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Chapter 369 Internship

The daybreak comes later in winter, and Yunjing wakes up very early under the biological clock that has been cultivated for a long time. It is not yet dawn at that time.

The room is warm, which is a benefit brought by the coal stove. In winter, this thing works better than the air conditioner.

Yesterday, he found a blacksmith in the city to build a coal stove and installed it for use. It was not difficult to build, and the blacksmith was very skilled, so he was able to bake in the coal stove in one day.

As for the detail that he paid one-third more labor to rush the work, there is no need to worry about it, and building a coal stove is relatively useless.

The coal stove consists of three parts, the furnace body, the inner tank and the chimney. The furnace body is made of iron, the inner tank is made of clay, and the chimney is replaced by a bamboo pipe.

The clay-fired liner will not be burned by the burning coal, the iron furnace body has good thermal conductivity, and the chimney exhausts smoke...

Picking up the iron kettle from the coal stove and pouring a basin of steaming face wash, Yunjing suddenly felt like he had returned to his previous life in the countryside when he was a child.

At that time, he lived in the countryside, and his family also burned a coal stove in winter, so he could use hot water when he got up in the morning.

Moreover, the coal stove adds a lot of fun to the cloud scenery in winter. You can bake beans, sweet potatoes, and other tooth-sacrifice offerings on it. You can even grill meat on it when killing the New Year pig...

Well, eating hotpot is also very convenient.

"Then let's have hot pot this morning and go shopping later."

While washing his face, Yunjing planned what to eat next. Unfortunately, he still hasn't found chili pepper and other seasonings, so the hot pot is a bit imperfect.

Moreover, there are very few green vegetables that can be eaten in winter in this world, and even if they are available, they are extremely expensive, so he is reluctant to spend money.

"Tofu...well, it seems that there is no tofu at all. If you have time, you can make it yourself. Then there are few choices left, such as pork and mutton, chicken, duck and fish, and then various dried mushrooms and the like. Speaking of mushrooms, red

The umbrella has a white pole, and I don’t know if I can see the little person after eating it..."

Thinking about random things makes him happy.

Mainly it's boring.

As for why there is no beef in the ingredients, it goes without saying that in this era, cows are more valuable than humans. Unless they die accidentally or die of old age, it is illegal to kill cows. Even if there is beef for sale, it is difficult to buy, so I don’t plan on it.

Yesterday, apart from building coal stoves, Yunjing was also busy and got a general familiarity with the city's environment.

The city has a population of more than one million, including local residents, merchants, people in the world, scholars, and the army. The social structure is very complex, but there is order in the chaos. Now during the war, everything is done in accordance with military regulations.

According to what Yunjing learned yesterday, the people in this city came here with the heart of serving the country. They took the initiative to help gather information and eliminate those who caused trouble in the enemy country. They were also busy accepting various tasks issued by the government.

Lehu, Jianghu vendettas and the like almost never happened. Everyone who came here was full of passion. They unanimously opened up to the outside world and put aside their grudges for the time being.

There is a saying that these people in the world are not ambiguous in the face of justice. They can do whatever they want behind closed doors, but when the country is in crisis, they still understand the importance of it.

Then there are the scholars. They gather from all directions. They are not here to talk and talk about flowers and flowers. They are all making contributions to the country in their own ways. Whenever they have time, they gather together to discuss the current situation and work together to find solutions.

They don't just talk about it on paper. If they have a good strategy, they can present it and actually implement it. In this way, they can get rewards and add a resume to their academic records.

In addition, these scholars also have the opportunity to get an 'internship' opportunity, that is, if a person shows good talent in leading troops in combat, he will have the opportunity to join an army and actually lead troops in combat. Of course, even if he leads troops in combat,

Scholars can't really make the decision, only experienced leaders can. Soldiers' lives are precious and cannot be left to their own devices.

Generally speaking, it is a rare opportunity for scholars to join the army and lead soldiers in combat. Countless people try their best to try it.

Yunjing probably guessed that the dynasty was consciously training lower-level officers, and who could guarantee that these scholars today would not be able to produce an outstanding general in the future?

"Then, should I wander around like a man in the martial arts world to resist the enemy's rebellion, or should I get involved with scholars and make suggestions for the country, or even look for opportunities to 'intern' in the army?"

After thinking about it, Yunjing decided to take the path of a scholar. Relatively speaking, the path of a scholar would be more helpful to the country, and he also needed a resume.

He has not yet thought of a way to truly end the war. For the entire war, he is too insignificant.

He wanted to go over and assassinate the enemy generals, but the fact is that it is not realistic. Every enemy general is very powerful in his own right and has expert guards around him. He is not that easy to kill. Once he confronts the true artistic conception, the enemy will not give him any chance.

There is a chance of scraping to death, and Yunjing suspects that there are mythical figures among the enemy troops, so this path is most likely not feasible.

