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Chapter 323: What are you afraid of?

"There's something wrong with your stool design," Liu Neng looked at the shopkeeper and said speechlessly.

In fact, Liu Neng also felt that something was wrong at this moment. How could there be such a coincidence in the world, but the stools broke one after another when he was sitting on it, but what went wrong was beyond his knowledge and knowledge.


The shopkeeper smiled awkwardly and walked out from behind the counter. He picked up a stool and checked it. He also bumped it on the ground a few times. It was fine. It was quite strong.

After it was done, he personally served it to Liu Neng and said: "Old man, you sit here."

"Thank you very much," Liu Neng said with a smile, but he still hesitated for a while before sitting on the stool brought by the shopkeeper. Now it was okay.

This made Liu Neng heave a sigh of relief, and then he felt a little bit dumbfounded. He thought to himself, what the hell is this? One day, he was reduced to the point where he had to be careful even when sitting on a stool. If those old immortals found out, they might not know how to laugh at him.

The shopkeeper also breathed a sigh of relief, secretly squeezed his sweat, and said with a smile: "Old man, please rest, if you need anything, just say hello."

"Well, please pour me a bowl of water. I'm a little thirsty." Liu Neng thought for a while and said, he was really rude.

Nodding, the shopkeeper said: "Okay, old man, please wait, I will bring you a pot of tea."

"No, no, I don't have money, just give me a bowl of water for free," Liu Neng said quickly. Although he was often careless, he was not the kind of person who was greedy for cheap.

Unexpectedly, the shopkeeper said: "It's okay, no money, I'll treat you."

Before Liu Neng could refuse, the shopkeeper said and went to make tea for Liu Neng.

There is a saying that most people in the Dali Dynasty are really nice to the elderly.

Soon the tea came, and the shopkeeper asked Liu Neng to take a rest and drink, and then went to work on his own.

However, when Liu Neng picked up the teapot and prepared to pour himself a cup of tea, the teapot somehow leaked from the bottom, and the hot tea poured all over his crotch like a yellow dog peeing...

Naturally, the temperature of the boiling water wouldn't hurt him at all, but his crotch was wet and he felt uncomfortable.

It’s crazy. Why is everything going wrong today?

When the shopkeeper heard the commotion and looked over, Liu Neng had already "steamed" the wet clothes silently, even the teapot was not leaking. Then he poured and drank the tea while using his invisible Qi to protect it.

Finally no accident happened.

Accidents are accidents, but Liu Neng is very capable, and minor accidents have no impact on him at all.

While drinking tea, Liu Neng glanced upstairs thoughtfully. At this moment, he realized that various accidents occurred after he targeted Ye Tian.

"Is it because of that little guy? But he is just an ordinary boy, nothing special... But since I had all kinds of accidents because of targeting him, I want to see what magic you have...


With a flash of thought in his mind, Ye Tian successfully attracted Liu Neng's attention.

However, he did not plan to test Ye Tian secretly, but decided to observe secretly for a period of time.

After the 'peeping tom' who pulled his beard, Liu Neng became interested in someone again...

Upstairs, Ye Tian returned to his room after eating and drinking. After a short rest, he continued to practice calligraphy seriously. Cherishing this hard-won opportunity, he practiced calligraphy for more than an hour, and he did not stop until his wrist became sore.

Thinking of the balance between work and rest mentioned by Yun Jing, he decided to go out for a walk to relax himself.

After going downstairs, he saw Liu Neng still there, ignored him, and went out on his own. As soon as he walked out of the door of the inn, he tripped and looked down. He didn't know who had dropped a dagger on the ground, so he picked it up.

, thinking that this thing might have been lost by someone in the world, in order to avoid trouble, he simply left it where it was.

What things can be picked up, what things should be returned to others after picking up, and what things cannot be picked up, Ye Tian still distinguishes these things very clearly...

Ye Tian's actions were all seen by Liu Neng, and he nodded secretly, thinking that this child has a good heart, knows how to choose, and understands what should be taken and what should not be taken.

