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Chapter 319: Hold back the big move

After a moment of confusion, Ye Tian's answer was a bit beyond Yun Jing's expectations. He said: "Brother Yun, I also want to practice martial arts, but I'd better learn to read and write with you first..." He said here,

He paused and then said cautiously: "Brother Yun, what do you think?"

At this moment, Yunjing was puzzled and asked curiously: "Brother Ye, don't you want to learn martial arts right away? After practicing martial arts, you can fly on eaves and walk on walls, open monuments and crack stones, and use your sword energy freely... It's very powerful and cool."

"I still want to learn to read and write first," Ye Tian scratched his head and said.

Yunjing became even more curious and asked: "Why do you stubbornly want to learn to read and write first?"

"Brother Yun, I think it's more important to read and write. I don't know if I understand it right. In my opinion, only after you learn to read and write can you learn other things better." Ye Tian

He said anxiously, a little afraid that Yunjing would think he was ignorant.

However, Yunjing smiled, shrugged and said, "Okay, just be happy."

He will not forcefully change other people's wishes. Since Ye Tian wants to learn to read and write first, let him do it.

In fact, Ye Tian's choice is right. After all, a person's energy is limited, and it is impossible to take into account more things at the same time. It is important to know that biting off more than one can chew. Taking care of both ends will only distract the energy, resulting in the inability to devote oneself to something.

, and you will not be able to learn in depth and improve yourself.

Moreover, words are the carrier of knowledge and culture. Only by learning to read and write can you have more room for development. Take martial arts training as an example. You can’t even understand martial arts secrets, are not familiar with the structure of the human body, and don’t understand professional terminology.

What's the point of practicing?

Opening his mouth, Ye Tian asked anxiously: "Brother Yun, do you want to teach me martial arts?"

"Yes, but I respect your wishes." Yun Jing nodded and smiled, without denying it.

Ye Tian said: "Thank you for your kindness, Brother Yun. I'd better learn to read and write with you first, and then... let's talk about it later."

Originally, he wanted to say that he would learn martial arts from Yun Jing in the future, but he was afraid that Yun Jing would think he was greedy, so he was too embarrassed to say it.

It can be seen that he is a very sensible and sensible young man who cherishes every rare opportunity but is not greedy.

Smiling, Yun Jing said: "Okay, let's leave it like this. If you want to follow me, you can follow me. As for how much you can learn, it's up to you, but now we have to get something to eat first."

"Brother Yun, don't worry. I will definitely follow you and study hard... What does Brother Yun want to eat? I'll cook it for you," Ye Tian said happily.

Shaking his head, Yunjing stood up and said, "It's okay. You don't have to be too careful about what I think. Just treat me as a friend. We can get along normally. You are making me a little uncomfortable. Let's have something simple and light in the morning.

Let’s do it together?”

"Okay," Ye Tian said with a grin.

At this moment, he just felt that getting along with Yunjing was very relaxed, without any pressure, which felt good.

An hour later, Ye Tian looked at the meals prepared by the two and couldn't help but doubt life. Is this what Brother Yun said about eating simply?

He thought that the so-called simple thing was just to order porridge or steamed buns to deal with it.

As a result, what they saw in front of them was a fragrant rice porridge with marinated meat cubes, crispy and golden steamed bun slices, a portion of broth and pickles, and a portion of cold wild vegetables.

It's light, but you say it's simple? And it looks delicious.

"What are you doing standing around? Eat, you have to rush after eating," Yun Jing said with a smile.

"Oh," Ye Tian reacted and immediately started eating. He took a peek at Yun Jing. He said to himself that Brother Yun was living a life like this that he had never dared to imagine before. Moreover, this was still in the wilderness. If he were at home,

, then what kind of good life do you have to live?

After the meal, the two of them packed up and hit the road.

Yunjing had long since stopped using the slate he used to practice his calligraphy. After setting off, Yunjing thought for a while and found a suitable size of stone on the roadside. He then 'smoothed and cut' it into a one-foot-square size, along with a

He handed a pen to Ye Tian and said: "You can use the slate to practice calligraphy from now on. After the brush is soaked in water, write on it. This way you don't have to worry about wasting ink. The slate can be reused, which is very convenient. I did it like this when I was a child.

"Practice calligraphy"

"Thank you, Brother Yun. I...I don't even know how to thank you," Ye Tian said touchedly.

Waving his hand, Yunjing said: "It's okay, it's just a little effort. Come on, I'll teach you a few simple common words first. Pay attention to the order of the strokes. After you memorize them, you can practice them yourself when you have time. Let me know when you think you're good enough and I'll teach you again.

Your other"

Ye Tian studied seriously, and he learned a few simple common words in a short time. As a beginner, he couldn't praise his writing skills. Yun Jing didn't laugh at it, but encouraged him. After all, when he was a beginner, he could even read the words he wrote.

Can't go down.

In this way, Ye Tian temporarily became Yun Jing's little follower, learning to read and write from him.

He was very hard-working and conscientious, and he would not forget to practice writing with a slate in hand while walking. However, this guy was multitasking and did not trip over the uneven ground, which was a bit magical.

