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Chapter three hundred and sixty first day after tomorrow

In the wind and snow, Yunjing walked alone on the snow-covered ground. The cold wind howled and the snow fell, as if he was the only one left in the whole world.

The snow on the ground was up to two feet thick, and sometimes half of his legs would sink into it if he put his foot down.

It had been three days since he sent Bai Zhi back to the south. Early the next morning after sending her back, Yun Jing left the inn to check out and continued his journey north.

“There are still many kind and grateful people in the world.”

At that time, the innkeeper said he would not accept Yunjing's money. The reason was that he had solved the crisis in Sitong Town. If it hadn't been for him, it wouldn't matter whether the inn could continue to operate or even survive. If he didn't accept his money anymore,

Money, is that still a person?

Whenever he thinks of the scene at that time, Yun Jing is deeply touched by the kindness and simplicity of most people in the world.

It was benevolent for the other party not to accept the money, and it was his duty to give the money himself. Yunjing was not a person who was greedy for petty advantages, and settled the bill secretly.

Three days was not a long time. The heavy snow in the north made it difficult to travel in the mountains, and Yunjing had only traveled more than a hundred miles. He did not feel irritable. Measuring the earth with his feet step by step was also a test of his character.

Walking in the wind and snow, feeling the internal force swimming in the body, a hint of surprise appeared on Yunjing's face.

He started practicing the third level of the health-preserving skill yesterday. Although Yun Jing has not practiced the third level of the health-preserving skill in these years, he has already figured it out thoroughly, and there is no unfamiliarity in the first operation.

In just one day, he transformed the blood and energy contained in his strong physique accumulated over many years into internal strength.

If you tell me about this speed of cultivation, I don't know how many people will be shocked.

When a warrior enters the late stage of acquired life, it may be said that it is just the process of converting blood energy into internal force, but it involves many key points and is not that easy.

This can be regarded as a small leap forward. Usually at this time, martial arts practitioners will choose a place to retreat and be safe for promotion. The breakthrough time varies, some are three to five days, some are ten and a half months, and some people fail to be promoted.

Yes, and the cloud scene was completed while on the road.

The internal energy of warriors in the late acquired period is stored in the meridians. The internal energy travels in the meridians and will subtly temper the physique.

Warriors who break through to the later stages of the mid-term need to transfer their own blood and energy according to their skills. The first step is to open up the meridians that circulate around the body, so that the blood and energy can flow in and transform into internal force to travel in this circulating meridians. Only then can they step into the later stages of acquired life.


If you are unable to completely open this meridian in one fell swoop, your efforts will be in vain. At best, your blood energy will be depleted and you will be weak for a period of time. At worst, you will be injured. In severe cases, your life will be in danger.

Every step of martial arts is difficult, which is why the more skilled martial artists are in the world, the fewer them are.

When you first open up the meridians of the Zhoutian circulation and enter the later stage, there is not much internal force in the meridians, so you need to constantly transport blood and energy to transform the internal force to improve your own skills. This process takes different time depending on the individual's body, blood, energy and kung fu accumulated in the early stage.

Usually, people who break through will convert all their blood energy into internal energy before they can leave the seclusion, so it takes time to go into seclusion.

After achieving the late acquired stage, the next step is a long process of improving one's skills, including eating foods rich in energy, absorbing and improving one's own blood energy, and then extracting the blood energy to transform into internal energy.

But this involves a problem, that is, there is a limit to the internal force that this meridian of circulation can accommodate. When this meridian is filled with internal force, more meridians need to be opened to store internal force, otherwise the internal force cannot be increased.

Moreover, even if it is just this meridian, each person's constitution is different, the width of the meridian is also different, and the upper limit of the internal energy contained is naturally different.

Of course, there are techniques that can widen and condense the meridians, and even some heavenly materials and earthly treasures can change such a physique, but those things are extremely precious and difficult for ordinary people to obtain.

In short, the more meridians opened up by warriors in the late acquired period, the more internal energy they can store, and the more advanced their skills will be.

Open up the main meridians that circulate around the world, transform blood energy into internal force, wait until the internal force fills this main meridians, and then continue to open up the meridians to accumulate internal force. This is probably the next step in the cultivation process of warriors in the later days of tomorrow.

