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Chapter 355 Hunting Time

As night fell, Yun Jing felt a little pained as he looked at the underground killing headquarters below.

This gang of killers has scattered members, many vests, and intricate relationships. He alone cannot even think of uprooting it. This is based on the premise that he has the ability to solve this organization.

You must know that the leader of this organization, 'Leng Jue', is suspected of having true artistic conception. Yunjing is not sure he can handle it. If he fails to kill the other party, but is targeted by the other party, the consequences will make his head hurt just thinking about it...

Yun Jing felt numb for a moment, and thought repeatedly about how to completely eliminate this trouble.

If you don't get rid of this killer organization, the other party will continuously send killers to target you. What the hell is this?

In fact, the best way is to ask the enemy to remove its assassination, but will they let you go?

"It's not impossible to deal with this killer organization, but don't even think about uprooting every one of them. There are too many people and they are scattered. There will always be fish that slip through the net."

After careful consideration, Yun Jing gradually came up with an idea.

If you want to solve this killer organization, you have to start from three aspects.

First, we must get rid of the leader of this organization, ‘Leng Jue’. As long as he is dealt with, this organization will be leaderless. They will be in disarray, and maybe they will fall into internal chaos fighting for power.

The next step is to take down their organization headquarters. In this way, most of the organization has actually been wiped out. Those members who are scattered all over the place have even their homes stolen. They may immediately fall down the tree and disperse the hozens.

They are looking for a future, their old nest is gone, and they are still playing tricks.

In fact, if these two steps can be achieved, Yunjing feels that his own troubles have almost been solved, but he feels that it is not enough and needs to add a layer of insurance.

So in the end, didn't he get a rough idea of ​​their identity information from the killer headquarters, and expose them directly? The killer organization is notorious and everyone hates it. Once their identity is exposed, there are probably many people who want to get rid of them!

"That's it. We've decided to destroy their nest first. If something happens here, Leng, as the leader, will definitely come to check the situation, and then see if he can be dealt with, and finally publish their list information to solve the problem once and for all.


With a plan in mind, Yunjing began to implement it.

In the headquarters of the underground killing organization below, most of them are actually civilian members of the logistics department. They are still at the headquarters today. There are actually not many killers who are in charge of force. Most of them have gone out to run missions. The ones who are still in charge of force are not even in the innate realm.


Noticing this, Yunjing couldn't help but scratch his head.

"It doesn't make much sense to deal with these soldiers and generals. There are not even the most high-end killers. As long as such people are still alive, even one of them can support the appearance of this organization. But there is no way. As gold medal killers in the innate realm, they can't

Maybe they stayed at the headquarters waiting for the mission if they had nothing to do, or maybe they went out to run a mission, but God knows how long their mission will take before they come back, eh...?"

As he thought about it, Yunjing felt that he might want to do the splits.

Although his purpose is to uproot this killer organization, in fact, it does not need to go to that extent. Even if it is just to take down their headquarters, I am afraid they have no time to take care of themselves, right?

"Taking away their headquarters is such a big deal. In order to save face, they are trying every possible means to find the person who did it? How can they have time to take care of me when they don't know that it was me who did it?"

"Furthermore, if I take care of their headquarters, Leng Jue, as the leader, will definitely be attracted. Will the other masters not come back to protect their families if they are stumped? At that time, I can hide in the dark and continue to take advantage of the opportunity.

, just surround the place and call for help, that’s all.”

Of course, if possible, Yunjing still wants to uproot them all, but if things cannot be done, there is nothing he can do. In short, it is enough to solve his own troubles.

Attack them first and break them into pieces, then you should be fine.

"Let's start a wave and finish the work early. It's too annoying to fight and kill..."

When Yunjing decided to take action, he learned another situation from this killer organization.

That is, there is actually a person named Yang Feng on their assassination list, and this person's assassination level has reached the point where he can dispatch a silver medal assassin. The reward is 20,000 taels of silver and 150 organizational points.

The reason why the assassination level of this person named Yang Feng is so high is that that guy has some evil nature. Although the opponent's cultivation level is not high, he can always save the danger. Either he picked up the treasure when he was about to be killed, or he was passed by.

Either he was saved by an expert, or a new crisis came and involved both parties, but he managed to escape with a narrow escape. In short, that guy could always come back inexplicably.

In view of this, this killer organization upgraded Yang Feng's assassination level to the silver medal level.

"Yang Feng, isn't he the one who was either beheaded or was on the road to being beheaded? He is actually on the assassination list of this killer organization. Tsk, with his weird experience, maybe this killer organization has always been the one who continues.

