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Chapter 356 Nowhere to start

An oppressive and violent aura quickly rushed towards the city, like a wild beast emerging from its cage, and like the prelude of a terrifying storm brewing, making people feel palpitated and panicked.

Feeling this aura, Yunjing couldn't help but feel a sense of fear that he wanted to escape but didn't dare to escape. This was an instinct that came from the depths of his soul and was difficult to suppress.

That terrifying aura is hidden and invisible, like the raging lava under a calm volcano. Ordinary people can't feel it at all. But the six senses of cloud scenery are so sharp, almost reaching the point where cicadas are aware of the autumn wind before it moves. How can they not feel it.

A true artistic conception strong person, and an angry true artistic conception strong person!

With a solemn heart, Yun Jing looked in the direction of the fearful aura.

In the vast white sky and earth, three figures in the distance came quickly towards the county city. They soon appeared at the city gate, and then entered the city and rushed towards the headquarters of the underground killing organization.

After entering the city, their auras calmed down, just like normal pedestrians, and even the terrifying aura about them that made people feel palpitating disappeared without a trace.

Yun Jingxin is worthy of being the leader of the killer organization with such a method of restraining his aura. If he hadn't sensed it in advance, he probably wouldn't have noticed the other party's arrival.

Among those three people was Leng Jue, the leader of the local killing organization. His real name was Liu Dafu.

As his name suggests, he is a fat, wealthy man who looks to be in his fifties. He is dressed in gorgeous brocade clothes and a cloak made of rare blood fox fur. His expression is like that of a Maitreya Buddha with a compassionate smile. In his chubby right hand, he holds a

There are two jade balls the size of duck eggs.

Who would associate this outfit with the leader of a notorious killer organization?

His apparent identity is that he is a wealthy man in the north, with a fortune of tens of millions, and his property covers several states in the north. Based on his apparent identity alone, in this northern region, which dignitary would not give him some respect?

He is powerful and his true artistic conception exists, but he hides it very well. At least no one knows that he is a martial arts expert. He gives the impression that he is a rich fat man. I don’t know how many people have known that he is a martial arts master.

I have had ideas about his family's property, but people like that often end up miserable...

Yun Jing had every reason to believe that with his current net worth, there would definitely be an underground killing organization behind him to use shady means to eliminate his competitors.

The hearts of capital are all black, especially in this era, where people cannot stand firm if they are not ruthless, and wealth can be said to be washed away with blood!

The two people following him are both innate masters, and both are innate mid-level masters. However, those two innate mid-level masters are not killer members of the underground killing organization. They are obviously just the bodyguards of 'Liu Dafu'.

As a wealthy man in the north, it is completely reasonable for him to travel with two such masters to protect him, isn't it?

Yunjing didn't look at him with his eyes. He couldn't see clearly from too far away. Moreover, this kind of person is very sensitive to other people's eyes and has the ability to hit people along the line. Yunjing used his mind power to silently hit him.

Observing each other, they didn't notice at all.

Previous experiences have proven that unless he is a figure from the mythical realm like Liu Neng, it is still very safe for Yunjing to observe others with his telekinesis.

‘Liu Dafu’ and the others went straight to the casino and were respectfully invited in. Well, that casino is his property.

After entering the casino, he met with the casino's senior management in the name of checking the accounts, but in reality he was asking about problems that occurred at the headquarters below.

However, in the face of Liu Dafu's inquiry, the casino executives were completely clueless. Because Yunjing acted too quickly and secretly, it was only separated by a layer of ground. The people in the casino above had no idea what was going on below, and there was no news at all.


No one in the casino "separated by a wall" knew what was going on below. Who knows how Liu Dafu, who was far away, knew that something was going on here.

The subordinates didn't know about such a big thing. Although the casino's top executives were not members of the assassination organization, they could still be regarded as outside gatekeepers. What should they do with useless things?

Then the casino executive who was questioned was glared to death by Liu Dafu!

Yes, he just glanced at it, and the casino executive who was being questioned froze up and became silent on the spot.

With the existence of true artistic conception, the means have risen to the level of the use of spiritual will. Eyes can kill people. For people at this level, it is not a very clever means.

Unable to get any useful information, Liu Dafu simply went to the headquarters below to check it out in person. Facing the locked secret passage, he smashed the door. He just pressed his palm on the metal door that was a foot and a half long, and there was a muffled bang.

With the sound, the heavy metal door was shattered into pieces!

The next moment, a heat wave hit inside, with raging fire and thick smoke, as well as the stench of burned carbohydrates and poisonous gas.

Under such circumstances, his expression remained unchanged, and he seemed to be waving his hand inadvertently, as if the strong wind was roaring, and the thick smoke and heat waves were rolling back.

Dead, everyone inside was dead, no one was left alive, and the entire headquarters of the assassination organization was destroyed.

Under such circumstances, Liu Dafu's face finally changed slightly as he kept smiling like Maitreya Buddha.

Who has the ability to solve this problem silently?

To be able to reach this point, at least it is the existence of the true artistic conception, but he does not have such an enemy, and even if the existence of the true artistic conception attacks here, it is impossible to do it so silently, there will be wind and movement,

It's not like it's been wiped out here, and there's no feeling at all outside.

Liu Dafu never thought that a higher level would take action here. How free would such beings be before they take action here?

So how to explain everything here?

He couldn't figure it out for a moment.

In fact, he didn't know immediately that this place was destroyed, because there was no contact with the outside world for half an hour. Someone reported to him that something must have happened here, so he came to check, and sure enough it was true.

"Mobile all hands to investigate for me, overtly and covertly, I want to know the answer in two hours," Liu Dafu said calmly as he glanced at the messy underground headquarters, and he regained his composure again.