This is an extremely long and complicated process. How many meridians are there in the human body? Hidden meridians and bright meridians. People who practice martial arts at this stage will never try to open up all their own meridians throughout their lives. After all, there are only so many meridians recorded in the secret books of self-cultivation.

, the more advanced the skill at this stage, the more meridians will be recorded, but there is absolutely no skill in the world that can record all the meridians!

Therefore, a person who practices martial arts in the late acquired stage does not need to completely open all the meridians. He only needs to open up the meridians as much as possible to improve his martial arts. When he accumulates to a certain level and feels that he can impact the innate realm, he can give it a try.

However, the reason why Yunjing was surprised was not because he converted all his blood energy into internal strength in one day and entered the late acquired stage. Nor was he surprised that he had a strong foundation and his internal strength was comparable to many experienced late acquired martial arts practitioners when he first entered the late acquired stage.

What surprised him was that it seemed possible... the eight extraordinary meridians and the hidden meridians of the bright and hidden meridians in his body seemed to have been completely connected long ago, and there was no need for him to spend time and effort to find and open them bit by bit!

The most intuitive expression is that when he thinks, the internal force in his body can reach every place in himself...

Internal force needs to be transmitted through the meridians. If the meridians are blocked, the internal force can only stay in the meridians where it is located. Even if it is to perform martial arts and kung fu, it must be penetrated according to the meridians recorded in the kung fu, and then the internal force can be transmitted through and the corresponding kung fu can be performed.


And Yunjing's meridians throughout his body are completely connected, which means that he can perform any technique that requires the cooperation of internal force. The premise is that he can obtain it and the internal force is sufficient. After all, different techniques consume different internal energy, and some techniques are more powerful.

It is huge and consumes a lot of internal energy. If the internal energy is not enough, you can only stare.

"My physique is miraculous. The meridians can open up on their own. There is no need to open them one by one. All you need to do is accumulate internal strength. People who have meridians that can open up on their own can be called geniuses. It's not like that.

Do you know if there are people who have all the meridians like me? There should be very few..."

He muttered in his heart, but Yunjing didn't worry too much when he thought that he could absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth at will even when he opened his acupoints in the innate realm.

Meridians are a very magical thing. They are not blood vessels. You cannot find them even if you dissect a person, but they are real. After all, the internal force traveling in the meridians cannot be faked.

Applying his mind power to himself and using his special sensory perspective, Yunjing saw the meridians in his body with his own eyes. They were as numerous as the veins on leaves, covering every corner of his body. They were so dense that it made people dizzy to see them.

Although there are many of them and they look complicated, they are actually an overall network structure. It is just that the connection points of the meridians of ordinary people are blocked and need to be opened little by little to allow the internal force to flow through them.

And Yunjing's meridians are completely connected, and his internal energy can reach any place in himself!


His consciousness sank into his meridians, and what he 'saw' was a broad 'road'. Even though he had accumulated so horribly before, after the blood energy was completely transformed into internal force, it dispersed into the meridians, just like a small amount of water flowing out of an infusion tube.

It's like entering the vast Li River.

This situation made Yunjing a little confused.

"I don't know how wide other people's meridians are, but I... how much internal energy do I need to store? Even if I gather all my internal energy into the Zhoutian Meridian, it's still so insignificant. So, even if I receive

Even if there is no need to open up the meridians, how much time will it take to accumulate internal energy to fill up all the meridians?"

Yunjing didn't know, but he conservatively estimated that this time would probably take years to calculate, even if he absorbed a large amount of spiritual energy or even set up a spirit gathering array.

"Forget it, take your time. Anyway, as long as you have enough internal energy to step into Xiantian, you don't need to completely fill all the meridians with internal energy. Just try to accumulate as much as possible..."

I think so, but with Yunjing's character, I guess he won't be able to proceed to the next stage without accumulating his internal strength to a critical point, even if it takes a little longer...

These are all things that will happen later, and he decided not to worry about it so much right now.

It is worth mentioning that for every kind of exercise that requires internal force to be performed, the meridians through which the internal force travels during the execution are different. When the internal force performs skills through these meridians, the magical meridians will be able to show the internal force in different ways.


