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Chapter 391 The purpose of the enemy

The first prisoner couldn't bear the fear caused by "bloodletting", and his mentality exploded and he collapsed. He took the initiative to confess, just to give him a happy life.

Adjutant He personally went to interrogate and follow up. It was not until midnight that he found out everything the prisoner knew.

At that time, the capture of prisoners was very targeted. They were either strong in hand or a figure in the enemy army. Therefore, the prisoner who confessed still revealed a lot of useful information.

After asking if there was nothing to ask, Adjutant He went to Zhou Dahu with the results of the interrogation to report the results.

In fact, Zhou Dahu didn't sleep at all. He knew the news of the prisoner's confession immediately and has been anxiously waiting for the result.

The situation that had been in stalemate for several months had turned around. How could he sleep?

After seeing the confession information obtained from the prisoner, Zhou Dahu was not happy, but he was also happy. After all, there was a breakthrough. Even if he was happy, he was really not happy.

The prisoners did confess something valuable, but it was of no great use...

In response, Adjutant He comforted him not to worry, there were still so many prisoners, someone had already started the process, and as long as everything goes smoothly, he should be able to obtain really valuable information.

Early the next morning, Zhou Dahu gathered together most of the main members of the garrison, including Yun Jing, to discuss the information obtained last night. Breakfast was eaten in his tent, and everyone discussed while eating.

Not in the mood to eat, Zhou Dahu took the lead and said: "Everyone, a prisoner confessed last night." At this point, with everyone's surprised eyes, he looked at Yun Jing and said: "Master Yun is responsible for this prisoner's confession.

One of the three interrogation methods he proposed, it was only after implementation that the prisoners became unbearable."

Putting aside the feasibility of the interrogation method for the moment, he continued: "The prisoner who confessed was an enemy squadron leader. There are very few things of real value from his mouth. Putting aside some trivial things, there are three main points."

"First of all, there are still about 1,100 people in their army. The generals are in the early stage of innate, but they are not in the early stage of innate. They are top-notch at that level. Especially after they have practiced a powerful sword technique, they are in the middle stage of innate.

He is not his opponent... The number of enemy troops is within our expectations, but we have only now gained a true understanding of the enemy general's abilities. This person is very powerful. If we encounter him, we must be careful.

, We don’t necessarily have anyone who is his opponent at the moment. I don’t know about the others, but I don’t have much confidence in myself.”

Zhou Dahu himself was in the early stage of Xiantian, but he frankly admitted that he was not necessarily a match for the enemy general. He was actually afraid of the enemy leader's strength revealed by the captives.

Then the "other people" he said actually meant Yunjing. After all, Yunjing could instantly kill the average early-stage innate person.

However, although Yunjing is powerful, if he faces an enemy general who has practiced powerful sword skills, the result is really hard to predict. As we all know, a powerful skill is enough to double the strength of a person and even fight across levels. This is not allowed.


After everyone digested this information, Zhou Dahu continued: "Then there is the second valuable information, which is the opponent's base camp. How should I put it, I am a little confused."

"The prisoner said that their base camp is in a mountain valley more than forty miles away from our army. It is very secret. The specific location has been marked on the map. The problem is that it is useless to get this information. The enemy is already there.

After staying at the position for two days, they will camp in another place in three days. In other words, even if we send troops to encircle and suppress them now, it will only be a futile effort. Regarding where they will camp next, the status of prisoners is too low.

, don’t know at all”

Hearing the news, everyone present had mixed emotions and was overjoyed.

What is this? I know where the enemy is stationed, but I don’t know it completely...

If only I had known this information two days earlier, I would have been able to find a way to surround them secretly and have a great chance of annihilating them all and completing the mission in one fell swoop.

Unfortunately, the news always comes late.

Then, Zhou Dahu looked at the information in his hand and continued: "Then the third point, and the most important point, the prisoner confessed that they came to our country in Dali not to spy on military intelligence, nor to cause sabotage. The real purpose

I’m looking for something!”

"What?" Mr. Deng, the logistics manager, couldn't help but ask.

