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Chapter 403: Spell?

Chapter 403: Spell?

Twin flowers bloom in two, sending love from thousands of miles away, and have the effect of long-distance communication. Li Qiu actually has one here.

Taking out the dried flowers, Li Qiu looked at Yun Jing and said with a smile: "Don't be surprised Jing'er, my teacher is not a 'nymphomaniac' and likes to bury flowers. These are twin flowers. Two flowers bloom and will wither after separation."

, lives when exposed to water, and those who hold flowers respectively can communicate over long distances. This is a connection thing given to me by your Majesty. This thing is rare in the world and is unique to our Dali Dynasty. How to get it is a secret. For

The teacher has no way of knowing. Now I want to use it to contact His Majesty. Just stay silent and watch."

After giving Yun Jing a brief explanation, Li Qiu came to the edge with the withered flowers and inserted them into a basin. Immediately, the withered flowers came to life visibly to the naked eye, and bloomed as before in a moment.

Yunjing was not surprised. He had seen this kind of thing before, so he nodded and said nothing.

Over there, after the flowers bloomed, Li Qiu first said a connection signal to the flowers. After the other side responded, he continued: "Your Majesty, Li Qiu, I have something important to tell your Majesty. I hope your Majesty will listen."

"Li Aiqing, but the situation of the war has changed?"

Soon the flowers in the basin heard such words.

Yunjing secretly thought that it must be the voice of Emperor Da Li. Although he had not seen his face, the sound alone made Yunjing feel endless majesty.

Sitting high in the nine-layered palace, one word can turn everything upside down, even an emperor!

However, the voice sounded very calm, and there was no emotion at all. As the emperor, he cannot calm down his anger, so how can he let others feel the changes in his emotions at will.

Li Qiu said respectfully: "Back to Your Majesty, my contact with Your Majesty this time has nothing to do with the border war, but..."

He slowly told the other party what Yun Jing had told him about Yang Kaishan and others in the illusion. The emperor across from him listened quietly, making Li Qiu want to talk to himself in front of a flower.

After talking for about ten minutes and explaining the matter clearly, Li Qiucai said: "Your Majesty, this is the situation. General Yang and his border troops escorted items into the fantasy land forty years ago and had no one to help them. They have stayed together for forty years.

For the sake of their loyalty, I sincerely request your Majesty to issue an order to reassure the troops and welcome them back."

After listening, the voice of Emperor Dali came from the flowers: "This matter has happened. The loyal and good people of the country have forgotten it for forty years. I, Dali, owe them a lot. Li Aiqing, please wait a moment while we convene the cabinet for discussion.

I’ll make a decision later.”

"I obey," Li Qiu said respectfully.

No more sounds came from the flowers, but Li Qiu did not leave, but waited respectfully, because the emperor's will would be issued at any time on the other side.

Li Qiu signaled Yunjing to be quiet and wait quietly. He didn't know how long he would have to wait.

Naturally, Yunjing would not act recklessly at this time. He would just be idle when he was idle. He could quietly feel the changes in himself.

After some education from Li Qiu, Yunjing's mentality has undergone earth-shaking changes, and his spiritual will has also changed.

Before this, Yunjing's spiritual will had not changed for a long time. He thought he had encountered a bottleneck before, but now it seems that there is clearly something wrong with his thinking.

After experiencing this carefully, the most significant thing is that the coverage of Yunjing's mental power, which has been stagnant for many years, has begun to grow again. After a change of mind, the coverage of the mental power has exceeded the ten-kilometer range, and it is still growing little by little, as if it has broken

There is a certain limit, and we don’t know how far it will reach in the end.

Then there is no change in the upper limit of the weight of objects controlled by telekinesis. This aspect has been slowly increasing over the years and has not yet reached the limit. However, Yunjing has a feeling at this time, that is, the weight of the object has not increased to the upper limit in the first place.

The upper limit of object weight has been greatly improved!

It seems that it is not impossible to lift oneself up, although now that the cloud scene can fly, it seems to be of no use...

"It's true that no new abilities have emerged, but the breakthrough in the coverage of telekinesis will allow me to observe a wider range in the future. Huh? No, there is still a change. I can use telekinesis more easily!"

When feeling the changes in himself, Yunjing silently said in his heart that he discovered an unexpected joy.

The most intuitive expression is that in the past, Yunjing used his mind power to control the aura of heaven and earth. He could only use his mind power to touch and guide it, but now it is completely different. His mind power can truly control the aura, as easily as an arm and a finger!

Perhaps this seems like an insignificant improvement, but it is an essential difference.

For example, if the aura of heaven and earth is compared to water flow, Yunjing could only dig trenches to guide its flow in the past, but now it is different. He can directly control the direction and speed of the water flow, and even change its shape at will!