Just like now, Yunjing used his most familiar iron sand palm, and the internal energy came to his hand along the meridians, and then his hand began to glow. Not only did the palm of his hand seem to have turned into bright silver made of steel as before, but even outside the palm,

The internal force also formed a bright silver palm print, which was a full foot square, but the palm print transformed by the internal force was translucent and looked very powerful.

Internal force can act on oneself, and can even cover the weapon blade, but it cannot leave the body like the innate true energy. Once it leaves the body, it cannot be controlled.

"If I take this palm, with my own strength, the blessing of exercises, and the skills of exerting force, in the early stage of innate talent, I am afraid that not many people can withstand it, right?"

Looking at the 'iron sand palm', Yunjing moved his fingers at will, and the one-foot-square palm transformed from internal force also moved accordingly, and even made a sound like steel tapping when the 'fingers' touched it.

You don't need to think about Yun Jing to know that if he uses his 'Iron Sand Palm' with all his strength, just like in the middle stage of the day after tomorrow, he can definitely use his internal force to form a huge figure outside his body, just like putting on a huge steel armor, with defensive power and

I don’t know how much more lethal it was than in the mid-term!

He didn't try it at this time, otherwise the clothes on his body would burst first. He didn't want to walk around in the cold weather.

"I have just entered the late stage of acquired life, and I am not familiar with the control of internal power. Once I am familiar with it, I will not hurt my clothes when I use internal power. Otherwise, there are so many martial arts practitioners in the world who will explode when they use internal power in a fight.

, that scene is embarrassing just thinking about it..."

Although Iron Sand Palm is a bad martial art, it is also divided into levels, and each level is performed differently. However, when it comes to Yunjing, it is just a palm skill, but he has almost magically changed it.

After removing the iron sand palm, Yun Jing thought and performed another hand skill, Fiery Fist. His internal energy surged, and his fist became red, like a red-hot iron block. Especially the outside of the fist, the internal energy turned into fiery red.

The shadow of the fist was as big as a basketball, like a burning fireball, and the blazing temperature melted the surrounding snow.

"If this punch were to strike someone, not to mention the power of the fist, the high temperature would cause him to become charred on the outside and tender on the inside!"

Immediately, Yunjing switched to another Ice Palm. The palm became as crystal clear as white jade, and the internal force formed an icy blue handprint. It was so cold that even the water vapor in the air was quickly condensing...

Yun Jing tried various martial arts skills that required internal strength to be used one by one, and all kinds of magic appeared on him. He still knew a lot of skills.

There is a huge difference between the late stage acquired internal power and the mid-term stage, and the various "fancy" skills are dazzling.

"Handsome, I've finally come this far," Yunjing felt happy.

Improving your strength by leaps and bounds is one thing, and it also looks good.

Fists, palms and fingers, Qinggong sword skills Yunjing performed one by one.

When performing Qinggong, sometimes his figure is as erratic as a ghost, sometimes as graceful as walking in a courtyard, sometimes leaving behind afterimages. With the blessing of internal strength, he finally no longer needs to use brute force to 'parkour'.

When the sword technique is used, the various colors on the sword bloom, and the bells and whistles are really beautiful...

After doing it repeatedly, he stopped after half an hour, just like a child getting a fun toy for the first time.

After such a long period of consumption, he has only consumed one-tenth of the internal energy in his body. His previous background was too strong, and his internal energy was comparable to that of many veteran beings at this level when he first entered the acquired world.

If it were someone else who had just entered the late acquired stage, and played like him, they would probably have reached the bottom of their internal strength if they could only use one or two skills.

Internal force has no so-called attributes. In the final analysis, it is just a special kind of life energy. The difference in its expression is just because of different skills. Through different meridians, internal force can be displayed like a program.

All kinds of different postures.

"The inner strength is so magical, but what about the innate true energy?"

Yunjing expressed great expectations, but at present, that step is still a little far away from him, but it doesn't matter, just take your time, step by step, and you will get to that step sooner or later.

And he has proven with facts that a warrior's realm is not equal to his own strength...

This chapter has been completed!
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