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Chapter 349 Night Talk

In the afternoon, the winter streets were already a little deserted.

Wandering down the street, the snow crunched under my feet. After attending a funeral, Yun Jing lost all interest for a while.

His mind was empty, he didn't think about anything, and let the snowflakes fall on his head, shoulders and body.

Passing by a tavern, which was quite lively, Yunjing walked over.

After cleaning up the snowflakes on his body at the door, the diners in the tavern were all attracted by the storyteller on the stage in the middle of the hall. For a while, no one noticed the arrival of this great hero who saved Stone Town.

There are charcoal pots burning in many places in the tavern, and it is not cold inside because it is a wooden house, so there is no need to worry about lack of oxygen.

After finding a corner to sit down, Yunjing asked the waiter to bring him some food, a pot of old wine, a plate of braised pork, a plate of fried beans with salt, and a plate of melon seeds.

In this winter, drinking a glass of wine and listening to books is a good way to pass the time.

The storyteller on the stage was reaching the climax, and the drinkers in the audience listened quietly. When he finished speaking, they cheered loudly, and the generous people did not hesitate to reward him.

What made Yun Jing dumbfounded was that the storyteller was actually talking about his deeds, that is, his defeat of the enemy yesterday, which was considered to be keeping up with current events.

According to the storyteller, Yunjing transformed into a peerless knight, and came to Sitong Town inexplicably. When he saw thieves and enemies coming, he took action righteously, killing the enemy soldiers with their heads rolling, and then left.

Yunjing himself was a little embarrassed when he spoke without hesitation and described it with gorgeous words. Someone also wrote poems for him. There were more than one poem. The storyteller read it out in front of everyone. Whether it is good or bad is another matter.

In short, Yunjing's reputation has been established. It can be imagined that his reputation is rapidly spreading to all directions without him knowing it.

According to the storyteller, the poems he read were all circulated from the brothel last night, and the young lady from the brothel spread the word, saying that if Yun Jingruo goes, he can have fun without taking any money...

Gee, all those who listen to books love to listen to these, and everyone enjoys them with great gusto. In the end, they are all a little crooked, and there is a strong tendency to play with color.

There is one thing that the storyteller says conscientiously, and that is the description of Yunjing's appearance, which in short is rare in the world.

"Fortunately, I didn't turn into the Zhang Er King Kong in other people's mouths..." Yunjing couldn't help but feel happy in his heart.

Although the tavern is lively, it has little to do with the cloud scene in the corner.

As the saying goes, don't drink too much wine, as it will easily make you sad.

This sentence is correct, at least Yunjing is drinking alone at this time and always thinks of things that make him feel unhappy.

Then he suddenly felt homesick.

"In a blink of an eye, it has been a few months since I came out. I went home after a visit to the border. Next year I will try to win the title of Juren, and then I will find a job to live my life while continuing to study. In a few years, I will try to take the imperial examination.

Forget about becoming an official. It doesn’t mean that I’m not that good. I’m prone to emotions. I can’t be a good official with such a personality. In the future, I’ll get married and have children. I’ll have a little money. In my free time, I’ll read and listen to the rain. If I’m interested, I’ll walk around.

When you get bored, just hang out with friends. Day by day, year by year, life goes by like this..."

His thoughts were wandering, and Yun Jing had already begun to think about how to spend the next days.

The future he imagined was as plain as a glass of boiled water, without many waves, but he felt there was nothing wrong with it. Aren't 99% of people in the world like this?

However, he can only think about such a future now. Who can say clearly what will happen in the future? He cannot guarantee what kind of people he will meet or what kind of things he will experience in the future.

"So don't drink too much. I'm only sixteen years old. I can start to support myself in old age..."

Laughing dumbly, Yunjing continued to listen to the book.

He didn't use his blood energy to dissolve the alcohol, which would be very wasteful. At this time, he just wanted to simply drink some wine, preferably when he was tipsy, so that he wouldn't have many worries.

In fact, he wanted to get drunk, but he was afraid that he would not be able to control his words and actions after being drunk. In fact, at this moment, he had the urge to fly back to Niujiao Town to have a drink with Wang Bolin and the others.

Being alone is really boring.

Ye Tian and the others left. If he hadn't been waiting for the government reward, he would have braved the wind and snow and continued northward.

It's not that Yunjing is greedy for the rewarded money, he is more concerned about his resume, which is good for the imperial examination.

In fact, to this day, Yunjing is no longer so obsessed with how much success he can achieve in the imperial examination. However, his family members all hope that his son will become a dragon. His parents hope that he will achieve something, so that they will be happy and feel that their ancestors will be honored.

, Yunjing doesn’t mind fulfilling their wishes.