Assassination of high-level enemy generals is not possible, and assassination of lower-level generals is of little significance to the overall battle situation.

And what is certain is that when the war situation reaches a certain point, the mythical realm will definitely take a stand. Facing that kind of existence is still an unsolvable problem at present.

"Forget it, let's take it one step at a time. After we eat something, find a circle of scholars and start taking our time..."

Carrying the wooden washbasin, I went out to pour the washing water. It was already dawning. It snowed again last night. The city was completely white. Some people had already gotten up early to start clearing the snow and cleaning the roofs.

The snow is too thick, and if the roof is not cleaned, it is likely to collapse the house. However, this involves a problem. It is dangerous to go to the roof to clean the snow, and then a profession was born that specializes in cleaning people's roofs.

Not everyone is a martial arts practitioner who can move up and down without fear of danger. More than 90% of the people in the world are just ordinary people. If these people don't want to take risks themselves, they need to pay someone to help clean the roof.

No, the neighbor next door to Yunjing asked someone to help clean the roof early in the morning.

Yunjing's neighbor is a man in his thirties who is a pig butcher by profession. He is tall and round and has a fierce face. Yunjing, who has had a brief exchange with him, knows that this man is actually very kind and it is not his fault that he looks scary.


"Brother, be careful, don't fall," Zhang Butcher said, raising his neck.

The man who helped him clear the snow was an old man in his sixties. He cleared the snow on the roof quickly and said with a smile: "Don't worry, it's okay. I've been doing this for decades and I haven't made any mistakes."


"Haha, what you said is awesome, but in your line of work, if you fall, you will end up with broken arms and legs. If you make a mistake, you will never be able to work again," Zhang Butcher said with a grin.

Then he saw Yun Jing going out to pour water, and turned around to say hello: "Hey, Mr. Yun got up so early."

"It's getting late, Brother Zhang, you guys are busy," Yunjing nodded.

Butcher Zhang said: "If you're not busy, today's pigs have already been killed and taken to the market."

These are the people at the bottom. When you don’t know it, they don’t know how much they are busy with.

Looking at the old man who was clearing the snow on the roof, Yun Jing said sincerely: "No matter which profession you are in, if you do your best, you will be the best in it. The old man's skill in clearing the snow is unparalleled, it is fast and clean."

"Hehe, you deserve a reward, sir," the old man said with a shy smile.

Butcher Zhang said with deep understanding: "That's not true. Just like me, I have been a bachelor for more than 30 years. If there is a widow in a radius of dozens of miles, I don't know about it."

Are we talking about the same thing?

You've reached a certain level even though you're a bachelor...

After smiling and exchanging some pleasantries, Yunjing said goodbye and left.

I went to the market a few hundred meters away to buy ingredients, went home and had a simple hot pot meal alone. After finishing Yunjing, I went out to find a circle, a circle of scholars.

It is easy to find places where scholars gather, and they are nothing more than teahouses and taverns. Of course, if you are famous for your ability, there will be a big family that provides a place specifically. It can be regarded as a kind of early investment, and you will be entertained with good wine and food.

, it will be good to think about it once you are developed in the future.

Yunjing, a high-end venue, has no access for the time being, so we have to go to the wild circles.

There are two ways to "intern" in the army and actually lead soldiers in combat. One is to register with the government. In this way, if a place can provide such opportunities for scholars, someone will be sent to notify them. However, there are too many monks and too few people to register.

The wait is endless.

Another way is to become famous, show your excellence in a circle, and if your reputation spreads, people will take the initiative to invite you.

Yun Jing did not find this pattern strange. Judging from the history of his previous life, scholars were still very popular during the war, especially those with outstanding intelligence. Sometimes one such scholar could defeat thousands of troops.

The most famous one is Mr. Wolong...

There is still a difference. Nowadays, scholars go to serve in the army only temporarily and are not tied together. They learn the experience of leading soldiers in combat and help solve problems at the same time.

Of course, staying with the army is definitely dangerous and difficult, and you may lose your life if you are not careful.

Xieyangguan is the main battlefield, but it does not mean that there are no wars in other places. Just like the sudden war in Sitong Town, there are still many places that need scholars on the border front.

However, aren’t there people in the military who are specialized in making suggestions? Do we need ‘external recruitment’? Of course there are, as I said before, ‘external recruitment’ is an opportunity for scholars to increase their experience and serve the country.

There are many people who stand out in this situation. As far as Yunjing knows, four great talents including his master Li Qiu all had this experience.

Why did Li Qiu become the first of the four great talents? Knowledge was on the one hand, but mainly because he had led the army in dozens of large and small wars when he was young. He had never been defeated and no one was dissatisfied. He was the first of the four great talents.


In other words, Li Qiu was very impressive when he was young. He really thought that the eldest princess would like him just because he was good-looking and knowledgeable. The eldest princess was not that superficial.

This chapter has been completed!
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