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Three hundred and seventieth chapters forward in the wind and snow

The sky is bright, the wind is blowing, and the snowflakes are falling.

Walking through the snow, Yunjing arrived at a camp four miles behind Xieyang City.

This place is a reserve camp for military supplies. Yunjing wants to go to Luocaopo, more than a hundred miles away, to join the army and join the war. He needs to start from here and transport supplies together with a logistics and military supply team.

There is naturally more than one similar camp. After all, there are more than a million troops stationed around Xieyang City. It is impossible to operate just one logistics camp. The place where Yunjing arrived is still relatively small.

The fact is that after he arrived at this military supply camp, he was already considered a member of the army.

But the required procedures still need to be followed.

Yun Jing was stopped outside the military camp. The guard, who was stamping his feet from the cold, had a bad look. Yun Jing was ready to shoot him to death without saying anything.

This important military area should not be allowed to be approached by idlers.

The camp was already busy. There was an endless stream of troops coming to ask for food and equipment. People and horses were busy coming in and out.

Yunjing immediately issued a transfer order to report his identity, and was able to enter the military camp after verification.

He did not immediately find the transport troops who needed to go with him, but went to the munitions office to report. After all, he was a non-staff member, so the procedures were complicated and he had to queue up.

After half an hour of busy work, the Yunjing process was completed and I got a set of equipment.

Cotton clothes and shoes, leather armor and leather hat, as well as an iron sword and a waist badge, these are the benefits after joining the army, and they are also military uniforms. In fact, there is military pay, but it needs to be paid out within a specified time.

The cotton coat and cotton shoes are dusty, feel thick, and are good at keeping warm. The leather armor is just an upper body armor, made of old cowhide, with a palm-sized iron piece inlaid at the heart. It can barely be called a breast shield.

The tawny leather armor is extremely ugly, and the leather cap is also made of cowhide, just like a melon skin. It is definitely ugly, and its defensive capabilities are somewhat, but worrisome.

Whether it is ugly or not is one thing. After joining the army, these equipments must be worn. Firstly, it is an order, and secondly, no one will refuse. It is a life-saving thing. Even a little defense can save one's life at critical moments.

The iron sword that was handed down was even more unflattering. It was light and slightly rusty. Yunjing estimated that if he used a little more strength, it would break into pieces.

But it’s not a big problem. You can kill enemies with a little grinding, and your skill can make up for the lack of certain materials... What a ghost, it’s just a burden. Whatever, it’s better than nothing.

Of course, this is just for him, an ordinary soldier. Such a long sword is already his second life on the battlefield.

The waist tag is a hard wooden tag, palm-sized, with Yunjing's status in the military written on it.

He is a non-staff member and does not have a formal military position. He can do anything and participate in everything, but no matter what he does, he must be arranged by his superiors and cannot go his own way. Currently, he needs to cooperate with the transportation team and make arrangements when he arrives at the place.

There was no special place to change clothes, so Yunjing simply put on all the things he received. After all, it was a 'suit', not a suit.

After that, Yunjing inquired about the starting point of the team. The starting point of the team was towards the west gate of the camp.

When Yun Jing arrived here, the team was almost ready to go.

More than thirty wooden carts stood in the wind and snow, carrying grain, charcoal, pickles and other supplies. These dozens of carts of supplies were the consumption of the army at Luocaopo for the next half month.

The carts were pulled by cows, horses and donkeys. Even though these animals were covered with quilts on their backs, they were still shivering in the wind and snow. Maybe it would be better to move after setting off.

Marching in such weather made people suffer and the animals suffered, but there was nothing we could do. The military orders were overwhelming. Unless you die, you must deliver your things as long as you have the breath.

There are about two hundred people in the transportation team, which is not a small number, because they are just logistics personnel, half of them have no combat effectiveness, but they are also equipped with weapons. When in danger, they have to take up weapons to protect the transportation of supplies. In addition, in such weather,

The road is difficult to travel, and many times it is necessary to push a cart manually to move forward.

More than a hundred miles away, in such weather, it had to be delivered in three days. The task was heavy and the pressure was great, but we had to go.

Approaching the team, Yunjing showed his waist card and transferred the order, and he was able to successfully enlist in the army. From then on, he needed to follow the orders of his superiors. If he disobeyed orders, he would be punished by military regulations.

The team didn't react much to Yun Jing's arrival. They took a few more glances. Who has the time to care about who you are in this damn weather? Get there as soon as possible to complete the task.

Non-staff personnel like Yun Jing have seen so many real soldiers that they are no longer surprised. Some people go to gold-plating, thinking that they are uncles, but in the end they see the cruelty and hardship in the army and leave in despair. Others are full of enthusiasm.

At a critical moment, if you get hot-headed, you will end up losing your life forever if you are not careful.

The lieutenant in charge of this transportation team saw that everyone was ready and he waved his hand: "Let's go!"


The sound of footsteps and wheels sounded, and the team slowly drove out of the military camp.

"May you come home safely!" came a blessing from behind.

There was a simple tribute platform where the words fell, which could be regarded as a simple farewell ceremony. After all, every march is a test of life and death, and maybe you will never come back again.

Although the logistics team is responsible for logistics, it is no less dangerous than frontline combat. The enemy's favorite enemy is the logistics team. Once the supply of food and grass is cut off, is there still a need to fight a war?

"Listen carefully, I don't care who you are, where you come from, what achievements you have made in the past, and how glorious you are. I want you to remember that you are soldiers now. As soldiers, you must obey orders. Otherwise, you will be dealt with according to the military law. You will be punished for the rest of the way.