It's not that he only lives for his family, but if it can make his parents and family happy, why not do it?

The storytelling on the stage continued, and the story of Yun Jing that could be talked about now was only the battle on the first day. The storyteller couldn't always tell, so he changed other stories.

The fights and killings in the arena and the love affairs of scholars are always so witty among storytellers.

There were people prostituted for free outside the tavern, and they stood in a row against the wall. They were reluctant to come in and spend money, and would rather stand in the cold wind and stamp their feet. The shopkeeper was kind-hearted and asked the waiter to bring them a cup of hot water from time to time.

"Everyone, I recently heard the news that there will be a grand event in the swordsman pavilion. An unnamed master accidentally got a famous sword. He thought he didn't deserve it. He specially invited people from the martial arts to come and enjoy it. At that time, there will be a famous sword.

Choosing the Master of a Famous Sword..."

It was getting dark, and Yunjing, who was slightly drunk, stood up to pay and left. He had little interest in the so-called grand events in the world.

"Jianxin Pavilion is less than two hundred miles away from here. It's close to the border. If you stop by next time, you can take a look." With this thought, Yunjing Shi Shiran returned to the inn and took out his pen and ink to write down what he had seen today.

, the writing is a bit heavy.

With nothing to do, I took out my book and read it slowly, the lights were flickering, and there were snowflakes outside.

Winter has just begun. There are still several months of severe cold, but it is not yet the coldest period.

Winter is the most hated season for countless people in this world...

On the other side, Bai Zhi returned to Zhou Jin's house a little disappointed, carrying a wooden box and Yun Jing's umbrella.

The wooden box contained some food, which she cooked by herself, fearing that Yunjing would not be able to eat well at the inn.

Bai Zhi went to the inn to look for Yun Jing early in the morning, but Yun Jing went to Ran Liang's house one step ahead of her, so she missed her. She waited for Yun Jing at the inn all day, but Yun Jing didn't go back until it was almost dark, so she left one step ahead and missed it again.

She was a little disappointed, but she knew Yunjing had something serious.

"Junior sister is back? How are you getting along with Mr. Yun?" Zhou Jin winked at Bai Zhi, then saw the umbrella in her hand and said in surprise: "Okay, I borrowed Mr. Yun's umbrella again. You are enlightened.

If you go back and forth, that’s all.”

"Senior sister, I didn't see him today. He went to see off his friends who died in the war," Bai Zhi said, shaking her head.

After hearing this, Zhou Jin said clearly: "That's it, it's okay. Just go find him tomorrow. I'm telling you, junior sister, men have their own social interactions. As women, we must learn to understand, so that men will like it."

Take your brother-in-law as an example. When he is at home, he often goes out to socialize. Sometimes he comes back drunk in the middle of the night. I have to prepare food and sober soup for him. Only when the two parties are in harmony can the life last longer."

"Oh, senior sister, why are you telling me this?" Bai Zhi felt a little embarrassed. She and Yun Jing had not even exchanged words, but he described their life together to her, which made her somewhat at a loss.

Zhou Jin smiled and said, "Didn't I let you know in advance, so that you would not feel that you were left out in the future and secretly covered your bed to wipe your tears?"

"I wouldn't do that," Bai Zhi pouted.

After pondering for a while, Zhou Jin sat opposite Bai Zhi and said seriously: "Junior sister, have you ever thought about what the future will be like?"

"I don't quite understand what you mean, senior sister," Bai Zhi said blankly.

Zhou Jin said: "Junior sister, you are just starting out in the world, right?"

"Yeah", Bai Zhi nodded.

"Then you met Mr. Yun and fell in love with him, right? Don't be shy, it's just us two sisters, let's talk about anything we have."

With a slightly red face, Bai Zhi nodded and said, "That's true."

"Then what?" Zhou Jin asked her.

Bai Zhi was confused and said: "What then?"

"You, to put it bluntly, are just a little girl. You have never thought about the future at all. I'm afraid if you think about it now, you like him and your heart is full of him, and then you just want to be with him, and you don't think about anything else. I

Are you right?" Zhou Jin shook his head and asked.

Bai Zhi nodded and admitted.

Zhou Jin smiled silently and said: "So I said that you are still a little girl and have never thought about the future. Do you think that two people getting along can just be together simply?"

"What else?" Bai Zhi said weakly.

Zhou Jin said: "Let me tell you straight, junior sister, you know better than me what kind of person Mr. Yun is, so I won't say more. Even if you are together in the future, his world cannot be all the same."

You, not to mention he has a legal wife, if you just have the mentality of not thinking about anything else after being with him, he can't be with you all the time when you cry in the future, right?"

"I never thought about this," Bai Zhi shook her head blankly.