Sometimes Yunjing himself couldn't help but wonder whether he was teaching him because it was a boring effort, or because he was influenced by his strange luck.

But no matter what, it's not a bad thing anyway, and I have nothing to lose, so let's leave it at that.

At the end of the day, the two of them walked fifty or sixty miles. At the same time, Yunjing also taught him forty or fifty common words, and he learned to read and write them all.

As far as progress is concerned, Yunjing can only be said to be average. After all, he is not a child of a few years old. He knows how to cherish opportunities and is hardworking. Such progress cannot be said to be fast.

They passed through a small town that day, but it was noon when they entered the town. It was not the time to stop and stay, so they could only continue on their way. They were in the wilderness in the evening and had to spend the rest of the night in the wilderness.

It is worth mentioning that they encountered several waves of refugees that day, especially when they encountered one wave of hundreds of refugees. Yunjing once again saw the magic of Ye Tian.

The sky was a little gloomy at that time, and it seemed like it was going to snow.

When he saw the refugees, Ye Tian saw that they were emaciated and hungry, and he felt sad and sighed, saying that if they had food, they would be able to overcome the difficulties and find a place to settle down.

Then a magical scene happened. After a thunder in winter, a bolt of lightning struck a small river dozens of meters away from the refugees. Soon, pieces of fish killed by lightning were floating in the river!

Yun Jing's scalp was numb at that time, this kid was too evil.

I came here for whatever I wanted and sympathized with the refugees, but in the end God sent food to the refugees...

Just get used to it, haha.

There were so many fish, Yunjing and the others also picked up a few and prepared them for dinner that night.

In the evening, they found a place to stay overnight. Ye Tian volunteered to go find water with the small bucket he brought. Yunjing ignored him and started to clean up the place where they stayed overnight. He also wrote a day's travel diary.

Not long after, Ye Tian came back with a bucket, threw a fist-sized stone to Yun Jing and said, "Brother Yun, I picked up this stone when I was fetching water. It looks very beautiful, but it's useless for me to hold it.

Give it to you”

Yunjing took it and looked at it, his mouth twitching.

Good guy, this kid is really evil. He ran out to fetch water and ended up picking up a piece of fine jade. If it were polished and carved, it would probably be worth a hundred and eighty taels of silver!

Feeling a little nervous, Yunjing returned the jade to him and said, "Keep it for yourself. This thing is worth a lot of money. If you find a town and sell it, you can make a lot of money."

"Can it be sold for money? Who cares, I said I would give it to Brother Yun. You taught me how to write and read. I have nothing to repay you, so just treat it as tuition fees." Ye Tian refused to accept it, waved his hand and ran away to do some work.


Yunjing is not a person who is greedy for petty gains, but pushing and pushing is not a problem, so he is thinking about accepting it temporarily and finding a time to carve a seal or something for him. When the time comes, it will be filed with the government and it will have the effect of a signature.


The work was almost done, and the two of them had enough to eat and drink. At night, Yunjing taught him a few common words and let him practice on his own.

Being bored, Yunjing couldn't help it anymore and asked about the doubts in his heart, saying: "Brother Ye, do you often pick up things? And the things you pick up are all good gadgets."

Unexpectedly, Ye Tian turned around and scratched his head and said: "Brother Yun, I don't pick it up often, but I pick it up every day."

Yunjing: "..."

I don't want to talk to him anymore.

Ye Tian asked blankly: "Is there anything wrong? In fact, I also know that it is not good to pick up other people's things. I have tried every means to return them to others, but I can almost never find the owner."

"Well, there's nothing wrong with it. Well, it's good that you can think of returning the things you picked up to others instead of keeping them for yourself," Yunjing said tangledly, then ignored him and went to sleep.

If you discuss this issue with this magical guy who can pick things up anywhere, you will be depressed to death sooner or later.

It makes no sense. I want to learn this too...

In the next few days, the two continued to go north, and the journey was uneventful.

However, Yunjing became a little puzzled. After asking Ye Tian if he often picked up things, he actually didn't pick up anything valuable for the next three days.

It was as if his magical luck had suddenly disappeared.

This made Yunjing feel that it was abnormal, and it was very abnormal. Logically speaking, it was normal for him not to pick up things, but Yunjing just felt that something was wrong, and he couldn't tell what was wrong.

He didn't struggle with this issue for long, because that day they came to the residence of a slightly famous person they wanted to visit in the Yunjing plan.

A home visit must be more formal. Yunjing had written a greeting note in advance, hoping that he could visit him smoothly this time.

They were in a small county town. Before the visit, Yunjing and the others stayed at an inn. He wanted to take a shower and change clothes before visiting, so that it would appear more formal.

As a result, just as he was getting ready, Ye Tian, ​​who had wandered around the county town, ran back, holding something in his hand and asked Yun Jing: "Brother Yun, what do you think this is? I just picked it up on the road.

I don’t know what it is, but no one came to claim it after waiting for a long time.”

Seeing the thing in his hand, Yunjing felt bad immediately.

You haven't picked up anything in the past few days. Are you holding back your big move?

This chapter has been completed!
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