"But he's a bit lucky. He picked up something when he went out...luck? I broke the stool before and he was fine, but it broke as soon as I sat on it. This..."

With a raised eyebrow, Liu Nengxin said it was interesting, but he had to observe it before making a judgment.

On the other side, Yun Jing successfully met Zhou Yu and others.

Zhou Yu took a step forward and said with a smile: "Brother Yun has traveled thousands of miles to come. I am honored. I am Zhou Yu. I should be a few years older than you. Do you mind if I call you Brother Yun?"

"It turns out that Mr. Zhou is here in front of me. I have taken the liberty to come here. It's a bit rude. What did Brother Zhou say? Calling me Brother Yun means he thinks highly of me." Yun Jing cupped his hands and said with a smile.

Zhou Yu made an invitation gesture and said: "Come, come, brother Yun, sit here, and I will introduce you to some local heroes."

"Then it's better to be respectful than obey orders," Yun Jing stepped forward and said.

The woman who had been quietly playing the piano in the corner before Yunjing came to join in the fun didn't know when she stopped playing the piano. She stared straight at the approaching Yunjing with her beautiful eyes, so much so that she forgot what she was doing.

, very much like those guys in Yunjing’s previous life who saw beautiful women hitting telegraph poles on the street.

"Ahem, Brother Yun has come a long way. Girl, let's play a cheerful tune." After Zhou Yu invited Yun Jing to sit down, he noticed that the woman playing the harp had forgotten to play the harp and was just looking at the cloud scene, so she couldn't help but remind her.


You never looked at us like this before when we were here. Are the gaps between people really that big?

"I'm sorry, I'm just going to play." The woman's face turned red under her veil, and she apologized immediately. She lowered her head to play the piano and even made a few wrong notes. You can imagine how restless she felt at this time.

My heart was pounding and I almost got wet...

"Come on, brother Yun, this is Fang Jie, Lu Jiang, and Zhang Fulu. They are all my friends for many years." Zhou Yu turned to Yun Jing and pointed to the other three people and introduced them one by one.

When Zhou Yu introduced him, they also greeted Yun Jing one after another.

"I've met Brother Fang, Brother Lu, and Brother Zhang," Yunjing returned the courtesy.

In this way, they each know each other, and if they get along well with each other, they can barely be considered friends. If they interact a few times in the future, their connections can be said to be established in this way.

After getting to know each other, Zhang Fulu, a burly young man in black, looked at Yun Jing and couldn't help but said curiously: "Brother Yun, I see that you are not old, how could you have thought of traveling all the way from the south to study here?"

After thinking for a while, Yunjing replied: "As scholars of our generation, it is better to travel thousands of miles to see these great mountains and rivers than to read thousands of books. If we stay in one place for a long time, how can we broaden our horizons and increase our knowledge?"

Reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles...

Hearing Yun Jing's words, Zhou Yu and others glanced at each other subconsciously, their hearts shocked. Their eye contact was all sending a signal.

This brother Yun from the south has something special!

Zhou Yu stood in awe, waved his hand and said in greeting: "It is better to read thousands of books than to travel thousands of miles. This sentence is so thought-provoking that I should drink a cup!"

"Reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles, brother Jingyun," Zhang Fulu said while holding up his wine glass.

Yun Jing also picked up his wine glass and said, "Brothers, please give me a compliment."

As a result, Yun Jing's words touched their hearts, and they were so happy that they couldn't help but have a drink together as soon as they met.

In exchanges between scholars, sometimes a well-spoken sentence can arouse resonance in people's hearts.

At this time, Zhou Yu and others no longer cared about Yun Jing's age, their attitude towards him changed greatly, and their relationship with each other suddenly became much closer.

Putting down his wine glass, Zhou Yu looked at Yun Jing and praised: "Brother Yun is a great talent, as we scholars should say to you, travel around, see these great mountains and rivers, observe all kinds of life, and confirm what you have learned in your heart.

It should be noted that what you see on paper is ultimately shallow.”