Regardless of whether it is obvious or not, his status can be said to be at the top of the world. His Qi-nurturing skills are naturally excellent. The destruction of the underground killing headquarters is tantamount to breaking one of his arms. In such a situation, he can quickly regain his composure. His Qi-nurturing skills can be seen.

A spot.


A mid-level Xiantian master next to him replied and turned away, his voice trembling a little, not because the underground killing headquarters was destroyed, but because he felt that the boss was angry.

The boss is angry, and I don’t know how many people will die if he is not good!

Yunjing, who has been secretly observing them since they first appeared, is struggling with a question: how to kill the leader of the killer organization? Once he is killed, and the headquarters of the killer organization is destroyed, the underground killing organization will be leaderless, and his own troubles will also

It's not a problem, of course, just for now.

But is the true artistic conception so easy to kill? Yunjing is not completely sure of it even with the silent means of telekinesis.

I don't know how acute this person's sense of crisis is. Ordinary assassination methods are useless. Moreover, unless he is strong enough to crush him, it is almost impossible to kill him, making him very difficult to deal with.

In the night sky, Yun Jing holds the colorless and odorless poison that he obtained from the underground killing organization "Yesterday", wondering if this thing will work?

It would be great if the opponent could be poisoned, but Yun Jing didn't care about poisoning, a method that did not respect martial ethics.

"When he is calm, he is as hard to attack as a turtle shrinking into its shell. Only by irritating him and letting him reveal his flaws will you have a chance."

With thoughts flickering in his mind, Yunjing decided to start with the two guards he had brought, and killed his two guards in front of his eyes. He couldn't possibly remain indifferent, right?

"In the middle stage of the Xiantian stage, the true energy is transformed into the true essence, which is like substance. It can be used like an arm and fingers. It can send and receive freely with a single movement of the mind. Both the strength and self-protection ability have been greatly improved compared to the early stage of the Xiantian stage. Sneak attacks are not that difficult.

Those who are good at making sneak attacks only have one chance. Once they are alert, it will be impossible for them to make sneak attacks again."

"If you use a hidden weapon to assassinate such a person, even if you attack by surprise, the chance is not high. The true energy instantly covers the whole body like a treasure armor. Now I may not be able to break through the weapons controlled by my mind. Well, it seems that I still have to use martial ethics.

Poison, it doesn’t matter, it’s a good method if you can kill the enemy..."

After thinking quickly, Yunjing let go of his hand, and the porcelain bottle containing "Yesterday" flew out. This thing could poison even the true artistic conception, and Yunjing did not dare to take risks.

Since this thing is poison, no matter how poisonous it is, it has to come into contact with the skin or enter the human body to kill people. And Yunjing's mind power is invisible and qualityless, so of course it cannot form a medium for the spread of the poison.

The porcelain bottle containing "Yesterday" was opened from a distance, and the poison that could kill the true artistic conception was exposed in the air.

This thing is really colorless and odorless. It is not a liquid or a powder, but a white and almost transparent poisonous mist. It blends into the air without any smell. Once inhaled, it can kill people without being visible!

Yunjing didn't know how other people used this thing, but he had special skills.

Mind power can control the intake of even spiritual energy, and can even form a barrier in the air, so it is too easy to control Yunjing.

"The tricks I once figured out to use telekinesis came in handy."

With a thought in his mind, he controlled the poison in the porcelain bottle not to spread, ingested a wisp of 'yesterday', then spread it slightly, blended into the air and became colorless and odorless, and then he quietly removed the highly toxic air

He was sent to the mouth and nose of the guard sent by Liu Dafu.

When the other person took his next breath, Yunjing let go of his mind control, and the air that had been blended with "yesterday" entered his body as the other person breathed.

The next moment, the opponent's whole body froze, bleeding from all his orifices, a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes, and with just one breath, he fell straight to the ground without making a sound.

The poison that can kill the true artistic conception, sealing one's throat with blood, is really not just a boast. A person in the middle stage of innate life died like this without even having the chance to save himself.

When he poisoned the man, Yunjing couldn't help but think.

At the same time, he thought to himself that it was true.

When Yun Jing let go of the restriction of 'yesterday', Liu Dafu's expression not far away changed slightly. He felt the crisis almost instantly. An invisible energy was brewing around his body, and the whole person seemed to be isolated from this world.

"As expected, such beings are extremely sensitive to danger. 'Yesterday' he was tens of meters away from him, and he sensed the danger. I used my mind power to feed him silently, which is not realistic. I'm afraid it's not realistic.

I sensed danger before I even got close to him and responded." Yun Jing was not surprised at all by Liu Dafu's reaction.

True artistic conception, even in the early stage of true artistic conception, the will can already affect other people's thoughts and senses. In the middle stage, one's own martial arts will can even be truly manifested. If it is in the later stage, one's own martial arts will can be embodied into existence.

It's as if it's alive...

It was obvious that Liu Dafu was still in the early stage of his true artistic conception. He used his own methods to isolate the surrounding air and avoid contact. Under Yunjing's feeling, he seemed to be isolated from the world. This is the impact of martial arts will on other people's senses.


"He is no different from a shrunken turtle. It really makes people have nowhere to start." Yunjing was a little confused and it was difficult to deal with.

What he had to admit at this time was that telekinesis was not omnipotent, especially when facing a truly powerful person, its shortcomings would gradually become apparent.

Although he didn't know how to deal with Liu Dafu at the moment, Yunjing was a little relieved that he silently killed one of his men in front of him, which finally made him moved and lost his previous composure.

But that’s all…

This chapter has been completed!
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