking of this, Yunjing took out the jade pendant that Xia Ziyue gave him. This was not only a jade pendant, but also often represented the identity of Xia Ziyue, the eldest princess of Dali.

You must know that when Xia Ziyue gave him this jade pendant, she said that with this jade pendant, he could go to the princess mansion to find her at any time.

With this jade pendant, I can go in and out of the princess's house at will. If I want to find some high-ranking officials, I will still give them face, right?

"Then should we go to the governor of this state, or go higher up? The capital is even higher up, so we might as well go directly to the eldest princess. However, she is embarrassed to approach her for such a 'little matter', and it's so troublesome.

How about I just go and kill those guys and kill them all..."

It is definitely not possible to just kill people. In that case, Yunjing will also become a criminal. After all, there are too many people, many of whom are officials. Even if they don't know that he did it, they will still be investigated. He does not doubt that in this era

The government's investigative capabilities will only cause trouble for itself if it is messed up.

"Although those guys still have to accept the corresponding punishment in the end, it feels a little less interesting if I don't do it myself."

After thinking about it, Yunjing decided to follow the normal process. After nightfall, he took the criminal information to the governor of the state. Almost all the people involved in the case were in this state. He didn't care who was in charge?

As for whether he would cover up and connive, I think he would investigate it in the name of the eldest princess. He wouldn't dare to violate it, unless he got tired of living!

There are only three days left for Zuo Wangshan's eightieth birthday. There is plenty of time. All his disciples will go there by then. There are also many famous people who fell into the clouds when they were at their most prosperous. I think their expressions must be very wonderful then, right?

Wang Fu, Qiu Mingfang...your days of impunity are over!

This chapter has been completed!
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