Scratching his head in confusion, Zhou Dahu said: "I don't know, it's the same thing. The captives who have been confessed are of low status, and they don't know exactly what they are looking for, but he said it is a very important thing, so important that they would not hesitate to sacrifice their lives."

Even though we were in deep danger, we still searched for it, and we searched for it for several months without giving up!”

After Zhou Dahu finished speaking, everyone present looked at each other. Mr. Deng, the logistics manager, said speechlessly: "So there is nothing valuable at all?"

"You can't say that. At present, these things are still of some use. Didn't I bring everyone together to discuss it? Let's help analyze and see what kind of inspiration we can get from it." Zhou Dahu looked at everyone expectantly.

Mr. Deng curled his lips and said: "Don't ask me, I'm just an accountant, it's useless to ask me anything else."

Then other generals did not dare to see Zhou Dahu. When it came to killing people, these captains and squadron leaders were good at it, but analyzing problems was difficult for them.

"There are too few valuable things. It is too difficult to analyze the things that are beneficial to us." Hou Xicai frowned.

Then Lu Wencheng scratched his head and had no choice.

Finally, Zhou Dahu looked at Yun Jing expectantly and asked: "Master Yun, what do you think?"

Everyone looked at themselves. Although Yunjing already knew everything the prisoners told him, he still thought about it and said: "Everyone, I don't think we can look at the three pieces of information General Zhou mentioned separately. I just thought about it."

After thinking about it for a while, I put the three pieces of information together, and I got an idea."

"First of all, when the enemy troops first entered the country, there were about 2,000 of them. After a few months, there were still more than 1,000 people left, and more than half of them were injured and killed. They did not give up looking for something, which shows how precious that thing is.

, I’m afraid it’s worth everything they pay, that is to say, maybe even if everyone dies, they won’t give up looking for it!”

"Then combined with the second intelligence, it is the issue of their camp. They do not stay in the same place for more than three days. Now it seems that they are not avoiding our army at all, but wandering around to find things. In this way

Come, your thinking will be clear.”

"Have the prisoners told you all the places where they have been stationed in the past few months? We only need to mark the places where they have been stationed on the map, and then based on their approximate range of activities, within this range, as long as they are not stationed

The places they passed may be the places where they need to camp next, and then analyze which places are suitable for camping in these blank areas. In this way, the scope is narrowed again. Secondly, these suitable camping places are screened again and based on their

In the past, the activity range of each camp site, excluding some that were close together, further narrowed the remaining target locations.”

"Finally, based on the final analysis of the location, we will send people to check quietly in advance, and there will be a high chance of directly finding their camp. In this way, it depends on you, whether to ambush and attack directly, or directly

For frontal annihilation, General Zhou needs to decide with you all!"

As soon as Yun Jing analyzed it, everyone present fell silent. They quickly analyzed what Yun Jing said, and their eyes suddenly lit up.

No one here is stupid. Once you have an idea, it will be much easier to think about the problem.

"Young Master Yun is such a talented person, he actually analyzed so much from three pieces of seemingly useless information. He peeled off the cocoons and gave us hope of truly completing the mission."

Adjutant He first praised Yun Jing, and then continued: "According to Master Yun, if the enemy is looking for something, then they must have a rough target range, and they should not leave this range until they find something, and

This range is likely to be within their activity area in the past few months, so we look for suitable camping sites in this area that they have not stationed before, and the next thing will be simple!"

After hearing this, Zhou Dahu stood up directly, came to the regional map and said: "Come here, everyone, let's first draw the approximate range of the enemy's past activities, then mark the places where they have been stationed, and then search within the range to find where they have not been stationed.

A suitable place to camp…”

After a short period of discussion and marking, they finally found five locations on Map Mountain where enemy troops had not been stationed and were suitable for camping.

Pointing to those places, Zhou Dahu said with burning eyes: "The enemy's next garrison location will most likely be in one of these five places!"

Having said this, he looked at Adjutant He and said: "Adjutant He, I have ordered you to select some experienced scouts to go to these five places respectively. Once traces of the enemy are found, do not alert the enemy and come back secretly to report. If the situation is true,

Let’s go ahead and kill him by surprise!”