"Brother Zhou is ridiculous, I have little knowledge and don't deserve such a compliment," Yunjing said with shame.

Fang Jie, a young man in green clothes, said with a smile: "Okay, you don't have to blame each other anymore. Brother Yun has come all the way. If we have another drink, let's just treat him as a blessing."

"It should be like this..."

The few of them had another drink. After they finished, Lu Jiang looked at Yun Jing and said, "Brother Yun, this journey has been filled with thousands of mountains and rivers, but has everything gone smoothly?"

"Fortunately, although we encountered many things, we were all close to safety," Yun Jing said with a smile.

Zhang Fulu asked curiously: "Brother Yun must have encountered many wonderful things along the way, right? Can you share them with everyone?"

"Why not? Speaking of which..." Yun Jing chatted eloquently. He picked up a few interesting things from the journey and chatted with them. He said interesting things and everyone laughed.

Of course Yunjing won't say anything that shouldn't be said, but when it comes to small talk, it has to be meaningful, otherwise it will be boring for everyone to chat awkwardly.

After a heart-to-heart talk, the relationship between the two parties got closer.

After listening to a few interesting things Yun Jing said, Zhang Fulu couldn't help but said: "Brother Yun, don't mind if I say something. It's not that I want anything to happen to you, it's mainly because I'm curious. After listening to your experience, I found that this

You seem to have never had a fight with anyone along the way? It’s simply unbelievable. You must know that I have studied several times before, and there was no time when there were no dangers along the way. I almost lost my life a few times."

"Yes, yes, I had a similar experience. I even had a study tour where I was beaten all the way. The injuries on my body hurt now just thinking about it," Lu Jiang also nodded.

Zhou Yu smiled and said: "Brother Yun, it's a safe journey, wouldn't it be better?"

"That's what I say, but for someone like Brother Yun to have such an uneventful journey, it's really surprising." Fang Jie was also a bit unbelievable.

Scholars travel far and wide, sometimes for months or even years at a time. Where can one be as safe and sound as Yunjing?

Regarding their surprise, Yun Jingxin said that if I tell you what happened to me, you might be frightened, so she smiled and said, "Maybe everything I encountered is reasonable."

The 'unreasonable' ones were all punished...

After initial contact, several people got along well with each other, and Zhou Yu and others gradually accepted Yun Jing.

The relationship got closer and everyone became more casual. Then Fang Jie looked at Yun Jing with envy and said, "I'm sure Brother Yun has had a lot of troubles along the way!"

"That's definitely the case." Lu Jiang agreed with this statement.

Yun Jing said in astonishment: "Who are you?"

"Hahaha, Brother Yun, tell us, how many women have fallen in love with you along the way?" Zhou Yu couldn't help but asked curiously.

They talked about this for a long time, and Yunjing suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.

He shook his head and said: "You guys, I'm going on a study tour, not looking for flowers and willows. Where can I find any woman to fall in love with?"

"I don't believe it," Fang Jie said with a smile.

Lu Jiang said: "Let me tell you something, if I were a girl, I wouldn't be able to help but be tempted when I see Brother Yun."

I almost rolled my eyes, Yun Jingxin said, that's enough for you.

It was Zhou Yu who stopped the topic. He was the host, and when Yun Jing came to visit him, it was naturally impossible for him to just talk about these romantic things, so he said: "Okay, okay, brother Yun is just a guest from afar, why don't we all go our own way

Write a poem to bear witness to our first acquaintance?”

After hearing this, Yun Jing's expression froze slightly. He was afraid of something.

Can't we talk about something else? Why does Mao insist on writing poetry? Are you deliberately trying to embarrass me?

"Yes, yes, we met Brother Yun for the first time. The poems on paper are also a good conversation. Who comes first?" Fang Jie nodded.

There are only so many pleasures for scholars to get together. Isn't it beautiful that poetry can show a person's knowledge and discuss with each other?

However, Yunjing is a bit sore.

This chapter has been completed!
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