Maybe the metaphor isn't quite accurate, but that's basically what it means.

"After all, I am still different from a pure warrior. The spiritual aspect is the path I take. Now that my mentality has changed, it is naturally different. I have realized the difference between my previous life experience and this world, and my mentality has adapted to this world, so

That’s why such a change happened.”

Yunjing concluded in his mind and said silently.

So being able to control the spiritual energy within the range of mind power at will, besides absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth more conveniently and quickly, what other functions does such control have?

He glanced at the master who was waiting respectfully for the emperor's reply. He didn't know how long it would take. Yunjing was fine, so he just tried it quietly.

Invisible to the naked eye, Yun Jing controlled a wisp of spiritual energy to hover in the air in front of him. When his heart moved, the wisp of spiritual energy flew accordingly.

That strand of spiritual energy was winding and twisting like a living thing, stretching and shortening like an arm.

"Controlling spiritual energy as you wish should not only be superficially controlled and easily absorbed..."

Thoughts flickered in Yunjing's mind, and he thought of what he could do under such control.

“I don’t know if it works, but you’ll know if you try it.”

Thinking of this, Yunjing 'looked' at the wisp of spiritual energy in front of him, controlling it to meander in the air, simulating the movement route of the human body's internal energy.

The exercise route he simulated with his spiritual energy was the most familiar Fiery Fist.

However, that wisp of spiritual energy was too small, as thin as a hair, and only a few inches long. It could not even complete one thousandth of the route of the Fire Fist.

So he had to control more spiritual energy to fuse together, lengthen and thicken it, and finally drained the spiritual energy of heaven and earth within a radius of several hundred meters, and then allowed the spiritual energy to become as thin as a toothpick, and volleyed through the air to complete the path of the Fire Fist, forming a

Reiki simulates the circulation of internal forces.

The route was extremely complicated, and the cloudscape was controlled in an area the size of a fist, like a ball of intertwined threads.

When the cycle of aura formation was completed, that mass of aura suddenly underwent a magical change. It flickered and released energy, and its essence changed. The aura was like fuel, ignited, surging with scorching heat, and turned into a ball the size of a basketball in the air.


Yun Jing stared slightly at this astonishing change.

Because the spiritual energy completes the cycle along the route of the Fire Fist, the fireball formed after it is ignited can be seen by the naked eye!

It was the size of a basketball and emitted astonishing heat, causing the temperature in the entire tent to rise sharply.

The flame formed by this kind of spiritual energy does not burn and sway like a normal flame. It is simply a scorching fireball. The surrounding air is twisted and roasted by the scorching high temperature of the fireball.

At the same time, the fireball formed by this group of spiritual energy is also different from the way the fire fist is displayed after the internal force circulates in the body.

It has a higher temperature and is brighter in color. The orange flame is slightly tilted towards blue, and it emits astonishing heat. The astonishing high temperature can be felt in the cloudscapes close at hand, and the hair has a tendency to be burnt.

Fortunately, it was formed after the spiritual energy was ignited, and it was still under Yunjing's control. With a thought, it flew several meters away.

The situation here aroused Li Qiu's idea. He frowned slightly and looked over. He originally wanted to warn Yunjing not to cause trouble at this time. After all, the emperor on the other side of the twin flower could speak at any time.

However, when Li Qiu saw the situation on Yunjing's side, his expression was slightly stunned, and he couldn't figure out what was going on.

Yunjing looked at Li Qiu and smiled sheepishly, as if to say, Master, I didn't mean it.

Li Qiu didn't pay attention to Yun Jing's reaction. He looked at the scorching fireball burning in the sky with surprise and uncertainty. Then the bright orange-blue fireball extinguished and disappeared into the void.

Frowning, Li Qiu gave Yun Jing a look that said he would ask you later and don't cause trouble for me.

Shrinking his neck, Yunjing looked away. If anything he did caused the master to be blamed by the emperor, it would be the disciple's fault.

Looking at the place where the fireball disappeared, Yunjing was thoughtful.

"In the final analysis, spiritual energy is also a way of existence of energy. Using spiritual energy to simulate the exercise route of martial arts has produced such magical changes. After all, spiritual energy and internal force are still different. According to the exercise route of Liehuo Fist, it shows

The way it comes out, the energy level is higher, and the power has increased many times. At that kind of temperature, steel can melt. What is this? A spell? Fireball?"

With thoughts flickering in his mind, Yunjing found that he seemed to have opened a door to a new world.

Then he went on to summarize.

The aura is controlled by oneself, so the hot fireball that becomes later is also controlled by oneself. However, that thing is very powerful. After all, it is the way of blooming energy. You will be hurt at close range. Of course, you can control it as you like.