"I will obey my order," Adjutant He immediately accepted the order and left.

So the day's meeting came to an end temporarily, and the results of the discussions were gratifying.

According to the intelligence analysis given by the prisoners, the enemy's activity range is roughly within a radius of 350 miles. People have to be sent to five places to investigate. Although they go separately, out of caution, they go back and forth.

It's not something that can be done in a day or two.

Fortunately, there was no need for Adjutant He to go there in person. After he made arrangements, he continued to watch the interrogation process of other prisoners.

In the next two days, Yunjing and the others were not idle. They gathered together most of the time every day to discuss and formulate a combat plan based on the five target locations. As long as they found the enemy's next garrison location, they would be able to pass through.

I made plans in advance and went to exterminate them.

Then in the past two days, several prisoners were interrogated by the interrogation method proposed by Yun Jing, and three more couldn't bear it.

The last one couldn't withstand the verbal bombardment, so he collapsed and went crazy. He was really crazy, not pretending to be crazy, and then this person had no value and was executed directly.

Among the three people who confessed, one of them was a captain of the enemy army. His status was neither high nor low. In addition to the known overlapping information, he also revealed another valuable piece of information.

That was what they were looking for. Although he still didn't know what it was, he vaguely heard that it seemed to be related to a battle between the Dajiang Dynasty and the Dali Dynasty forty years ago.

Specifically, because he doesn't know much about it and it's so old, he can't reveal anything more valuable.

"There was a battle between the two countries forty years ago? What they are looking for is related to that battle? I was still wearing crotchless pants at that time." After receiving the news, Zhou Dahu gathered people together again and couldn't help scratching his head.

On the contrary, Mr. Deng, the logistics manager who has always had a low sense of presence, said thoughtfully: "I am older than you, but I know some things about forty years ago. In those years, what happened to us in Dali and Dajiang?"

The largest battle, it seems that the total number of combatants on both sides was as many as 300,000. It was the largest war in the past century except for the battles in the past few years. It was quite violent at that time."

After saying this, Mr. Deng paused and continued: "But, I vaguely heard that our Dali side did not seem to be very glorious in that battle, so most people don't know the specific details. Naturally, I don't know either. I want to know.

I'm afraid the specific details can only be obtained through the high-level officials. I don't know how high the specific level is. Um, because that incident back then was not very honorable for me, so I advise you not to inquire rashly, otherwise you may make yourself uncomfortable."

"In other words, the battle items that involved 300,000 troops from both sides were probably left on this land back then, and now people from the Dajiang Dynasty have clues, so they came here to search for them with all their heart?" Yun

Jing frowned.

What is it that the other party still misses after decades?

Zhou Dahu couldn't figure it out, so he simply stopped thinking about it and waved his hand: "It doesn't matter what they are looking for. Our mission is to annihilate that enemy army and kill them. Why do we think so much?"

Mr. Deng hesitated and said: "You can't say that. Since the Dajiang Dynasty has been searching carefully, it is impossible to simply give up. I'm afraid that if we eliminate the current enemy army, they will still send people until they find that thing or

The ownership of that thing has been settled!”

"Isn't this endless?" Zhou Dahu stared.

Shaking his head, Mr. Deng said: "Well, actually, you don't need to think too much. Our mission is to destroy the enemy. We can report the rest after completing the mission. The people above will make the decision."

"You told me earlier, you scared me," Zhou Dahu grinned.

Then at noon that day, some scouts came back to report. After investigation and based on the location inferred from the previous two days, they discovered the place where the enemy was camping in advance. They did not alert the enemy and came back to report as soon as possible.

Knowing that the situation was true, Zhou Dahu did not dare to be careless and quickly gathered the main personnel who had been separated for a short time together again.

"Everyone, the enemy's latest camp location has been determined, but the enemy still doesn't know that we have received the news in advance, which means that we will have the opportunity to annihilate them all in one fell swoop!" Zhou Dahu said in a deep voice while looking at everyone.

Everyone looked at him and said, "It all depends on the general's decision."

The battle is about to begin!

This chapter has been completed!
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