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Chapter 42 Home

The journey back went smoothly, but the murder they saw outside the town really stimulated the villagers. The thrilling and frightening psychological effect caused the villagers to talk about it all the way.

Although he was also frightened, Yunjing could also estimate that when these villagers returned to Xiaoxi Village, the incident would definitely spread to every villager's ears quickly, and then it would become a public concern among the villagers for a long time.

of conversation...

Villagers with little information can talk about small things for a long time, let alone big things like so many people died outside Niujiao Town.

This world is too dangerous, and Yunjing just wants to get home as soon as possible.

No matter how poor that home was and how unbearable it was, Yunjing had to admit that that home really gave him a great sense of security.

When they went to the town, the villagers had almost finished handling the things they had brought with them. Without the heavy burden, the journey back was undoubtedly much faster, and they didn't even have to stop for repairs on the way.

The sun was tilted, and Yunjing and his party returned to Xiaoxi Village under the setting sun.

There were a few children playing at the entrance of the village. When they saw them, they swarmed around them, as if they were welcoming a general returning in triumph.

I have to say that for these children from poor families, going to the town is a rare event. Maybe you can behave better, eat sweets, and get some snacks from the adults who go to the town.

It's a pity that the children who gathered around them came back in joy but returned disappointed. The villagers encountered such exciting things, how could they have time to greet them...

As they entered the village, more villagers came up to say hello one after another. The villagers separated one after another and went back to their homes. Then what happened outside Niujiao Town spread rapidly in Xiaoxi Village.

Perhaps because he heard the noise in advance, when Yun Jing could see the door of his house, Jiang Susu was already standing there waiting.

It seems that she has never left the door since Yunjing and the others went to town, and has been waiting there, waiting for the return of her family...

When she saw Yunjing and the others coming back, Jiang Susu subconsciously stepped forward and said with a smile: "Dad, the child's father, you are back."

With that said, she took the pole from Yunshan's shoulder and patted the dust on his clothes.

"Well, I'm back. I made a lot of money from the sale this time." Yunshan couldn't restrain his inner joy and said with a smile. He seemed to be eager to share the joy of making money with his wife. The dangerous events outside Niujiao Town were all

There's no way to stop this.

Only then did Jiang Susu notice that they had brought so many things with them in the morning and now they came back almost empty-handed.

Although she was very happy that all the things she brought were sold for money, she said: "It's good to come back, it's good to come back. If you're tired, go inside and take a rest."

"Mom..." Yunjing said and moved twice in Yunlin's arms. Yunlin put him on the ground. Then Yunjing walked up to Jiang Susu with short legs and hugged one of her legs.

Feeling her mother's warmth, Yunjing felt particularly at ease at this moment, and even the mood swings caused by the violent incident outside Niujiao Town had calmed down.

The mother is worried when her son travels thousands of miles, but in turn, the tired bird returns to its nest and enjoys the peace of home.

"Xiao Jing, are you good? Did you listen to your grandfather and father? Did you have fun going to the town? Did you see anything interesting... What are you carrying in your arms? It's so annoying..." Jiang Yun

Jing picked up Lou and held him in his arms. Jiang Susu pressed their foreheads against his and asked softly.

She seemed to have endless things to say about Yunjing. Yunjing had never been away from her for such a long time since she was born. It would be a lie to say that she was not worried. She could only express her worries about her son subconsciously by speaking.

and 'lost and found'.

So much so that he simply asked about the things in Yunjing's arms and didn't care.

"Mom, I'm very obedient... Grandpa also took me to eat a bowl of porridge in the town. It cost three copper coins a bowl. It was delicious." Yunjing told his mother about his "high consumption" in the town.

, to prove that he went to town this time to 'enjoy happiness'.

He didn't say anything about what was in his arms, preparing to surprise his mother later.

At this time, Yun Lin was still at the door. Seeing that Yun Jing hadn't taken out the huge sum of money worth dozens of li, Yun Lin didn't say anything.

Although he felt a little sorry for the "high consumption" of three copper coins, his son was happy, and Jiang Susu was also happy, teasing him and saying: "It's so delicious. Is there any mother who makes it delicious?"

"It's not as delicious as my mother's cooking," Yunjing said, tilting his head.

Pinching Yunjing's nose, Jiang Susu smiled and said: "Xiaojing knows how to make his mother happy at such a young age. You may not know how many girls will be coaxed by you in the future."

The mother is kind and the son is filial, and the picture is very warm.

Yun Lin smiled awkwardly and said, "Let's go into the house and talk. Well, Xiao Jing was hungry at noon. For a moment, I only thought of giving him porridge..."

In fact, Jiang Susu only realized Yunjing's eating problem after Yunjing and the others left, and had been worried about it. When she heard Yunlin's embarrassing explanation, she turned around and said, "It's okay, Dad, Xiaojing is over two years old."

, you can have some porridge long ago, as long as you are not hungry."

"Okay, kid, have you cooked? I'm hungry," Yunshan interrupted as the family entered the yard.

"It's done, I'm waiting for you," Jiang Susu said while hugging Yunjing.

Yun Lin rolled his eyes at Yun Shan angrily and said, "Eat, eat, eat, you know how to eat, and I don't see you doing much work."

Yunshan shrank his neck and did not answer. Instead, he winked at Jiang Susu and said, "I'll show you the money we earned from selling bamboo weaving in town later during the meal. You don't know that business is particularly good today..."

After entering the house, food was already placed on the dining table in the main room, including a small basket of baked wheat cakes, a pot of pickle soup, a pot of porridge and boiled vegetables.

Yun Jing took a closer look and saw that the soup was clear and watery, with no trace of oil or water at all. This was the food of a peasant family.

But I have to say that this is already considered a rich meal, after all, it can fill you up.

Yunjing had no concept of the word "eat enough" before, but only after coming to this life did he realize that these two simple words are already the biggest wish of countless poor farmers all year round.

They worked hard from dawn to dusk, never complained, and even risked their lives, all they did was to have enough to eat.

There was a rush of things. After Yunshan was full, he wiped his mouth, took out the heavy money bag in his arms and put it on the table. He said with a smile: "Come on, let's see how much we sold this time."

"Dad is still eating, look at your virtue," Jiang Susu complained, but happily took the purse.

Yun Lin is now in charge of the big things in this family, but Jiang Susu is in charge of money. After all, women are good at budgeting, and Yun Shan is the one who works. As for Yun Jing, well, it is the treasure of the family...

Holding the money bag and feeling the heavy weight, Jiang Susu was a little surprised and said in surprise: "So many?"

"They say business is good today, let's count how many," Yunshan said impatiently.

Jiang Susu nodded and poured all the copper coins on the table. One of them accidentally fell to the ground. She picked it up and blew the dust away before counting slowly.

It is obvious that her calculation ability is very poor. She counts very slowly. After every ten she counts, she puts them into a pile and then continues to count others.

After counting for a while, she slowly added them up, and finally subconsciously exclaimed: "One hundred and eighty-three copper coins, almost two taels of silver!"

Two taels of silver, although it's not enough, it's almost there.

What concept?

How could she not be surprised by the harvest that came from two acres of land all year round?

At this moment, Yunjing, who was sitting on the bench and kicking his short legs, pulled out the money bag given by Li Qiu from his arms. When he pulled it out, he accidentally dropped it to the ground with a clatter. The silver and money in the money bag were

The copper coins also fell out and scattered all over the floor.

Yunshan Jiang Susu looked subconsciously and saw the white money on the ground, and then their expressions froze...

This chapter has been completed!
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