, but there is no need to worry about hurting yourself. Then, based on the amount of spiritual energy previously released, the fireball released can last for about ten breaths before the spiritual energy is exhausted and extinguished.

"If we increase the amount of spiritual energy, can the fireball be more powerful and last longer? By the way, if we control the fireball to hit the target, will it explode or continue to burn?"

Thinking of this, Yunjing realized that there were still many places he needed to experiment with.

But this is Master's tent of the Chinese army. It's better not to mess around. If Master's tent is set on fire, it will be a lot of fun. If it is not done properly, it will lead to a mutiny in the military camp, and Yunjing doesn't want to die. This place

The military camp stores a large amount of gunpowder...

Suppressing his itchy mood, Yun Jing did not act recklessly.

"The spiritual energy of heaven and earth extracted just now probably extracted the spiritual energy within a radius of 500 meters to form such a large fireball. The coverage area of ​​my telekinesis now is about ten kilometers in radius. The volume growth of a circle cannot be calculated in cubic terms, but if we consider

The reason for the scarcity of spiritual energy in this half of the underground. In short, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth within a diameter of twenty kilometers, if I use the fireball with the previous power, I can release it hundreds of times. This does not take into account that I consume spiritual energy but the spiritual energy is replenished on its own.


Then he was thinking, since the movement route of Fiery Fist can be simulated with spiritual energy to form fireballs, what about other techniques?

Quietly looking in the direction of his master, Li Qiu, Yunjing couldn't help but try. He said to himself that he could control it like an arm, so he just didn't make any noise that would affect his master.

Then Yunjing switched to an Ice Palm for testing, and still controlled the spiritual energy to simulate the volley along the Ice Palm's exercise route. Soon the route simulation was completed and a complete cycle was formed.

Then a magical scene happened again.

Under the complete reiki circulation route, the characteristics of reiki change and are displayed in a unique way.

With an imperceptible clicking sound, the temperature in the tent dropped sharply, and an ice ball the size of a washbasin appeared in the sky. The blue ice ball was very cold, and the icy mist rose around it, causing frost to condense in the air visible to the naked eye. The cloud scenery just meters away was caught off guard.

They all shivered.

"This ice ball is formed by the change of spiritual energy after passing through a special route. It is not condensed by water vapor, but is an entity. However, it is many times colder than ordinary ice cubes, and it looks extremely solid. However, what is the use?

Are you here to hit people? Can hitting people freeze the human body? Hey, although it is an extremely cold entity, it is transformed from spiritual energy and can still be controlled by me. In other words, it can be shaped...


Realizing this, Yun Jing thought, and the extremely cold ball of ice, under the shaping of his consciousness, turned into an ice pick that was about three meters long!

How could Li Qiu not pay attention to how hot and cold it was here? He turned around and glared directly at Yunjing. However, when he saw the ice ball turning into an ice cone, his eyes were stunned for a moment.

Feeling the master's reproachful gaze, Yunjing shrank his neck and subconsciously did not control the ice pick. As a result, the ice pick fell straight to the ground, the tip pierced the ground for about a foot, and then shattered. His spiritual energy was exhausted, and the broken ice pick also quickly

It dissipated, but the coldness lingered. The water vapor in the air froze, and soon the area where the ice cone disappeared inside the tent was covered with frost for a diameter of ten meters.

"General, what happened?"

The situation inside the tent attracted the attention of the guards outside, who immediately asked, and there was a strong tendency to rush in immediately.

Staring at Yun Jing again, Li Qiu said: "It's okay, no one is allowed to come in without my order."


Then Li Qiu glared at Yun Jing and said angrily: "Jing'er, please calm down."

"No, no," Yunjing said quickly.

Li Qiu was speechless and ignored him. Although he was also curious about how Yun Jing could pull off such a trick, now was not the time to ask such questions.

Yunjing became completely honest and stopped messing around with experiments, but his heart became more active.

"This is already considered a so-called spell. Spiritual energy simulates the movement route of exercises, but spiritual energy is not an internal force, so the power and form displayed are also different. Moreover, since spiritual energy can simulate the movement routes of Fire Fist and Ice Palm, the bloom is astonishing.

Change, then other techniques should also be possible, but it is not convenient to test it now, otherwise the master will really be angry..."

"If I use spiritual energy to simulate my upgraded version of the iron sand palm exercise route, will it be blessed with a real solid armor outside my body? If I simulate the sword method exercise route, I am afraid that what will be formed is an unparalleled sharp sword.

There are other techniques, and the greater the amount of spiritual energy, the greater the power it displays. It is truly magical, and this is the real use of spiritual energy!"

This chapter has been completed!
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