Don't wander around me. You can watch and listen, but don't meddle in anything hastily. If you don't understand me, you can ask me and I will try my best to answer. When you encounter danger, don't be blindly impulsive. Cooperation with others is the best way for you.

What should be done is that in the military, personal bravery will only make you die faster, do you understand?"

After leaving the camp, the lieutenant warned Yunjing and the others with serious faces during the march.

Yun Jing was not the only scholar who joined the army this time. Besides him, there were two other people, both older than Yun Jing. One was 23 years old and had a scholar’s ​​reputation, named Lu Wencheng. The other was 30 years old and had a scholar’s ​​reputation, named Hou Xicai.


Unlike Yunjing, a pure 'newcomer', they had the experience of joining the army and participating in the war. They listened carefully to the lieutenant's warnings. They did not refuse to listen to the words of rough people in the army because of their status as scholars. They had seen too much.

Well, guys who don't take it seriously often die miserably.

In fact, the lieutenant mainly said this to Yun Jing. One thing he said was that the lieutenant had already taken care of many scholars, and he was afraid of bringing in new people, because new people are most likely to cause trouble and cause headaches.

Can you believe that there was a time when a scholar who just joined the army cried because of a cut on his finger? At that time, the lieutenant wanted to chop that guy to death. Your little injury was almost healed by the time you cried...

"Understood," Yun Jing and the other two nodded seriously.

The purpose of joining the army is to learn how to march and fight, not to enjoy the blessings or to be a personal hero. Although he has read a lot of books, Yunjing does not feel that he knows more than others. They are professionals who eat this bowl of rice.

Ah, how do you compare your hobbies with other people's majors?

Seeing this, the lieutenant was quite satisfied and nodded: "As long as you understand, the next task will be the main task. You just need to obey orders. Remember not to act on your own and be smart. If it delays the task and march or even endangers the lives of others, you can take it as easy as your academic status."

Leaving a stain will result in the removal of student status, or even worse, direct military action."

After continuing to hammer, the lieutenant saw that Yunjing and the others had serious faces and did not refute, so he softened his expression and said: "Don't put too much pressure on you. Act according to orders, unite the army, and do what you should do. In fact, life in the military is still

It’s very simple. Anyway, let’s take it slow, our next journey has just begun.”

Lieutenants ride horses, but as for Yunjing and the others, they don't get the same treatment on foot or on horseback.

In the wind and snow, the team drifted away...

At noon, the team had no intention of stopping, but someone came to distribute food. Each person had two large cakes, which were cold and hard, no different from stones, and nothing else.

Both Lu Wencheng and Hou Xicai had such an experience. It was not surprising at all. They took the pancake and started to eat it. They grinned and chewed until they rubbed their teeth. They looked at Yunjing, the little brother, without trace in their eyes.

However, what surprised them was that when Yunjing took a bite of the pancake and then took a bite of the snow, it actually seemed to be particularly delicious.

They also wanted to see Yunjing's jokes, but Yunjing seemed to be more adaptable to this kind of life than they were.

Of course, they have no ill intentions, they are just having fun. If Yun Jing complains or something, they will also offer words of comfort. After all, the army is full of rough guys, and there are only three of them as scholars at the moment, so they should look after each other.

"Brother Yun, it seems this is not your first time joining the army?" Hou Xicai asked curiously.

They had all known each other before, and each had a good impression. They followed the Romans, temporarily abandoning the etiquette of scholars, and spoke to each other in a military tone.

Yunjing swallowed a mouthful of pancake and said with a smile: "This is my first time joining the army, but my family was poor when I was young. Not to mention pancakes, even when I'm very hungry, wheat bran can be stuffed into my mouth like candy and it tastes delicious."

"Haha, I see. Having such an experience, I think Brother Yun can quickly adapt to life in the army. To be honest, when I first joined the army, everything else was fine. I remember that when I ate, I really felt like I was holding it in my mouth.

I'm crying, I don't know how I survived," Lu Wencheng said with a smile, but his face was filled with sadness.

Yun Jing did not doubt his words. It should be noted that in the army of this era, one bite is good. Want to eat well? Go ahead and dream, "This is just the beginning."

"No, we have experienced it and are used to it, but brother Yun, you have to be mentally prepared." After all, he was much older, so Hou Xicai gave Yunjing a vaccination.

The younger brother Yunjing left a good impression on them, and they didn't want Yunjing to give up halfway.

They only said a few words here, but something happened up front, and the team stopped moving forward.

After setting up the arbor and looking forward, Hou Xicai said: "Don't be impatient. We can just stay where we are. Don't cause trouble for others. The superiors will solve the problem."

In fact, it was not a big problem, but the wheels of a carriage in front got stuck in a snow pit and the wheels were broken, so the team had to stop.

The lieutenant immediately signaled Yun Jing and others to stay where they were, and he rode over, and loudly ordered: "Guard the surroundings to prevent enemy attacks, push the carts, change the wheels, where are the craftsmen with the army? Go quickly, I will take you if I delay the march.

Just ask!"

The carriage was quickly pushed out with the joint efforts of everyone, the snow nest was marked, the wheels were replaced, and the team continued to set off, everything was in order.

"For such a transportation team, no matter what happens during the march, the first priority is to preserve the transportation materials, and then talk about other things..." Yunjing thought thoughtfully after experiencing this episode.

When he enters the army, he does not come to play, but to learn. But this kind of learning is not taught by others, but is seen and summarized by oneself.

Don't underestimate this experience. You must know that if the supplies are not protected well, it will affect the war ahead. The chain reaction will lead to big problems, and it is not just a simple word.

Maybe the lieutenant didn't think so much when he made the arrangement, but it was definitely a valuable experience summed up by predecessors who didn't know how much it cost...

This chapter has been completed!
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