Zhou Jin understood her current state. After all, she had been through this stage herself, so she said: "Junior sister, you have to learn to have your own life and career. If you are lucky enough to be together in the future, you will be able to live with him when he is not around."

It won’t be boring, yes, junior sister, you are good-looking, you can be said to be one in a million, but just being good-looking is useless, no matter how good-looking men are, they will get bored and dull if they see it too much, not to mention you will get old.”

"Master Yun is a scholar, and junior sister, you are now half a member of the world. If you were to be with him in the future, would it be difficult for you to go out and hang out in the world? What would he think?"

"But if you don't hang out in the world, what do you do? You have to have something to do, and when two people are together, it's not just two people sleeping with each other and accompanying each other. Don't be shy, I'm telling the truth."

"When two people are together, especially when the other person can't accompany you most of the time, you have to have your own things to do. When you are together, you can't lack anything, including rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea. Life is ordinary, ordinary life.

It can last for a long time, but you must have an income to survive. If you are with him, can you expect him to support you? Yes, that is what a man should do, but don't you think that is too humble? It will not be safe at all.


"If you continue to be a gangster, he will most likely not like it. No man wants to see his woman in public, and even if he doesn't care, he will be worried if you are a gangster. Are you willing to let him worry?"

"Speaking of which, if you don't work in the world and have no income, how can you maintain a sweet life for the two of you? Are you going to pick wild vegetables all day long?"

"When living together, you need to be sweet occasionally and give each other some care and surprises to maintain the relationship. But no matter how small things are, you have to spend money to buy them, right?"

"Do you think what the senior sister said is completely different from what you yearn for? But what I want to tell you is that this is reality!"

Bai Zhi was completely stunned when she heard Zhou Jin say this.

Bai Zhi had never thought about this. Before that, all she thought about was being together, which would be sweet and happy. She never thought that it would be like this after being together.

"Then what should I do?" Bai Zhi looked at Zhou Jin asking for help.

Smiling, Zhou Jin said: "Actually, junior sister, you don't have to be confused. Sooner or later, you will have to face what I said. Now, if you really want to be with Mr. Yun, you can extinguish it before you really set foot in the world.

Don't think about wandering around in the world, and then do something serious and have a stable source of income. Even if the income is not much, at least you can maintain normal expenses. In this way, you will not be bored when he is not around.

Depressed and sad”

"Sister, I listen to you, can you teach me? For him, I am willing to change myself." Bai Zhi looked at Zhou Jin eagerly.

"You are my junior sister, of course I will teach you," Zhou Jin said with a smile, then looked at Bai Zhi and said, "Junior sister, you are so beautiful. If you are with Mr. Yun in the future, he will be lucky."

"Sister, what are you talking about?" Bai Zhi blushed inexplicably and her heart beat.

Zhou Jin said: "Okay, let's get back to the topic. Most of the days two people spend together are dull. In addition, Mr. Yun is extraordinary. You will definitely not be together all the time in the future. You have to remember not to bother him.

"Don't influence anything about him. As women, we just have to do our part. Don't be sad when he's not here. Just do your own thing and leave him a warm harbor waiting for his return at any time."

"If we can really be together, he has another woman. Don't compare and be jealous. It will make him embarrassed and annoying."

"Well, you have to be mentally prepared for these. Now let me talk about you. What do you want to do if you don't go into the world? Maybe you don't understand anything now, but it doesn't matter. You can learn. I still have some savings here, so I can

I'll help you start with a small business. In short, if you want to live a long life, you must first have a stable source of income..."

The two sisters talked intimately for half the night. Bai Zhi gradually became less confused and had a general understanding of the future.

Through Zhou Jin's analysis, she clearly realized that in fact, except for her infatuation and good skin, she had nothing worthy of tying down a man.

But is Yunjing the kind of person who lacks infatuation and good looks?

Especially since she, Bai Zhi, has no source of income, her current expenses are saved from the pocket money her master occasionally gave her. She doesn't even have any savings, and even her martial arts skills are just like that.

How can she enter the life of her sweetheart when she has "nothing"?

So she needs to change herself from now on.

If you are lucky enough to be together, you should be a little woman who waits for him silently. She will not be jealous or show off, but cook meals for him and sew clothes for him. If he is tired, accompany him and talk to him.

, if he is in a bad mood and wants to drink, I will drink with him and listen to his thoughts. If he wants to, I will serve him wholeheartedly...

In the future, I hope to give him two babies, preferably a boy and a girl, in pairs. Well, he has a real wife, and he has to consider the children...

But, are you that lucky?

But it doesn't matter, no matter what the outcome is, I want it.

After a night of chatting, Bai Zhi withdrew her half-foot in the world.

This chapter has been completed!
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