Delivering food is simply the protagonist’s destiny. He never stops, and he is constantly in trouble. He can always save the day by repeatedly jumping on the edge of death..."

After learning about this situation, Yunjing murmured in his heart, but he still had to take action, without any ambiguity.

First of all, he stole the personnel list of the killer headquarters silently. With this thing there, he would publish it later, which would achieve the purpose of draining the bottom of the cauldron.

Then, he closed all the exits of the underground killer organization's headquarters. The mechanism was not difficult to operate. He just locked it so that no one could get in or out!

He then set a fire inside their headquarters, which quickly spread throughout their underground headquarters.

Taking advantage of the chaos of the underground killing organization, Yunjing simply used the various items they stored in the headquarters on themselves. Poison, smoke, poison, poisonous water... As the fire spread, these things poured into various places with the thick smoke.


The exit was blocked by cloud scenery, and they were trapped underground and could not get out. The scene was unbearable to watch, and the screams and roars for help echoed through the underground, just like purgatory.

Although Yunjing wants to take down this killer organization and has no mood swings about the demise of life, he is not cruel enough to enjoy the pleasure of killing.

Taking advantage of the chaos in the underground, he manipulated various hidden weapons from the air to harvest the lives of members of the underground killing organization. He could kill with one strike and never let the opponent feel pain!

To be fair, those members of the underground killing group are all experts in killing people. They naturally have their own way of dealing with crises, but they are facing a "non-existent" enemy, so what can they do to protect themselves?

Hard to guard against!

Even though there were no innate masters here, it only took ten or twenty minutes for Yunjing to perform some operations and the ground became completely quiet.

Under careful observation, not a single fish slipped through the net!

"Actually, in this way, the headquarters of the underground killing organization has disappeared, all kinds of data have been lost, and the organizational structure has broken down. Most of my troubles have been solved, but it would be great if I could add icing on the cake..."

After finishing the underground killing headquarters, Yunjing did not leave, but waited for their masters to come to protect the family to see if they could expand their results.

"Sure enough, once you use your mind to do bad things, it is quite scary. If you use normal means to destroy the organization's headquarters, you don't know how much it will cost, but I didn't even hurt a hair, so it's just a matter of thinking!


With thoughts flickering in his mind, Yun Jing knew that he was still different from normal martial arts practitioners. Cultivation was not equal to strength. When an ability like telekinesis that ordinary people could not understand appeared in him, if he used it well, he would be invincible.


"Their headquarters was destroyed and lost contact with the outside world. I'm afraid someone will come soon. I hope they won't wait too long. Well, there is still a lot of money stored in the headquarters of these killer organizations, all of which are ill-gotten gains.

I’m not short of money, but people need what I have, so let’s make the best use of it.”

With this in mind, Yunjing began to withdraw money from the now-defunct Jisha headquarters, and then distributed it silently to the refugees in the city. It didn't take much, and it would probably be enough to ensure that they could survive the difficult period.

In this county, Yunjing's mental power swept away the refugees, and there were still a lot of refugees, at least tens of thousands. Yunjing could barely get enough until he emptied the headquarters of the local killing organization of money.

In this freezing season, many of the refugees will not be able to live to see the sun tomorrow. But after somehow gaining some extra money, they see hope of living, with plenty to eat and hot soup to drink.

,maybe still there tomorrow...

Everyone knows that wealth should not be exposed, let alone refugees. After receiving the money, no one showed off to them. They kowtowed quietly to thank them, and then went to buy some things to survive.

In fact, when Yunjing was distributing money from the underground killing headquarters, some members of this organization realized that the situation was not good and went to check the situation. If such a person appeared, Yunjing would deal with each one.

It wasn't until more than twenty minutes later that an innate master quietly arrived.

In Yun Jing's eyes, the innate master was no different from a bright light in the darkness. He noticed him as soon as he appeared.

Judging from the information obtained, this innate master is the gold medal killer of the underground killing organization and is in the early stage of innateness.

This is already a very terrifying killer. With all kinds of assassination methods, once he is targeted, ordinary people may not be able to sleep peacefully.

He was very cautious and did not rush to the headquarters without understanding the situation. Instead, he lurked in the dark, contacting other people through his own means, and trying his best to find out what happened at the headquarters.

After confirming the identity of the other party, Yunjing was not polite and attacked him directly. Before he could even react, the dagger quenched by himself pierced his heart!

A congenital person might not be able to produce even one out of a thousand martial arts practitioners, but he died inexplicably just like that.

When it comes to assassination, there is no difference between Yunjing and Death.


After defeating the first innate master of the underground killing organization, Yunjing's heart condensed, and Leng Jue, the leader of the underground killing organization, appeared.


This chapter has been completed!
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